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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Furor over censorship spreading in China

Posted: January 7, 2013 at 3:46 pm

BEIJING Hundreds of supporters of the reform-minded Guangdong newspaper Southern Weekly staged a rare public protest against state censorship outside the papers offices Monday, while prominent business tycoons, opinion makers and film stars used their microblogging accounts to demand greater press freedom in China.

Meanwhile, several of the newspapers editors and reporters said they were going on strike, which would be the first such action by journalists against official press restrictions in more than two decades.

This is actually something pretty amazing, said Hung Huang, a publisher, writer and blogger. Its the first time the media is protesting against censorship. This is the first time they took action and said, Were not going to take this anymore. ... Somehow, this was the straw that broke the camels back.

The highly unusual protests sprung from what is being called the New Years Day incident, in which Southern Weeklys journalists say their front-page New Years message to readers expressing a dream for a constitutional government in China was substantially rewritten and watered down, without the knowledge or consent of the editors, by Guangdong provinces top Communist Party propaganda official, Tuo Zhen.

Tuo has not spoken about his role in rewriting the piece and could not be reached for comment. Several journalists and media executives said that even under Chinas tight, long-standing control of the print media, it would be far out of the ordinary for a propaganda official to so blatantly interfere in the editorial process without telling top editors.

The incident grew more confusing Sunday, when a statement appeared at 9:20 p.m. on the Southern Weeklys Sina Weibo account, the Chinese version of Twitter. The post said the New Years message published Jan. 2 was written by the papers management team, and it denied the online reports that it had been rewritten.

About an hour later, angry Southern Weekly editors and staff members used a separate microblogging account, for the papers economic news sections, to charge that Southern Weeklys official Sina Weibo account had been forcibly confiscated by the government and that the statement posted on it was untrue. Dozens of Southern Weekly editors and staff members later signed an online statement saying the paper had been forced to give up the password to the official account.

The battle over censorship spilled into the public arena Monday, as an estimated 400 people heeded an online call for protest, according to witnesses and online reports . People showed up holding roses and white and yellow chrysanthemums the traditional flower of mourning in China and some wore masks covering their mouths. Others held handwritten signs calling for freedom of speech.

We laid flowers at the gate to Southern Weekly, said Song Bingyi, a protester. There were white roses, white chrysanthemum, red roses and yellow chrysanthemum there. But once we put down the flowers, plainclothes police came to confiscate them all.

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Furor over censorship spreading in China

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Ron Paul’s 19 Year Old GRANDSON William Hilton Paul ARRESTED In Charlotte Airport For Being DRUNK – Video

Posted: at 3:46 pm

Ron Paul #39;s 19 Year Old GRANDSON William Hilton Paul ARRESTED In Charlotte Airport For Being DRUNK
Ron Paul #39;s 19 Year Old GRANDSON William Hilton Paul ARRESTED In Charlotte Airport For Being Drunk The 19-year-old son of Sen. Rand Paul and grandson of former presidential candidate Ron Paul was arrested Saturday morning for allegedly being intoxicated at Charlotte/Douglas International Airport. William Hilton Paul arrived in Charlotte, NC, on a US Airways flight from Lexington, Ky., where his father is a US senator. According to Lt. Blake Hollar with the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department, Paul was intoxicated when he arrived at the airport and said "he was possibly served alcohol on the flight." The teenager was arrested by police and booked into the Mecklenburg County Jail, charged with three misdemeanors: underage consumption, disorderly conduct, and being intoxicated and disruptive. While in the custody of the Mecklenburg County Sheriff #39;s Office, reports say William Hilton Paul identified himself as the son of Sen. Rand Paul.

By: ForyourInfoM

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Ron Paul's 19 Year Old GRANDSON William Hilton Paul ARRESTED In Charlotte Airport For Being DRUNK - Video

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Ron Paul´s First Interview after Leaving Congress – Receives The Respect He Deserves ! – Video

Posted: at 3:46 pm

Ron Pauls First Interview after Leaving Congress - Receives The Respect He Deserves ! 01/05/2013 (Pls watch Rand Pauls opinion on Fiscal Cliff: (Ron Paul #39;s New Year #39;s Message to Congress: Facebook: Backup YouTube channel: Email updates: 01 Ron Paul is America #39;s leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, sound money, and a pro-America foreign policy. To spread the message, visit and promote the following websites: (grassroots website) http (discussion forum) ============================================================ bdquo;May future generations look back on our work and say that these were men and women who, in the moment of great crisis, stood up to their politicians, the opinion-makers, and the establishment, and saved their country." - Ron Paul Orwell 1984 is dead! R[ #773; #818; #601; #773; #818; #1640; #773; #818; #1637; #773; #818; #1638; #773; #818;]ution 2013 is alive!! #8466; #8500; #1141; #8495; #4326; Peace #9774; ============================================================ This video is [FAIR USE], under COPYRIGHT LAW it is: #10112; noncommercial #10113; trans-formative in nature #10114; not competitive with the original work #10115; not effecting its market negatively #9842; Thank you. [FAIR USE NOTICE]: [This video contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyrig owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understandichtice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a #39;fair use #39; of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the ...

By: World2Awakens6

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Ron Paul´s First Interview after Leaving Congress - Receives The Respect He Deserves ! - Video

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New Space Station : Largest Rocket ever Built : Nasa Retires Space Shuttle – Video

Posted: January 6, 2013 at 9:45 am

New Space Station : Largest Rocket ever Built : Nasa Retires Space Shuttle
Nasa is building the largest rocker ever to launch a new space Station and has retired the Shuttle. Video by voanews.

By: safecreativecommons

New Space Station : Largest Rocket ever Built : Nasa Retires Space Shuttle - Video

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International Space Station Live in HD – First time in HD – Video

Posted: at 9:45 am

International Space Station Live in HD - First time in HD
International Space Station Live in HD. Unfortunately I was not able to record it in real HD. It #39;s regular Standard TV resolution.

By: VodkaTech

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International Space Station Live in HD - First time in HD - Video

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lets play space station 13 marines vs aliens game 2 im a alien – Video

Posted: at 9:45 am

lets play space station 13 marines vs aliens game 2 im a alien

By: Spike2xdaface

Here is the original post:
lets play space station 13 marines vs aliens game 2 im a alien - Video

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My space station in KSP – Video

Posted: at 9:45 am

My space station in KSP
Hey guys i just wanted to show you my space station for kerbal space program, but this will be the start of my new series. Enjoy!

By: TAmaster9

See the rest here:
My space station in KSP - Video

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Kerbal Space Program – Docking to a Space Station – Video

Posted: at 9:45 am

Kerbal Space Program - Docking to a Space Station
Docking a load of fuel to a space station in Kerbal Space Program.

By: nessdude14

Go here to read the rest:
Kerbal Space Program - Docking to a Space Station - Video

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3D Space Station Fighters: Game Design – Video

Posted: at 9:45 am

3D Space Station Fighters: Game Design
Twitter: More details on space stations: First space station: Second space station:

By: Angryfly3D

Originally posted here:
3D Space Station Fighters: Game Design - Video

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What does the International Space Station sound like?

Posted: at 9:45 am

Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield is beaming sounds from the ISS, including an original tune on guitar and the tones of a toilet starting.

Can you hear me, Major Tom? Hadfield rocks out in the ISS cupola.

If you're heading to the International Space Station, try to bunk in the Japanese section. It's as quiet as a Zen temple.

Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield recently went aboard the ISS and has been recording what it sounds like. It's not quite the elegant "2001: A Space Odyssey" experience you might expect. It's more like a noisy tin can.

After recording last week the ambient sounds of the U.S. lab, with its noisy air pumps and fans, Hadfield managed to get samples of what the ISS toilet sounds like, as well as the relative serenity of the Japanese Experiment Module (aka Kibo).

Check them out below, or listen to a larger selection here.

Hadfield has been very busy taking some amazing photos of Earth, updating his Facebook status, and performing the odd astro-duty like running experiments.

A couple of days ago, he received a message on Twitter from William Shatner, who asked whether he was tweeting from space.

"Yes, Standard Orbit, Captain," Hadfield replied. "And we're detecting signs of life on the surface."

That gave Trekkies, including yours truly, tribble-like quivers of delight.

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What does the International Space Station sound like?

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