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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Space Station Six(Arranging) – Video
Posted: December 22, 2012 at 9:43 pm
Space Station Six(Arranging)
By AXC3From:Thaneenuj NakjangViews:2 1ratingsTime:03:21More inEducation
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Space Station Six(Arranging) - Video
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Space Station UK : Secure Self Storage Facility in West London – Video
Posted: at 9:43 pm
Space Station UK : Secure Self Storage Facility in West London
Space Station is the longest established self storage company in the United Kingdom.Space Station has a reputation for leading the way where others follow.From:spacestationuk1Views:2 0ratingsTime:00:43More inPeople Blogs
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Space Station UK : Secure Self Storage Facility in West London - Video
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Space station UK :: Storage Solutions for Slough, Brentford, Isleworth and Uxbridge – Video
Posted: at 9:43 pm
Space station UK :: Storage Solutions for Slough, Brentford, Isleworth and Uxbridge
Space Station can help with all the storage space you need, from mini storage up to containers for everything in your home.From:spacestationuk1Views:2 0ratingsTime:00:43More inPeople Blogs
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Architectural design of a space station in Venus clouds.mp4 – Video
Posted: at 9:43 pm
Architectural design of a space station in Venus clouds.mp4
This is part of my final diploma project #39; #39;Living in extreme environments: Architectural design of a space station in the Venusian atmosphere #39; #39;, in Technical University of Crete, department of Architecture. The video describe #39;s a day of a crew member in the space station. He woke up and he asked from the tube map to give a mountain experience walking for the labs. Slow walking full of oxygen and clean air, a lot of trees and bird eye sight. The important notice is the transfer of the essential elements from earth in the Venusian clouds.The possibility of choosing different roads due to the design and the transformability of the station provides residents with different experiences of space. The user discovers the space through an interplay between organism and construction. The goal is to to help humans to overcome feelings of isolation. The music is from the soundtrack of the movie #39; #39;Moon (2009) #39; #39;, Clint Mansell.From:Despina LinViews:18 1ratingsTime:07:45More inScience Technology
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Expedition 34/35 Hatch Opening – Video
Posted: at 9:43 pm
Expedition 34/35 Hatch Opening
The crew of Expedition 34/35, consisting of Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield, NASA astronaut Tom Marshburn and cosmonaut Roman Romanenko, opened the hatch to their new orbital home at 11:37 am EST on December 21, 2012. The crew will live and work on the International Space Station for five months and Hadfield will become the first Canadian commander of the ISS during the second half of his mission in March 2013. Video credit: NASA http://www.asc-csa.gc.caFrom:canadianspaceagencyViews:14 3ratingsTime:08:05More inScience Technology
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Amazing rare glimpse of comet from space – Video
Posted: at 9:43 pm
Amazing rare glimpse of comet from space
A commander on the International Space Station was photographing lightning storms over the Pacific when he spotted the comet Lovejoy over the horizon just as the sun was coming up.From:TheWeatherChannelViews:120 16ratingsTime:00:27More inScience Technology
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Posted: at 9:43 pm
admin banned me bci got a good kill streakFrom:TheCheeseGenesisViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:19More inEducation
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"Soyuz Docking" RUSSIAN ROCKET docks at SPACE STATION with FRESH Crew (VIDEO) – Video
Posted: at 9:43 pm
"Soyuz Docking" RUSSIAN ROCKET docks at SPACE STATION with FRESH Crew (VIDEO)
"Soyuz Docking" (VIDEO) RUSSIAN Soyuz TMA-07 Spacecraft docks at SPACE STATION with FRESH Crew Location: ISS, Earth orbit Date Shot: December 21, 2012 -Video from RIA Novosti ( #1042; #1080; #1076; #1077; #1086; #1089; #1056; #1086; #1089; #1089; #1080; #1081; #1089; #1082; #1086; #1077; #1072; #1075; #1077; #1085; #1090; #1089; #1090; #1074; #1086; #1084; #1077; #1078; #1076; #1091; #1085; #1072; #1088; #1086; #1076; #1085; #1099; #1093; #1085; #1086; #1074; #1086; #1089; #1090; #1077; #1081;) A Russian Soyuz spacecraft has docked with the International Space Station (ISS) after a two-day flight. The Soyuz was carrying Russian cosmonaut Roman Romanenko, NASA astronaut Tom Marshburn and Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield, who are due to spend six months in orbit. This is the second mission at the ISS for each of the crew members. Romanenko, Marshburn and Hadfield have joined three other spacemen who have been manning the station since October. During their mission, the spacemen plan to carry out scientific tests, receive and reload other spacecrafts and carry out spacewalks. 1. Various of Soyuz docking with ISS 00:00 - 01:52 .`..`..`..`..`..`..`..`..`..`. CLICK HERE to view all the Videos/photos we #39;ve uploaded: .`..`..`..`..`..`..`..`..`..`.From:WestEndNewsViews:5 0ratingsTime:01:53More inNews Politics
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"Soyuz Docking" RUSSIAN ROCKET docks at SPACE STATION with FRESH Crew (VIDEO) - Video
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NASA Johnson Style – Video
Posted: at 9:43 pm
NASA Johnson Style
"NASA Johnson Style" Lyrics: NASA Johnson Style Johnson Style Welcome to NASA #39;s Johnson Space Center We are coming in hot so don #39;t burn up as we enter We do science everyday that affects your daily life Throw them up for manned space flight Science everywhere As we engineer the marvels That fly though the air And take us way beyond earth #39;s levels Science everywhere Because we engineer the marvels That fly though the air Flys us through the air Control the mission out of Johnson This is ground, hey! And this is space, hey! Tell me Houston what #39;s the problem It #39;s okay! It #39;s okay! Because there #39;s flight controllers on the job today NASA Johnson STYLE! Johnson STYLE! NA, NA, NA, NA NASA Johnson STYLE! Johnson STYLE! NA, NA, NA, NA NASA Johnson STYLE! EYYYYYY science daily! NA, NA, NA, NA, NASA STYLE! EYYYYYY it #39;s amazing! NA, NA, NA, NA ey ey ey ey ey ey!! Orbiting earth, international space station Where we work and live in space with a crew from several nations Got Japanese, and Russians, that European charm Throw them up, like the Canada Arm Kicking out research 29k cubic feet, revolves around the earth Science microgravity, revolves around the earth Columbus, JEM, and Destiny Kicking out research Kicking out research Train the astronauts at Johnson To go to space, hey! To go to space, hey! Cause the missions of tomorrow Start today, hey! Start today, hey! As we engineer the future day by day NASA Johnson STYLE! Johnson STYLE! NA, NA, NA, NA NASA Johnson STYLE! Johnson ...From:mazenkadiViews:0 0ratingsTime:03:48More inScience Technology
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Three Spaceflyers Arrive at International Space Station in Time for Christmas
Posted: at 9:43 pm
This story was updated Dec. 21 at 12:05 p.m. EST.
The three newest residents of the International Space Station arrived at the high-flying laboratory Friday morning (Dec. 21) aboard a Russian Soyuz spacecraft, just in time to celebrate an orbital Christmas.
At 9:09 a.m. EST (1409 GMT) the capsule delivered Canadian Space Agency astronaut Chris Hadfield who will become the station's first Canadian commander as well as Russian Federal Space Agency cosmonaut Roman Romanenko and NASA astronaut Tom Marshburn. The spaceflyers' journey started Wednesday (Dec. 19) when they launched from Kazakhstan's Baikonur Cosmodrome at 7:12 a.m. EST (1212 GMT).
After docking, the astronauts performed leak checks on the seal between their Soyuz TMA-07M capsule and the space station's docking port on the Rassvet module before opening the hatches between the two vehicles at 11:37 a.m. EST (1637 GMT). Shortly thereafter, the new arrivals floated inside the station that is to become their home for the next five months. [Expedition 34 Launch in Pictures]
"All of Canada tuned in to watch that absolutely picture-perfect launch," Paul Engel, director of communications for the Canadian Space Agency, told the astronauts from Mission Control in Moscow after the three new crewmembers arrived. "Absolutely extraordinary. Good luck with the mission."
The spaceflyers each got to speak to members of their families gathered at Mission Control.
"Your face looks a bit puffed up. Have you been smilling a lot?" Hadfield's son Evan asked his father, whom he watched via a live video stream from the space station.
"Yeah, we've been smiling a lot," Hadfield replied. "It was just a heck of a ride for the three of us. It's like being on a crazy dragster."
Then Marshburn's daughter asked him to demonstrate a somersault in microgravity, and the astronaut happily obliged.
Complete crew
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