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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Eschaton Project Mayhem 2012 #pm2012 #eTHErSEC #OpEpoch An0nYm0u5r3v0lut10n – Video

Posted: December 22, 2012 at 9:41 pm

Eschaton Project Mayhem 2012 #pm2012 #eTHErSEC #OpEpoch An0nYm0u5r3v0lut10n
This event is known as the Singularity. In the year 2045, when hyper-intelligent artificial intelligence arises, armed with advanced nanotechnology, the vastly complex, systemic problems associated with aging in humans will be resolved. Alternatively, we will be able to transfer the human mind to sturdier vessels, such as computers and robots. This is a serious proposition, and many people who are alive in your time will wind up being functionally immortal. Bio technology, and nanotechnology, give us the power to manipulate our bodies and the world around us at will, at the molecular level. Progress hyper accelerates, and every hour brings a century #39;s worth of scientific breakthroughs. Life forms will ditch Darwin and take charge of their own evolution. The human genome will become just so much code to be bug-tested and optimized and, if necessary, rewritten. Indefinite life extension will become a reality; people will die only if they choose to. Death will lose it #39;s sting once and for all. There will become the opportunity to scan your consciousness into computers and enter a virtual existence, or swap your body for immortal biomechanical machines, and light out for the edges of space as an intergalactic godling. Within a matter of centuries, human intelligence will have re-engineered and saturated all the matter in the universe. This is our destiny as a species. The manifestation of all these things is your fate. It is an unstoppable wave of progress. Like the great ...From:98ihsananftwViews:0 0ratingsTime:08:20More inNonprofits Activism

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Eschaton Project Mayhem 2012 #pm2012 #eTHErSEC #OpEpoch An0nYm0u5r3v0lut10n - Video

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Princess Peach Tattoo by Adam Godwin – Video

Posted: at 9:41 pm

Princess Peach Tattoo by Adam Godwin
Tattoo done by: Adam Godwin Client: Casey Bundy Thanks Casey so much!! Music by: (Please support these artists!) BitShifter - Hexadecimal Genome Particle Charge from Information Chase Ronald Jenkees - Super-Fun Derty from Derty http://www.ronaldjenkees.comFrom:EvoTatNationViews:0 0ratingsTime:14:28More inEntertainment

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Functional Microbial Genomics – Video

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Functional Microbial Genomics
Buy from Amazon CA Site Product Description Functional Microbial Genomics Functional Microbial Genomics, edited by two leading experts in the field, provides the researcher with an up-to-date collection of articles on post-genome technologies central to studying the function of microorganisms.Since the release of the first complete genome sequence of a free-living organism in 1995, over 100 microbial genomes have been completely sequenced. The advent of new technologies for post-genomic analyses has allowed the rapid exploitation of this genome sequence information, heralding a golden era in microbial research. Functional Microbial Genomics provides in-depth accounts from scientists working with these new technologies explaining both the techniques and the ways in which they have been applied to the study of gene function in different microbial species.Methods in Microbiology is the most prestigious series devoted to techniques and methodology in the field. Established for over 30 years, Methods in Microbiology will continue to provide you with tried and tested, cutting edge protocols to directly benefit your research. * Bioinformatic approaches to genome sequence analysis* Details the design, construction and applications of DNA microarrays* Covers advances in bacterial proteome and metagenome analysis* Describes functional genomic approaches for novel antibiotic target and vaccine candidate discovery* Presents case studies where functional genomic analyses ...From:Xavier EversViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:40More inScience Technology

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NextGeneration Genome Sequencing – Video

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NextGeneration Genome Sequencing
Buy from Amazon CA Site Product Description NextGeneration Genome Sequencing Written by leading experts from industry and academia, this first single comprehensive resource addresses recent developments in next generation DNA sequencing technology and their impact on genome research, drug discovery and health care. As such, it presents a detailed comparative analysis of commercially available platforms as well as insights into alternative, emerging sequencing techniques. In addition, the book not only covers the principles of DNA sequencing techniques but also social, ethical and commercial aspects, the concept of personalized medicine and a five-year perspective of DNA sequencing. Disclaimer: Orchid is a participant in the, Inc. Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon CA Site. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon, Inc. or its affiliates.From:clemente creechViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:40More inScience Technology

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Nutritional Genomics The – Video

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Nutritional Genomics The
Buy from Amazon CA Site Product Description Nutritional Genomics The Discussing the current status of nutritional genomic research, this book contains the latest scientific findings on the mechanisms underlying diet-genome interactions. With contributions from renowned experts, it covers information on how dietary signals are transformed into disease-preventing changes in gene expression, gene-linked networks of chronic disease and cancer, and the role of food science and nutrition to meet individual genomic health needs. The book identifies future directions for research and highlights opportunities for improving global health and wellness by preventing, delaying, or mitigating chronic diseases with diet. Disclaimer: Orchid is a participant in the, Inc. Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon CA Site. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon, Inc. or its affiliates.From:Lindsay LenzViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:42More inEducation

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Mycobacteria Protocols Methods – Video

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Mycobacteria Protocols Methods
Buy from Amazon CA Site Customer Reviews: "Mycobacteria protocols edited by Parish and Stoker provide the first mycobacterial method booklet since the introduction of molecular biology and bionformatics to the field of mycobacterial research. Although this collection of protocolos is too broad as a source of protocolos to the clinical microbiologist or the bench basic scientist it provides an excelent source of start up points, references and knowladge to poeple working in the field of mycobacteria." Product Description Mycobacteria Protocols Methods Laboratory experts present cutting-edge molecular biology techniques for studying the mycobacteria, a medically significant group of organisms responsible for both human and animal disease, including tuberculosis and leprosy. The methods range from basic culture techniques, cell fractionation, and nucleic acid purification to more advanced protocols for the introduction of cloned DNA into mycobacteria, the use of reporter genes, and the expression of foreign genes. There are also important techniques for mycobacteriophages, genome analysis, chemical and transposon mutagenesis, gene replacement, and analysis of gene expression, as well as such clinically useful techniques as antibiotic susceptibility testing, speciation, and RFLP analysis. Disclaimer: Orchid is a participant in the, Inc. Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees ...From:quincy spaldingViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:41More inScience Technology

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Science and Litigation – Video

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Science and Litigation
Buy from Amazon CA Site Product Description Science and Litigation The question "what is science" has been one of the most vigorously contested legal questions as to what is legally acceptable scientific foundation for the submission of expert opinion in a wide variety of cases, especially in products liability cases. The answer usually lies in the outcomes of past cases as well as objective scientific literature. But how do we relate past decisions to biotechnology, bioinformatics, in-silico biology, genome mapping, and other new scientific developments? And just how valid are peer-reviewed studies when they are performed in house or funded by companies with a stake in the product? Science and Litigation: Products Liability in Theory and Practice addresses these and many other questions involving the relationship between the physical and biological sciences and the civil justice system. First, it reviews scientific legal theory by highlighting landmark cases, analyzing the scientific peer-review process, and examining the relationship between scientific causal theory and legal causation rules. Then the book addresses the practical issues involved in prosecuting or defending the science-based case, from pretrial discovery to choosing an expert witness. Products liability litigation can be a long and arduous task for everyone involved. This practical guide makes it a little easier. Taking you from research to courtroom, Science and Litigation: Products ...From:Lindsay LenzViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:41More inScience Technology

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Tip to reduce dry skin and eczema from Dermatologist Matt Woods in Gilbert AZ – Video

Posted: at 9:41 pm

Tip to reduce dry skin and eczema from Dermatologist Matt Woods in Gilbert AZ
Dr. Matthew Woods give tips on how you can reduce your dry skin and eczema. During the winter months in Arizona you will expedience drier skin. Here is why. Dr. Woods is a dermatologist in Gilbert AZ. Desert Sky Dermatology 1684 East Boston Street #102 Gilbert, Arizona 85295 (480) 855-0085 desertskydermatology.comFrom:AZDermatologistViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:31More inHowto Style

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Natural Remedies For Eczema – Video

Posted: at 9:41 pm

Natural Remedies For Eczema Today you have an opportunity to finally cure your eczema for good. You have tried what the doctors have told you. The symptoms go away but the disease is still there. Try these natural remedies for eczema. https natural remedies for eczema eczema home remedies eczema natural treatment natural eczema treatment natural cures for eczema natural treatment for eczemaFrom:Poppy PhocasViews:1 12ratingsTime:01:29More inHowto Style

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Ulcerrhoea – Exposing Purulent Entrails Demo II / 1999 – Video

Posted: at 9:41 pm

Ulcerrhoea - Exposing Purulent Entrails Demo II / 1999
Noisefront Tapes (Greece) 01. exposing purulent entrails 02. drowned in matter 03. streaming abortal remains 04. deeply rooted wombcore 05. miscarriage in the closet 06. curative cynicism 07. eczema grinder 08. covered by wormsFrom:sickphoqueViews:0 0ratingsTime:09:47More inMusic

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