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School Shooter's DNA to Be Studied
Posted: December 28, 2012 at 1:47 am
Geneticists have been asked to study the DNA of Adam Lanza, the Connecticut man whose shooting rampage killed 27 people, including an entire first grade class.
The study, which experts believe may be the first of its kind, is expected to be looking for abnormalities or mutations in Lanza's DNA.
Connecticut Medical Examiner H. Wayne Carver has reached out to University of Connecticut's geneticists to conduct the study.
University of Connecticut spokesperson Tom Green says Carver "has asked for help from our department of genetics" and they are "willing to give any assistance they can."
Green said he could not provide details on the project, but said it has not begun and they are "standing by waiting to assist in any way we can."
Lanza, 20, carried out the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., just days before Christmas. His motives for the slaughter remain a mystery.
Geneticists not directly involved in the study said they are likely looking at Lanza's DNA to detect a mutation or abnormality that could increase the risk of aggressive or violent behavior. They could analyze Lanza's entire genome in great detail and try to find unexpected mutations.
This seems to be the first time a study of this nature has been conducted, but it raises concerns in some geneticists and others in the field that there could be a stigma attached to people with these genetic characteristics if they are able to be narrowed down.
Arthur Beaudet, a professor at Baylor College of Medicine, said the University of Connecticut geneticists are most likely trying to "detect clear abnormalities of what we would call a mutation in a geneor gene abnormalities and there are some abnormalities that are related to aggressive behavior."
"They might look for mutations that might be associated with mental illnesses and ones that might also increase the risk for violence," said Beaudet, who is also the chairman of Baylor College of Medicine's department of molecular and human genetics.
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Nuclear Mechanics
Posted: at 1:46 am
Nuclear Mechanics Genome Regulation Nuclear Mechanics Genome Regulation In recent years new discoveries have made this an exciting and important field of research. This comprehensive volume presentscomprehensive chapters and detailed background information for researchers working with in the field of Nuclear Mechanics and Genome Regulation.* Both classic and state-of-the-art methods readily adaptable and designed to last the test of time * Relevant to clinicians and scientists working in a wide range of fields Publisher: Academic Press Illustration: N Language: ENG Title: Nuclear Mechanics Genome Regulation Pages: 00392 (Encrypted PDF) On Sale: 2010-09-09 SKU-13/ISBN: 9780123810090 Category: Science : Life Sciences - Molecular Biology Category: Science : Life Sciences - Biochemistry Category: Science : Life Sciences - Cell Biology In recent years new discoveries have made this an exciting and important field of research. This comprehensive volume presentscomprehensive chapters and detailed background information for resea science, life sciences, molecular biology, biochemistryFrom:TroyAndrukViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:11More inPeople Blogs
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Genome sequencing may help identify new drug targets for Pneumocystis pneumonia
Posted: at 1:46 am
Washington, December 27 (ANI): Scientists have sequenced the genome of the fungus Pneumocystis jirovecii, which is responsible for Pneumocystis pneumonia, a common and often deadly infection in immunocompromised patients.
This could help identify new targets for drugs to treat and prevent
The organism cannot yet be isolated and grown for study in the laboratory, so details about Pneumocystis pneumonia, the biology of P. jirovecii, and its pathogenicity are hard to come by. The genome sequence represents a wealth of new information for doctors and researchers tackling this disease.
Pneumocystis pneumonia is an opportunistic infection that strikes most often in individuals with diminished immune systems.
The disease gained importance in the 1980s, said Philippe Hauser of the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, in Switzerland, corresponding author of the study.
"Recognized first among malnourished infants, P. jirovecii pneumonia became a public issue with the advent of the HIV epidemic," stated Hauser.
Today, the disease most commonly affects HIV-infected persons who are unaware of their status as well as solid organ transplant recipients and patients with hemato-oncologic or autoimmune diseases. Since the organism cannot be grown in the lab for study, researchers have long made do with studying P. jirovecii's lab-friendly relatives, species that infect animals and plants, in order to explore the secrets of the human disease.
In the study of infectious disease, access to the genome of a pathogen provides new information that can be pivotal in combating the diseases is causes. The hope is that the genome of P. jirovecii will lead to new advances in therapies for those suffering from Pneumocystis pneumonia.
The study was to be published in mBio, the online open-access journal of the American Society for Microbiology. (ANI)
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Drake’s Mid-Week Update – Wednesday Wed, December 26, Mercury, Kills Neurons – Video
Posted: at 1:46 am
Drake #39;s Mid-Week Update - Wednesday Wed, December 26, Mercury, Kills Neurons
Drake #39;s Mid-Week Update - Wednesday Wed, December 26, 2012 Recent Intel Summary Every member of the National Security Council, (names are a matter of public record) since the "hotel California began should be charged as a war criminal under current international law, and that includes Colin Powell, Condi Rice and all the rest, Rumsfeld, Cheney ,etc. etc. Exact Location of "Hotel California" I am Adam Lanza #39;s Doctor by Rima E Laibow, MD Genome Disruption Syndrome (GDS) For more Information Visit www, Please send your message to your representatives through the form below Mercury Kills Neurons - Riveting Demonstration from the University of Calgary BREAKING -- EXCLUSIVE: NY Paper Publishes Legal Gun Permit Holders Names in Print Online! The History of the House of Rothchild Scroll Down / quite extensive / don #39;t know if its true or not Things Heating Up in DC americannationalmilitia.comFrom:superJohnwildViews:19 3ratingsTime:37:39More inNews Politics
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Drake's Mid-Week Update - Wednesday Wed, December 26, Mercury, Kills Neurons - Video
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Breaking Free/The Eczema Project – Video
Posted: at 1:46 am
Breaking Free/The Eczema Project
This is me and my cousins rendition of the song Breaking Free from the Disney Channel movie High School Musical. Instead, we called it Breaking Eczema in honor of my cousin Teresa Antolin because it was her birthday.:):) But she #39;s a pretty awesome singer to make up for it.;) ENJOYYYY!:) Piano: Michael Antolin Vocals: Teresa Antolin and Abigail Ruz Ft. Alyssa AntolinFrom:Abigail RuzViews:3 0ratingsTime:03:32More inEntertainment
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Thinking about Lemonade Mash Up[Frank Ocean
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Thinking about Lemonade Mash Up[Frank Ocean Jeremy Passion]
I like eczema.;) This was a little creation that happened on accident when my cousin Michael was playing the piano and singing a song and I decided to join in. 🙂 anyways, see what happened. ENJOYYYY!:):) HAPPY BIRTHDAY TERESA!!:D Piano Vocals: Michael Antolin Vocal: Abigail RuzFrom:Abigail RuzViews:11 2ratingsTime:02:41More inEntertainment
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Dallas-based TopMD Skin Care Announces New Medical Advisory Board Member
Posted: at 1:46 am
High-profile dermatologist, Dr. Mary Lupo, joins TopMD medical advisory board.
Dallas, TX (PRWEB) December 27, 2012
Dr. Lupo, owner of the Lupo Center for Aesthetic and General Dermatology in New Orleans, is a nationally acclaimed and board-certified dermatologist and nationally renowned educator in the field of cosmetic dermatology. While pursuing her medical degree, she founded Tulane Universitys residents cosmetic clinic during her second year of residency, which she continues to staff as a clinical professor. Dr. Lupo is past president of the Womens Dermatologic Society; a member of the American Academy of Dermatology and American Society for Dermatologic Surgery; the Louisiana vice-chair for the Dermatology Foundation; and a member of the Annenberg Circle. Dr. Lupo instructs other physicians on the latest techniques for aging skin correction at meetings such as Cosmetic Boot Camp, AAD and ASDS.
"I am very pleased to be joining the TopMD Skin Care medical advisory board, Dr. Lupo said. I have been recommending CLn BodyWash in my practice for several months and have found it beneficial as a cleanser for many medical conditions, such as eczema and seborrheic dermatitis, as well as utilizing it in my office pre-treatment just before excisions for cosmetic procedures such as filler injections and laser resurfacing."
Dr. Lupo joins 12 other well-known dermatologists who comprise TopMDs medical advisory board, will be instrumental in advisement for continued development of the CLn product line, reviewing clinical trial protocols and evaluating applications of the product(s).
Were honored to have Dr. Lupo join our medical advisory board and feel her advisement will be integral as we continue to grow the CLn line and expand our product offerings, said Dr. Azam Anwar, founder of TopMD Skin Care. TopMD Skin Care is fortunate to have an esteemed medical advisory board who have highly acclaimed credentials representing all facets of dermatology. Their professional goals align with our goal to change lives of adults and children with microbe associated skin disorders, like eczema, acne and rosacea. We know that our products can have a positive impact on all dermatological procedures, and we look forward to the year ahead with our newest board member.
For more information about TopMD Skin Care and CLn products, please visit
About TopMD Skin Care
Founded by Texas physicians, Azam Anwar, M.D., and highly regarded dermatopathologist Clay Cockerell, M.D., TopMD Skin Care released its premier product, CLn BodyWash, in the first quarter of 2012. As an over-the-counter, non-prescription product, CLn BodyWash is an innovative, non-irritating gel cleanser designed to effectively cleanse skin prone to eczema, acne, folliculitis and rosacea. Developed by dermatologists, the cleanser has been clinically tested to be safe and effective in children (6 months and older). CLn BodyWash can be used in the shower or bath head to toe and emulates the effectiveness of a bleach bath with greater convenience and portability. A complimentary product, CLn SportWash, was launched in the last quarter of 2012.
CLn BodyWash, which received the National Eczema Associations Seal of Acceptance in 2012, is currently sold in select physicians offices; online at; and at select pharmacies.
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Plummer dec 2012 017.AVI – Video
Posted: at 1:46 am
Plummer dec 2012 017.AVI
We love have a whole house water filtration system. Our eczema, acne and dry skin has all cleared up. It is all due to changing the quality of water in our home.From:WTSofKansasCityViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:13More inNews Politics
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Psoriasis – 25 Premium Plr Articles Pack! – Video
Posted: at 1:46 am
Psoriasis - 25 Premium Plr Articles Pack! Psoriasis - 25 Premium Plr Articles Pack! High Quality Content with Private Label Rights 25 Psoriasis PLR Articles Topics:- An Introduction To Psoriasis An Overview Of The Different Kinds Of Psoriasis Common Misconceptions About Psoriasis Diagnosis And Treatment For Psoriasis Different Types Of Psoriasis Effects Of Psoriasis In Your Life History Of Psoriasis Identifying The Symptoms Of Psoriasis Looking At The Causes Of Psoriasis Minimizing Psoriasis Symptoms Overview Of Usual Psoriasis Treatments Psoriasis and Its Effect on Overall Quality of Life Psoriasis Treatment Psoriasis Triggers Psoriatic Arthritis Several Home Remedies For Psoriasis Sunlight As A Psoriasis Treatment Treatments For Psoriasis Triggers Of Psoriasis Types Of Psoriasis Understanding Scalp Psoriasis Understanding What Is Psoriasis What Causes Psoriasis What Is Psoriasis What Psoriasis Really Is All articles are written by Professional Writers These are well written articles that are Approximately 550-700 words each. Every article in .txt format for easy editing. Use the content on : Blogs/Web Content Report Social Sites Autoresponder Message Series Convert to Audios ebook Personal Education, Tips Training Translate to any language you choose Whatever you might imagine... High Quality Content with Private Label Rights 25 Psoriasis PLR Articles Topics:- An Introduction To Psoriasis An Overview Of The Different Kinds Of Psoriasis Common Misconceptions Abo psoriasis, psoriatic, eczema, psoriasis ...From:TomHodgesMasterViews:1 0ratingsTime:00:12More inPeople Blogs
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Hair Botox – Anti-Aging Hair Treatment Miami – Video
Posted: at 1:46 am
Hair Botox - Anti-Aging Hair Treatment Miami
Hair Botox is a revolutionary treatment which focuses on restoring lost protein into the hair, strand by strand. HairBotox does not use ANY harmful chemicals, is a safe enough to use on pregnant women as it uses glycolic acid found in natural sugar cabe. Because of the excellent exfoliating effect of this acid HairBotox helps with scalp conditions such as dandruff and psoriasis. Promises: silky, healthy, smooth and frizz-free hair. But this product is actually eco-friendly and 100% formaldehyde-freeFrom:Alejandra JimViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:16More inHowto Style
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