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Category Archives: Transhuman News
The Astaires – Mail Your Love – Video
Posted: December 26, 2012 at 6:43 pm
The Astaires - Mail Your Love
The Astaries are: Cromm Fallon, Jonny Catchings, and Ron Paul Gavino Recorded by Dakota McCullough keys by Zach FlynnFrom:musictunes100Views:16 1ratingsTime:03:05More inMusic
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The Astaires - Mail Your Love - Video
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Obama Nation ~ Drone Death – Video
Posted: at 6:43 pm
Obama Nation ~ Drone Death
There is no rule of Law anymore. We the People have fallen down on the Job. We have allowed State sanctioned Murder of American Citizens without any due Process. Our President does not have the authority to circumvent the Constitution, which apparently means nothing to these Monsters. All of you Ron Paul people get off of your Ass. This will be a huge year for Liberty as the masses begin to feel the noose tighten around their neck. Get out of the box and stay there. We will replace the current system with a Constitutional one. We have to stop the murder going on in our name. Here we have a clear violation of the 5th amendment and everything decent. There is no expiration date for prosecuting the Murder of the Innocent. This is for the Family of Abdulrahman al-Awlaki. My heart breaks for these people and my Country. Please stand up and stop the madness. Obama can and should be impeached, and then imprisoned. End the Wars End the Fed Restore Individual Liberty It takes 1/3 The Spirit Merry Christmas Great Job to the reporter at For Educational Purposes only.From:rtxyz1Views:5 1ratingsTime:12:59More inNews Politics
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Thank You Ron Paul – Video
Posted: at 6:43 pm
Thank You Ron Paul
Ron Paul is leaving Congress (so sad). What has been his greatest accomplishment (having an audit of the Fed, waking up thousands of individuals, or what).From:AltInvestorshangoutViews:33 7ratingsTime:02:53More inNews Politics
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Thank You Ron Paul - Video
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They underestimate US… (made with Spreaker) – Video
Posted: at 6:43 pm
They underestimate US... (made with Spreaker)
Source: Did they really think if Ron Paul lost, we would all just give up and go back to being sheep? See the passion in this episode for the man. It #39;s all still there. (Yes, this has parts from an old episode. I re-listened to it today, and wanted to replay it cause it still applies. Please Listen to the first caller calling after voting, and skip around if ya want. starts @ 14 minutes. The last 30 minute portion isn #39;t as important.) They can do whatever they want to us, but they can #39;t take our free will away. All they did was prove to us that they are as evil as we expected them to be and did go to such low levels to rig an election. Paranoia is in bloom, The PR transmissions will resume, They #39;ll try to push drugs that keep us all dumbed down, And hope that we will never see the truth around (So come on) Another promise, another scene, Another packaged lie to keep us trapped in greed, And all the green belts wrapped around our minds, And endless red tape to keep the truth confined (So come on) They will not force us, They will stop degrading us, They will not control us, We will be victorious (So come on) Interchanging mind control, Come let the revolution take it #39;s toll, If you could flick a switch and open your third eye, You #39;d see that We should never be afraid to die (So come on) Rise up and take the power back, It #39;s time the fat cats had a heart attack, You know that their time #39;s coming to an end, We have to unify and watch our flag ascend They ...From:LibertarianAnnViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:18:52More inEntertainment
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They underestimate US... (made with Spreaker) - Video
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Ron Paul: Government Security Is Just Another Kind of Violence – Video
Posted: at 6:43 pm
Ron Paul: Government Security Is Just Another Kind of Violence
This article by Congressman Ron Paul was originally published on his website December 24, 2012: The senseless and horrific killings last week in Newtown, Connecticut reminded us that a determined individual or group of individuals can cause great harm no matter what laws are in place. Connecticut already has restrictive gun laws relative to other states, including restrictions on fully automatic, so-called "assault" rifles and gun-free zones. Predictably, the political left responded to the tragedy with emotional calls for increased gun control. This is understandable, but misguided. The impulse to have government "do something" to protect us in the wake national tragedies is reflexive and often well intentioned. Many Americans believe that if we simply pass the right laws, future horrors like the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting can be prevented. But this impulse ignores the self evident truth that criminals don #39;t obey laws. The political right, unfortunately, has fallen into the same trap in its calls for quick legislative solutions to gun violence. If only we put armed police or armed teachers in schools, we #39;re told, would-be school shooters will be dissuaded or stopped. While I certainly agree that more guns equals less crime and that private gun ownership prevents many shootings, I don #39;t agree that conservatives and libertarians should view government legislation, especially at the federal level, as the solution to violence. Real change can happen only when we commit ...From:LibertyInOurTimeViews:49 0ratingsTime:04:36More inNews Politics
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Ron Paul: Government Security Is Just Another Kind of Violence - Video
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Aimee Allen – Ron Paul Anthem at the Veterans after party in Washington DC – Video
Posted: at 6:43 pm
Aimee Allen - Ron Paul Anthem at the Veterans after party in Washington DC
20 February 2012 - Exclusive footage of Aimee Allen performing live at the Veterans march on the White House after party in Washington DC. Many Veterans from Brevard County, Florida were in attendance. The million dollar question is - What causes the coming together of all age groups ranging from 72 to 21 at this after party? The answer is simple. "LIBERTY" Ron Paul is a Liberty movement; not necessarily a person. The movement will move forward regardless if Ron Paul wins the Presidency in 2012.From:Brevard PostViews:0 0ratingsTime:04:57More inNonprofits Activism
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Aimee Allen - Ron Paul Anthem at the Veterans after party in Washington DC - Video
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Aimee Allen Ron Paul Anthem Reversed – Video
Posted: at 6:43 pm
Aimee Allen Ron Paul Anthem Reversed
From:AllFreeingEyeViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:57More inEducation
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Bridge Over Troubled Water guitar and piano music video – Video
Posted: at 6:43 pm
Bridge Over Troubled Water guitar and piano music video
A music video by: Nicholas Alexander aka The dixie Whistler. Forgive me for my vocals, I #39;ve never had lessons and I have never sung before. This is me playing the Piano, and guitar. Fingerstyle arranged by The Dixie Whistler. The piano is a Kohler Campbell Baby Grand. Guitar is a Martin D12X1AE (12 string) Footage is random photos and video of my life in the last year.... Thank you for watching, and merry christmas to you all! Please leave feedback. Negative or positive, I don #39;t mind. just try to be specific.. Also, Good luck to everyone as we all face the beginning of one of the worst depressions in world history, as we have all been conned by the American/world empire... Con artist I #39;m referring too: Bill clinton The Bush family Donald Rumsfeld condoleezza rice Dick Cheney Ronald Reagan Barack Obama and the rest of the democratic and republican parties. They are all part of the New world order... Heres a few politicians that seems ok, and legitimate so far: ( I say so far, because you can #39;t trust anyone in this day and age.... Dennis Kucinich Ron Paul Rand Paul Alex Jones (radio and news host) ( he seems crazy only because he is frustrated. he is ahead of his time and knows a lot of shit. and I mean ALOT! Be prepared, as we have already been stripped of our 1st, 4th, and soon to be 2nd amendment... Tyranny is here now, Martial law, Coming soon, to a theatre/town near you.From:Dixie WhistlerViews:0 0ratingsTime:03:46More inEntertainment
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Ron Paul on Playing the Game – Video
Posted: at 6:43 pm
Ron Paul on Playing the Game
Ron Paul on strategy, politics and congress. An excerpt from LibertarianismDotOrg #39;s video archive: "In this video Dr. Paul speaks to a crowd in San Francisco in 1990 at an International Society for Individual Liberty conference. Having run for office under the Libertarian Party #39;s banner two years prior, Dr. Paul shares his experience on how to sell libertarianism to make it palatable to both liberals and conservatives."From:Conza88Views:7 1ratingsTime:01:39More inNews Politics
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Jacob Arts – Letter from a Transhumanist to Nature – Video
Posted: at 6:43 pm
Jacob Arts - Letter from a Transhumanist to Nature
Jacob Arts competed at the Vic Slam indies in December. This is his poem #39;Letter from a Transhumanist to Nature. #39;From:vicpoetryslamViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:14More inEntertainment
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Jacob Arts - Letter from a Transhumanist to Nature - Video
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