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Scientists sequence genome of pathogen responsible for pneumocystis pneumonia
Posted: December 30, 2012 at 5:49 pm
Dec. 26, 2012 Scientists have sequenced the genome of the fungus Pneumocystis jirovecii, an advancement that could help identify new targets for drugs to treat and prevent Pneumocystis pneumonia, a common and often deadly infection in immunocompromised patients. The study will be published on December 26, 2012 in mBio, the online open-access journal of the American Society for Microbiology. The organism cannot yet be isolated and grown for study in the laboratory, so details about Pneumocystis pneumonia, the biology of P. jirovecii, and its pathogenicity are hard to come by. The genome sequence represents a wealth of new information for doctors and researchers tackling this disease.
Pneumocystis pneumonia is an opportunistic infection that strikes most often in individuals with diminished immune systems. The corresponding author of the study in mBio, Philippe Hauser of the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, in Switzerland, says the disease gained importance in the 1980s.
"Recognized first among malnourished infants, P. jirovecii pneumonia became a public issue with the advent of the HIV epidemic," says Hauser. Today, the disease most commonly affects HIV-infected persons who are unaware of their status as well as solid organ transplant recipients and patients with hemato-oncologic or autoimmune diseases. Since the organism cannot be grown in the lab for study, researchers have long made do with studying P. jirovecii's lab-friendly relatives, species that infect animals and plants, in order to explore the secrets of the human disease.
"It is obviously better to study [P. jirovecii's] genes rather that those of Pneumocystis species from animal models. The genome has both medical and evolutionary interests for the scientific community," says Hauser.
Under normal circumstances, scientists sequencing the genome of a microorganism simply extract DNA from thick cultures of cells they grow in the lab. Since they were unable to grow P. jirovecii cells for their genomic DNA, Hauser and his colleagues took a different approach. They took a sample of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from an individual infected with Pneumocystis pneumonia, then concentrated the P. jirovecii cells using immuno-precipitation and created copies of the DNA in the sample using a technique called random DNA amplification. This mixture of DNA strands, from P. jirovecii, human, and other microbes from the lungs of the infected patient, was then sequenced using high throughput technologies.
According to Hauser and his colleagues, the fact that the sequence data represented DNA from many different species created the biggest challenge they faced. "The major challenge of the study was the in silico sorting of the reads out of a mixture representing the human host and different organisms present in the lung microbiome," he says. This challenge was met through a collaboration with Marco Pagni of the Vital-IT group of the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, who provided indispensable expertise and infrastructure.
Once the sorting task was accomplished, the researchers assembled the sequences into a genome and attempted to identify the functions of P. jirovecii's genes. This is the first time scientists have assembled the genome of a fungus from a mixed pool of DNA from a single source, often called a metagenome. Their analyses reveal a surprising fact: P. jirovecii is a parasite that must live within the human body to survive.
P. jirovecii lacks the genes necessary for creating some of the essential ingredients of life, a hallmark of obligate parasites, organisms that must rely on another creature for sustenance. "It implies that they need their host to provide these molecules. Thus, this has been quite an important finding which implied that human beings represent the reservoir of this pathogen," says Hauser. This is useful information, since it means that people are the only significant source of the organism and that both infected people and healthy carriers represent the only control points for limiting the spread of the disease.
The genome also shows that P. jirovecii apparently lacks the ability to make toxins and virulence factors, molecules that enable a microbe to invade and take advantage of its host. This makes sense, since P. jirovecii does not cause disease in healthy people, but only runs out of control when it is not confronted with an immune response.
In the study of infectious disease, access to the genome of a pathogen provides new information that can be pivotal in combating the diseases is causes. The hope is that the genome of P. jirovecii will lead to new advances in therapies for those suffering from Pneumocystis pneumonia. The current drugs of choice for treating Pneumocystis pneumonia are antifolates, but certain isolates of P. jirovecii have already developed resistance to antifolates, an ability that is very likely to spread. Now that the genome of P. jirovecii is assembled and available to researchers all over the world, scientists can tease out clues about the organism that will help identify targets for some badly needed new drugs.
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Scientists sequence genome of pathogen responsible for pneumocystis pneumonia
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Beat Eczema Review – Health Review Center – Video
Posted: at 5:49 pm
Beat Eczema Review - Health Review Center
Beat Eczema is one of the best e-books to help you get rid of your eczema. Following is my review on Beat Eczema. you can read the full Beat Eczema here
By: MrTonyNguyen249
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Posted: at 5:49 pm
Eczema Allergies - Eczema Free Forever - Click here for more info on how to Cured Eczema Easily, Permanently In Just 3 Days! Eczema is an allergy that is related immunologically to allergies that a person may have in their nose or eyes. Find out how to retain oils to combat symptoms of eczema with help from a practicing pediatrician in this free video on allergies and eczema.
By: shafaric ariffin
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Siti Hajar, Penang (Skin Problem (Psoriasis)) – Video
Posted: at 5:49 pm
Siti Hajar, Penang (Skin Problem (Psoriasis))
Name: Puan Siti Hajar Age: 58 Years Old (2010)
By: Pulau Pinang (Penang), Malaysia Disease(s) suffered: Skin disease (Psoriasis) Product(s) taken: Cordy Juice Start taking products since: 6th February 2010 Significantly recovered in 3 weeks after consuming Cordy Juice Details: Siti suffered from a severe skin disease named Psoriasis for 37 years. She tried taking a wide variety of products in the past but none of them had positive effects. Back then she had really itchy skin, unable to sleep well, had a very restricted diet to prevent her condition from worsening and was out of ideas what to do about this problem. During February 2010, she was introduced by her friend to take Cordy Juice. After seriously consuming it for 3 weeks, her problems have been significantly cured and her skin is then able to sweat, making her feel more comfortable.
By: Cordy Wonder
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Politically Incorrect Toons 22 -(Tom
Posted: at 5:49 pm
Politically Incorrect Toons 22 -(Tom Jerry 5 )Plane Dumb (1931)
By: TheMysteriousAA
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Politically Incorrect: Jessica Hynes goes from Siobhan Sharpe to menopausal local councillor
Posted: at 5:49 pm
Ok guys, heres the thing. Jessica Hynes, who perfected the art of PR-babble as Siobhan Sharpe in the BBC sitcom Twenty Twelve, will return to the screen as a menopausal local councillor in Politically Incorrect next month.
Hynes has written the one-off drama for Sky Atlantics new series Common Ground, a set of 10 short comedy films set on the same street. Her character, Patricia, a buxom frump in a blonde wig who constantly makes terrible work and life decisions, grew out of a cameo appearance in Chris ODowds comedy Moone Boy earlier this year. She is near unrecognisable in the role.
Elsewhere in the series, Charles Dance will play an ageing rock tour manager (in full leathers), Johnny Vegas a reluctant tattoo artist and Downton Abbeys Brendan Coyle will pop up as a policeman. Among the comedy talents writing and starring in the series are Dan Skinner (better known as Angelos Epithemiou), Katy Brand and newcomers, Totally Tom, Adam Riches and Hunderbys Daniel Taylor.
Also in the arts diary
When Women Wee gets screen adaption from Iron Lady producer
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Politically Incorrect: Jessica Hynes goes from Siobhan Sharpe to menopausal local councillor
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Black Ops 2 : Unnecessary Censorship | Funny (Pt.1?) – Video
Posted: at 5:49 pm
Black Ops 2 : Unnecessary Censorship | Funny (Pt.1?)
Did you enjoy this? Is so then let us know so we can bring you more content like this! Censor bleep was made from scratch using an audio editing program and was implemented in un-intentional parts of the Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 campaign
By: BHLxGaming
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MP urges tough censorship of films to protect women
Posted: at 5:49 pm
Ahmedabad, Dec 30:
Condoling the death of the Delhi gang-rape victim, Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) Group President Parimal Nathwani, who is also a Rajya Sabha MP from Jharkhand, on Saturday demanded stringent censorship of films to prevent crime against women.
In a statement here, he said there was an urgent need to re-look films. Its laws also need to be reviewed threadbare. The way sex and crime are projected as an integral part of our cinema certainly has an adverse influence on the illiterate and timid lots, who are tempted to venture into such crimes.
The souls with criminal mindsets get inspired by such scenes and commit crimes in the process of assuming themselves as the real filmy character.
He also said that while strict punishment for crimes against women is imperative to set deterrents in the system, at the same time stringent scrutiny of the sex, violence and crime related aspects in our cinema is also need of the hour.
He described as rubbish the filmmakers claims that such scenes are added on the audiences demand and said it holds no ground. The claims that the films reflect the happenings in society are also not true.
What is needed is complete overhaul and restructuring of the censorship systems and laws, and reorganise it keeping broad societal interests in view.
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MP urges tough censorship of films to protect women
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China tightens up censorship of Internet sites
Posted: at 5:49 pm
BEIJING -- For years, Chinas net nannies turned the other cheek to a loophole in their vast online censorship apparatus.
Anyone who wanted access to blocked overseas websites such as Twitter, Facebook, and more recently, the New York Times, need only download foreign software called a virtual private network (VPN) to circumvent the Great Firewall.
But in recent weeks, even these tools have begun to falter, frustrating tech-savvy Chinese and foreign businesspeople who now struggle to access Internet sites as innocuous as and
The tightening appears to be part of a broader and continuing campaign to rein in the Internet in China, which boasts nearly 600 million users and challenges the governments monopoly on information every day.
State media have been running editorials regularly about the dangers of an unregulated Internet, citing an uptick in rumormongering and misinformation.
By typing on the computer, one can send the meanest curse, the most shocking scandals, the most insensitive ridicule and it seems no one can do anything to you, the Beijing Morning Post said in an editorial Thursday. Any responsible government shouldnt let this become a method for the mass public to seek justice.
On Monday, one of Chinas top governing bodies, the National People's Congress Standing Committee, proposed requiring Internet users to register their real identities before accessing online services as a way to combat online fraud. If passed, the law would be especially damaging to Chinas micro-blogging platforms such as Sina Weibo.
The Twitter-like services double as a national nerve center for public opinion. Because bloggers have been able to shield their identities, the platform has also engendered online vigilantism by exposing more government malfeasance (be it hiding ill-gotten wealth in dozens of apartments, sex with a teenager or keeping two remarkably similar-looking sisters as mistresses).
Michael Anti, a Beijing-based critic of web censorship, believes the current pushback on the web reflects paranoia over incoming president Xi Jinpings crackdown on official corruption.
Local officials could be pressuring propaganda departments to curb freedom of speech online, he said.
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China tightens up censorship of Internet sites
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"The Light of Revolution" An Anthem For Ron Paul 2012 – Video
Posted: at 5:48 pm
"The Light of Revolution" An Anthem For Ron Paul 2012
An Anthem For Ron Paul by Jordan Page I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (
By: wolfpjw
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"The Light of Revolution" An Anthem For Ron Paul 2012 - Video
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