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Healthcare Futurist Jack Uldrich to Keynote Three Hospital Association Events in Coming Months
Posted: January 3, 2013 at 7:40 pm
Acclaimed healthcare futurist and best-selling author, Jack Uldrich has been selected to deliver three keynote presentations to the Montana, Nebraska and Illinois hospital associations in the coming months. Uldrich will focus on future trends in healthcare and discuss the need for senior healthcare leaders to embrace the concept of "unlearning."
Minneapolis, MN (PRWEB) January 03, 2013
The presentations, based on Uldrichs two most recent books: "Foresight 20/20: A Futurist Explores the Trends Transforming Tomorrow" and "Higher Unlearning: 39 Post Requisite Lessons for Achieving a Successful Future" as well as his popular article, "Top Ten Trends in Healthcare," will begin by discussing how continued advances in information technologies, biotechnology, nanotechnology, robotics, radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, genomics, regenerative medicine and social networking will radically transform healthcare in the decade ahead. (A video of Mr. Uldrich discussing future trends can be viewed here.)
Uldrich will then focus on why these trends will demand unlearning and discuss why participants must embrace the concept of unlearning in order to achieve future success. Uldrich, who has been hailed as Americas Chief Unlearning Officer, will conclude by reviewing specific habits, customs, beliefs and ideas that healthcare professionals canand mustunlearn. Throughout his talks, he will use vivid analogies and memorable stories, drawn from a wide spectrum of industries, to ensure his message of unlearning sticks with his audiences.
In the past year, Uldrich has addressed dozens of healthcare associations and hospitals, including the Alcetel-Lucent/Verizon Forum on Wireless Healthcare, IASIS Healthcare, Allina Hospitals, The Healthcare Trustees of New York, The Iowa Healthcare Collaborative, Care Providers of Minnesota, St. Jude Medical, Fairview Hospitals, University Hospitals & Health System of Ohio, and healthcare associations in Colorado, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Tennessee, Utah and Wisconsin. He has also addressed a number of major, non-health-care-related corporations on the topic of unlearning including United Healthcare, PepsiCo, Cisco, IBM, WiPro, Guardian Life Insurance and General Electric. Uldrich also frequently addresses Young Presidents Organization (YPO) and Chamber of Commerce events throughout the country.
Parties interested in learning more about Jack Uldrich, his books, his daily blog or his speaking availability are encouraged to visit his website at: Media wishing to know more about the event or interviewing Jack Uldrich can contact him directly at 612-267-1212 or jack(at)schoolofunlearning(dot)com.
Uldrich is a renowned global healthcare futurist, best-selling author; editor of the monthly newsletter, The Exponential Executive, and host of the award-winning websites, and He is currently represented by a number of professional speakers bureaus, including Leading Authorities, Executive Speakers Bureau and Convention Connection.
Jack Uldrich Jump the Curve 612-267-1212 Email Information
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Healthcare Futurist Jack Uldrich to Keynote Three Hospital Association Events in Coming Months
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Kerbal Space Program – Episode 11: Kerbal Space Station 2.0 – Video
Posted: January 2, 2013 at 1:43 pm
Kerbal Space Program - Episode 11: Kerbal Space Station 2.0
Welcome to Kerbal Space Program. A game that will test your ability to successfully construct and fly and space plane or space ship. This game is filled with so much. You have the opportunity to do planetary travels and land on different planets. Soon we will be able to dock with other ships and make space stations. Enjoy KSP, and remember have fun. Thanks for watching NinjaCorporation! "Like" if you liked the video. Subscribe to see even more episodes where I make it to other planets and probably watch me fail in misery. And let me know what you think in the comments.
By: TheNinjaCorporation
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Christmas on space station
Posted: at 1:43 pm
Christmas in orbit might not look exactly like the holidays on Earth, but the astronauts living on the International Space Station this holiday season try to make the orbiting science laboratory as homey as possible.
The six members of the station's Expedition 34 crew, three of whom just arrived last week, are spending Christmas and New Years Day aboard the spacecraft, but that doesn't mean they don't get to celebrate. Hundreds of miles above the Earth's surface, the spaceflyers eat, exchange gifts, and try to be merry during Christmas and when welcoming in the New Year.
The space station crew are off duty for both Christmas Eve and Christmas. That means that they don't need to work on any of the 110 experiments aboard the station, and they can take as much time for meals as they want, NASA spokeswoman Nicole Cloutier-Lamasters told
The space station residents have a few different decorating options available to them. An earlier expedition left the crewmembers a Christmas tree and stockings made from nomex, a flame resistant fiber that's safe to stow onboard. [Holidays in Space: Astronaut Photo Album]
The week before Christmas was an eventful one for the orbital crew as well. Canadian Space Agency astronaut Chris Hadfield, NASA astronaut Tom Marshburn, and Russian cosmonaut Roman Romanenko arrived on Friday (Dec. 21), joining Kevin Ford of NASA, and cosmonauts Oleg Novitskiy and Evgeny Tarelkin to fill out the $100 billion science laboratory to its usual 6-person capacity.
The spaceflyers also have presents. The Progress 48 cargo freighter a robotic Russian supply ship that launched in early August of this year carried more than just basic supplies to the ISS. The Progress also brought holiday presents for the spaceflyers who'd be spending Yuletide in space.
As well as a traditional meal complete with turkey and candied yams, the crewmembers also get the chance to video conference with their families. This is a particular treat because video chatting is usually possible only once a week, and involves a lot of planning for mission control and the spaceflyers.
Despite NASA's best efforts to make the holidays in space as warm as they are on Earth, that doesn't mean astronauts won't get homesick.
Space news from
Science editor Alan Boyle's blog: Neil Armstrong's brother tells the BBC that he gave the late astronaut feedback on his history-making speech months before it was uttered on the moon.
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Christmas on space station
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HTC Droid DNA -vs- Apple iPhone 5 – HANDS-ON Review For New Year 2013 – Video
Posted: at 1:42 pm
HTC Droid DNA -vs- Apple iPhone 5 - HANDS-ON Review For New Year 2013
HTC Droid DNA -vs- Apple iPhone 5 - HANDS-ON Review For New Year 2013
By: Fahad Ahmed
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Ramesses III Y-DNA E1b1a Armana mummies 18th dynasty original version {shorter version} – Video
Posted: at 1:42 pm
Ramesses III Y-DNA E1b1a Armana mummies 18th dynasty original version {shorter version}
Video is technically not the original I just made it shorter than the Director cut (original) which explains me having a Director #39;s cut. I cut out a lot of Dr. Keita clips and some quotes to make it less redundant. However, I recommend those who have no problem with the time limit to check out the Director #39;s cut version which flows more with information. video is based off the recent publications of Zahi Hawass 2012.According to a genetic study in December 2012, Ramesses III belonged to Y-DNA haplogroup E1b1a, mainly found in sub-saharan Africa.[26] Hawass at al. 2012, Revisiting the harem conspiracy and death of Ramesses III: anthropological, forensic, radiological, and genetic study Zahi Hawass, egyptologist1, Somaia Ismail, professor of molecular biology23, Ashraf Selim, professor of radiology4, Sahar N Saleem, professor of radiology4, Dina Fathalla, molecular biologist3, Sally Wasef, molecular biologist5, Ahmed Z Gad, molecular biologist3, Rama Saad, molecular biologist3, Suzan Fares, molecular biologist3, Hany Amer, assistant professor of pharmacology6, Paul Gostner, radiologist7, Yehia Z Gad, professor of molecular genetics2, Carsten M Pusch, molecular biologist8, Albert R Zink, paleopathologist9 E1b1a commonly found in 58-60% of African American males and over 90% males in West Africa and peaks as high as 80% in selective regions of East, South, Central Africa. E1b1a is associated with the Bantu migration but is much older, as explained by Dr. Keita. Work is ...
By: davidcici11Evolution
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Ramesses III Y-DNA E1b1a Armana mummies 18th dynasty original version {shorter version} - Video
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Happy New Year From DNA Studios – Video
Posted: at 1:42 pm
Happy New Year From DNA Studios
Happy New Year Hope you like the collage
By: kingoftheworldCM
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Happy New Year From DNA Studios - Video
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The Sims 3 Generations – The Young, The Old and The Genome – Video
Posted: at 1:42 pm
The Sims 3 Generations - The Young, The Old and The Genome
The Sims 3 Generation OST The Young, The Old and The Genome Create-a-Sim Steve Jablonsky
By: Georgegiles123
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The Sims 3 Generations - The Young, The Old and The Genome - Video
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2013 Health Headlines – DNA and The human Genome – Video
Posted: at 1:42 pm
2013 Health Headlines - DNA and The human Genome Biggest health stories for 2013 on ABC. Dr. Nancy talks about how DNA testing is going to hit BIG in 2013 as we understand more about your own bodies- we will be healthier!!! Foru has a product line custom made for your DNA. Learn more
By: forurocstars
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2013 Health Headlines - DNA and The human Genome - Video
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UW Genome Sciences – Distinguished Faculty Interview Series: Walt Fangman – Video
Posted: at 1:42 pm
UW Genome Sciences - Distinguished Faculty Interview Series: Walt Fangman
MKRaghuraman interviews Walt Fangman, 1 October 2012 UWGS_gsdfis_2012.10.01_Fangman-293m.mp4
By: UWGenomeSciences
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UW Genome Sciences - Distinguished Faculty Interview Series: Walt Fangman - Video
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