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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Genetic basis for eczema discovered
Posted: December 22, 2012 at 9:41 pm
Washington, December 22 (ANI): Researchers have announced the discovery of an underlying genetic cause of atopic dermatitis, a type of eczema most common in infancy that also affects millions of adults around the world with dry, itchy and inflamed skin lesions.
The findings by Oregon State University researchers may set the stage for new therapeutic approaches to this frustrating syndrome, which is difficult to treat and has no known cure.
Eczema is also related to, and can sometimes cause asthma, a potentially deadly immune dysfunction.
Pharmaceutical scientists at OSU found in laboratory studies that eczema can be triggered by inadequate Ctip2, a protein and master regulator that affects other genetic functions.
They have identified two ways in which improper function of Ctip2 can lead to eczema.
In a recent publication, they found that Ctip2 controls lipid biosynthesis in the skin, the fats that are needed to help keep skin healthy and hydrated. In the new study, they discovered that Ctip2 suppresses TSLP, a cytokine protein produced by skin cells that can trigger inflammation.
Levels of this inflammatory TSLP, which is ordinarily undetectable in human skin, were found to be 1,000 times higher in laboratory animals that had been genetically modified to have no Ctip2 production in their skin.
"In these studies, we've basically shown that inadequate Ctip2 is reducing the lipids in skin that it needs to stay healthy, protect itself and perform its function," Arup Indra said.
"At the same time this can allow unwanted formation of proteins that trigger inflammation. The skin's ability to resist inflammation is going down just as the amount of inflammation is going up, and the underlying reason is that Ctip2 is not doing its job.
"Either or both of these problems can lead to eczema," Indra said.
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Genetic basis for eczema discovered
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Psoriasis Symptoms in Gilbert AZ from Dr Matt Woods Dermalogist – Video
Posted: at 9:41 pm
Psoriasis Symptoms in Gilbert AZ from Dr Matt Woods Dermalogist
Dr. Matthew Woods a Dermatologist in Gilbert Arizona talks about Psoriasis, and the importance of regular visits with your local Dermatologist. More info at Desert Sky Dermatology 1684 East Boston Street #102 Gilbert, Arizona 85295 (480) 855-0085 httpFrom:AZDermatologistViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:10More inHowto Style
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Coast To Coast AM Past Lives and Healing October 01 2012 – Video
Posted: at 9:41 pm
Coast To Coast AM Past Lives and Healing October 01 2012
WATCH THE LATEST VIDEO THAT CAME OUT TODAY HERE http If You Use Twitter heres the Twitter address or just click the twitter link on the right of the channel page Date: 10-01-12 Host: George Noory Guests: Dr. Brian Weiss, Charles Shults III One of the world #39;s foremost authorities on past-life regression therapy, Dr. Brian Weiss, discussed incredible true stories of miracles and healings occurring after past live regressions, as well as how this tool can be used to improve our lives, evolve spiritually, and ultimately understand that there is no need to fear death. A traditionally trained psychiatrist, Weiss was initially astonished when one of his patients began recalling past-life traumas that seemed to hold the key to her phobias and anxieties. He subsequently developed a hypnosis technique of 10-15 minutes of progressive relaxation that gently sets people up to revisit their previous lives. About 80% of his patients that have undergone this technique do recall past lives, he reported. Among the cases he cited that involved healing, was a woman who had severe psoriasis. She recalled a previous life where she was burned as a witch during the Inquisition. "She #39;d been bound and tied to the stake with rope, particularly around her legs where her psoriasis was the worst." After she emotionally recalled the incident, her psoriasis condition completely disappeared, even though she #39;d been plagued by ...From:C2CMainShowOnlyViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:31:10More inEntertainment
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Naturally Yours Boutique | Naturally Kinky Hair Care | Rene’ Michelle Floyd – Video
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Naturally Yours Boutique | Naturally Kinky Hair Care | Rene #39; Michelle Floyd
For black hair care and information, is your place to go--Learn how-to care for your natural hair against hair loss; Hairstyles gallery; hair products; hair tips; psoriasis help and hair cuts that are in. httpFrom:Rene #39; Michelle FloydViews:4 1ratingsTime:06:03More inHowto Style
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Aim Ayurveda by Dr Rakesh Aggarwal interview on Arthritis – Video
Posted: at 9:41 pm
Aim Ayurveda by Dr Rakesh Aggarwal interview on Arthritis
Aim Ayurveda founded by Dr. Rakesh Aggarwal is a super specialty center for Chronic Diseases. Dr. Aggarwal is having an experience of 18 long years with an excellent track record, especially in the treatment for chronic disorders like; bull; Arthritis (Joint Pains:- Rheumatoid Arthritis, Gout, Osteo Arthritis, Cervical Spondylosis etc.) bull; Hepatitis- B C and Cirrhosis of Liver bull; Kidney Failure and Kidney Stones bull; Skin problems,( Psoriasis, Eczema etc.)From:aim ayurvedaViews:8 0ratingsTime:09:56More inPeople Blogs
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Aim Ayurveda by Dr Rakesh Aggarwal interview on Arthritis - Video
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Friday Talkie: Christmas Special – Video
Posted: at 9:41 pm
Friday Talkie: Christmas Special ---------------- I respond to sandamtod #39;s "I #39;ll show you mine. X-mas tree that is..." video http I respond to interHOSTHOUSE #39;s "Christmas Toys From Your Childhood" video This week #39;s shoutouts go to Kiracastle and pattimus I #39;d like to add a great big THANK YOU to Malc, SmoothEmJay for the box of Amiga games and Christmas card 🙂 out my YouTube Retro Gaming Community Directory to find hundreds of other retro gaming channels at If you #39;re interested in seeing my non-gaming related videos, you may like to check out my other channel, BenwaysWorld My politically incorrect, satirical comedy channel is at You can follow me on twitter @SteveBenway and on facebook at http://www.facebook.comFrom:SteveBenwayViews:102 17ratingsTime:21:58More inGaming
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This Year in Unnecessary Censorship 2012 – Video
Posted: at 9:41 pm
This Year in Unnecessary Censorship 2012
Compilation of "censored" videos that Jimmy Kimmel featured on his show. Check out his channel here: 0ratingsTime:02:27More inComedy
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Gangnam Style Protests – Video
Posted: at 9:41 pm
Gangnam Style Protests
FULL PLAYLIST: Dec 21, 2012: "Gangnam Style," the unexpected phenomenon by Korean pop star PSY, has broken a world record with over obe billion Youtube views. The song has given birth not only to a new style of dance but a new trend for the world to imitate and parody. Ai Wei Wei, a Chinese artist and activist released the first Gangnam Style parody. In the video, "Cao Ni Ma Style," or "Grass Mud Horse," he is seen dancing while wearing handcuffs. "Cao Ni Ma" is the first of ten mythical creatures created by Chinese people to express their resistance towards online censorship. The names of the animals are also homonyms of profanities. This video was banned in China. With "Gangnam Style" continuing to take the world by storm, many more artists and activists are using it as an opportunity to bring people together and make their voices heard. This playlist compiles other examples of activists leveraging this global sensation to spread awareness of human rights issues. FOR MORE INFORMATION: The Daily Beast: JOIN THE DISCUSSION Twitter: @ythumanrights SUBSCRIBE: 0ratingsTime:00:16More inNews Politics
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12 Chinese Writers Win Free Speech Award – Video
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12 Chinese Writers Win Free Speech Award
A prestigious free speech award has been given to 12 writers, journalists, and activists from China, Human Rights Watch announced Thursday. In total, 41 writers from 19 countries received the 2012 Hellman/Hammett grants for promoting free expression in the midst of government harassment and persecution. The winners from China include ethnic Hans, Tibetans, Mongolians and Uighurs. The names of four Tibetan recipients were not announced due to safety concerns. All 12 have been detained or jailed, and seven are still in prison. They have endured unlawful house arrests, restrictions on their movement, and numerous threats and interrogations by police. Human Rights Watch says the oppression and intimidation of writers like these by the Chinese regime aims to discourage others from freely expressing themselves. This helps reinforce self-censorship, undermines free speech, and prevents the public from accessing the truth. For more news and videos visit #9755; Follow us on Twitter #9755; http Add us on Facebook #9755; on.fb.meFrom:NTDonChinaViews:1 1ratingsTime:00:55More inNews Politics
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Chris McLean
Posted: at 9:41 pm
Chris McLean Chef Hatchet #39;s reaction to the Derpy Hooves censorship.
As you can see, Chris and Chef are Bronies. And, they are not happy with Derpy #39;s voice change.From:Codykins TD FanViews:8 1ratingsTime:01:59More inEntertainment
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