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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Posted: December 20, 2012 at 7:42 am
Kiesha grew up believing that Lennie was her father. But another man, William, is claiming he slept with Kiesha #39;s mother Cynthia and that he could be her father. Will Kiesha be happy or shocked when the DNA tests determine who her biological father is? And, Janice was forced to give up her first born child for adoption when she was 17 years old. Meanwhile, Andrea has been desperately searching for her birth mother. Could Janice be Andrea #39;s biological mother? Later, Bianca and Monique grew up believing they were half-sisters with different fathers. Their mother Vanessa says they had different dads, and says she knows for sure that a man named Darryl is not their father. However, Darryl #39;s daughter Diane thinks that Bianca and Monique are her sisters, and she wants a paternity test to prove that Darryl is their father! Will the family mystery end todayFrom:Trisha GoddardViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:31More inEntertainment
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Jazz Fusion Guitar Improvisation – Video
Posted: at 7:42 am
Jazz Fusion Guitar Improvisation
Filmed guitar - Audio recorded with Pro Pools and editing via Melodyne DNAFrom:Scrat6061Views:0 0ratingsTime:04:24More inMusic
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LISTENER MAIL: The Art of Narrating the Debate; Embryonic DNA – Video
Posted: at 7:42 am
LISTENER MAIL: The Art of Narrating the Debate; Embryonic DNA
Valerie from Silver Lake, Kansas emailed Life Report to ask for advice on a discouraging debate she had with her pro-choice, Christian father about abortion. Josh begins a three-part video series responding to different aspects of her email, and some of her dad #39;s pro-choice arguments. In part one, Josh discusses the most important question when somebody states that the unborn is "not a human being," how to effectively "narrate the debate" when people don #39;t answer our reasonable questions, and a few quick thoughts on Valerie #39;s dad #39;s assertion that the functional DNA of an early embryo is different from the DNA at later stages. Related Links: A Wikipedia summary of Christopher Hitchen #39;s views on abortion: Here #39;s a few videos of Hitchen #39;s at debates answering questions about abortion: Josh referred to this episode where Trent Horn responds to the pro-choice argument that an organism must be able to direct its own growth, but an embryo requires the mother #39;s RNA to do this: Since Valerie #39;s dad is a Christian, we would recommend she reviews this episode with special guest Scott Klusendorf: "Does the Bible #39;s Silence Justify Abortion?" bit.lyFrom:LifeReportViews:0 0ratingsTime:12:15More inNews Politics
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A Revelation Warning – Video
Posted: at 7:42 am
A Revelation Warning
A Revelation Warning I ask Father God to help me with this. It has to do with Creation and DNA Tampering. it #39;s taken From my own studies, and hearing Abba , I felt I was to share it now. I think Father wants me to, so I will obey him. I trust he can confirm what he brings forth. To those with ears to hear, It is my Puzzle piece, May Abba help us put all our puzzle pieces together . To see his bigger picture of things.From:The0livetreeViews:8 2ratingsTime:09:20More inNonprofits Activism
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Neal Dempsey – The DNA – Video
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Neal Dempsey - The DNA
Neal Dempsey, Managing General Partner at Bay Partners, speaks about the DNA of an exceptional entrepreneur.From:3MotionMontageViews:1 0ratingsTime:10:54More inPeople Blogs
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Dry Forensic Sample Collection – Video
Posted: at 7:42 am
Dry Forensic Sample Collection
A technique to collect DNA from a crime scene if an obvious dry blood stain or saliva stain is present. The stain can be sampled using saline and nylon brush provided in the ASAP lab forensic DNA collection kit.From:ASAPLABViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:24More inPets Animals
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DNA extraction Matt Alex Andy.wmv – Video
Posted: at 7:42 am
DNA extraction Matt Alex Andy.wmv
From:Steve SatterthwaiteViews:0 0ratingsTime:04:25More inPeople Blogs
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DNA Extraction Lab – Video
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DNA Extraction Lab
Three studious AP Biology students have put out their best work to extract DNAFrom:Andrew PowersViews:3 0ratingsTime:04:11More inScience Technology
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ET (Elliott Tittensor Video) with lyrics – Video
Posted: at 7:42 am
ET (Elliott Tittensor Video) with lyrics
A video I made for Elliott Tittensor using the song "ET" by Katy Perry. Lyrics: You #39;re so hypnotizing Could you be the devil Could you be an angel Your touch magnetizing Feels like I am floating Leaves my body glowing They say be afraid You #39;re not like the others Futuristic lover Different DNA They don #39;t understand you You #39;re from a whole other world A different dimension You open my eyes And I #39;m ready to go Lead me into the light Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me Infect me with your love and Fill me with your poison Take me, ta-ta-take me Wanna be your victim Ready for abduction Boy, you #39;re an alien Your touch so foreign It #39;s supernatural Extraterrestrial Your so supersonic Wanna feel your powers Stun me with your lasers Your kiss is cosmic Every move is magic You #39;re from a whole other world A different dimension You open my eyes And I #39;m ready to go Lead me into the light Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me Infect me with your love and Fill me with your poison Take me, ta-ta-take me Wanna be your victim Ready for abduction Boy, you #39;re an alien Your touch so foreign It #39;s supernatural Extraterrestrial There is this transcendental On another level Boy, you #39;re my lucky star I wanna walk on your wave length And be there when you vibrate For you I #39;ll risk it all All Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me Infect me with your love and Fill me with your poison Take me, ta-ta-take me Wanna be your victim Ready for abduction Boy, you #39;re an alien Your touch so foreign It #39;s supernatural Extraterrestrial Extraterrestrial ...From:btrfan2096Views:0 0ratingsTime:03:27More inMusic
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ET (Elliott Tittensor Video) with lyrics - Video
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Moral Compass Lacking from Google DNA – Video
Posted: at 7:42 am
Moral Compass Lacking from Google DNA
I was astounded to learn about how far Google has pushed the boundaries in regards to unfair and anti competitive behavior across the company #39;s product offerings, after attending a lunch meeting with David Wood - a European competition law expert and Legal Counsel for ICOMP (Initiative for a Competitive Online Marketplace).From:onlinemarketexpertsViews:2 1ratingsTime:02:49More inNews Politics
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