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International crew of three reaches orbiting space station
Posted: December 22, 2012 at 9:43 pm
CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - A Russian Soyuz capsule carrying a multinational crew of three arrived at the International Space Station on Friday, setting the stage for a Canadian for the first time to take command of the orbital research base.
The spacecraft carrying Chris Hadfield from the Canadian Space Agency, NASA's Tom Marshburn and Russian cosmonaut Roman Romanenko blasted off from Kazakhstan's Baikonur Cosmodrome on Wednesday and parked at the station's Rassvet docking module at 9:09 a.m. EST as the ships sailed 255 miles above northern Kazakhstan.
"The Soyuz sleigh has pulled into port at the International Space Station with a holiday gift of three new crewmembers," said NASA mission commentator Rob Navias.
The trio joined station commander Kevin Ford and Russian cosmonauts Oleg Novitskiy and Evgeni Tarelkin, who are two months into a planned six-month mission.
Ford is due to turn over command of the $100 billion research complex, a project of 15 nations, in mid-March to Hadfield, who will become the first Canadian to lead a space expedition.
"This is a big event for me personally," Hadfield said in a preflight interview. "It takes a lot of work, a lot of focus. It's something that I can look back on as an accomplishment and a threshold of my life."
Command of the station, which has been continuously occupied since November 2000, typically rotates between an American and a Russian crewmember.
In 2009, Belgian astronaut Frank De Winne broke that cycle to become the first European Space Agency commander. Japan's Koichi Wakata is training to lead the Expedition 39 crew in March 2014.
All three of the station's new residents have made previous spaceflights. Hadfield, 53, is a veteran of two space shuttle missions. Marshburn, 52, has one previous shuttle mission and Roman Romanenko, 41, a second-generation cosmonaut, served as a flight engineer aboard the space station in 2009.
The station crew will have some time off to celebrate several winter holidays in orbit - Christmas, the New Year and then Orthodox Christmas - before tackling a list of about 150 science experiments and station maintenance, including two spacewalks.
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International crew of three reaches orbiting space station
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GeneX (2012) full movie RESYNCED .mp4 – Video
Posted: at 9:42 pm
GeneX (2012) full movie RESYNCED .mp4
This short movie has been made by a group of M. Sc Biotechnology students, as part of our "creativity assignment" for the Genetic Engineering subject. The work is purely fiction, and made only for entertainment. Do not try to find any scientific logic in the movie, just sit back, relax, watch, and enjoy!! Thanks!! - M. Sc Biotechnology (2011-13) VIT University, India PS- Feel free to comment your views on our humble effort..From:stillscrewingyouViews:4 0ratingsTime:28:44More inEducation
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GeneX (2012) full movie RESYNCED .mp4 - Video
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Perspectives in Bioremediation – Video
Posted: at 9:42 pm
Perspectives in Bioremediation
Buy from Amazon CA Site Product Description Perspectives in Bioremediation Bioremediation - the use of microorganisms for environmental clean-up - is a technology that is experiencing a rapid phase of development. From the opening chapter of Perspectives in Bioremediation, on the nature of environmental site assessment, on to the genetic manipulation of native soil microorganisms, the international collection of authors provide an understanding of the current progress and limitations of technologies that are designed to help nature herself. The book draws together many different aspects of environmental remediation: the environmental engineer is introduced to the bacteria of contaminated environments and the ideas developing from genetic engineering; the environmental microbiologist can grasp site assessment and the predictive kinetic analysis of potentials. The book provides a clear and concise introduction to the nature of and potential for bioremediation to contribute to a critical global effort in eliminating contamination of the world #39;s resources and to start to reverse decades of environmental mismanagement and neglect. Disclaimer: Orchid is a participant in the, Inc. Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon CA Site. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon, Inc. or its affiliates.From:huey tuttleViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:40More inGaming
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Ecological Engineering for – Video
Posted: at 9:42 pm
Ecological Engineering for
Buy from Amazon CA Site Product Description Ecological Engineering for Ecological engineering is about manipulating farm habitats, making them less favourable for pests and more attractive to beneficial insects. Though they have received far less research attention and funding, ecological approaches may be safer and more sustainable than their controversial cousin, genetic engineering. This book brings together contributions from international workers leading the fast moving field of habitat manipulation, reviewing the field and paving the way towards the development and application of new pest management approaches.Chapters explore the frontiers of ecological engineering methods including molecular approaches, high tech marking and remote sensing. They also review the theoretical aspects of this field and how ecological engineering may interact with genetic engineering. The technologies presented offer opportunities to reduce crop losses to insects while reducing the use of pesticides and providing potentially valuable habitat for wildlife conservation.With contributions from the USA, UK, Germany, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand, Kenya and Israel, this book provides comprehensive coverage of international progress towards sustainable pest management. Disclaimer: Orchid is a participant in the, Inc. Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to ...From:clemente creechViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:42More inGaming
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Ecological Engineering for - Video
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Biotechnological Approaches for – Video
Posted: at 9:42 pm
Biotechnological Approaches for
Buy from Amazon CA Site Product Description Biotechnological Approaches for Due to increasing problems occurring from massive applications of pesticides, such as insect resistance to pesticides, the use of biotechnological tools to minimize losses from insect pests has become inevitable. Presenting alternative strategies for alleviating biotic stresses, Biotechnological Approaches for Pest Management and Ecological Sustainability explores how the modern tools of biotechnology can be used in pest management for sustainable crop production, the biosafety of transgenic crops, and environmental conservation. This comprehensive work covers a gamut of issues ranging from host plant resistance to insect pests to the application of molecular approaches for pest management. It discusses phenotyping transgenic plants, mapping populations for insect resistance, physico-chemical and molecular markers associated with insect resistance, the potential of insect-resistant transgenic crops for pest management, and the use of biotechnological tools for diagnosing insects and monitoring insect resistance to insecticides. The author examines how genetic engineering can be used to produce robust natural enemies and more virulent strains of entomopathogenic microbes. He also studies issues related to gene flow, resistance to transgenes and selection markers, the biosafety of food derived from genetically engineered plants, and the potential application of molecular tools for ...From:Kimberley BroomeViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:41More inEducation
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Biotechnological Approaches for - Video
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Genes and Resistance – Video
Posted: at 9:42 pm
Genes and Resistance
Buy from Amazon CA Site Product Description Genes and Resistance The advances in human genetics that have ocurred during the past 20 years have revolutionized our knowledge of the role played by inheritance in health and disase. It is clear that our DNA determines not only the emergence of catastrophic single-gene disorders, which affect millions of persons worldwide, but also interacts with environments to predispose individuals to cancer, allergy, hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, psychiatric disorders and even to some infectious diseases. Overall, the study of longevity and the demonstration of genes favouring a long lifespan suggest that such protective systems exist. In recent years, the study of genetic polymorphisms has made clear that some alleles have beneficial effects. These discoveries can substantially improve our understanding of the interactions between genetics and the environment, between pathogenetic mechanisms and new treatments. Disclaimer: Orchid is a participant in the, Inc. Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon CA Site. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon, Inc. or its affiliates.From:quincy spaldingViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:40More inGaming
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Genes and Resistance - Video
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Funtage #2 (The hidden) – Video
Posted: at 9:42 pm
Funtage #2 (The hidden)
Our second funtage has arrived !!! and its on the hidden source !. Takes a while to edited these funtages, so if you could give it a like we will love you forever ! What is The Hidden? "In the early 1950s human genetics experimentation was taking its first, tentative steps. Amongst many other black projects, a team of British scientists working at an Infinitum Research experimental station stumbled across some remarkable phenomena involving DNA manipulation. This led to deeper research with dangerously unpredictable results, often leading to human patients losing their lives in irresponsible and immoral experiments. Time passed on, and by the mid 1990s the failure rate of the experiments had been reduced from 75% to a mere 15%, enough for Infinitum to move onto the next stage: Biological Light Refraction. The British team were hoping to unravel the possibilities of light manipulation to create the perfect covert military agent. Early into the new millennium, due to a gross miscalculation, a series of tests on Subject 617 led to a massive synaptic trauma leaving the patient with multiple genetic anomalies. The subject was left in constant pain and with unstable DNA. The subject escaped captivity, killing anyone that got in its way. The IRIS (Infinitum Research Interception Squad) team have been deployed to return the subject to a maximum security Infinitum Research facility for further study and dissection. The entire project was considered a failure: all funding ceased ...From:SeriousPotatoGamingViews:0 0ratingsTime:05:16More inGaming
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Funtage #2 (The hidden) - Video
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CODIS DNA Pre – Video
Posted: at 9:42 pm
Codis animation for HTC DNAFrom:allen schmidtViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:17More inFilm Animation
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CODIS DNA Pre - Video
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Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained (Assassin’s Creed 2) Full HD – Video
Posted: at 9:42 pm
Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained (Assassin #39;s Creed 2) Full HD
For more Assassin #39;s Creed 2 videos click here: "Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained" mission. DNA Sequence 08: Necessity, Mother Of Invention. Assassin #39;s Creed II. PC version of the game. Just some working materials for upcoming "Venice: End of Dodge" story video. #9658; ASSASSIN #39;S CREED (2007) videos watch here: == Useful links == Official site: Assassin #39;s Creed Wiki: IGN: Metacritic: Gamespot: == Buy this game == UBIShop: Steam: Gamestop: Amazon: amzn.toFrom:CJake3Views:4 2ratingsTime:03:00More inGaming
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Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained (Assassin's Creed 2) Full HD - Video
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