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Category Archives: Transhuman News
ISS Undocking of ATV 3 From Space Station – Video
Posted: January 3, 2013 at 7:44 pm
ISS Undocking of ATV 3 From Space Station
By: Danyal Zulfiqar
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ISS Undocking of ATV 3 From Space Station - Video
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Buzz Lightyears Space Station Mission Logs – Video
Posted: at 7:44 pm
Buzz Lightyears Space Station Mission Logs
By: Danyal Zulfiqar
Here is the original post:
Buzz Lightyears Space Station Mission Logs - Video
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Canadian Astronaut Posting Photos From International Space Station On His Twitter Account – Video
Posted: at 7:44 pm
Canadian Astronaut Posting Photos From International Space Station On His Twitter Account
January 02, 2013 CBC News
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Canadian Astronaut Posting Photos From International Space Station On His Twitter Account - Video
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International Space Station Passing over Melbourne 4th January – Video
Posted: at 7:44 pm
International Space Station Passing over Melbourne 4th January
Update of the ISS over Melbourne
By: GeoffJennyOliver
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International Space Station Passing over Melbourne 4th January - Video
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Space Station 13 Video Tutorial Episode 1: The Basics – Video
Posted: at 7:44 pm
Space Station 13 Video Tutorial Episode 1: The Basics
In this tutorial we go through the very basics of Space Station 13, to give you an idea of what the game is about and how to move around and locate different parts of the station. Check out these useful wiki links!
By: Thegamecheats
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Space Station 13 Video Tutorial Episode 1: The Basics - Video
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Space Station Crew To Study Why Astronauts Get Taller In Space
Posted: at 7:44 pm
January 2, 2013
Image Caption: Expedition 29 Commander Mike Fossum is photographed working with the USND-2 (Ultrasound 2) unit in front of the HRF-1 (Human Research Facility 1) Rack. Credit: NASA
Lee Rannals for Your Universe Online
Researchers are looking into why astronauts are able to grow taller while spending time aboard the International Space Station (ISS).
Astronauts who are living aboard the orbiting laboratory have been known to grow 3 percent taller while living in microgravity. However, they return to their normal height when back on Earth. NASA has now commissioned a Spinal Ultrasound investigation to better understand this change.
This is the very first time that spinal ultrasound will be used to evaluate the changes in the spine, Scott A. Dulchavsky, M.D., Ph.D., principal investigator for the station study, said in a statement. Spinal ultrasound is more challenging to perform than many of the previous ultrasound examinations done in space.
The difficulty with imaging the spine is simply due to human anatomy, NASA said. Using the Ultrasound 2 machine aboard the space station gives astronauts an advanced tool to view the inner workings of their bodies.
Today there is a new ultrasound device on the station that allows more precise musculoskeletal imaging required for assessment of the complex anatomy and the spine, Dulchavsky said. The crew will be able to perform these complex evaluations in the next year due to a newly developed Just-In-Time training guide for spinal ultrasound, combined with refinements in crew training and remote guidance procedures.
The research could help develop exercises for better crew health and guiding improved rehabilitation techniques when astronauts return to Earth. Helping to understand how changes to the spine occur in real-time response to life in space will help crews prepare for future long-duration missions.
Dulchavsky said that another benefit of the research is that it could also reduce costs and provide a safer imaging option for patients here on Earth.
See the rest here:
Space Station Crew To Study Why Astronauts Get Taller In Space
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Orb-ish snake-ish ghost that looks like DNA – Video
Posted: at 7:43 pm
Orb-ish snake-ish ghost that looks like DNA
2012-09-21 035813 - orby snake that sorta looks like dna.mp4
By: pooooootdtv
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Orb-ish snake-ish ghost that looks like DNA - Video
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Justin Bieber // DNA; – Video
Posted: at 7:43 pm
Justin Bieber // DNA;
this is my first video with sony vegas. so,don #39;t judge me ahah another video for Justin,as usual. love you man. my twitter :
By: notlikethesky
See the article here:
Justin Bieber // DNA; - Video
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Revealed DNA – The Next Wave – Video
Posted: at 7:43 pm
Revealed DNA - The Next Wave
The documentary highlights many ways that modern DNA technologies are reshaping peoples #39; lives.
By: akikosa55
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Revealed DNA - The Next Wave - Video
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DNA leads to arrest in attack of Clearwater girl who was raped while walking to school bus stop
Posted: at 7:43 pm
CLEARWATER Detectives used DNA evidence to arrest a man Wednesday in connection with a December attack on a 17-year-old girl who was raped as she walked to her school bus stop.
Dustin M. Kennedy, 28, was taken into custody at the Goodwill Residential Re-entry Center at 16432 U.S. 19 N in Clearwater on Wednesday afternoon.
Pinellas sheriff's officials said Kennedy attacked the girl in the area of Whitney Road and Whitney Drive in unincorporated Clearwater on the morning of Dec. 18.
The attacker grabbed the girl from behind, choked her and dragged her to a nearby ditch. The girl lost consciousness and the attacker raped her, sheriff's officials said.
The attack prompted the Sheriff's Office to increase patrols in the area; some parents also elected to drive their children to their school bus stops afterward.
The Pinellas County Forensic Laboratory later matched a DNA sample recovered after the attack with that of Kennedy, whose DNA information was in a state database.
Kennedy was living at the re-entry facility, which has a contract with the Florida Department of Corrections. The facility is close to where the attack occurred.
Re-entry facilities are designed to help prison inmates become law-abiding members of society, according to the DOC's website.
In March, Kennedy was sentenced to 18 months in prison for burglary and grand theft out of Hillsborough County, state records show. He was scheduled to be released Feb. 13.
Kenney also was in prison from 2005 to 2007 on burglary and grand theft charges.
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DNA leads to arrest in attack of Clearwater girl who was raped while walking to school bus stop
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