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A manmade 3-D movie of a piece of origami object made out of DNA.mp4 – Video
Posted: December 24, 2012 at 5:42 am
A manmade 3-D movie of a piece of origami object made out of DNA.mp4
PubMed Abstract: A key goal for nanotechnology is to design synthetic objects that may ultimately achieve functionalities known today only from natural macromolecular complexes. Molecular self-assembly with DNA has shown potential for creating user-defined 3D scaffolds, but the level of attainable positional accuracy has been unclear. Here we report the cryo-EM structure and a full pseudoatomic model of a discrete DNA object that is almost twice the size of a prokaryotic ribosome. The structure provides a variety of stable, previously undescribed DNA topologies for future use in nanotechnology and experimental evidence that discrete 3D DNA scaffolds allow the positioning of user-defined structural motifs with an accuracy that is similar to that observed in natural macromolecules. Thereby, our results indicate an attractive route to fabricate nanoscale devices that achieve complex functionalities by DNA-templated design steered by structural feedback. Keywords: Related Structures: Primary Citation of: 2YMF 2YMG 2YMH 2YMI 2YMR Organizational Affiliation: Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge CB2 0QH, United Kingdom. 3-d movie rendering by Christopher Leggett based on above structures.From:ChrisLeggettMusicViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:54More inScience Technology
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A manmade 3-D movie of a piece of origami object made out of DNA.mp4 - Video
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II II II for spankmoo – Video
Posted: at 5:42 am
II II II for spankmoo
II II II erutrevO dna xniryS fo selpmeT ehTFrom:CODYnTXViews:10 1ratingsTime:06:06More inMusic
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II II II for spankmoo - Video
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Cryptosporidium and Cryptosporidiosis – Video
Posted: at 5:41 am
Cryptosporidium and Cryptosporidiosis
Buy from Amazon CA Site Product Description Cryptosporidium and Cryptosporidiosis From the microscopic observation of infection to the widespread application of molecular techniques in taxonomy and epidemiology, to the genome sequencing of two major species and advances in biochemistry, phylogeny, and water treatment, new information on this fascinating genus continues to mount as we discover and utilize the latest scientific techniques and methods. Greatly revised and expanded to encompass the volume and scope of new material, this second edition of a highly acclaimed reference provides a comprehensive and up-to-date consolidation of data. Continuing to be the seminal work in the field, Cryptosporidium and Cryptosporidiosis, Second Edition covers every aspect involved in the study of these highly adaptable parasites from basic biology to the search for a vaccine. It introduces molecular biology by discussing recent discoveries in the genome, genetic regulation, and comparative genomics of several species. Contributions present new biochemical data including metabolism and the investigation of structural proteins as potential drug targets. The book details transmission dynamics and molecular epidemiology, molecular methods for detecting infection, sources of contamination in foodborne transmission, and outbreaks and governmental regulations concerning drinking water, recreational waters, and waste management. Chapters consider host immune responses, the ...From:Lavern FortierViews:2 0ratingsTime:00:41More inScience Technology
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Let’s Play Dark Cloud Part 53 – Video
Posted: at 5:41 am
Let #39;s Play Dark Cloud Part 53
In this episode we finally find the part of the area where we do our Genome Rebuilding Muska Laka...can #39;t help but wonder if I may have accidently put this on another video XD anyway we go about putting out the stuff we have managed to find so far then head back into the dungeon after a few cutscenes.From:MikeMoneyGMRViews:0 1ratingsTime:23:33More inGaming
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Polyploidy and Genome – Video
Posted: at 5:41 am
Polyploidy and Genome
Buy from Amazon CA Site Product Description Polyploidy and Genome Polyploidy -- whole-genome duplication (WGD) -- is a fundamental driver of biodiversity with significant consequences for genome structure, organization, and evolution. Once considered a speciation process common only in plants, polyploidy is now recognized to have played a major role in the structure, gene content, and evolution of most eukaryotic genomes. In fact, the diversity of eukaryotes seems closely tied to multiple WGDs. Polyploidy generates new genomic interactions -- initially resulting in "genomic and transcriptomic shock" -- that must be resolved in a new polyploid lineage. This process essentially acts as a "reset" button, resulting in genomic changes that may ultimately promote adaptive speciation. This book brings together for the first time the conceptual and theoretical underpinnings of polyploid genome evolution with syntheses of the patterns and processes of genome evolution in diverse polyploid groups. Because polyploidy is most common and best studied in plants, the book emphasizes plant models, but recent studies of vertebrates and fungi are providing fresh perspectives on factors that allow polyploid speciation and shape polyploid genomes. The emerging paradigm is that polyploidy -- through alterations in genome structure and gene regulation -- generates genetic and phenotypic novelty that manifests itself at the chromosomal, physiological, and organismal levels, with ...From:August CarrilloViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:41More inScience Technology
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Genome Evolution Gene – Video
Posted: at 5:41 am
Genome Evolution Gene
Buy from Amazon CA Site Product Description Genome Evolution Gene In the years since the publication of Susumu Ohno #39;s 1970 landmark book Evolution by gene duplication tremendous advances have been made in molecular biology and especially in genomics. Studies of genome structure and function prerequisite to testing hypotheses of genome evolution were all but impossible until recent methodological advances.This book evaluates newly generated empirical evidence as it pertains to theories of genomic evolutionary patterns and processes. Tests of hypotheses using analyses of complete genomes, interpreted in a phylogenetic context, provide evidence regarding the relative importance of gene duplication. The alternative explanation is that the evolution of regulatory elements that control the expression of and interactions among genes has been a more important force in shaping evolutionary innovation.This collection of papers will be of interest to all academic and industry researchers working in the fields of molecular biology, biotechnology, genomics and genome centers. Disclaimer: Orchid is a participant in the, Inc. Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon CA Site. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon, Inc. or its affiliates.From:Grover WallsViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:41More inScience Technology
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Advances in DNA – Video
Posted: at 5:41 am
Advances in DNA
Buy from Amazon CA Site Product Description Advances in DNA This series encompasses design, synthesis, application, and analytical methods (including clinical and in vitro) for the study of these critical interactions. As our understanding of the genome and proteome expands, general developments in the field of DNA sequence specific interaction are likely to play an increasingly important role. Accordingly, manuscripts have been solicited from experts covering a diverse range of fields, reflecting the cross-disciplinary and dynamic nature of the series.Volume 4 describes work on the modification of DNA by AT specific anticancer drugs, DNA alkylation events which involve metabolite generation, DNA sequence recognition by two selective binders, bulged DNA microenvironments as molecular targets, DNA sequence specific binding by short peptides and the analysis of DNA-protein interactions using DNase I footprinting methodology.Features include: bull; Expert contributors from the Biomedical world bull; Emerging areas of drug design and therapeutic applications bull; Nucleic acid-protein interactions bull; Color graphics of molecular modeling analyses bull; New and emerging methodologies Disclaimer: Orchid is a participant in the, Inc. Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon CA Site. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon, Inc. or its affiliates.From:Nathanial LeggViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:41More inScience Technology
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Molecular Breeding of – Video
Posted: at 5:41 am
Molecular Breeding of
Buy from Amazon CA Site Product Description Molecular Breeding of Forage plant breeding has entered the genome era. This timely book reviews the latest advances in the development and application of molecular technologies which supplement conventional breeding efforts for our major forage crops. It describes the plethora of new technologies and tools now available for high-throughput gene discovery, genome-wide gene expression analysis, production of transgenic plants, genome analysis and marker-assisted selection as applied to forage plants. Detailed accounts are presented of current and future opportunities for innovative applications of these molecular tools and technologies in the identification, functional characterisation, and use of valuable genes in forage production systems and beyond. This book represents a valuable resource for plant breeders, geneticists, and molecular biologists, and will be of particular relevance to advanced undergraduates, postgraduates, and researchers with an interest in forage legumes and grasses. Disclaimer: Orchid is a participant in the, Inc. Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon CA Site. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon, Inc. or its affiliates.From:Kimberley BroomeViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:42More inScience Technology
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12/15/12 – Room By Room – Blast Camp – Foxhound – MK18 Mod 1 – Video
Posted: at 5:41 am
12/15/12 - Room By Room - Blast Camp - Foxhound - MK18 Mod 1
Blast Camp was an excellent field. There was a lot of building to building action so we got to clear rooms like we practiced. We played aggressively, gaining a lot of the buildings for our team and eventually, Genome was able to neutralize Santa. The game was over an hour long, so a lot had to be cut out and shortened. Hope you enjoy!From:IllestAirsoftViews:4 1ratingsTime:15:46More inEntertainment
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12/15/12 - Room By Room - Blast Camp - Foxhound - MK18 Mod 1 - Video
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The Frost Interview – Craig Venter: Designing life – Video
Posted: at 5:41 am
The Frost Interview - Craig Venter: Designing life
Sir David Frost meets the scientist who first sequenced the human genome and went on to create artificial life.From:AlJazeeraEnglishViews:655 46ratingsTime:47:25More inNews Politics
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The Frost Interview - Craig Venter: Designing life - Video
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