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If You Dont Make Waves Youll Drown 10 HardCharging audiobook sample – Video
Posted: December 21, 2012 at 2:41 pm
If You Dont Make Waves Youll Drown 10 HardCharging audiobook sample iIf You Dont Make Waves Youll Drowni explains four politically incorrect traits you must weave into your leadership style....From:Gregory HolmsViews:0 0ratingsTime:05:03More inHowto Style
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If You Dont Make Waves Youll Drown 10 HardCharging audiobook sample - Video
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Reality Check: The very politically incorrect truth about the Second Amendment. – Video
Posted: at 2:41 pm
Reality Check: The very politically incorrect truth about the Second Amendment.
The discussion over gun control is something making headlines all over the country. Throughout this week Reality Check has looked at the numbers behind gun control and crime rates. Tonight, we are looking at the second amendment, the intention behind it and what the founders might think about the gun debate today. Support Ben Swann: http://www.fox19.comFrom:StopBeingSheepleViews:20 3ratingsTime:03:15More inNews Politics
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The very politically incorrect truth about the Second Amendment – Video
Posted: at 2:41 pm
The very politically incorrect truth about the Second Amendment
Reality Check has looked at the numbers behind gun control and crime rates. Tonight, Ben looks at the second amendment, the intention behind it and what the founders might think about the gun debate today. Because the next revolution won #39;t be fought with muskets!From:Johannes FiftyeightViews:0 1ratingsTime:03:20More inNews Politics
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Epic porn video censorship in Stephen Chow’s movie – Video
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Epic porn video censorship in Stephen Chow #39;s movie
From:VideoMerkezi1Views:0 0ratingsTime:02:13More inComedy
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Censorship at its best – Video
Posted: at 2:41 pm
Censorship at its best
Pissed cuz i cant play piano properly with my messed up handFrom:Christian SurmaViews:2 0ratingsTime:00:14More inComedy
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Cencorship Shelby’s Piece – Video
Posted: at 2:41 pm
Cencorship Shelby #39;s Piece
Shelby Knighten created this wonderful piece for his midterm last year. A great take on censorship, something to think about!From:Laura SeymourViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:31More inEducation
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Censorship The Threat to Silence Talk Radio (Unabridged audiobook sample – Video
Posted: at 2:41 pm
Censorship The Threat to Silence Talk Radio (Unabridged audiobook sample A look inside the fairness doctrine and its impact on politics and free speech in American talk radio....From:Eugeny ZlotovViews:0 0ratingsTime:05:03More inEducation
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Censorship The Threat to Silence Talk Radio (Unabridged audiobook sample - Video
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Black Ops 2 Multiplayer Gameplay – Ep 12 "The WarZ Drama" – Video
Posted: at 2:41 pm
Black Ops 2 Multiplayer Gameplay - Ep 12 "The WarZ Drama"
Don #39;t forget to rate and subscribe if you liked my video. From the lies of the developers, to their failed attempt at censorship, i try to cover what #39;s been happening with the most horrible and fail of a game we have seen this year. If You like my videos and want to help me, make a donation =) The All Gaming Blog T-Shirts Now Avaliable! The All Gaming Forum! Come and share your videos! And last but not least, the all gaming blog! theallgamingblog.comFrom:TheAllGamingBlogViews:4 2ratingsTime:04:58More inShows
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Southern Weekly’s Exposé on Wang Lijun Snatched Off Shelves – Video
Posted: at 2:41 pm
Southern Weekly #39;s Expos on Wang Lijun Snatched Off Shelves
An expos on Chongqing #39;s former police chief Wang Lijun has reportedly been pulled off the shelves. Observers say it #39;s another sign that Chinese leaders are still far from ready for scrutiny. This latest edition of the Southern Weekly features the man now behind bars. The Guangdong-based media conglomerate is known for its bold reporting that sometimes crosses China #39;s murky censorship lines. The edition came out on Monday, and was reportedly snatched up within hours. By that evening, booksellers said no more were available, and the edition has been recalled. [Zhu Jianguo, Shenzhen Author] "The public hoped this expos could be used to reflect on the country as a whole. But this is obviously what the regime wants, so it has to stop the story. This shows that even though some people are happy this might be another wave of reform, it #39;s probably just wishful thinking." In February, Wang Lijun inadvertently exposed one of the biggest political scandals for the Chinese regime, after he fled to a US consulate. The Southern Weekly focused on Wang #39;s complex relationship with ousted Party secretary of Chongqing, Bo Xilai. It also revealed how their infamous crime-fighting campaign frequently relied on brutal torture. The 8-article collection alleged Bo had ordered Wang to set up a massive surveillance and intelligence network in Chongqing, including using GPS technology to track individuals. It also said Wang was obsessed with his public image. [Guo Yongfeng, Shenzhen Author ...From:NTDonChinaViews:2 0ratingsTime:02:27More inNews Politics
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Chinese Security Cracks Down on VPNs – Video
Posted: at 2:41 pm
Chinese Security Cracks Down on VPNs
China #39;s Internet surveillance means everyone in cyberspace is subject to monitoring, and what they can access on online is heavily filtered. Virtual private networks, or VPNs, have long been one of the few ways available to get around such controls. They allow web users to access sites banned in China, like Facebook and Twitter. Now, those services are being squeezed out. Foreign VPN providers like Astrill, WiTopia, and StrongVPN have recently announced that their servers are being blocked in China, apparently because of increased censorship measures. In response to the reports, state-run Global Times says the country #39;s "Great Firewall" system has not become stricter. Instead, it claims these foreign VPN providers are illegal to operate in China to begin with, because they have not registered there. According to Chinese law, only local companies, and foreign ones in joint-ventures with Chinese companies are allowed to register. VPN disruptions not only inconvenience web users, they also affect business operations. It #39;s common for multinational companies in China to use VPNs for cross-border online communications. For more news and videos visit #9755; Follow us on Twitter #9755; http Add us on Facebook #9755; on.fb.meFrom:NTDonChinaViews:5 0ratingsTime:01:11More inNews Politics
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