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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Lagrange Space Station Apts – Video
Posted: January 1, 2013 at 5:42 am
Lagrange Space Station Apts
Lagrange Station Spaceport Sim is located in the Second Life world. On occasion, apartments open up for residents to rent. These are not Lindlen home track houses or boxes in the sky. They are affordable space lofts on a friendly and social sim. Consider Lagrange if you are looking for a place to call home. Enjoy your Second Life experience and thanks for watching. Contact Hippie Bowman or Merlin527 for rental information. Or, TP to Lagrange and click on the information object to obtain a notecard with contact information.
By: squareglow
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{DNA} [Eddie Redmayne] – Video
Posted: at 5:42 am
{DNA} [Eddie Redmayne]
Happy new years?? I suppose?? Sparkle credit to ifinishit This isn #39;t my best video, for some reasons I dunno why this video just wasn #39;t flowing. I suppose I want to do more effects but I honestly don #39;t like or know how to do a few. Its just my style of editing I suppose.
By: Jayasolo3
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{DNA} [Eddie Redmayne] - Video
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Phone Comparison – Samsung Straosphere Vs. HTC Droid DNA – Video
Posted: at 5:42 am
Phone Comparison - Samsung Straosphere Vs. HTC Droid DNA
This video covers a comparison between a basic android smartphone vs a higher end android smartphone. As well as my personal opinions / thoughts on these phones.
By: CGComputerInc
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Dna Match Links Homicide Suspect To 10-Year-Old Girl
Posted: at 5:42 am
Posted: Dec. 31, 2012 | 11:41 a.m. Updated: Dec. 31, 2012 | 12:26 p.m.
The blood of 10-year-old Jade Morris is a positive DNA match to blood on a jumpsuit worn by Brenda Jean Stokes, the 50-year-old expected to be officially charged this week in the child's homicide, according to police.
A Las Vegas police report released Monday paints a clearer picture of the events that lead to Jade's death on Dec. 21. She died from multiple stab wounds. Her body was found Thursday in an unfinished housing development in North Las Vegas.
Police say Stokes used a red 2007 Saab, borrowed from her friend Eddie Turner, to kidnap and transport the girl.
Turner told investigators that on Dec. 21, the day Jade disappeared, Stokes returned the car, but borrowed it again to go to her apartment on Windmill Lane to change her clothes.
Later on that evening, Turner told investigators she dropped off Stokes at The Cosmopolitan on Las Vegas Boulevard, where Stokes said she planned to meet a friend, according to the report.
Instead, Stokes went to the Bellagio, and used a pair of razor blades to slice the face of Joyce Rhone, 44, a blackjack dealer.
Jade's family believes Rhone and Stokes' fiance, Jade's father Philip Morris, were having a fling that lead to the attack. Police have neither confirmed or denied that allegation.
After Stokes' arrest, she told responding officers she regretted not having killed Rhone, who suffered serious cuts to her face, enough to cause "disfigurement," according to the report.
While held on assault and battery charges in the Clark County Detention Center, investigators questioned Stokes on the girl's disappearance. She denied knowing Jade or her family.
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Dr. John Sanford Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome part 2 – YouTube.flv – Video
Posted: at 5:42 am
Dr. John Sanford Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome part 2 - YouTube.flv
By: mikey1701
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Dr. John Sanford Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome part 2 - YouTube.flv - Video
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Dr. John Sanford Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome part 1 – YouTube.flv – Video
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Dr. John Sanford Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome part 1 - YouTube.flv
By: mikey1701
Go here to read the rest:
Dr. John Sanford Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome part 1 - YouTube.flv - Video
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Understanding Childhood Eczema – Video
Posted: at 5:42 am
Understanding Childhood Eczema Understanding Childhood Eczema EAN/ISBN : 9780470864203 Publisher(s): John Wiley Sons, Wiley Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Titman, Penny EAN/ISBN : 9780470864203 Publisher(s): John Wiley Sons, Wiley Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Titman, Penny
By: LarryhansonH
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Chinese Medicine for Hay Fever, Menopause, Eczema – Patient Case Study at AcuMedic – Video
Posted: at 5:42 am
Chinese Medicine for Hay Fever, Menopause, Eczema - Patient Case Study at AcuMedic
Hay fever, (peri) menopause and eczema can be treated with Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture, as explained by an AcuMedic patient. More information Hay fever: Eczema:
By: TheAcuMedic
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Chinese Medicine for Hay Fever, Menopause, Eczema - Patient Case Study at AcuMedic - Video
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Morning Routine for Eczema/ Dry Skin on Face – Video
Posted: at 5:42 am
Morning Routine for Eczema/ Dry Skin on Face
This is the second part to my routine for maintaining my eczema. Hope you find it helpful !
By: IamRhiannonFaith
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Eczema Sufferer Celebrates Her First Itch-Free Holiday Season Thanks To ITSAN
Posted: at 5:42 am
Nancy Valle Pineda has lot to be thankful for this holiday season. This past Christmas was the first time her daughter Allison, celebrated the holiday without having painful, itchy, and debilitating eczema.
Indian Harbour Beach, Florida (PRWEB) December 31, 2012
My daughter stopped enjoying life. Playing outside, petting and feeding animals. Everything a little girl loves to do was a thing of the past, said Nancy. I became paranoid and suspicious of everything she ate and came in contact with. Wheat, milk, furniture, curtains, carpet, canned foods, strawberries, seafood, etc. We tested for every allergy, we spent money we did not have on air filters and new doctor visits. The slightest touches hurt, even air caused pain. It was total confusion, my marriage was on trial, my other children were neglected because of the disease as well. I was burdened by fear, guilt, delusion, and felt hopeless, empty, and alone. We cried and begged and prayed to God!
Nancy began searching the internet endlessly for answers. After entering her daughters many eczema-like symptoms she came across a support group online called ITSAN. The group is based on the clinical research and medical expertise of dermatologist Dr. Marvin Rapaport. In his physician practice, Dr. Rapaport diagnoses these patients with having a condition called Red Skin Syndrome, or eczema and other skin inflammations that have been treated and made worse by topical steroid medication.
To Nancys surprise she met many similar patients as Allison, all of them suffering similar symptoms. She spoke with the groups community manager, Joey Brown, and for once felt compassion and understanding for her daughters skin suffering.
It was August 17th 2011 and Nancy decided to stop Allisons topical steroid regimen.
The rebound symptoms ensued. Alisons withdrawal symptoms included, burning red skin, non-stop uncontrollable itching, heat emanating from the body, chills, broken skin, odorous skin, swollen glands, tiredness, skin sensitive to everything, and oozing skin.
For the first three months, no one slept. I gave Allison three baths a day to try to relieve her body, she was in constant pain and tears. I felt alone and empty again, this was not an easy solution. It was hard for my husband and me to understand. The only support was our angel Joey, and Dr. Rapaports articles. I felt so guilty for applying those creams. Said Nancy.
After a year of withdrawal, and patiently treating the symptoms, Allisons skin showed signs of peace and health again.
My daughter is finally on the other side of this dark tunnel. She plays, dances, sings, and embraces others who are sick with great compassion. We will never again be the same. She is just happy! Exclaimed Nancy.
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Eczema Sufferer Celebrates Her First Itch-Free Holiday Season Thanks To ITSAN
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