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Category Archives: Transhuman News

WashU Browser: visualizing long-range genome interaction data (Updated) – Video

Posted: January 5, 2013 at 2:42 am

WashU Browser: visualizing long-range genome interaction data (Updated)
Visualizing long-range genome interaction data with WashU Epigenome Browser Visit the Browser at: Narrated by Rebecca Lowdon Recorded using camStudio (

By: Xin Zhou

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Cancer Genome Institute TV Ad – January 2013 – Video

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Cancer Genome Institute TV Ad - January 2013

By: FoxChaseCancerCenter

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Editing genome with high precision: New method to insert multiple genes in specific locations, delete defective genes

Posted: at 2:42 am

Jan. 3, 2013 Researchers at MIT, the Broad Institute and Rockefeller University have developed a new technique for precisely altering the genomes of living cells by adding or deleting genes. The researchers say the technology could offer an easy-to-use, less-expensive way to engineer organisms that produce biofuels; to design animal models to study human disease; and to develop new therapies, among other potential applications.

To create their new genome-editing technique, the researchers modified a set of bacterial proteins that normally defend against viral invaders. Using this system, scientists can alter several genome sites simultaneously and can achieve much greater control over where new genes are inserted, says Feng Zhang, an assistant professor of brain and cognitive sciences at MIT and leader of the research team.

"Anything that requires engineering of an organism to put in new genes or to modify what's in the genome will be able to benefit from this," says Zhang, who is a core member of the Broad Institute and MIT's McGovern Institute for Brain Research.

Zhang and his colleagues describe the new technique in the Jan. 3 online edition of Science. Lead authors of the paper are graduate students Le Cong and Ann Ran.

Early efforts

The first genetically altered mice were created in the 1980s by adding small pieces of DNA to mouse embryonic cells. This method is now widely used to create transgenic mice for the study of human disease, but, because it inserts DNA randomly in the genome, researchers can't target the newly delivered genes to replace existing ones.

In recent years, scientists have sought more precise ways to edit the genome. One such method, known as homologous recombination, involves delivering a piece of DNA that includes the gene of interest flanked by sequences that match the genome region where the gene is to be inserted. However, this technique's success rate is very low because the natural recombination process is rare in normal cells.

More recently, biologists discovered that they could improve the efficiency of this process by adding enzymes called nucleases, which can cut DNA. Zinc fingers are commonly used to deliver the nuclease to a specific location, but zinc finger arrays can't target every possible sequence of DNA, limiting their usefulness. Furthermore, assembling the proteins is a labor-intensive and expensive process.

Complexes known as transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs) can also cut the genome in specific locations, but these complexes can also be expensive and difficult to assemble.

Precise targeting

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Editing genome with high precision: New method to insert multiple genes in specific locations, delete defective genes

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Neosporin Eczema Essentials Ad – January 2, 2013 – Video

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Neosporin Eczema Essentials Ad - January 2, 2013
Get rid of your eczema immediately!

By: jgee201181

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5 Ways to Treat Your Eczema Naturally

Posted: at 2:42 am

Suffering from eczema as an adult can really bring you down, but make 2013 the year to take back control over your skin. As always, it's best to visit your dermatologist to seek his or her advice on what types of care you need, whether it's a prescription for steroids or an at-home remedy. Once you have your doctor's approval, see five ways to fight the itch steroid-free.

1. Go fragrance-free: Scented products can irritate skin, so now's the time to really take a look at everything that comes into contact with your body. From laundry detergent to your shampoo, conditioner, and skin-care products, check out all the labels to ensure they're fragrance-free.

2. Find the right body care: Not all body washes and lotions are created equal. Now that you've narrowed your search down to the fragrance-free variety, why not choose one that's particular to your needs? Look for something like Cetaphil's Restoraderm body wash ($16.95) and moisturiser ($22.95), which have both been awarded the seal of acceptance by the National Eczema Association.

3. Make cotton your new best friend: It's soft and cheap and it breathes. This natural fibre is often recommended for eczema-prone individuals, so steer clear of itchy wool and synthetic materials. Plus, you can also try washing new clothes before wearing them to help make them more comfortable for your skin.

4. Consume more oils: Help hydrate your dry, itchy skin from the inside out. Eating foods rich in fatty acids like fish, flax seeds, and walnuts can help nourish your skin's protective barrier from a cellular level. You can also add things like evening primrose and fish oil supplements to your diet.

5. Take a lukewarm shower: No matter how good a steaming hot shower feels, its damaging effects aren't worth it. The overly hot water actually strips your already-dry skin of even more moisture, which can lead to more itchy breakouts. Simply turn down the nozzle to a more skin-friendly temperature.

While it seems like a lot, making these lifestyle changes can help ward off future breakouts or at least make your condition less severe. Healthy skin requires work when you have eczema, but it's well worth it when you have clear, beautiful skin to show off.

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Dermasis – Dermasis Psoriasis Cream – Video

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Dermasis - Dermasis Psoriasis Cream Click the link to the left to get a free package of Dermasis. Dermasis helps provide you with the relief that looking for from the itching, redness and scaling of psoriasis. Are you someone who suffers with psoriasis? If so, Dermasis psoriasis cream contains FDA approved...

By: healthybodiesnow

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Ape Escape 2 – Episode 8: Politically Incorrect – Video

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Ape Escape 2 - Episode 8: Politically Incorrect
In this episode, Jacob and Mitchell head to the Ninja Hideout. Even aside from Jacob #39;s struggles with the RC car, things take a turn for the worse. If you enjoyed the video, we #39;d greatly appreciate it if you could leave a like, favourite, or a comment. Even more so, if you could share this video with your friends, that would be wonderful. And as always, if you want to see more videos like this, be sure to subscribe!

By: NoContextNeeded

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Sonic Unnecessary Censorship – Video

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Sonic Unnecessary Censorship
I made this like two years ago and stumbled upon it in the depths of my folders. It #39;s sloppy but still kind of funny so I figured why not put it up. Clips~Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic 2006

By: twilitprincess

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China's Southern Weekly Journalists Stand Up Against “Raping” Party Censorship

Posted: at 2:41 am

The Southern Weekly newspaper, published in Chinas Guangdong province (Facebook)

Some Chinese journalists have stood up against state censorship and demanded the resignation of a propaganda chief after a New Year editorial calling for reforms was turned into a Communist Party tribute.

Thirty-five former journalists and 50 interns form the Southern Weekly newspaper in the eastern Guangdong province accused the local party propaganda chief Tuo Zhen of being "dictatorial" and called for him to quit, after the newspaper's annual feature was radically changed at the last minute.

Another 60 reporters signed a complaint letter, which accused Tuo of "raping" the newspaper's autonomy and added:

"If the media should lose credibility and influence, then how can the ruling party make its voice heard or convince its people?"

The original version of the Southern Weekly's traditionally bold New Year editorial called for democracy, freedom and the fulfilling of promises of libertarian reforms made by the 1982 constitution.

"The Chinese dream is the dream of constitutional rule," the original version read according to the newspaper's editors, Dai Zhiyong.

The tone of the article was first watered down by the newspaper's editorial staff in mutual agreement with the Party's censors, as part of the usual "editing" process.

The article was then twisted by a night blitz from the local censor office, leaving the journalists reportedly astonished, as they read the paper in the morning.

The new version was headlined "Dreams are our promise to what we need to accomplish" and claimed Chinese people were now closer to achieving their dreams thanks to the party leadership.

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Chinese journalists mount rare protest over an alleged act of government censorship

Posted: at 2:41 am

BEIJING Chinese journalists reacted furiously Friday to what they said was heavy-handed official censorship of a New Years message from a popular Guangdong newspaper, setting up a crucial early challenge for new leader Xi Jinping.

The dispute began when the propaganda chief in the southern province, Tuo Zhen, apparently went behind the backs of the editors of the reform-minded paper Southern Weekly and directed that changes be made to the unsigned front-page piece. Tuo deleted some parts and inserted new passages in some places, adding factual errors after the papers top editors had signed off on the Jan. 2 article and gone home, several editors and reporters said later on their Twitter-like microblogs, called weibo.

Censorship of Chinas print media is a long-standing and ubiquitous practice, but having a government official actually rewrite an article before publication, and without consulting the editors, was considered an unusual intrusion even by Chinese standards.

The original message was titled Chinas dream, the dream of constitutionalism and it expressed the hope that China would become a country ruled by law and the constitution, according to the journalists. Only if constitutionalism is realized, and power effectively checked, can citizens voice their criticisms of power loudly and confidently, it said.

The version that appeared in the paper, however, was a sycophantic piece titled We are now closer to our dream than ever, which praised the work of the ruling Communist Party and omitted references to constitutionalism, democracy and equality.

Beijings censors tried to contain the resulting indignation by ordering all the weibo postings about the controversy deleted. According to the China Digital Times Web site, which tracks Chinese censorship issues, the Central Propaganda Department issued an urgent notice on Jan. 3 saying, Upon receipt of this message, controlling departments in all locales must immediately inform reporters and editors that they may not discuss the Southern Weekly New Years greeting on any public platforms.

The complaining journalists suddenly found their weibo posts deleted, and some had their accounts shut down.

But the controversy only intensified Friday with a rare open letter from a prominent group of former journalists affiliated with Southern Weekly calling Tuos actions dictatorial and also ignorant and excessive, according to a translation provided by the Hong Kong-based China Media Project, which studies mainland media issues. By late Friday, more than 50 former journalists had endorsed the letter.

The journalists letter directly criticized Tuo, a member of the Guangdong Communist Party Standing Committee with oversight of propaganda, saying, In this era in which hope is necessary, he is obliterating hope; in this era in which equality is yearned for, his actions are haughty and condescending; in this era of growing open-mindedness, his actions are foolish and careless.

The journalists added, If media lose all credibility and influence, then we ask, how is the ruling Party to speak? They also said that since Xis election, the general attitude at home and overseas ... has been one of optimism. But they asked whether the central government supported Tuos actions and demanded that he be deemed unsuitable for his position.

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Chinese journalists mount rare protest over an alleged act of government censorship

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