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Category Archives: Transhuman News
New Year’s Message from International Space Station WWW.GOODNEWS.WS – Video
Posted: December 30, 2012 at 5:50 pm
New Year #39;s Message from International Space Station http://WWW.GOODNEWS.WS Commander Kevin Ford and Flight Engineers Chris Hadfield and Tom Marshburn of the International Space Station #39;s Expedition 34 crew send down their best wishes for a happy new year. New Year #39;s Message from International Space Station http://WWW.GOODNEWS.WS
By: newssciencenews
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New Year's Message from International Space Station http://WWW.GOODNEWS.WS - Video
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NASA Space Station : Legacy Of Skylab – 1979 Educational Film – Video
Posted: at 5:50 pm
NASA Space Station : Legacy Of Skylab - 1979 Educational Film
Utilizes onboard photography from Skylab to provide a visual indication of what life onboard the space station is like. Emphasis is on the zero-g environment. This film made available courtesy NASA
By: s88TV1
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Biotechnology Activities at Genetic Engineering Research Center, FOA, CU – Video
Posted: at 5:50 pm
Biotechnology Activities at Genetic Engineering Research Center, FOA, CU
Biotechnology Activities at Genetic Engineering Research Center, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University
By: eBicEgypt
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Biotechnology Activities at Genetic Engineering Research Center, FOA, CU - Video
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Genetic Engineering of Spermidine Pathway Enhances Phytonutrients Levels – Video
Posted: at 5:50 pm
Genetic Engineering of Spermidine Pathway Enhances Phytonutrients Levels
Genetic Engineering of Spermidine Pathway Enhances Phytonutrients Levels and Postharvest Life of Fruit and Delay Whole Plant Senescence
By: eBicEgypt
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It Came From the Genetics Lab: DNA, the Monster That Ate Forensic Science – Video
Posted: at 5:50 pm
It Came From the Genetics Lab: DNA, the Monster That Ate Forensic Science
Presented by Walter F. Rowe, PhD., Professor, Department of Forensic Sciences The George Washington University A PDF of the slides in this presentation can be downloaded at (right-click to save). In the 1980s all was serene in the field of forensic science. Fingerprinting and dental records were the accepted methods of personal identification. Forensic serologists could identify a number of genetic markers in dried blood and body fluids. The identification sciences (questioned documents, firearm and tool mark identification, shoe and tire track identification) were readily accepted by courts. Few scientists envisioned that it would be possible to isolate human DNA from dried stains that were months or years old. However, within less than a quarter of a century forensic DNA profiling had become the gold standard against which all other forensic disciplines are measured (and not always to their benefit). This talk will examine the current state of forensic DNA profiling and ongoing research in this area. It will also explore the profound impact of DNA profiling on the criminal justice system, crime scene processing, the criminal investigative process and other branches of forensic science. The talk will also address some myths about DNA profiling and the personal information that it supposedly discloses.
By: NCASVideo
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Klaus/ Caroline || DNA – Video
Posted: at 5:50 pm
Klaus/ Caroline || DNA
Watch in HD please ๐ Twitter: Hey! ๐ I #39;m back! ๐ I have taken a couple of weeks off without making videos, and I missed it so much! but really I needed ๐ Yep! Klaroline video from me! exactly 4 months i don #39;t make a video about them ๐ and while I was looking for new songs, I came across this #39;DNA #39; and loved ๐ By the way, I didn #39;t make the letters of the chorus, are from the official video ๐ and I continue to granting Christmas wishes ๐ This is dedicated to: MereAngelFalling: Hunnie! yes! for you!! a lot of manips as you like :DI think I can never thank the great gift that you have made me this Christmas, that amazing collab! : #39;D thank you so much for everything! and also, thanks for helping me find the scene that matched the kiss on the neck, but I found totally impossible to do what you said me xD hahaha don #39;t looks really well, but I tried ๐ I hope you have a happy new year, and that 2013 is even better than 2012 :DI love you so much hun! Happy new year! : #39;) OfficalTVDNTv: with all the videos that you #39;ve dedicated me, this is the first one that I dedicate to you! ๐ :DI hope you #39;ve had a great Christmas! ๐ Lots of hugs! and Happy New Year! ๐ ......................................... ***BIG CREDIT TO MereAngelFalling in the seconds 0:27 - 0:30 For helping me find the perfect scene *** Song: DNA Fandom: TVD (Vampire Diaries) - Klaus Caroline (Klaroline) Coloring by Coloringobsessed Program: Sony Vegas Pro 11
By: XXTwilightNeereeXX
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Little Mix – DNA Radio 1’s Live Lounge – Video
Posted: at 5:50 pm
Little Mix - DNA Radio 1 #39;s Live Lounge
Little Mix - DNA Radio 1 #39;s Live Lounge great live cover
By: jack delaney
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Little Mix - DNA Radio 1's Live Lounge - Video
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Monster DNA vs Sol Republic ultra v12 – Video
Posted: at 5:50 pm
Monster DNA vs Sol Republic ultra v12
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Monster DNA vs Sol Republic ultra v12 - Video
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Can analyzing Adam Lanzaโs DNA really provide answers to Newtown shooting?
Posted: at 5:50 pm
By Deborah Kotz, Globe Staff
In a scenario that seems ripped from the pages of a CSI script, geneticist sleuths have been analyzing the blood of Newtown mass murderer Adam Lanza to see what secrets it may reveal in his DNA. Did he carry any gene mutations that predisposed him to violence?
A spokeswoman for the University of Connecticut Health Center told CNN on Thursday that the geneticists were asked to join the investigation by the state medical examiners office and werent looking for any specific genetic marker in particular but a complete analysis of his DNA. Results are expected at the end of January.
I was actually surprised to hear about this analysis and wondered if the science was really there to pinpoint mental illnesses that might have predisposed Lanza to violence. For example, certain gene mutations have been linked to schizophrenia, a condition that Tucson shooter Jared Loughner was found to have; he was forced to take anti-psychotic drugs during his sentencing hearings last month.
Is it actually possible to posthumously pinpoint any psychiatric conditions that Lanza may have had by examining his DNA?
No, I dont think the science is there yet, said Dr. Harold J. Bursztajn, associate clinical professor of psychiatry and co-founder of Harvard Medical Schools program in psychiatry and the law. Studies that have made links between certain gene mutations and violence have been scant and usually poorly conducted with results that cant be verified by other researchers, he said.
These investigators dont even know what theyre looking for, and theyre going on a fishing expedition, casting a wide net, Bursztajn added, who knows what sorts of gene mutations will be trapped in this net?
There are certain risk factors that could predispose someone to violent acts -- and, no, having a diagnosis of autism (which Lanza purportedly had) isnt one of them. Focusing on a genetic analysis could detract from digging deeper into risk factors for violence that Lanza may have been exhibiting prior to his shooting rampage.
These include hallucinations, delusions, substance abuse problems, or have sociopathic tendencies where a person may feel pleasure from someone elses pain.
Were alway looking to see where murderers fall on the mad spectrum, said Bursztajn. While some may have full-blown psychiatric conditions that make them unable to distinguish between right and wrong, others, he added, may simply be bad people who are looking to do bad things.
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Can analyzing Adam Lanzaโs DNA really provide answers to Newtown shooting?
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