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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Television Christmas -Live 11-29-2009 – Video
Posted: December 25, 2012 at 11:41 am
Television Christmas -Live 11-29-2009
Anthony Gregory On Freedom Watch with Judge Andrew Napolitano. 7-11-2011. Why the Left Fears Libertarianism lewrockwell.comFrom:Alfred GregoryViews:1 0ratingsTime:03:31More inNews Politics
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Television Christmas -Live 11-29-2009 - Video
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Transhuman Perfection: The Eradication of Disability by Transhuman Technologies – Video
Posted: at 11:41 am
Transhuman Perfection: The Eradication of Disability by Transhuman Technologies
This paper is to examine the transhuman technologies that seek to eradicate disability - primarily prostheses and implants. While most would agree that disability denies individuals the same quality of life as those deemed "abled," this eradication ultimately relies upon secular humanist notions of the perfect human. Transhuman technologies hold obvious implications for the human body, however they also hold implications for what it means to be an acceptable body; ultimately these technologies aim to create the perfect human by eradicating the disabled Other. This paper uses these notions to question concepts of "heirarchies of life," at which disabled individuals are most commonly moved towards the bottom, or at the very least considered nonhuman. This paper consults contemporary transhumanist scholars such as Nick Bostrom and Simon Young to examine the ideologies transhumanism operates within and the technologies used to meet these requirements, and seeks to provide alternative theory to the eradication of disability, which states that these individuals may not have the same mode of existence, but that their mode/s are just as valid as those lived by "abled" individuals. This paper also examines the technology of Braille, which I will posit exists as a transhuman technology - however, this technology does not seek to eradicate disability, but work with the disability to acknowledge this mode of existence as valid. David-Jack Fletcher PhD Candidate, Faculty of Arts ...From:David-Jack FletcherViews:2 0ratingsTime:19:19More inEducation
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Transhuman Perfection: The Eradication of Disability by Transhuman Technologies - Video
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Waking the Dreamer Transhuman, Book 1 (Unabridged) Audiobook – Video
Posted: at 11:41 am
Waking the Dreamer Transhuman, Book 1 (Unabridged) Audiobook Tyler meets Eena, a girl who Tyler quickly realizes hides a strange mystery....From:Ikar HaranViews:0 0ratingsTime:04:01More inEntertainment
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Waking the Dreamer Transhuman, Book 1 (Unabridged) Audiobook - Video
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Touch of Magic (1961) – Video
Posted: at 11:41 am
Touch of Magic (1961)
General Motors 1961 Motorama film presenting new cars, appliances and futuristic ideas at their most banal. Producer: MPO Television Films, Inc. Sponsor: General Motors Audio/Visual: Sd, C Keywords: Futurism; Automobiles: Advertising; Houses and homes: Kitchens Creative Commons license: Public DomainFrom:James ParksViews:1 0ratingsTime:10:36More inEntertainment
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Touch of Magic (1961) - Video
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Ian Pearson Futurist Keynote Speaker – Video
Posted: at 11:41 am
Ian Pearson Futurist Keynote Speaker
BT #39;s former Futurologist for 15 years, Ian keeps track of developments across the whole field of technology and informing BT on emerging opportunities and threats. He has numerous awards to his credit including #39;BT #39;s Best External Thought Leader 2005 #39;.From:SpeakersCViews:2 0ratingsTime:01:29More inPeople Blogs
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SRL 12/22/12 – Video
Posted: at 11:41 am
SRL 12/22/12
SRL at Extreme Futurist Fest 2012 srl.orgFrom:Dak UltimakViews:2 0ratingsTime:00:39More inMusic
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SRL 12/22/12 - Video
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The House of Tomorrow (Unabridged) Audiobook – Video
Posted: at 11:41 am
The House of Tomorrow (Unabridged) Audiobook Sebastian Prendergast lives in a geodesic dome with his eccentric grandmother, who homeschooled him in the teachings of futurist philosopher R. Buckminster Fuller....From:Aaron StexViews:0 0ratingsTime:05:03More inNonprofits Activism
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The House of Tomorrow (Unabridged) Audiobook - Video
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Future of Innovation
Posted: at 11:41 am
Future of Innovation Business: From Ego to Eco. Futurist Speaker Gerd Leonhard Porto Alegre 2012
This is the complete video of my talk at the 5th Congress of Innovation in Porto Alegre in Brazil, October 30th 2012 see Thanks to FIERGS for making this video available. You can download my slides here: or visit my Slideshare page for another 118 slideshows: 🙂 In this talk I cover a wide variety of topics such as the rebooting of capitalism (as #39;natural #39; or #39;sustainable #39; capitalism), Growth National Happiness vs GDP, the triple bottom line, the shift to a networked / social-local-mobile society, social media and the future of social technologies, future innovation opportunities for Brazil, the shift of power to the BRIC countries... and much more Please note: You can now download most of my videos by simply subscribing to this iTunes video feed (via *** audio-only versions are now available here: or on the web at My vimeo channel is here Enjoy! Gerd Leonhard Futurist, Author and Keynote Speaker Basel / Switzerland CEO Media Blog Gerd #39;s mobile apps: The Future of Business blog Public Speaking schedule: Twitter: Need even more links? about.meFrom:Gerd LeonhardViews:9 0ratingsTime:47:18More inPeople Blogs
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Future of Innovation
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SRL 12/22/12 in LA – Video
Posted: at 11:40 am
SRL 12/22/12 in LA
SRL at Extreme Futurist Fest 2012 srl.orgFrom:Dak UltimakViews:2 0ratingsTime:06:02More inMusic
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futurist christmas tree in brussels – Video
Posted: at 11:40 am
futurist christmas tree in brussels
2012 Christmas tree of Brussels city (in Grand Place) Big polemic about this tree... Anyway, nice moment, nice light show and Happy Christmas!!From:xofpirsonViews:1 2ratingsTime:02:51More inPeople Blogs
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futurist christmas tree in brussels - Video
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