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Posted: December 30, 2012 at 5:48 pm


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Ron Paul and the Idiocy of the ‘Fiscal Cliff’ debate – Video

Posted: at 5:48 pm

Ron Paul and the Idiocy of the #39;Fiscal Cliff #39; debate
Ron Paul and his view on the Fiscal Cliff debate.

By: Andere Perspektive

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Ron Paul and the Idiocy of the 'Fiscal Cliff' debate - Video

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Ron Paul is Controlled Opposition Says EX CIA Officer – Video

Posted: at 5:48 pm

Ron Paul is Controlled Opposition Says EX CIA Officer

By: DaSHikie007

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Ron Paul is Controlled Opposition Says EX CIA Officer - Video

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Ron Paul rips NRA plan for officers in every school

Posted: at 5:48 pm

Retiring Republican Rep. Ron Paul pushed back Monday against the National Rifle Association's call for installing armed officers in every school, warning that the move could create a TSA-style maze of checkpoints and surveillance cameras -- with limited effect.

"School shootings, no matter how horrific, do not justify creating an Orwellian surveillance state in America," Paul said in a written statement.

The congressman, among the most libertarian-leaning on the Hill, is the first Republican in Congress to forcefully oppose the NRA's proposal. NRA head Wayne LaPierre on Friday urged federal funding to overhaul America's school security, a plan that would include posting a guard in every school.

LaPierre argued that, in the wake of the Connecticut mass murders, it only makes sense to protect students the same way the country protects banks and elected leaders -- with armed security.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun," he said.

But Paul -- who said he agrees that "more guns equals less crime" and "private gun ownership prevents many shootings" -- nevertheless chided the NRA for its plan, describing it as a government solution that could infringe on liberty.

"Do we really want to live in a world of police checkpoints, surveillance cameras, metal detectors, X-ray scanners and warrantless physical searches? We see this culture in our airports: witness the shabby spectacle of once proud, happy Americans shuffling through long lines while uniformed TSA agents bark orders. This is the world of government provided 'security,' a world far too many Americans now seem to accept or even endorse," Paul said.

Paul, during his more than two decades in Congress and three presidential runs, has earned a reputation for going against the grain of his party. He has been famously anti-defense spending and anti-anything that smacks of too much government.

While chastising Democrats for their renewed calls for gun control, he claimed the call for more school officers is in the same vein.

"Predictably, the political left responded to the tragedy with emotional calls for increased gun control. This is understandable, but misguided. The impulse to have government 'do something' to protect us in the wake national tragedies is reflexive and often well intentioned," Paul said. "The political right, unfortunately, has fallen into the same trap in its calls for quick legislative solutions to gun violence. If only we put armed police or armed teachers in schools, we're told, would-be school shooters will be dissuaded or stopped."

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Ron Paul rips NRA plan for officers in every school

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Ron Paul denounces NRA plan

Posted: at 5:48 pm

Outgoing Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) distanced himself Monday from a National Rifle Association proposal to place armed guards at every school, saying government security is just another kind of violence.

(PHOTOS: Ron Paul through the years)

He said the federal government should not try to pursue unobtainable safety with state-sanctioned security and claimed Democratic and Republican lawmakers have zero moral authority to legislate against violence.

This is the world of government provided security, a world far too many Americans now seem to accept or even endorse, Paul said in a statement on his website. School shootings, no matter how horrific, do not justify creating an Orwellian surveillance state in America.

He continued: Only a totalitarian society would even claim absolute safety as a worthy ideal, because it would require total state control over its citizens lives. We shouldnt settle for substituting one type of violence for another.

In his criticism of progressives calling for more gun restrictions, Paul said new laws wont dissuade or prevent a madman with a gun from killing innocents.

Predictably, the political left responded to the tragedy with emotional calls for increased gun control, he said. This is understandable, but misguided. The impulse to have government do something to protect us in the wake of national tragedies is reflexive and often well intentioned. But this impulse ignores the self evident truth that criminals dont obey laws.

(Also on POLITICO: In Newtown, Christmas messages of hope)

Here is the original post:
Ron Paul denounces NRA plan

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Ron Paul Blasts NRA, Liberals Over Gun Issue

Posted: at 5:48 pm

Rep. Ron Paul speaks at a rally at the University of South Florida in August.

Rep. Ron Paul, not one to shy away from controversy, has blasted the National Rifle Association for proposing that every school hire armed guards to protect against mass shootings, and has also condemned liberals for promoting more government control of guns.

[ALSO: Ron Paul Rips Government in Last House Speech]

Referring to the massacre in Newtown, Conn., Paul said, "Predictably, the political left responded to the tragedy with emotional calls for increased gun control. This is understandable, but misguided. The impulse to have government 'do something' to protect us in the wake of national tragedies is reflexive and often well intentioned. Many Americans believe that if we simply pass the right laws, future horrors like the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting can be prevented. But this impulse ignores the self evident truth that criminals don't obey laws. The political right, unfortunately, has fallen into the same trap in its calls for quick legislative solutions to gun violence. If only we put armed police or armed teachers in schools, we're told, would-be school shooters would be dissuaded or stopped. While I certainly agree that more guns equals less crime and that private gun ownership prevents many shootings. I don't agree that conservatives and libertarians should view government legislation, especially at the federal level, as the solution to violence."

Paul is one of the few Republican members of Congress to criticize the right over the gun issue. He is retiring from Congress but remains an iconic figure among libertarians.

[READ: Ron Paul Reacts to NRA's Proposal for Police Officers in Every School]

Criticizing the NRA proposal, Paul said, "Do we really want to live in a world of police checkpoints, surveillance cameras, metal detectors, x-ray scanners and warrantless physical searches? We see this culture in our airports, witness this shabby spectacle of once proud, happy Americans shuffling through long lines while uniformed TSA agents bark orders. This is the world of government provided 'security,' a world far too many Americans now seem to accept or even endorse." He argued that the federal government should not try to "pursue unobtainable safety" with state-approved security precautions, and said the government has "zero moral authority to legislate against violence."

Paul, a long-time congressman from Texas, added that the left and right are on the wrong track regarding the gun issue. "School shootings, no matter how horrific, do not justify creating an Orwellian surveillance state in America," Paul said. "....Only a totalitarian society would even claim absolute safety as a worthy ideal because it would require total state control over its citizens' lives. We shouldn't settle for substituting one type of violence over another."

He argued that new laws won't stop a mentally disturbed individual from getting a gun and killing people, as happened at the massacre in Newtown nearly two weeks ago. Twenty-six people were killed, including 20 children.

[READ: President Obama Calls for Action on Gun Laws, Republicans React]

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Ron Paul Blasts NRA, Liberals Over Gun Issue

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Ron Paul no fan of NRA gun plan

Posted: at 5:48 pm

Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, who's retiring from the House next week, took on the National Rifle Association's goal of having every U.S. school protected by armed police or guards, arguing that government involvement in trying to reduce violence is misguided.

"While I certainly agree that more guns equals less crime and that private gun ownership prevents many shootings, I don't agree that conservatives and libertarians should view government legislation, especially at the federal level, as the solution to violence," the libertarian-leaning Paul wrote on his website today.

"Real change can happen only when we commit ourselves to rebuilding civil society in America, meaning a society based on family, religion, civic and social institutions, and peaceful cooperation through markets," he continued. "We cannot reverse decades of moral and intellectual decline by snapping our fingers and passing laws."

Paul is the first Republican to publicly speak out against the NRA's proposal, which was announced Friday at a news conference in Washington, D.C.

However, Paul's opposition to the idea doesn't mean that he's joined the side of the pro-gun control crowd either.

"Predictably, the political left responded to the tragedy with emotional calls for increased gun control. This is understandable, but misguided," Paul wrote.

"Government cannot create a world without risks, nor would we really wish to live in such a fictional place. Only a totalitarian society would even claim absolute safety as a worthy ideal, because it would require total state control over its citizens' lives," he continued.

"Government role is to protect liberty, not to pursue unobtainable safety," wrote Paul.

The Obama administration has yet to release its own policy proposal in the wake of the Newtown, Conn., shooting, which left 26 students and faculty at Sandy Hook Elementary School dead, but last week, President Obama announced the creation of a task force aimed at providing actionable ideas to prevent or reduce gun violence in America.

Vice President Joe Biden, a key author of the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban, is heading the task force, and cabinet members and outside groups will be called on for ideas and contributions. Mr. Obama insisted that he wants ready-to-act concrete recommendations on the "complex issue" in January.

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Ron Paul no fan of NRA gun plan

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Ron Paul On The Fiscal Cliff: "We Have Passed The Point Of No Return"

Posted: at 5:48 pm

In a little under three minutes, Ron Paul explains to a somewhat nonplussed CNBC anchor just how ridiculous the charade that is occurring in D.C. actually is. This succinct spin-free clip should be required viewing for each and every asset-manager, talking-head, propagandist, and mom-and-pop who are viewing the last-minute idiocy of the 'fiscal cliff' debacle with some hope that things will be different this time. "We have passed the point of no return where we can actually get our house back in order," Paul begins, adding that "they pretend they are fighting up there, but they really aren't. They are arguing over power, spin, who looks good, who looks bad; all trying to preserve the system where they can spend what they want, take care of their friends and print money when they need it." With social safety nets available to rich and poor, there is no impetus for change and "the country loses," but Paul concludes, the markets are starting to say "there is a limit to this."

Forward to 5:45 for the Ron Paul interview (ignore everything else)

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See the article here:
Ron Paul On The Fiscal Cliff: "We Have Passed The Point Of No Return"

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Ron Paul's political heir? John J. Duncan Jr. called 'closest … to ideological twin'

Posted: at 5:48 pm

Photo by Julie Jacobson

U.S. Rep. Ron Paul

U.S. Rep Jimmy J. Duncan

Photo by Michael Patrick // Buy this photo

U.S. Congressman John J. Duncan, Jr. talks to students at Richard Yoakley Alternative School Wednesday, Apr. 4, 2012

WASHINGTON The blogosphere has been abuzz with speculation about who might continue to carry the torch for U.S. Rep. Ron Paul now that the straight-talking Texan and campaigner for low taxes and limited government is retiring from Congress.

For some, the answer seems obvious: The next Ron Paul just might be U.S. Rep. John J. Duncan Jr., a straight-talking Tennessean whose political philosophy and voting record are closely in sync with Paul's on many issues.

"He's probably the closest to Ron Paul's ideological twin on Capitol Hill," said Mark Anderson, a Ron Paul fan from Atlanta.

Duncan, a Knoxville Republican, said while he and the retiring congressman share many of the same beliefs, "I don't think anyone can replace Ron Paul or become another Ron Paul, and that certainly is not my goal."

At the same time, "it is probably accurate to say that during the 16 years Congressman Paul and I have served together, no two members have voted more alike than we have," Duncan said during a recent floor speech in which he lauded Paul's service in Congress.

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Ron Paul's political heir? John J. Duncan Jr. called 'closest ... to ideological twin'

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Liverpool Local News: Can a future be found for The Futurist cinema in Liverpool city centre?

Posted: at 5:47 pm

A CAMPAIGN to save the facade of one of Liverpools most loved former cinemas has been launched.

The Futurist in Lime Street opened in 1912, but has sat empty and abandoned since it closed in 1982.

Numerous plans to renovate the building have since been and gone.

Its ground floor is boarded up, broken windows have left it exposed to the elements and bushes grow from cracks in the facade.

Lesley Mullally, who launched the campaign, said as Liverpools first purpose built and longest running cinema its impressive facade deserves to be preserved.

But it is not listed or in a conservation area and she fears without action the building could collapse and be lost forever.

An online petition calling on Liverpool council to take action has attracted more than 600 names in little more than a week.

The 34-year-old air hostess, who lives in Sefton Park, said:

I do not have any personal memories of going there, I was four when it closed.

Every time I got the bus into town and passed lime street I gazed at the splendour of the it.

Excerpt from:
Liverpool Local News: Can a future be found for The Futurist cinema in Liverpool city centre?

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