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Category Archives: Transhuman News
minecraft episode 2 – Video
Posted: December 22, 2012 at 9:42 pm
minecraft episode 2
this is my second episode of minecraft. make shure to subscribe to this channel, my cameraman, dylan #39;s channels, DNA - TION, videogamecenteral, randomannimations, and our main channel ninja76sawesome. comment down below on what game I or Dylan or both of us should do next.From:gamer2208Views:0 0ratingsTime:09:34More inComedy
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minecraft episode 2 - Video
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minecraft episode 3 – Video
Posted: at 9:42 pm
minecraft episode 3
this is my second episode of minecraft. make shore to subscribe to this channel, my cameraman, Dylan #39;s channels, DNA - TION, videogamecenteral, randomannimations, and our main channel ninja76sawesome. comment down below on what game I or Dylan or both of us should do next.From:gamer2208Views:0 0ratingsTime:09:09More inComedy
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minecraft episode 3 - Video
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Eschaton Project Mayhem 2012 #pm2012 #eTHErSEC #OpEpoch 720p – Video
Posted: at 9:42 pm
Eschaton Project Mayhem 2012 #pm2012 #eTHErSEC #OpEpoch 720p
This event is known as the Singularity. In the year 2045, when hyper-intelligent artificial intelligence arises, armed with advanced nanotechnology, the vastly complex, systemic problems associated with aging in humans will be resolved. Alternatively, we will be able to transfer the human mind to sturdier vessels, such as computers and robots. This is a serious proposition, and many people who are alive in your time will wind up being functionally immortal. Bio technology, and nanotechnology, give us the power to manipulate our bodies and the world around us at will, at the molecular level. Progress hyper accelerates, and every hour brings a century #39;s worth of scientific breakthroughs. Life forms will ditch Darwin and take charge of their own evolution. The human genome will become just so much code to be bug-tested and optimized and, if necessary, rewritten. Indefinite life extension will become a reality; people will die only if they choose to. Death will lose it #39;s sting once and for all. There will become the opportunity to scan your consciousness into computers and enter a virtual existence, or swap your body for immortal biomechanical machines, and light out for the edges of space as an intergalactic godling. Within a matter of centuries, human intelligence will have re-engineered and saturated all the matter in the universe. This is our destiny as a species. The manifestation of all these things is your fate. It is an unstoppable wave of progress. Like the great ...From:thorcidoViews:26 2ratingsTime:08:20More inEducation
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Coast To Coast AM Mysterious Pyramid Puzzling DNA and Angelic Light September 27 2012 – Video
Posted: at 9:42 pm
Coast To Coast AM Mysterious Pyramid Puzzling DNA and Angelic Light September 27 2012
WATCH THE LATEST VIDEO THAT CAME OUT TODAY HERE http If You Use Twitter heres the Twitter address or just click the twitter link on the right of the channel page Date: 09-27-12 Host: George Noory Guests: Linda Moulton Howe, John Hafernik Investigative reporter, Linda Moulton Howe, discussed another report of an underground pyramid near Mount McKinley, Alaska, new DNA research on the blood of three modern African groups, a cancer link to GMO corn, and encounters with #39;angelic light. #39; In her first segment, she spoke with Bruce Pearson, the son of a WWII Navy PT boat fighter, who said in the spring of 1978, his father flew with a USAF Huey helicopter crew from Unalakleet east two hours to an underground pyramid site in Alaska. His father was allegedly told by the helicopter pilot: "This is as super secret a situation as the Manhattan Project was. Nobody is supposed to know this place even exists. This thing is some kind of power generator and it #39;s thousands of years old, it #39;s made out of stone like a pyramid. They don #39;t know where it came from, who made it or how it works. But it can generate enough power to power the whole North Slope, all of Alaska, and probably the whole country of Canada!" For more, on the mysterious pyramid in Alaska, see a recap of Linda #39;s earlier report. A new genome study of three African populations has found foreign DNA than doesn #39;t resemble DNA from any modern humans ...From:C2CMainShowOnlyViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:35:14More inEntertainment
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Reference Guided Genome Assembly in Lasergene Genomics Suite – Video
Posted: at 9:42 pm
Reference Guided Genome Assembly in Lasergene Genomics Suite
DNASTAR #39;s Lasergene Genomics Suite software assembles data from all major next-gen sequencing platforms against a reference sequence with unsurpassed ease and speed. Features of the Lasergene Genomics Suite software include: - Quick and accurate assembly of human or other large eukaryotic genomes against a genomic template on a desktop computer - check out our benchmarks below. - The ability to assemble virtually any next-gen sequencing platform, including Roche 454, Illumina, Ion Torrent, Pacific Biosciences, ABI SOLiD, Helicos, or Sanger data - An interactive, data-rich SNP report, including probabilities and genotypes determined with - Bayesian statistics as well as dbSNP/COSMIC/GERP associations - The option to generate output of the finished assembly in BAM format For more information on using Lasergene Genomics Suite for your reference-guided assembly projects, this brief video gives an overview of the workflow.From:DNASTARIncViews:1 0ratingsTime:01:31More inScience Technology
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Genome Day – a day of education with the Institute for Genomic Biology – Video
Posted: at 9:42 pm
Genome Day - a day of education with the Institute for Genomic Biology
Genome Day was a day of learning about genomes, genes, DNA, and evolution at the Orpheum Children #39;s Science Museum in Champaign, Illinois in November of 2012. Members of the Institute for Genomic Biology (IGB) from the University of Illinois welcomed over 460 attendees, who participated in the 16 different activities such as investigating planarian flatworms, learning how organisms relate to each other on the Tree of Life, extracting strawberry DNA to make necklaces, and dancing with plants on the big screen. As part of the outreach mission of the IGB to promote activities and undertake projects targeted to engage K-12 students as well as the east-central Illinois community with the University of Illinois, events such as Genome Day strive to present the key concepts of the research taking place at the IGB, in an approachable manner for all ages. Our thanks to all the volunteers and to everyone who participated.From:IGBIllinoisViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:44More inScience Technology
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UW Genome Sciences – Distinguished Faculty Interview Series: Lee Hartwell – Video
Posted: at 9:41 pm
UW Genome Sciences - Distinguished Faculty Interview Series: Lee Hartwell
Brian Reid interviews Lee Hartwell, 3 July 2012 UWGS_gsdfis_20120703_Hartwell-229m.mp4From:UWGenomeSciencesViews:0 0ratingsTime:41:35More inScience Technology
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Prof. Rima Obeid – Biomarkers of Methylation Cycle – Video
Posted: at 9:41 pm
Prof. Rima Obeid - Biomarkers of Methylation Cycle
The Search for Medicine for Down #39;s Syndrome Towards an International Research Alliance September 17th 2011 The Wellcome Trust Conference Centre Genome Campus Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. Program sponsored by The Down #39;s Syndrome Research Foundation Limited Professor Rima Obeid, Dept Clinical Chemistry Laboratory Medicine, University Hospital of Saarland, Homburg/Saar, Germany. Member: Alzheimer Research Forum. Published on levels of biochemical markers in AZD and Down #39;s Syndrome and role of vitamins esp. folate and homocysteine. Joint Editor: Vitamins in the Prevention of Human Disease.From:DSRFConference2011Views:19 0ratingsTime:18:16More inPeople Blogs
Prof. Rima Obeid - Biomarkers of Methylation Cycle - Video
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Getting Control of iPS Cell Lines – Video
Posted: at 9:41 pm
Getting Control of iPS Cell Lines
HSCI iPS Core Facility Co-Director Chad Cowan, PhD, describes the application of newly developed tools to specifically edit the genome and also solve the fundamental problem of creating a control when using iPS cells to study a disease in a dish.From:harvardstemcellViews:0 0ratingsTime:04:44More inScience Technology
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BS genome track – Video
Posted: at 9:41 pm
BS genome track
Oyster genome visualizationFrom:srlabViews:1 0ratingsTime:02:07More inEducation
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