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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Researchers Develop Tool To Evaluate Genome Sequencing Method

Posted: January 3, 2013 at 7:43 pm

Advances in bio-technologies and computer software have helped make genome sequencing much more common than in the past. But still in question are both the accuracy of different sequencing methods and the best ways to evaluate these efforts. Now, computer scientists have devised a tool to better measure the validity of genome sequencing.

The method, which is described in the journal PLOS One, allows for the evaluation of a wide range of genome sequencing procedures by tracking a small group of key statistical features in the basic structure of the assembled genome.Such sequence-assembly algorithm lays out the individual short reads (strings of DNAs four nucleic acid bases sampled from the target genome) to put together the complete genome sequencemuch like a complex jig-saw puzzle. The method uses techniques from statistical inference and learning theory to select the most significant features. Surprisingly, the method concludes that many features thought by human experts to be the most important were actually highly misleading.

The work was conducted by researchers at New York Universitys Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NYU School of Medicine, Swedens KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

Current evaluation methods of genome sequencing are typically imprecise. They rely on what amounts to crowd sourcing, with scientists weighing in on the accuracy of a sequencing method. Other evaluations use apples-to-oranges comparisons in making assessments, thus limiting their value.

In the PLOS One work, the researchers expanded upon an earlier system they created, Feature Response Curve (FRCurve), which offers a global picture of how genome-sequencing methods, or assemblers, are able to deal with different regions and different structures in a large complex genome. Specifically, it points out how an assembler might have traded off one kind of quality measure at the expense of another kind. For instance, it shows how aggressively a genome assembler might have tried to pull together a group of genes into a contiguous piece of the genome, while incorrectly rearranging their correct order and copy numbers.

However, FRCurve has a significant limitationit can only gauge the accuracy of certain kinds of assemblers at one time, thereby excluding comparisons among the range of sequencing methods currently being employed. Many of these methods, where the original FRCurve failed, are becoming highly popular, as they are specifically designed to work with the most established next-generation sequencing technologies and are able to perform some error correction and data compression. However, by doing so, they also discard the original signature of key statistical features (e.g., position and orientation of the reads used to generate the candidate sequence) that FRCurve needs for evaluation.

The work reported in PLOS One unveils a new method, FRCbam, which has the capability to evaluate a much wider class of assemblers. It does so by reverse engineering the latent structures that were obscured by error-correction and data compression; and it performs this operation rapidly by using efficient and scalable mapping algorithms.

Instead of assumption-ridden simulation or expensive auxiliary methods, FRCbam validates its analysis by examining a large ensemble of assemblers working on a large ensemble of genomes, selected from crowd-sourced competitions like GAGE and Assemblathons. This way, FRCbam can characterize the statistics that are expected and then validate any individual system with respect to it.

FRCbam and FRCurve are expected to be used routinely to rank and evaluate future genome projects. This method is currently employed to evaluate the sequence assembly of the Norway Spruce, one of the largest genomes sequenced so farit is seven times longer than the human genome.

The studys authors were: Francesco Vezzi, a postdoctoral researcher in the School of Computer Science and Communication at Swedens KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Science for Life Laboratory; Giuseppe Narzisi, a researcher at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratorys Simons Center for Quantitative Biology; and Bud Mishra, a professor at NYUs Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences who also holds appointments at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and NYU School of Medicine.

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Researchers Develop Tool To Evaluate Genome Sequencing Method

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Tool to evaluate genome sequencing method developed

Posted: at 7:43 pm

Jan. 2, 2013 Advances in bio-technologies and computer software have helped make genome sequencing much more common than in the past. But still in question are both the accuracy of different sequencing methods and the best ways to evaluate these efforts. Now, computer scientists have devised a tool to better measure the validity of genome sequencing.

The method, which is described in the journal PLOS One, allows for the evaluation of a wide range of genome sequencing procedures by tracking a small group of key statistical features in the basic structure of the assembled genome. Such sequence-assembly algorithm lays out the individual short reads (strings of DNA's four nucleic acid bases sampled from the target genome) to put together the complete genome sequence -- much like a complex jig-saw puzzle. The method uses techniques from statistical inference and learning theory to select the most significant features. Surprisingly, the method concludes that many features thought by human experts to be the most important were actually highly misleading.

The work was conducted by researchers at New York University's Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NYU School of Medicine, Sweden's KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

Current evaluation methods of genome sequencing are typically imprecise. They rely on what amounts to "crowd sourcing," with scientists weighing in on the accuracy of a sequencing method. Other evaluations use apples-to-oranges comparisons in making assessments, thus limiting their value.

In the PLOS One work, the researchers expanded upon an earlier system they created, Feature Response Curve (FRCurve), which offers a global picture of how genome-sequencing methods, or assemblers, are able to deal with different regions and different structures in a large complex genome. Specifically, it points out how an assembler might have traded off one kind of quality measure at the expense of another kind. For instance, it shows how aggressively a genome assembler might have tried to pull together a group of genes into a contiguous piece of the genome, while incorrectly rearranging their correct order and copy numbers.

However, FRCurve has a significant limitation -- it can only gauge the accuracy of certain kinds of assemblers at one time, thereby excluding comparisons among the range of sequencing methods currently being employed. Many of these methods, where the original FRCurve failed, are becoming highly popular, as they are specifically designed to work with the most established next-generation sequencing technologies and are able to perform some error correction and data compression. However, by doing so, they also discard the original signature of key statistical features (e.g., position and orientation of the reads used to generate the candidate sequence) that FRCurve needs for evaluation.

The work reported in PLOS One unveils a new method, FRCbam, which has the capability to evaluate a much wider class of assemblers. It does so by reverse engineering the latent structures that were obscured by error-correction and data compression; and it performs this operation rapidly by using efficient and scalable mapping algorithms.

Instead of assumption-ridden simulation or expensive auxiliary methods, FRCbam validates its analysis by examining a large ensemble of assemblers working on a large ensemble of genomes, selected from crowd-sourced competitions like GAGE and Assemblathons. This way, FRCbam can characterize the statistics that are expected and then validate any individual system with respect to it.

FRCbam and FRCurve are expected to be used routinely to rank and evaluate future genome projects. This method is currently employed to evaluate the sequence assembly of the Norway Spruce, one of the largest genomes sequenced so far -- it is seven times longer than the human genome.

The study's authors were: Francesco Vezzi, a postdoctoral researcher in the School of Computer Science and Communication at Sweden's KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Science for Life Laboratory; Giuseppe Narzisi, a researcher at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory's Simons Center for Quantitative Biology; and Bud Mishra, a professor at NYU's Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences who also holds appointments at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and NYU School of Medicine.

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Tool to evaluate genome sequencing method developed

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Eczema Beaten Review – Video

Posted: at 7:42 pm

Eczema Beaten Review
The Clickbank Rockstar looks at Eczema Beaten Review in detail, including the refund rate and also other different statistics. Full assessment can be found at

By: Frederick H

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Eczema Beaten Review - Video

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‘Is the eczema on my legs due to varicose veins or normal eczema?’ – Video

Posted: at 7:42 pm

#39;Is the eczema on my legs due to varicose veins or normal eczema? #39;
As part of The Whiteley Clinic #39;s #39;Your questions #39; series, Mr Mark Whiteley (Consultant Vascular Surgeon) answers the question of how you can tell if eczema on your legs is due to varicose veins or normal eczema. For more information please see

By: TheWhiteleyClinic

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'Is the eczema on my legs due to varicose veins or normal eczema?' - Video

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Relief from Itchy Eczema w/ Aloe Vera Gel – Video

Posted: at 7:42 pm

Relief from Itchy Eczema w/ Aloe Vera Gel

By: illllum

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Relief from Itchy Eczema w/ Aloe Vera Gel - Video

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Dad's heart bleeds over son's life of pain with eczema

Posted: at 7:42 pm

Topics: brisbane, eczema, editors picks, gladstone, health, itching, rockhampton, skin, specialist

THE sound of your child crying and screaming in pain is every parent's worst nightmare, but for Rockhampton's Troy Kunst and Rachel Hardie it's a daily reality.

Seeing their four-year-old son Lincoln in excruciating pain is heartbreaking for Troy and Rachel, and they are desperate for options to help him.

Suffering from severe eczema, Lincoln is covered head-to-toe in itchy sores and struggles with day-to-day activities such as bathing, walking, going to the toilet and playing like a normal four-year-old. Having a bath is Lincoln's biggest fear and he let's his parents know it.

Just yesterday Troy said it took two people to un-latch him from the stairway railing after he wrapped himself around it in a desperate attempt to avoid bathing and further irritating his skin, and it just gets worse.

"When he's in the shower he screams for help, for someone to help him," Troy said.

"It's heartbreaking to see him like that and it's really hard for us."

"He isn't even toilet trained yet because as soon as he tries to go to the toilet, his skin is exposed and it just flares up, so he's still in nappies."

After the ordeal of bathing, Lincoln then has to go through having ointments and creams applied to his entire body to try and soothe his pain, followed by bandages, and then finally clothes that won't allow him to scratch his raw skin and make the condition worse. "We go through a 10 metre roll of tubular bandages in about two weeks, if we don't keep his skin covered he just tears himself apart," Troy said.

Along with swollen hands and feet, calluses on his fingertips from scratching, asthma and glands swollen to the size of marbles due to the disease and allergies to certain foods, Troy said Lincoln hasn't slept a full night in almost four years.

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Dad's heart bleeds over son's life of pain with eczema

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Eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, dry, hydrating, chapped skin Mukti organics calendula crème – Video

Posted: at 7:42 pm

Eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, dry, hydrating, chapped skin Mukti organics calendula crme
The Mukti Organic Skincare range is available at Red Suva Natural Therapies for all your health and nutrition needs - or shop on the online at 2 b organic.

By: RedSuvaNT

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Eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, dry, hydrating, chapped skin Mukti organics calendula crème - Video

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positive dr suresh on psoriasis in tv5 1 – Video

Posted: at 7:42 pm

positive dr suresh on psoriasis in tv5 1
siriraj media services - 8978463600 vr providing a2z media support

By: positivemediaramana

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positive dr suresh on psoriasis in tv5 1 - Video

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positive dr suresh on psoriasis in tv5 2 – Video

Posted: at 7:42 pm

positive dr suresh on psoriasis in tv5 2
siriraj media services - 8978463600 vr providing a2z media support

By: positivemediaramana

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positive dr suresh on psoriasis in tv5 2 - Video

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What Guttate Psoriasis Looks Like – Video

Posted: at 7:42 pm

What Guttate Psoriasis Looks Like
Some psoriasis is caused by being a diabetic like I am a type 2 diabetic with hypertension which I take a couple different kinds of strong medications for but I have been using these creams for quite awhile but they seldom work and I do not have good medical insurance so I suffer constantly from these type of ailments.I just want to show what it looks like for it is kind of rare and I itch day and night so such so I can hardly sleep.I only get like 4 hours at a time before I have to use more creams.I would not wish this on my worst enemy.

By: Cosmic Joe

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What Guttate Psoriasis Looks Like - Video

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