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Category Archives: Transhuman News
The Genome War How Craig Venter Tried to Capture the Audiobook – Video
Posted: December 24, 2012 at 5:41 am
The Genome War How Craig Venter Tried to Capture the Audiobook The longawaited story of the science, the business, the politics, the intrigue behind the scenes of the most ferocious competition in the history of modern science....From:bestbooks1000Views:0 0ratingsTime:10:00More inEntertainment
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Bats offer clues to immunity, longevity
Posted: at 5:41 am
Sydney, Dec 23 (IANS) Bats are amazing creatures, which have survived for 65 million years against all odds, offering vital clues to immunity and human longevity, according to an Australian study.
"Bats are a natural reservoir for several lethal viruses, such as Hendra, Ebola and SARS, but they often don't succumb to disease from these viruses. They're also the only mammal that can fly, and they live a long time compared to animals similar in size," says Chris Cowled, post-doctoral fellow at the Australian Animal Health Lab (AAHL) in Geelong.
Cowled is part of the Bat Pack, a team of AAHL researchers, which conduct a wide range of research into bats and bat borne viruses, and their potential effects on the human population, the journal Science reports.
The Bat Pack, along with the Beijing Genome Institute, led a team that sequenced the genomes of two bat species -- the Black Flying Fox, an Australian mega bat, and the David's Myotis, a Chinese micro bat, according to an AAHL statement.
Cowled says the research may eventually lead to strategies to treat, or even prevent disease in humans.
"A deeper understanding of these evolutionary adaptations in bats may lead to better treatments for human diseases, and may eventually enable us to predict or perhaps even prevent outbreaks of emerging bat viruses," he said.
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Bats offer clues to immunity, longevity
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December Favorites! – Video
Posted: at 5:41 am
December Favorites!
Follow us on facebook for more updates! OPEN ME** Cohen #39;s: Teddy #39;s Choice gripe water Aveeno Baby Eczema Care Moisturizing Cream Kirkland Brand baby wipes Sophia #39;s: Abby Sesame Street Books Fisher Price Potty Kinder Advent Calendar Sara #39;s: Nicole by OPI, All is Glam, All is Bright Schwarzkopf Flatliner Osis spray Schwarzkopf Osis Dust it Mattifying Powder Wella Professional Shimmer Delight Shine Spray Revlon 24hr Color Stay Foundation Maybeline blackest black gel eyelinerFrom:LehouxFamilyViews:132 9ratingsTime:12:20More inPeople Blogs
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December Favorites! - Video
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Bum Bum Balm – Video
Posted: at 5:41 am
Bum Bum Balm
This blend of organic oils, waxes and butters, with the added healing oils of calendula, chamomile and lavender are known to help soothe your baby #39;s bottom from nappy rash. This product is also known to reduce itchiness of rashes and eliminate eczema on the body. Use between nappy changes. For rashes or eczema, apply directly to the effected area.From:Vanessa MeganViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:34More inHowto Style
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Hurwitz Clinical Pediatric – Video
Posted: at 5:41 am
Hurwitz Clinical Pediatric
Buy from Amazon CA Site Product Description Hurwitz Clinical Pediatric Hurwitz Clinical Pediatric Dermatology, by Amy S. Paller, MD and Anthony J. Mancini, MD, gives you easy access to the practical, definitive guidance you need to expertly identify and manage all types of skin disorders seen in children. Continuing the legacy of Dr. Sidney Hurwitz #39;s beloved reference, it covers all pediatric dermatoses in a thorough, yet efficient and accessible way, enabling you to get the answers you need quickly and provide your patients with the most effective care. This edition brings you up to date on the latest classification schemes, the molecular basis for genetic skin disorders, atopic dermatitis, hemangiomas, viral disorders, bites and infestations, hypersensitivity disorders, collagen vascular disorders, bacterial and fungal infections, psoriasis, contact dermatitis, and much more. A thousand full-color photographs help you to recognize the characteristic manifestations of every type of skin disease. And, full-text access at allows you to rapidly search the book online with downloadable illustrations. Hurwitz remains the indispensible pediatric dermatology resource you need for optimal practice.Access the complete contents online at, rapidly searchable, and downloadable clinical photographs. Efficiently locate the answers you need with a remarkably concise, practical, clinically focused reference that minimizes ...From:Leo HandleyViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:42More inScience Technology
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Hurwitz Clinical Pediatric - Video
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psoriasis treatment by Ahnenerbe technique – Video
Posted: at 5:41 am
psoriasis treatment by Ahnenerbe technique
fast and accurate psoriasis treatment by Ahnenerbe developed technique, the treatment duration 17 days, no any cortisone or other problematically medicine needed. Absolute bio friendly... here few photo-shoots about the therapy #39;s progress: http://www.geocities.jpFrom:AHNENERBEmalaysiaViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:50More inHowto Style
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psoriasis treatment by Ahnenerbe technique - Video
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Ayushman Herbals Health Care Center/Spa Special Offers – Video
Posted: at 5:41 am
Ayushman Herbals Health Care Center/Spa Special Offers
Ayushman Herablas Health Care Center Christmas,New year Sankranthi Special Offers for Pancha Karma,Body Polishing,Soundarya Vardini,Facial ,Hair Care ,Shirodhara Treat ments and for long time Diseases ie Obesity,Diabetes,Psoriasis,Thyroid,joint pains etcFrom:spepalaViews:3 0ratingsTime:00:43More inPeople Blogs
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Ayushman Herbals Health Care Center/Spa Special Offers - Video
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Adina Soaps Giveaway Announcement and more – Video
Posted: at 5:41 am
Adina Soaps Giveaway Announcement and more
Adina Soaps Giveaway Winners Announced. New batch of Soaps 1. Tumeric soaps; benefits of tumeric include "Speeds up wound healing and assists in remodeling of damaged skin", "May help in the treatment of psoriasis and other inflammatory skin conditions,""It is a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent, useful in disinfecting cuts and burns." 2. Sea salt soap bars no colorant or Essential Oils added, lastly, 3. two loafs of soaps with essential oils of Jasmine, rose, lily, hint of musk and sandalwood. This soap scent is just to die for. Customers really love this comibination of oils in soap it screams therepuetic.From:Adina SoapsViews:1 0ratingsTime:05:57More inPeople Blogs
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Adina Soaps Giveaway Announcement and more - Video
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Fat Isabelle – Video
Posted: at 5:41 am
Fat Isabelle
This is so politically incorrect. Get over it, she came up with this game on her own and it is funny :0)From:StephandJoshMartinViews:9 1ratingsTime:00:26More inComedy
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The Very Politically Incorrect Truth About The Second Amendment – Benn Swann – REALITY CHECK – Video
Posted: at 5:41 am
The Very Politically Incorrect Truth About The Second Amendment - Benn Swann - REALITY CHECK
On December 20, Fox #39;s WXIX affiliate in Cincinnati, Ohio, ran a segment on the Second Amendment. Reality Check host Ben Swann did an admirable job of explaining what the rest of the corporate media avoids like the plague -- the Second Amendment is not about hunting or even self-defense, it #39;s about responding to government tyranny.From:Chinesehealthfitnes1Views:1 0ratingsTime:03:04More inEducation
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The Very Politically Incorrect Truth About The Second Amendment - Benn Swann - REALITY CHECK - Video
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