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Category Archives: Transhuman News
CPreports 12/28/12 – Putin Bans Adoption for US Citizens, China Censorship, New Years Resolutions – Video
Posted: December 29, 2012 at 8:44 am
CPreports 12/28/12 - Putin Bans Adoption for US Citizens, China Censorship, New Years Resolutions
So it's official Russian President Vladimir Putin is a petty and heartless man - but we have been suspecting that all along now...haven't we? In response to the US introducing the Magnitsky law, which is supposed to punish corrupt Russian human rights abusers, who on a regular basis tend to discart of people who might reveal their criminal doings...Putin decided to retaliate by punishing Russia's innocent orphans, and signed a law today banning US citizens from adopting Russian children. Great move Mr.President, instead of waging war against political and business corruption, he decided to take away the chance of a better life from innocent young children. Oh and by the way Russian orphanages are notorious for abusing the children they are supposed to be taking care of. Russian orphanages are underfunded, understaffed and over populated with children. So really there is nothing else to say but good move President Putin, you really showed it to the US - and just to make it clear...I am being very sarcastic! We had high hopes for China and its new leadership but instead, China unveiled tighter Internet controls, legalizing the deletion of posts or pages which are deemed to contain "illegal" information and requiring service providers to hand over such information to the authorities for punishment. The rules signal that the new leadership headed by Communist Party chief Xi Jinping will continue to restrict the use of the Internet for rare open debate. Chinese authorities and ...
By: CorporateProfile
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CPreports 12/28/12 - Putin Bans Adoption for US Citizens, China Censorship, New Years Resolutions - Video
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Internet Censorship.flv – Video
Posted: at 8:44 am
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DP Show-The Hunger Games’ Lessons on Libertarianism-Part 1 – Video
Posted: at 8:44 am
DP Show-The Hunger Games' Lessons on Libertarianism-Part 1
The DP Show discusses the Libertarian themes had in Suzanne Collins' The Hunger Games...
By: LexMallaBooks
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DP Show-The Hunger Games' Lessons on Libertarianism-Part 1 - Video
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DP Show-The Hunger Games’ Lessons on Libertarianism-Part 2 – Video
Posted: at 8:44 am
DP Show-The Hunger Games' Lessons on Libertarianism-Part 2
The DP Show discusses the Libertarian themes had in Suzanne Collins' The Hunger Games...
By: LexMallaBooks
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DP Show-The Hunger Games' Lessons on Libertarianism-Part 2 - Video
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Do Transhumanists (or theists) REALLY desire immortality? – Video
Posted: at 8:44 am
Do Transhumanists (or theists) REALLY desire immortality?
Because I'm not convinced. Same with theists. Which is why you never hear a theist spend hour upon hour describing in exquisite detail the joy of living in heaven for ETERNITY. And which is why you rarely hear a transhumanist talk about IMMORTALITY without demanding a get out clause.
By: DerivedEnergy
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Do Transhumanists (or theists) REALLY desire immortality? - Video
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Dec 27, 2012 Russia_ISS crew sends festive greetings to Earth – Video
Posted: December 28, 2012 at 1:47 am
Dec 27, 2012 Russia_ISS crew sends festive greetings to Earth
Crewmembers on the International Space Station - three Russians, two Americans and one Canadian - have received season #39;s greetings from Father Frost. The Russian equivalent of Santa Claus invited the space travellers to come to his home when they get back to Earth. The Russian cosmonauts thanked Father Frost for his invitation and said their children will be happy to visit him in Veliky Ustyug. The crew also sent their festive wishes to everyone back on Earth. The Great Day of Annihilation http://www.facebook.comFrom:Felonious VendettaViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:53More inNews Politics
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Dec 27, 2012 Russia_ISS crew sends festive greetings to Earth - Video
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APRS via ISS – Video
Posted: at 1:47 am
APRS via ISS (International Space Station) over JN39AF - 26/12/2012 Kenwood TMD 700 Vertical Antenna Diamond X50n UISS by ON6MU, AGWPE by SV2AGW and Hamradiodeluxe for Sat trackingFrom:F0ESVViews:1 0ratingsTime:07:35More inPeople Blogs
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APRS via ISS - Video
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ISS Update – Dec. 27, 2012 – Video
Posted: at 1:47 am
ISS Update - Dec. 27, 2012
The International Space Station update video for Dec. 27, 2012.From:ReelNASAViews:141 14ratingsTime:05:51More inScience Technology
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ISS Update - Dec. 27, 2012 - Video
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Sounds From Space – Video
Posted: at 1:47 am
Sounds From Space
When you #39;re on board the International Space Station, you can #39;t open a window to hear what #39;s going on outside. Astronaut Commander Chris Hadfield decided to record the ambient sounds inside the Space Station and shared it with all of us.From:TheWeatherChannelViews:28 2ratingsTime:00:31More inNews Politics
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Sounds From Space - Video
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Quadrantids-ISS-MeteorTrain – Video
Posted: at 1:47 am
Quadrantids, International Space Station (ISS) and MeteorTrain over Lake Minnewanka, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada on January 3/4, 2011.From:Yuichi TakasakaViews:2 1ratingsTime:00:46More inScience Technology
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Quadrantids-ISS-MeteorTrain - Video
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