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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Abducted Taiwanese Testifies at US Congress on Persecution of Falun Gong – Video
Posted: December 21, 2012 at 2:41 pm
Abducted Taiwanese Testifies at US Congress on Persecution of Falun Gong
The US Congressional Executive Commission on China held a hearing on December 18 on the persecution of Falun Gong, a meditation practice in China. Present at the hearing was Chung Ting-pang, a Taiwanese citizen illegally arrested and detained by Chinese authorities in June when he visited his family in the mainland. [US Senator Sherrod Brown]: "Authorities claimed he threatened national security by trying to broadcast Falun Gong materials in China. But his real "crime" was trying to overcome China #39;s censorship and exercise his right -- a human right -- to free expression." Chung Ting-pang was eventually freed with the efforts of his family, the Taiwanese people and the international community. In his testimony Chung detailed the torture he was subject to while under a 24-hour surveillance and interrogation. The Chinese communist authorities forced him to confess fabricated charges. [Chung Ting-pang, Taiwanese Falun Gong Practitioner]: "I was forced to write and rewrite many times the statement, and I was videotaped again and again [pleading guilty]." Chung was grateful for the rescue efforts by US Congress members and stressed that the Chinese Communist Party has extended the persecution outside of China. Taking his case as an example, Chung believes that it #39;s important to let the world know of the crimes the regime has committed. [Chung Ting-pang, Taiwanese Falun Gong Practitioner]: "The most important thing is to let everybody know what they [Chinese Communist Party ...From:NTDonChinaViews:6 1ratingsTime:01:42More inNews Politics
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More Chinese Netizens turn to Weibo than CCTV for News – Video
Posted: at 2:41 pm
More Chinese Netizens turn to Weibo than CCTV for News
More of China #39;s citizens say they trust information from online social media, than they do state-run media. This information came during the release of the 2013 Blue Book of China #39;s Society in Beijing this Tuesday (Dec. 18). The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences prepared the survey. The annual society Blue Book gives analysis and forecasts on Chinese society. In a survey of urban residents, 44% of those with an account on Weibo, China #39;s version of Twitter would turn to Weibo after an event or incident. That #39;s compared to the 38% who said they would learn about the event from the state-run nightly news. For those aged 30-years or younger, online information is their most trusted source, with newspapers coming in second. [Mr. Zhang, Guangdong Resident] "Weibo is a relatively open platform. Though its information may not always be true, people are able to express themselves there. But information on TV is only one directional. Weibo is two ways, and the discussion happens under the eyes of the whole society, so we have more trust in its accuracy." Chinese authorities strictly regulate the information that is spread through social media. But even with a strict censorship system, online information does get past internet police. That #39;s particularly true after protests and riots. Unofficial photos and videos are quickly circulated online, before an official report is released. Other survey results published by the Blue Book show that the urban population was most worried about ...From:NTDonChinaViews:5 0ratingsTime:01:44More inNews Politics
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China News – December 20, 2012: Wang Lijun Exposé, Offensive Dumpster Sign – Video
Posted: at 2:41 pm
China News - December 20, 2012: Wang Lijun Expos, Offensive Dumpster Sign
In today #39;s NTD China News, an expos on Wang Lijun published by the Southern Weekly magazine has been widely popular, with reports it #39;s now been recalled. Chung Ting-pang, a Taiwanese Falun Gong practitioner abducted in the mainland earlier this year has testified at a US congressional hearing in Washington DC. The government in Bijie city of Guizhou province sparked fresh outrage, after it posted signs on dumpsters warning people and animals not to enter. It comes after five local boys died in a dumpster in November, after they climbed in to keep warm. A Chinese trade delegation has pledged to curb software piracy by state-owned firms, after a two-day trade meeting with US officials. VPN service providers have reported that their servers are being blocked in China. State-run media says foreign providers are not legally allowed to operate without registration, denying the regime has stepped up internet censorship. More Chinese netizens say they trust information on Weibo, rather than state-run CCTV. It #39;s December 21st, 2012 in China. So far, all is well on the last day on the Mayan calendar. For more news and videos visit #9755; Follow us on Twitter #9755; http Add us on Facebook #9755; on.fb.meFrom:NTDonChinaViews:10 0ratingsTime:15:18More inShows
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2012 Galactic Alignment as seen by ISS | Censorship? – Video
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2012 Galactic Alignment as seen by ISS | Censorship? iss.stormway.ruFrom:4WarnUsViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:05More inScience Technology
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A Brokeback Christmas Feat. Babs on Censorship Duties – Video
Posted: at 2:41 pm
A Brokeback Christmas Feat. Babs on Censorship Duties
The Cat, Funny Greedo 2012 Christmas Special gets into full swing! Lucky for us Babs is on hand in case the conversation ever gets too far off topic... Starring: 0ratingsTime:05:15More inEntertainment
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CNN: Canadians Richer Than Americans! – Video
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CNN: Canadians Richer Than Americans!
CNN: Canadians Richer Than Americans! politics, news, mox news, fox news, msnbc, cnn, wall street journal, ron paul, marijuana legalization, barack obama, mitt romney, debate, police state, drone warfare, afghanistan, pakistan, libya, israel, iran, iraq, palestine, russia, china, jobs, economyFrom:weprezViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:35More inNews Politics
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CNN: Canadians Richer Than Americans! - Video
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United States IS The Global Arms Trade – Video
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United States IS The Global Arms Trade
United States IS The Global Arms Trade politics, news, mox news, fox news, msnbc, cnn, wall street journal, ron paul, marijuana legalization, barack obama, mitt romney, debate, police state, drone warfare, afghanistan, pakistan, libya, israel, iran, iraq, palestine, russia, china, jobs, economyFrom:weprezViews:0 0ratingsTime:03:58More inNews Politics
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Massachusetts Republican Party Disqualifies 17 Delegates Supporting Ron Paul! Maddow Interviews One – Video
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Massachusetts Republican Party Disqualifies 17 Delegates Supporting Ron Paul! Maddow Interviews One
Massachusetts Republican Party Disqualifies 17 Delegates Supporting Ron Paul! Maddow Interviews One politics, news, mox news, fox news, msnbc, cnn, wall street journal, ron paul, marijuana legalization, barack obama, mitt romney, debate, police state, drone warfare, afghanistan, pakistan, libya, israel, iran, iraq, palestine, russia, china, jobs, economyFrom:weprezViews:0 0ratingsTime:15:44More inNews Politics
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Massachusetts Republican Party Disqualifies 17 Delegates Supporting Ron Paul! Maddow Interviews One - Video
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Kaitlyn Roig Sandy Hook Fake Witness – Video
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Kaitlyn Roig Sandy Hook Fake Witness
connecticut, alex jones, peter schiff, illuminate, batman shooting, nazi, obama, noory, qe3, stimulus, greece, spain, un, nato, ventura, agenda 21, rosa koire, behind the green mask, obama deception, police state, bohemian grove, bernanke, ventura inside job, usury, one punch knock out, ron paul, gerald celente, jfk mayan 2012, collapse, armageddon, doomsday,From:MAX LIBERTYViews:0 0ratingsTime:06:08More inPeople Blogs
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The New Business of Paradigms – Management Training Videos by Joel Barker – Video
Posted: at 2:40 pm
The New Business of Paradigms - Management Training Videos by Joel Barker
Find more management training videos by Joel Barker at: Futurist Joel Barker is one of the world #39;s top authorities on change and change management. By sharing his knowledge and insight gained through 25 years of studying paradigms (which he describes as problem-solving systems), Joel will help you come to a thorough understanding of the important roles paradigms play in our lives. Today, Joel #39;s message is more important than ever before! That #39;s why the world #39;s best-selling training video has been updated with a fresh look that teaches us how to identify, embrace and act on change. The New Business of Paradigms uses real-life examples of organizations that have profited from paradigm shifts, and some that have lost because they have rejected change. This highly effective program comes in two parts: "The Classic Edition" features revised stories from the original program. "The 21st Century Edition" builds on the paradigm concept and offers all new examples to illustrate more recent paradigm shifts. The Classic edition runs 18 minutes. KEY LEARNING POINTS Paradigms are common and useful Don #39;t let your paradigm become the paradigm Outsiders create new paradigms Shifting paradigms takes courage You can choose to change your paradigmFrom:CarltonsTrainingViews:11 1ratingsTime:14:48More inEducation
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