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Chinese Movie Industry Debates Proposal to End Censorship
Posted: January 1, 2013 at 5:41 am
For a country that wants to project "soft power," China is wrestling with how to reconcile its censorship system with the need to create films the world will want to watch.
Xie Fei, a professor at the prestigious Beijing Film Academy, recently sparked a debate on government control over the film industry when he called for abolishing the countrys censorship procedures in favor of a movie rating system similar to that used in the United States.
In the past few years, there were so many unwritten laws when censoring movies, Xie wrote in an open letter that was reposted tens of thousands of times online. Unwritten laws such as: ghosts are not allowed in contemporary settings, extramarital affairs are not allowed, certain political incidents are not allowed, etc. The censorship system [in China] is not defined by law, but done according to individuals.
Such rules, Xie wrote, are killing artistic exploration.
According to Xie, several directors had been ostracized because of the subjects they chose for their early films. Among them, Zhang Yuan, whose 1993 independent film, Beijing Bastards, depicted the life of Beijings disaffected youth. Censors banned the movie, and Zhang was prohibited from making films in China for the next 7 years. In a microblog, Zhang expressed gratitude. Thank you old Xie," he wrote, "for letting out such a mighty voice. Xie represents our rallying cries.
Increased competition
Beijing-based filmmaker Dayyan Eng, who reposted Xie Feis comments on his microblog account, says that with more foreign films entering the domestic market, local directors struggle to compete. He blames it partly on the censorship system.
It's [Censorship] restricting what we can make. And I think that everyone has been finding out, especially this year, because the local films have been killed by Hollywood, Eng says.
Although Chinese lawmakers recognize that domestic films are facing increasing pressure to compete with foreign films, they did not directly respond to Xie Fei's suggestions that a U.S.-style rating system was better than China's censorship rules.
The Chinese government protects its local film industry by imposing a quota of foreign movies allowed in China each year. The number was increased in February from 20 to 34. In addition, movie theaters are financially rewarded for choosing to show local films. But, according to official statistics, the share of Chinese-made movies has dropped this year to 41.4 percent of total ticket sales. If Hollywood is allowed to make whatever they want, and actually most of them, the big budget ones anyway, are being shown in China, we are at a disadvantage because the system thats in place to regulate or censor this things is not the same for Chinese films and for Hollywood films, Eng says.
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Chinese Movie Industry Debates Proposal to End Censorship
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We Are Ron Paul – Video
Posted: at 5:41 am
We Are Ron Paul
Over 100000 people stood in line to see Ron Paul from Super Tuesday on March 6th to the day he actively stopped campaigning on May 14th. People showed up in droves to hear his message of individual liberty, limited government, non-interventionism and sound money and markets. He retires from Congress next month. He will continue to speak around the country. Lucky for us. We Are Strong. We Are Coming. We Are Ron Paul. Ron Paul Revolution Is Now I know it #39;s 100000 because I went through the news articles and took the totals from all the rallies from those dates and added them up one day. Yes, I spend a lot of time on this. -KBR
By: Kathleen Rosen
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Ron Paul New Year’s Message – Video
Posted: at 5:41 am
Ron Paul New Year #39;s Message
Ron Paul sends a message to congress: stop adding to the deficit, stop following unconstitutional defence policies, and respect the free market.
By: TheLibertarian4life
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Ron Paul: US Is Slipping Into a Fascist System – An Interview with Lew Rockwell – Video
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Ron Paul: US Is Slipping Into a Fascist System - An Interview with Lew Rockwell
The Arizona and Michigan primaries will kick off next week and the GOP candidates are gearing up for another dramatic day at the polls. Over the weekend, Ron Paul addressed a crowd in Kansas City, Missouri and warned that the US is slipping into a fascist system. Paul continued to inform the public of the relationship between government and big business and how this collaboration is infringing on civil rights. Lew Rockwell, chairman of the Ludwig Von Mises Institute, joins us to explore Paul #39;s statements. Originally broadcasted February 20, 2012.
By: LibertyInOurTime
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Ron Paul Continues Fight to Audit the Fed – An Interview with Lew Rockwell – Video
Posted: at 5:41 am
Ron Paul Continues Fight to Audit the Fed - An Interview with Lew Rockwell
Congressman Ron Paul has been more than outspoken when it comes to ending the Federal Reserve. Although there are no real signs of the Fed coming to end, it may soon be audited. Paul #39;s bill to audit the Federal Reserve advanced in the House on Wednesday, and the lack of transparency and shady policies have many pushing for an inspection of the Fed. Lew Rockwell, chairman for the Ludwig Von Mises Institute, joins us with more. Originally broadcasted June 28, 2012.
By: LibertyInOurTime
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Ron Paul Continues Fight to Audit the Fed - An Interview with Lew Rockwell - Video
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Ron Paul (2012) Bumpersticker, WAY Up, 30 Feet Over Street, On Wire, Lancaster, PA, 12/31/12 – Video
Posted: at 5:41 am
Ron Paul (2012) Bumpersticker, WAY Up, 30 Feet Over Street, On Wire, Lancaster, PA, 12/31/12
I know, everyone should have the same opinion as you. That #39;s it, right? That #39;s why you #39;re here in the first place: to offer some kind of expression of your feelings, as if anyone, least of all me, would care what you think in the first place. What you are watching is what it looks like to be me in your passive-aggressive world. If you #39;ve got something funny or positive to add, please leave a comment. I moderate and delete all negative comments. You #39;ll be shunned like a bad Amish teenager, if you are a hater.
By: JeffHfromoxford
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Ron Paul (2012) Bumpersticker, WAY Up, 30 Feet Over Street, On Wire, Lancaster, PA, 12/31/12 - Video
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The Ron Paul Show – Video
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Fiscal Cliff: Ron Paul says New Year will be rung in by capitulating spending cutters – Video
Posted: at 5:41 am
Fiscal Cliff: Ron Paul says New Year will be rung in by capitulating spending cutters
Sponsor: BlockChain.INFO - Fiscal Cliff Ron Paul says New Year will be rung in by capitulating spending cutters. Illustrated Straight Talk from the real Leader of the Opposition, original audio broadcast on 12.3.2012. Some or all of the video/audio in this clip #39;s likely available for you to use, commercially or however you like. Basically anything that was shot by me or was public domain to begin with. My stuff is automatically... released into the public domain. At least until I say otherwise. Usually if I shot it, "" or "" will appear at the bottom. Anything which has that super or was obviously shot by me is public domain. Full playlist of Ron Paul 2012 speeches I #39;ve illustraded with video, so far... How *you* can buy an ad for yourself on the Ridley Report: ron paul nh raw news videos fiscal cliffs new hampshire liberty. fiscal cliff john boehner beohner boener beoner ron paul us congress congressional dave ridley report. supercommitte compromises cops Creative commons license police states. tax hikes tax cuts on the wealthy rich public domain footage. spending increases cuts ridleyreport us military torture free state project free to use. resistance movements live free or die, staters gary johnson libertarians new year #39;s eve celebrations politics political
By: RidleyReport
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Ron Paul On The Fiscal Cliff: "We Have Passed The Point Of No Return" – Video
Posted: at 5:41 am
Ron Paul On The Fiscal Cliff: "We Have Passed The Point Of No Return"
We will be posting BREAKING NEWS updates HERE: Also make sure to check out the website too! We will be LIVE streaming the presidential debates tomorrow LIVE at 6pm pst Our News Blog Facebook LIKE us here: Google circle us here: Subscribe to this new channel here: We just launched our NEWS NETWORK "Cyber Tribe Network" Make sure to book mark us New Network being Launched NOW! VIDEO MAKERS SIGN UP NOW FOR UPCOMING CONFERENCE!! SUPPORT THE NEW TRUTH NETWORK and video makers coming together Paypal it https credit card it here: facebook like us here for all the latest news updates
By: Robert Hauck
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Ron Paul On The Fiscal Cliff: "We Have Passed The Point Of No Return" - Video
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