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Douglas Murray on Censorship and Blasphemy Laws – Video
Posted: January 3, 2013 at 7:42 pm
Douglas Murray on Censorship and Blasphemy Laws
By: DouglasMurrayVideos
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Douglas Murray on Censorship and Blasphemy Laws - Video
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English Censorship Project – Video
Posted: at 7:42 pm
English Censorship Project
By: Darby Mroz
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English Censorship Project - Video
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CENSORSHIP NEEDED! Left 4 Friends! Part 3 – Video
Posted: at 7:42 pm
CENSORSHIP NEEDED! Left 4 Friends! Part 3
Imma bust a cap in that... Join me socially here! Do it! It #39;s fun. Youtube | Facebook | Twitter | Shirts | Liking and favorite is MUCH appreciated. c;Leaving a like makes my day. Join me socially here! Do it! It #39;s fun.
By: ThatDudeNamedMichael
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CENSORSHIP NEEDED! Left 4 Friends! Part 3 - Video
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StAnd against censorship – Video
Posted: at 7:42 pm
StAnd against censorship
Project for world issues class
By: Austin Schneider
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StAnd against censorship - Video
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Potholer54: "7. Climate Change – Those e-mails and science censorship" – Video
Posted: at 7:42 pm
Potholer54: "7. Climate Change - Those e-mails and science censorship"
= = = ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION BELOW = = = As of January 3rd 2013, Potholer54 #39;s account has been siezed, presumably for malicious purposes. The purpose of this channel is purely to mirror his work. You can visit his original YouTube channels (currently hi-jacked) and Facebook page here: Potholer54 Potholer54debunks: Facebook: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Uploaded on Dec 16, 2009 Are climatologists censoring scientific journals and silencing alternative hypotheses on climate change? This is the second part of my look at the hacked/stolen e-mails from the Climatic Research Unit in the UK. I welcome intelligent opinions in the forum, but please refrain from posting the same inane comment a dozen times. Debates in science aren #39;t settled by those who argue the longest or the loudest, but by the accuracy of facts and the consistency of hypotheses with the facts.
By: potholer55
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Potholer54: "7. Climate Change - Those e-mails and science censorship" - Video
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French magazine defies Sharia censorship: Charlie Hebdo publishes ‘The Life of Mohammed’ – Video
Posted: at 7:42 pm
French magazine defies Sharia censorship: Charlie Hebdo publishes #39;The Life of Mohammed #39;
Charlie Hebdo, a weekly satirical French magazine, has published a comic book biography of the Prophet Mohammed #39;s life titled #39;The Life of Mohammed #39; despite fears that publication could spark a fresh round of Muslim violence. Publisher Stephane Charbonnier defended the publication, insisting the aim is "not to ridicule the prophet" but to educate non-Muslims about the origins of Islamic beliefs. Muslims are forbidden from depicting their prophet Mohammed and in recent years Muslim groups around the world have sought to extend this prohibition to all non-Muslims, using a number of high-profile incidents to pressure Western governments and international bodies into imposing Muslim Sharia censorship on the entire world.
By: JewishNewsOne
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French magazine defies Sharia censorship: Charlie Hebdo publishes 'The Life of Mohammed' - Video
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Unnecessary Corporate Mundo Censorship – Video
Posted: at 7:42 pm
Unnecessary Corporate Mundo Censorship
Guys hope you enj0yed the video I even made myself crack up with this video I hope you did too! Drop a like for being the best ay fucking your face! Subscribe to Facebook! - Follow me on Twitter! -
By: Enj0yT0xic
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Unnecessary Corporate Mundo Censorship - Video
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Ron Paul Fiscal Cliff Republicans And Democrats Pretend They’re Fighting – Video
Posted: at 7:42 pm
Ron Paul Fiscal Cliff Republicans And Democrats Pretend They #39;re Fighting
Ron Paul Fiscal Cliff Republicans And Democrats Pretend They #39;re Fighting
By: Flygirlnews
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Ron Paul Fiscal Cliff Republicans And Democrats Pretend They're Fighting - Video
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The fiscal cliff explained by Ron Paul – video – Video
Posted: at 7:42 pm
The fiscal cliff explained by Ron Paul - video
The fiscal cliff explained by Ron Paul The fiscal cliff explained by Ron Paul The fiscal cliff explained by Ron Paul
By: ThisisPolitics
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The fiscal cliff explained by Ron Paul - video - Video
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Simplistic Libertarianism – Video
Posted: at 7:41 pm
Simplistic Libertarianism
Simplistic Libertarianism. Are you a libertarian? An anti-statist? Then watch this video and decide what type you are. Donate or I use force against; "The Cat!" Donate: Relevant Links: Governor Christie (State of NJ) vs. Secaucus Governor Corzine (State of NJ) vs. Video Secaucus Follow TheTruePooka elsewhere on the Internet! Transcript of this video is provided at;
By: TheTruePooka
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Simplistic Libertarianism - Video
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