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Severe Psoriasis : Quick presentation of a case of Plaque Psoriasis on a gentleman’s back – Video
Posted: January 1, 2013 at 5:41 am
Severe Psoriasis : Quick presentation of a case of Plaque Psoriasis on a gentleman #39;s back
Psoriasis is an immune mediated skin disease. There are 5 main types of Psoriasis : Plaque Psoriasis (Psoriasis Vulgaris), Guttate, Inverse, Pustular and Erythrodermic. There are also numerous variants , such as drug induced, napkin ,sebhorrheic-like etc
By: TravellerJ
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Can-Fite reports promising results for psoriasis drug
Posted: at 5:41 am
Can-Fite drug could bring fresh hope to psoriasis sufferers. Photo by Reuters
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By Asaf Rothem | Dec.31,2012 | 12:00 PM
By Sarit Menachem | Dec.31,2012 | 12:00 PM
By Vadim Sviderski | Dec.31,2012 | 12:00 PM
Can-Fite Biopharma on Sunday reported positive intermediate results for its Phase II clinical trials of the drug CF-101 to treat moderate to severe psoriasis.
Based on the results from the first 103 patients, Can-Fite is recruiting more patients for a 300-person trial that will span the United States, Europe and Israel.
Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin disease that affects between two percent and three percent of people. The market for psoriasis drugs is estimated at $3.6 billion per year, 67 percent of which belongs to biopharmaceuticals (as opposed to "chemical" drugs).
Administered monotherapy, the efficacy of CF 101 increased in a linear fashion throughout the 24-week trial, according to analysis of the results by a third-party firm. In that CF 101 was similar to competing drugs in advanced development, including Cellgene's Apremilast. Another is Pfizer's Tofacitinib, which was recently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Completing the Phase II trial will cost $1 million, projects Can-Fite CEO Pnina Fishman.
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Can-Fite reports promising results for psoriasis drug
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Treatment For Psoriasis – New Review Reveals If Psoriasis Free For Life Helps People Clear Disease Of The Skin …
Posted: at 5:41 am
Psoriasis Free for Life is a newly updated method developed by Katy Wilson, who promises to help people clear that chronic disease of the skin permanently. A full Psoriasis Free For Life review in a series of health reviews shows if the method is useful.
Seattle, WA (PRWEB) December 31, 2012
A complete Psoriasis Free For Life Review on Health Review Center reveals that: The treatment method works with many different types of psoriasis such as inverse psoriasis, pustule psoriasis, plaque psoriasis and more. The method shows people how to determine from which the type of psoriasis they suffer. They can select a skin acne structure that helps them to combat the problem effectively. Furthermore, the program provides users with 3 easy steps to treat any skin conditions and they all get started with a diet plan. The first step is the breaking-down process helping users clear side effects from products that they used before. The second is a clearing process that can help them get their skin back to its initial condition. The last step provides the sufferers with a holistic remedy enabling them to moisturize and prevent psoriasis flare-ups. In addition, the program requires people to concentrate on their meals and food that they should avoid eating. It also offers users some useful bonuses such as the 7 secrets to a good diet, 177 ways to burn calories, a handbook of health and more.
Linda Han from Health Review Center expresses that: "Psoriasis Free for Life is a natural treatment for psoriasis, which gives sufferers the techniques to eliminate psoriasis completely. It is a proven system, which does not use any pills or drugs containing side effects. Additionally, the program helps users detoxify their body and grow their body immune system. Especially, with this product, people do not have to hide their embarrassment because of psoriasis problem. Moreover, the program can help people save a lot of time and efforts."
If people want to get the strengths and drawbacks of Psoriasis Free For Life, they could go to the website for more information:
For those who wish to gain direct access, you should visit the official site.
About the website: Health reviews are a series of reviews about health penned by Tony Nguyen and many other professionals. These reviews provide people with methods, programs, tips about health concerns and e-books. People could leave their ideas on any health digital products to Tony Nguyen via email.
Tony Nguyen Health Reviews 84915555999 Email Information
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Treatment For Psoriasis - New Review Reveals If Psoriasis Free For Life Helps People Clear Disease Of The Skin ...
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World’s most politically incorrect movie scene ever made – Video
Posted: at 5:41 am
World #39;s most politically incorrect movie scene ever made
The most insensetive movie scene ever.
By: usmaddog7
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World's most politically incorrect movie scene ever made - Video
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The very politically incorrect truth about the Second Amendment – Tucson News Now – Video
Posted: at 5:41 am
The very politically incorrect truth about the Second Amendment - Tucson News Now
(FOX19) - The discussion over gun control is something making headlines all over the country. Throughout this week Reality Check has looked at the numbers behind gun control and crime rates. Tonight, we are looking at the second amendment, the intention behind it and what the founders might think about the gun debate today. This is a reality check you won #39;t see anywhere else.
By: theprez98
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The very politically incorrect truth about the Second Amendment - Tucson News Now - Video
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Facebook Censorship – Video
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Facebook Censorship
Facebook and YouTube Censorship
By: LuckyShitZu
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Facebook Censorship - Video
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Sharia Censorship vs. Free Speech: France’s Charlie Hebdo plans Mohammed comic book – Video
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Sharia Censorship vs. Free Speech: France #39;s Charlie Hebdo plans Mohammed comic book
The French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo - which is already famous internationally for publishing cartoons of the Muslim prophet Mohammed - has declared its intention to publish an educational comic book biography of the life of Islam #39;s founder. The announcement is the latest satirical shot fired in an ongoing international battle over the boundaries of free speech which is being fought between Islamic fundamentalists and liberal Western societies.
By: JewishNewsOne
Sharia Censorship vs. Free Speech: France's Charlie Hebdo plans Mohammed comic book - Video
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Censorship, Food and Exercise – Video
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The Beauty of Censorship – Video
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ALERT! Internet Censorship Has Begun! – Video
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ALERT! Internet Censorship Has Begun!
By: hyungs
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ALERT! Internet Censorship Has Begun! - Video
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