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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Genome Interpretation Company Omicia Appoints Mike Aicher as CEO
Posted: January 2, 2013 at 1:42 pm
Omicia, Inc., a privately held company offering integrated solutions for interpreting human genome sequences, today announced the appointment of Mike Aicher as Chief Executive Officer and member of the companys Board of Directors.
We are thrilled to bring Mike on board as we launch commercial operations for our new human genome interpretation platform, said Omicia co-founder Dr. Martin Reese. Mikes three decades of experience in the development and commercialization of advanced genetic testing services are a perfect fit for Omicia as we enter the genomic medicine market, where entrepreneurship and clinical expertise are needed to build successful businesses.
Prior to joining Omicia, Mr. Aicher was CEO of National Genetics Institute (NGI), a company he co-founded in 1991 and later became a wholly owned subsidiary of Laboratory Corporation of America (LabCorp). Most recently, Mr. Aicher led LabCorps Western Division and was previously responsible for the companys Esoteric Business Units, which generated more than $1 billion in annual revenue. Prior to NGI, Mr. Aicher served in a number of executive leadership roles at Central Diagnostics Laboratory. He is certified by the University of California at Berkeley as a Global Biotechnology Executive and is a recipient of Ernst & Youngs Entrepreneur of the Year award for emerging technologies. Mr. Aicher received a B.S. in Business Administration from the University of Redlands and an M.B.A. in economics from Columbus University.
For genomic testing to reach its full potential, we must simplify the analysis of complex sequence data so that we can integrate this information with other routine tests to help diagnose disease and guide treatment decisions, said Mr. Aicher. Martin and the outstanding Omicia team have built a truly ground-breaking genome interpretation platform with the highest levels of scientific credibility. I look forward to leading Omicia as we enter the commercial market to bring researchers and clinicians better tools for translating genomic data into medically actionable information.
Omicia Chairman Dr. John Stuelpnagel added, We are delighted that Mike has joined our team and look forward to supporting him as he builds out Omicias commercial operations. Mikes deep operational expertise, coupled with the world-class genomics and software engineering team assembled by Martin will help Omicia make genome analysis a more routine part of health care delivery.
For more information about Omicia, please visit
About Omicia, Inc.
Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, Omicia develops scalable and fully integrated informatics systems specifically designed to interpret human genome sequences for research and clinical applications. Omicia's mission is to help research scientists, clinicians and patients better understand the most relevant information from personal genome sequences and their potential medical consequences. Omicia is funded with private investments and a series of Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grants from the National Institutes of Health. For more information, please visit
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Genome Interpretation Company Omicia Appoints Mike Aicher as CEO
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Parasitic DNA in the human genome? – Video
Posted: at 1:42 pm
Parasitic DNA in the human genome?
Is the human genome full of parasites? This might seem like a ridicules question but some researchers suggest that it is. The human genome project revealed that a large number of transposable elements. These DNA segments copy themselves and move around the genome. Some scientists claim they serve no function and have dismissed them as parasitic DNA. Some evolutionary scientists claim that similarities with chimps in these supposedly useless bits prove evolution. But new research shows they have functions. One study revealed that transposable elements activate during embryo development in mice, to control gene expression. Another study revealed they activate in gene dense regions to control gene expression. They are not spread randomly throughout the genome as previously thought. So DNA isn #39;t full of parasites at all, but rather many sophisticated ways to control gene expression. Related Articles: Junk DNA Evolutionary Discards or God #39;s tools? ( Large Scale Function for ERVs (endogenous retroviruses) ( No Joy for Junkies ( Related Products: How Evolution Hurts Science DVD (
By: CMIcreationstation
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Parasitic DNA in the human genome? - Video
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Asteatotic Eczema by NoMoreVitamins com – Video
Posted: at 1:42 pm
Asteatotic Eczema by NoMoreVitamins com - Don #39;t let yourself take Asteatotic Eczema pills for the rest of your life, please! There #39;s another way no one has told you about, the holistic way, without more pills and without any side-effects! Are you ready to feel much better? Notice improvement in just a day, even if you #39;re still taking pills! This is your healthiest alternative to pills and surgery - http
By: catana patana
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Asteatotic Eczema by NoMoreVitamins com - Video
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Asthma And Eczema by NoMoreVitamins com – Video
Posted: at 1:42 pm
Asthma And Eczema by NoMoreVitamins com - Don #39;t let yourself take Asthma And Eczema pills for the rest of your life, please! There #39;s another way no one has told you about, the holistic way, without more pills and without any side-effects! Are you ready to feel much better? Notice improvement in just a day, even if you #39;re still taking pills! This is your healthiest alternative to pills and surgery - http
By: catana patana
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Asthma And Eczema by NoMoreVitamins com - Video
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Psoriasis Management Needs Input from Skin Care Professionals – Video
Posted: at 1:42 pm
Psoriasis Management Needs Input from Skin Care Professionals
Visit this site to get more information about the Skin Dermatology. Since there is no cure for psoriasis, sound management of the condition is the best option. The first step is to consult a dermatologist Brisbane for a confirmed diagnosis.
By: skintreatment71
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Psoriasis Management Needs Input from Skin Care Professionals - Video
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psoriasis , skin problems tnews dr srinath -1.mpg – Video
Posted: at 1:42 pm
psoriasis , skin problems tnews dr srinath -1.mpg
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By: positivemediaramana
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psoriasis , skin problems tnews dr srinath -1.mpg - Video
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Psoriasis Free For Life review – Psoriasis Free For Life By Katy Wilson – Video
Posted: at 1:42 pm
Psoriasis Free For Life review - Psoriasis Free For Life By Katy Wilson Psoriasis Free For Life review - Check this Psoriasis Free For Life to see whether this is for you. Psoriasis Free For Life will show you how to cured psoriasis permanently in just 3 days the natural way and helped thousands of people do the same. Psoriasis Free For Life Psoriasis Free For Life review Psoriasis Free For Life will help you cured your psoriasis permanently in just 3 days the natural way.
By: psoriasisreview
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Psoriasis Free For Life review - Psoriasis Free For Life By Katy Wilson - Video
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Research and Markets: Severe Psoriasis – Pipeline Review, H2 2012
Posted: at 1:42 pm
Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of Global Markets Direct's new report "Severe Psoriasis - Pipeline Review, H2 2012" to their offering.
This report provides information on the therapeutic development for Severe Psoriasis, complete with latest updates, and special features on late-stage and discontinued projects. It also reviews key players involved in the therapeutic development for Severe Psoriasis. Severe Psoriasis - Pipeline Review, Half Year is built using data and information sourced from Global Markets Direct's proprietary databases, Company/University websites, SEC filings, investor presentations and featured press releases from company/university sites and industry-specific third party sources, put together by Global Markets Direct's team.
- A snapshot of the global therapeutic scenario for Severe Psoriasis.
- A review of the Severe Psoriasis products under development by companies and universities/research institutes based on information derived from company and industry-specific sources.
- Coverage of products based on various stages of development ranging from discovery till registration stages.
- A feature on pipeline projects on the basis of monotherapy and combined therapeutics.
- Coverage of the Severe Psoriasis pipeline on the basis of route of administration and molecule type.
- Key discontinued pipeline projects.
Originally posted here:
Research and Markets: Severe Psoriasis - Pipeline Review, H2 2012
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Censorship fears as Hamas bans Israeli media in the Gaza Strip – Video
Posted: at 1:41 pm
Censorship fears as Hamas bans Israeli media in the Gaza Strip
Hamas has announced a ban on Israeli media from working inside the Gaza Strip, claiming that media outlets portray Palestinians in a negative way.
By: JewishNewsOne
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Censorship fears as Hamas bans Israeli media in the Gaza Strip - Video
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Fuck Censorship china – Video
Posted: at 1:41 pm
Fuck Censorship china
Artist Gao Yuan has produced a video based on the song "Nunchaku" by Taiwanese singer Zhou Jielun (Jay Chou), rewriting the lyrics to curse government censorship. In the Chinese subtitles, he uses the word "hawthorn" ( #23665; #26946; #65292; shanzha) as a euphemism and homonym for "censorship" ( #23457; #26597; #65292; shencha).
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