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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Gun Control and Mayors Gun Control Campaign Video Hypocrisy. – Video
Posted: December 24, 2012 at 5:40 am
Gun Control and Mayors Gun Control Campaign Video Hypocrisy.
The vid that pissed me off: Mayors Gun Control Campaign Video: Demand A Plan to End Gun Violence "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun," Wayne LaPierre, the NRA vice president USE THIS LINK! Particularly, when statistics are involved, the determination of what constitutes a credible fact (and what does not) can contain elements of personal subjectivity. It is our mission to minimize subjective information and to provide highly factual content. Therefore, we are taking the additional step of providing readers with four examples to illustrate the type of material that was excluded because it did not meet Just Facts #39; Standards of Credibility. USE THIS LINK! Do Gun Bans Reduce Violent Crime? Ask the Aussies and Brits Harvard Study: Gun Control Is Counterproductive But then: Harvard Injury Control Research Center Note they don #39;t talk about self defense at all just homicide. Most of the conclusions are along the lines of poor people on drugs use guns to kill. What a surprise. Reality Check: The very politically incorrect truth about the Second Amendment You want to end gun violence and other violence too? Better mental health care. The Antipsychotic Prescribed To Adam Lanza Has A Troubled History All Its Own This is a BIGGIE: SSRI-Induced Akathisia #39;s Link To Suicide and Violence www ...From:DHundrethMonkeeViews:23 5ratingsTime:18:38More inNews Politics
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Gun Control and Mayors Gun Control Campaign Video Hypocrisy. - Video
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The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Civil War ( Audiobook – Video
Posted: at 5:40 am
The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Civil War ( Audiobook Get ready for a rousing rebel yell as bestselling author HW Crocker III charges through bunkers and battlefields in iThe Politically Incorrect Guide to the Civil Wari....From:audiobooks12Views:0 0ratingsTime:05:03More inNonprofits Activism
The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Civil War ( Audiobook - Video
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Russian Beeline censorship in Armenia – Video
Posted: at 5:40 am
Russian Beeline censorship in Armenia
Beeline blocking in Armenia Chechen rebels Kavkazcenter web-site using Russian law about prohibited web-sitesFrom:Samvel MartirosyanViews:2 0ratingsTime:00:16More inNews Politics
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Rotorua Art Village, Aotearoa/New Zealand do Gangnam Style for Ai Weiwei and others – Video
Posted: at 5:40 am
Rotorua Art Village, Aotearoa/New Zealand do Gangnam Style for Ai Weiwei and others
Arts work out in gangnam style for speech after freedom - When the Chinese government banned South Korean Psy #39;s song "Gangnam Style", then Ai Weiwei made a youtube video clip focussed on the silliness of censorship (see my review: Ai Weiwei the multi-tasker: When his video was banned, then artists and arts institutes around the world made their own #39;Gangnam Style #39; in protest against the censorship of the arts. The video above is a remix of Ai Weiwei #39;s ( and of Anish Kapoor #39;s ( videos along with some of those at my RAVE talk "Why is Ai Weiwei doing Gangnam Style" where the slogans made afterwards were in response to a discussion of what does freedom of expression mean in terms of collective and individual involvement in the world or one #39;s society. Performers in order of appearance: (to be completed soon) : 00:16 Sonja van Kerkhoff (as black mud straw horse), 00:17 Sen McGlinn (as middle aged activist in pink shirt), Snipbits in the above video also come from: MoMa, New York, The Philadelphia Museum of Arts, The Serpentine Gallery, London. And this 3 minute Hong Kong wall street journal interview discusses Ai Weiwei #39;s video. van KerkhoffViews:13 1ratingsTime:04:16More inNonprofits Activism
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Rotorua Art Village, Aotearoa/New Zealand do Gangnam Style for Ai Weiwei and others - Video
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Sexy Unnecessary Censorship #3 – Video
Posted: at 5:40 am
Sexy Unnecessary Censorship #3
The best one yet, and it #39;s all girls.From:PapaDwyerViews:297 15ratingsTime:01:22More inGaming
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V for Vendetta Airs in China – Anti Censorship Message? – Video
Posted: at 5:40 am
V for Vendetta Airs in China - Anti Censorship Message?
" Television audiences across China watched an anarchist antihero rebel against a totalitarian government and persuade the people to rule themselves. Soon the Internet was crackling with quotes of "V for Vendetta #39;s" famous line: "People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people." The airing of the movie Friday night on China Central Television stunned viewers and raised hopes that China is loosening censorship."* V for Vendetta, a movie about citizens overthrowing a corrupt totalitarian government, aired in China, historically strict about censoring media. Is this a sign of change to come? Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian discuss what the airing means. *Read more from Louise Watt/ AP via Huffington Post: http://www.huffingtonpost.comFrom:TheYoungTurksViews:35841 1144ratingsTime:01:23More inNews Politics
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V for Vendetta Airs in China - Anti Censorship Message? - Video
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Mainstream of Today – Video
Posted: at 5:40 am
Mainstream of Today
This video is dedicated to my 16 year old nephew on my fathers side . These are his exact words : "The music the media promotes today totally sucks balls, it makes me feel like im in hell near a scary house and everything is on fire and the only way out is suicide" ,heres the video . Happy Holidays !! side note : After watching this it made me think of the impact the media has on society in the usa and how they make people feel. The us government is to blame for this =school shootings , people going crazy , people hating on the fake media, violence and death rising , people trying to kill justin bieber lol , ... I just heard on CNN they wanna add more censorship rules = THIS IS THE PROBLEM RIGHT HERE!!!! ! its not the guns, movies , video games , or music its the fucking government they are making us crazy.From:NINJATRONdnbViews:31 4ratingsTime:03:15More inFilm Animation
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3-2-1 Penguins Unnecessary Censorship. – Video
Posted: at 5:40 am
3-2-1 Penguins Unnecessary Censorship.
I am not kidding...this video is rather disturbing... What I am doing is bleeping out different words from characters in 3-2-1 P to make it seem like they are cussing. DISCLAIMER: I OWN NONE OF THE CONTENT IN THIS VIDEO. IT BELONGS TO BIGIDEA ENTERTAINMENT AND I WILL MAKE NO MONEY OR ANY SIMILAR PROFIT OFF OF THIS VIDEO WHAT-SO-EVER!From:larryboyrocksalotViews:0 2ratingsTime:00:50More inEntertainment
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3-2-1 Penguins Unnecessary Censorship. - Video
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Frank Zappa On Music Censorship: A Video Essay – Video
Posted: at 5:40 am
Frank Zappa On Music Censorship: A Video Essay
Some compelling and thought provoking ideas on music censorship and media from the late Frank Zappa. His ideas and arguments are just as relevant today as they were in the 1980 #39;s. All footage is fair use as a public discussion on media and music censorship through labeling. Copyright cannot be a form of private censorship to prevent critical and social dialogue on matters of public policy, hence this material is made available, to you, via fair use principles for comment.From:Linescrew1Views:0 1ratingsTime:08:18More inNews Politics
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Censorship The Threat to Silence Talk Radio (Unabridged Audiobook – Video
Posted: at 5:40 am
Censorship The Threat to Silence Talk Radio (Unabridged Audiobook A look inside the fairness doctrine and its impact on politics and free speech in American talk radio....From:audio9371Views:0 0ratingsTime:05:03More inNonprofits Activism
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