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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Ron Paul – The Revolution beyond 2012 – Video
Posted: December 28, 2012 at 1:45 am
Ron Paul - The Revolution beyond 2012
We need to stay active and continue the revolution we are going to change the world. Let #39;s give our children a chance.From:SaveAmericasLibertyViews:0 3ratingsTime:04:12More inNews Politics
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Ron Paul - The Revolution beyond 2012 - Video
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Ron Paul Rally @ Google 7-14-07 – Video
Posted: at 1:45 am
Ron Paul Rally @ Google 7-14-07
From:Shiloh LoganViews:1 0ratingsTime:38:19More inEntertainment
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Ron Paul Rally @ Google 7-14-07 - Video
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Ron Paul on FOX News 02/28/12 – Video
Posted: at 1:45 am
Ron Paul on FOX News 02/28/12
[MY CHANNEL] I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor ( KOUCHANViews:0 0ratingsTime:05:15More inNews Politics
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Ron Paul on FOX News 02/28/12 - Video
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Typical Ron Paul Supporter Ignorance EXPOSED PARODY – Video
Posted: at 1:45 am
Typical Ron Paul Supporter Ignorance EXPOSED PARODY
I am so sick of the conspiracy, naive Rom Paul supporters claiming some intellectual superiority despire their wacky and crazy beliefs which are non sensical. This is my Parody video of them.From:Podiatry AvengarViews:0 2ratingsTime:01:46More inNews Politics
Typical Ron Paul Supporter Ignorance EXPOSED PARODY - Video
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Posted: at 1:45 am
Ron Paul Girl Radio - every night @ 12:00 AM CST Libertarian Ann Live THIS IS A RE-UPLOAD FROM sailingmanuel Thanks, (Libertarian Ann, RonPaulGirl, Brooke) Join us at Call in! http and 37 other websites.From:LibertarianAnnViews:0 7ratingsTime:01:58More inNews Politics
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Ron Paul Texas Straight Talk, Talks on the Connecticut Shooting – Dec 24, 2012 – Video
Posted: at 1:45 am
Ron Paul Texas Straight Talk, Talks on the Connecticut Shooting - Dec 24, 2012
An abstract and broad overview of the social and legislative issues we are facing in relation to the Connecticut shooting. Ron Paul is a congressman in the House of Representatives for the Texas #39;s 14th congressional district. Special thanks to minnesotachris for making these recordings available every week. Kudos to Ron Paul for giving us an update every week. Transcripts are available on his website. 3ratingsTime:04:36More inNews Politics
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Ron Paul Texas Straight Talk, Talks on the Connecticut Shooting - Dec 24, 2012 - Video
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Armed Chinese Troops in Texas! – Video
Posted: at 1:45 am
Armed Chinese Troops in Texas!
Ron Paul 2012 Restore America Now!From:aZz7eChViews:2 0ratingsTime:03:11More inNews Politics
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Armed Chinese Troops in Texas! - Video
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Politics News by Wochit – army, Ron Paul, Benedict Dec 26 6:11 – Video
Posted: at 1:45 am
Politics News by Wochit - army, Ron Paul, Benedict Dec 26 6:11
163922 headlines title: Politics News - army, Ron Paul, Benedict headlines topic: Politics *************** article 1*************** article title: Head of Syrian Military Police Defects article sub title: The head of Syria #39;s military police has defected from the arm y and declared allegiance to the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad, acc ording to a video and a Syrian security source. article link: rs-syria-crisis-defection.html?partner=rss emc=rss *************** article 2*************** article title: Ron Paul Slams NRA Plan Recommending Armed Officers In Schools article sub title: Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) came out against the National Rifle A ssociation #39;s recommendation for armed officers in all schools in the wake of the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. article link: ml *************** article 3*************** article title: #39;End to the bloodshed #39;: Pope #39;s Christmas message article sub title: Pope Benedict said people should never lose hope for peace, e ven in conflict-riven Syria and in Nigeria where he spoke of "terrorism" against Christians. article link: d921aa5From:WochitGeneralNewsViews:2 0ratingsTime:00:47More inNews Politics
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Politics News by Wochit - army, Ron Paul, Benedict Dec 26 6:11 - Video
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CT: How cops helped school shooter – Video
Posted: at 1:45 am
CT: How cops helped school shooter
Sponsor: BlockChain.INFO - CT How cops - and government in general - helped school shooter. Just the parts they #39;ll admit to, not the conspiracy theories. nh guns news videos firearms new hampshire liberty. gun control ron paul connecticutt dave ridley report. new england cops government schools Creative commons license Adam Lanza Connecticut school shootings children newtown sandy hook. columbine massacres public schools police states, public domain footage. massacres ridleyreport elementary sandy free state project free to use. resistance movements live free or die, staters gary johnson assault weapons rifles handguns pistols libertarians revolvers joe biden politics political.From:RidleyReportViews:750 46ratingsTime:06:01More inNews Politics
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CT: How cops helped school shooter - Video
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Texas Seccession Ron Paul – Video
Posted: at 1:45 am
Texas Seccession Ron Paul
Texas SeccessionFrom:Shawn LynchViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:55More inEntertainment
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Texas Seccession Ron Paul - Video
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