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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Sumerian clues to DNA – Video
Posted: December 26, 2012 at 6:45 pm
Sumerian clues to DNA
From:Mike BratescuViews:0 0ratingsTime:10:28More inPeople Blogs
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Mew Currant transformation= Mew Bat transformation – Video
Posted: at 6:45 pm
Mew Currant transformation= Mew Bat transformation
Here #39;s my new character from Mew Mew. Her name #39;s Kuroi Batto and her DNA is bat(of course.xD) I wonder if I #39;ll do my fan- anime. Which name is better: Mew Currant or Mew Bat??From:patrycja309Views:1 0ratingsTime:00:21More inFilm Animation
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DNA 88-Rhyme over Reason | Directed By Ced Lynch Co-Directed By Deramus Cannon – Video
Posted: at 6:45 pm
DNA 88-Rhyme over Reason | Directed By Ced Lynch Co-Directed By Deramus Cannon
BGood, Big Civ, Vocab team up with Swiv3l Vision and Nue Lyfe Productions to hit you with an amazing visual for "Rhyme Over Reason" DNA 88-Rhyme over Reason Directed By Ced Lynch of SWIV3L VISION Co-Directed By Deramus Cannon of NUE LYFE PRODUCTIONS Edited By Ced Lynch Mixed Mastered By Josh Maunus at TOP OF THE WORLD STUDIOSFrom:Swiv3lVisionViews:1 0ratingsTime:03:55More inMusic
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DNA 88-Rhyme over Reason | Directed By Ced Lynch Co-Directed By Deramus Cannon - Video
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Tomasism #3 Sharing The Same DNA Doesnt Make You Family! – Video
Posted: at 6:45 pm
Tomasism #3 Sharing The Same DNA Doesnt Make You Family!
follow me on twitter sign up for counseling by emailing your request to tj@yourworldmyviews.comFrom:tomasismsViews:36 15ratingsTime:03:51More inPeople Blogs
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Tomasism #3 Sharing The Same DNA Doesnt Make You Family! - Video
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DNA 88-Rhyme over Reason-Big Civ ft Bgood and Vocab – Video
Posted: at 6:45 pm
DNA 88-Rhyme over Reason-Big Civ ft Bgood and Vocab
Some realities elude our abilities to discover what is true... Rhyme Over Reason is the newest single off of Big Civ #39;s album "Life Brings Pan" which will be available January 1st,2013! DNA 88...The 8 is for Infinity!! Directed By Ced Lynch of SWIV3L VISION Co-Directed By Deramus Cannon of NUE LYFE PRODUCTIONS Edited By Ced Lynch Mixed Mastered By Josh Maunus at TOP OF THE WORLD STUDIOSFrom:216dna88Views:1 0ratingsTime:03:55More inMusic
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DNA 88-Rhyme over Reason-Big Civ ft Bgood and Vocab - Video
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12.d Little Mix – DNA Grand Prix 2012 – Video
Posted: at 6:45 pm
12.d Little Mix - DNA Grand Prix 2012
From:Be #257;te B #275;rzi #326;aViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:55More inPeople Blogs
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12.d Little Mix - DNA Grand Prix 2012 - Video
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Discovery Channel – DNA Revealed – Video
Posted: at 6:45 pm
Discovery Channel - DNA Revealed
Those familiar with the ageLOC brand - resulting from the collaboration of Nu Skin, Pharmanex and LifeGen Technologies - will recognize the pioneers and science featured in this documentary. To learn more about the products emerging from innovation in the field of epigenetics visit http://www.nuoutlook.ageloc.comFrom:Nu OutlookViews:0 0ratingsTime:42:48More inScience Technology
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Discovery Channel - DNA Revealed - Video
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MASSIVE TASKFORCE OPERATION China fighting war against child smugglers networks crushed kids freed – Video
Posted: at 6:45 pm
MASSIVE TASKFORCE OPERATION China fighting war against child smugglers networks crushed kids freed
89 children saved 355 suspects arrested - That is the result of the latest operation in China to crack down on child smugglers. Police in nine provinces including Fujian, Yunnan, Sichuan, Anhui and Guangdong took part in the swoop, which began on December 18 and was months in the preparation. The Public Security Ministry is hailing this as a major victory against the traffickers. "The goal of this operation is to rescue all the abducted children, seize all suspects involved, and smash the criminal network," says the Director of the Criminal Division Liu Ancheng. Police are now taking DNA samples to help reunite families, thanks to a national DNA database that the ministry says has been put in place to fight against this trade. It is just the latest in a series of similar operations this year. Official statistics give an idea of the size of this illegal industry: since April 2009 and the crackdown 11000 networks have been dismantled and 54000 chilrden have been saved. Experts say China #39;s #39;One Child #39; policy is behind the crimewave. Introduced in 1979 and limiting all couples to just one child, Beijing estimates it kept 400 million new births from being added to the population in three decades. But it has produced some nasty side effects. "Next, we will cooperate with relevant departments to adopt measures in strengthening the penalty for those who buy abducted children, so as to decrease the demand which may lead to child trafficking," says the Director of the Anti ...From:WorldConflictReportViews:1 0ratingsTime:02:06More inNews Politics
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MASSIVE TASKFORCE OPERATION China fighting war against child smugglers networks crushed kids freed - Video
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Starchild Skull – The New Evidence – Lloyd Pye – Video
Posted: at 6:44 pm
Starchild Skull - The New Evidence - Lloyd Pye
Lloyd Pye - Starchild Skull - The New Evidence - Lloyd, who has worked as a Hollywood Screen Writer, author and lecturer, is a long time researcher into Hominids and Hominoids, will be discussing the world-famous Starchild Skull, a real bone skull found in Mexico in 1930. Lloyd illustrates 25 major physical differences between the Starchild and a normal human skull. He shows that several parts of the Starchild are not seen in any other skulls or bones on planet Earth! Most importantly, he delves into recent research on the Starchild #39;s DNA, which clearly shows that as soon as its entire genome is recovered and sequenced, its genetics will confirm it is vastly more distant from humans than are chimps or gorillas. The Starchild Skull represents history about to be made as big and as important as history can be made, so don #39;t miss this personal introduction to a relic that will establish once and for all that we humans are not alone in the universe....and never have been! See for more information about the Starchild and http for more information about Lloyd.From:checktheevidenceViews:284 17ratingsTime:01:52:21More inEducation
Starchild Skull - The New Evidence - Lloyd Pye - Video
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It Takes a Genome How a Clash Between Our Genes and Audiobook – Video
Posted: at 6:44 pm
It Takes a Genome How a Clash Between Our Genes and Audiobook Human beings have astonishing genetic vulnerabilities. More than half of us will die from complex diseases that trace directly to those vulnerabilities, and the modern world weve created places us at unprecedented risk from them....From:Bob DesenViews:0 0ratingsTime:04:23More inEntertainment
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