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Genome MIDI Sequencer / Animoog iPad problem – Video
Posted: January 8, 2013 at 8:51 pm
Genome MIDI Sequencer / Animoog iPad problem
I set everything up according to all the manuals an online tutorial videos available. However, when I drew the notes into the Genome pattern the sound was 100% different from the sound that was coming from Animoog when I played directly on its keyboard (the sound is a continuous bass, and when triggered by Genome it sounded like a bass drum - short spiky sound). Plus, out of many notes that were present in the pattern only the first one was triggered, the rest were silent. After trying to find what the problem was I found out that the sound was played as it supposed to only when I would turn on the key hold button in Animoog. I am completely clueless on what it is caused by.
By: Ivan Kuptsov
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SCIENCEEE! – Episode 1 – Bacon: The Genome – Video
Posted: at 8:51 pm
SCIENCEEE! - Episode 1 - Bacon: The Genome
On this brand new show David, Brett, and Andy attempt to boost your IQ with some bacon talk with Kyle Schachtschneider about his previous research project about bacon (a link to his intense but awesome research project). He mapped out porcine genome, and plans to continue to rock the world with his SCIENCEEE!! Stay tuned for future episodes of this show where we poke and prod at the world of science in order to grow, learn, and get smarts.
By: GeekifyEntertainment
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100K Pathogen Genome Project Selects PacBio SMRT(R) DNA Sequencing to Generate High-Quality, Finished Genomes
Posted: at 8:51 pm
MENLO PARK, Calif., Jan. 8, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc. (PACB) provider of the PacBio(R)RS High Resolution Genetic Analyzer, and the University of California, Davis (UC Davis) today announced a partnership for the 100K Pathogen Genome Project. As part of the project, Pacific Biosciences' Single Molecule, Real-Time (SMRT(R)) technology will be used to sequence the genomes from at least 1,000 foodborne pathogen samples to completion, and to elucidate their epigenomes. These bacteria represent major illness-causing pathogens, including Salmonella, Campylobacter, E. coli, Vibrio, and Listeria.
The 100K Genome Project was founded by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration, Agilent Technologies, and the laboratory of Dr. Bart Weimer at UC Davis to create a consortium of partners from around the world that will sequence 100,000 foodborne pathogens using next-generation sequencing. This initiative addresses a significant shortage of bacterial pathogen information for use in designing molecular diagnostics, creates a resource to expand our understanding of infection mechanisms, and constructs a public repository for new insights into bacterial evolution by using large-scale genomics.
Pacific Biosciences' SMRT sequencing technology generates sequence reads an order of magnitude longer than other leading DNA sequencing technologies, thereby facilitating efficient de novo microbial genome assemblies. Long reads are critical for resolving genetic complexity in the assembly and finishing of genomes. The use of SMRT sequencing for the automated finishing of microbial genomes has been demonstrated in multiple recent publications, including for the genetic analysis of the Haitian cholera and German E. coli outbreaks.
The kinetic information acquired during SMRT sequencing can be used to elucidate the epigenome of bacteria. Epigenetic DNA base modifications, such as methylation, play an important role in the phenotypic variation, adaptability and pathogenicity of many bacteria, but they have been difficult to study due to the lack of a sequencing method to detect them. As part of the 100K Genome Project, the epigenomes of the pathogenic strains subjected to SMRT sequencing will be characterized, adding an important dataset to public database repositories.
"SMRT sequencing has been shown to be a powerful technology for the comprehensive determination of microbial genomes and epigenomes," said Dr. Jonas Korlach, Chief Scientific Officer of Pacific Biosciences. "Through the combination of long reads, high consensus accuracy, and the lack of sequencing bias to GC content or sequence contexts, SMRT sequencing harbors the necessary requirements to construct finished genomes in an unbiased, hypothesis-free manner. The ability to detect methylation as part of the sequencing process is unique to SMRT sequencing, and will provide an invaluable resource to illuminate the epigenetic components controlling bacterial pathogenicity."
"We are very pleased to utilize SMRT sequencing as part of the 100K Genome Project," said Bart Weimer, Professor and Director of the 100K Genome Project, "SMRT technology will enable production of complete genomes that will contribute great value toward databases for biological insight, new biomarker discovery, and reference genomes for food pathogen detection. A project of this scale is needed since microbial genome variations, including structural variations, the acquisition and loss of mobile elements, and phages or plasmids, are very difficult or impossible to detect without a de novo sequencing and genome assembly approach, yet they have a significant impact on food safety."
The partnership will entail the sequencing of at least 1,000 samples by the 100K consortium member labs with access to the PacBio RS instrumentation, including pipeline constructions for high-throughput pathogen sequencing, de novo genome assemblies, epigenome determination, and data curation and deposition. Pacific Biosciences will provide technical guidance and training to support these activities, and interface closely with the involved laboratories to assist in the efficient construction of these pipelines.
For more information, please visit and
About Pacific Biosciences
Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc. (PACB) offers the PacBio(R)RS High Resolution Genetic Analyzer to help scientists solve genetically complex problems. Based on its novel Single Molecule, Real-Time (SMRT(R)) technology, the company's products enable: targeted sequencing to more comprehensively characterize genetic variations; de novo genome assembly to more fully identify, annotate and decipher genomic structures; and DNA base modification identification to help characterize epigenetic regulation and DNA damage. By providing access to information that was previously inaccessible, Pacific Biosciences enables scientists to increase their understanding of biological systems.
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100K Pathogen Genome Project Selects PacBio SMRT(R) DNA Sequencing to Generate High-Quality, Finished Genomes
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Wet Dressing for treatment of Eczema. – Video
Posted: at 8:51 pm
Wet Dressing for treatment of Eczema.
Welcome to Allerchic #39;s Instructional video on how to apply a wet dressing for the treatment of Eczema Allergy #39;s for more information including facts sheets please visit
By: Allerchic
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Psoriasis Free for Life Review – Psorias – Video
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Psoriasis Free for Life Review - Psorias
Psoriasis Free for Life Review - Psorias If you want to get rid of psoriasis fast and naturally than you must visit the link to see what I want to say though this presentation.
By: Patria Tealor
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Biocon's Itolizumab drug for psoriasis gets DCGI approval
Posted: at 8:51 pm
BANGALORE: Indian biotech major Biocon has announced that it has received marketing authorization from the Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI) for its novel biologic Itolizumab used for the treatment of psoriasis.
This is the second novel biologic, a medicinal preparation created by a biological process, developed by Biocon at its research and development unit in Bangalore. Biocon's first biologic to enter the market was BioMab EGFR, used in the treatment of cancer.
The company said Itolizumab is a first in class therapy for the treatment of moderate-to-severe psoriasis and has an excellent safety profile as indicated during the 52-week phase III multi-centric clinical study that was conducted in India.
Biocon will market the novel biologic under the name Alzumab in India, during the latter half of 2013. Alzumab will be manufactured and formulated as an infusion drug at Biocon's manufacturing facility at Biocon Park in Bangalore.
Psoriasis is a socially debilitating disease affecting 2% to 3 % of the Indian population. Global estimates suggest that the treatment of psoriasis will have a market value of $8 billion by 2016.
Commenting on the regulatory approval, Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, CMD, Biocon, said, "This approval paves the way for us to extend clinical development for other indications like rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and vitiligo." The biologic Itolizumab has shown promising pre-clinical and clinical efficacy in other auto-immune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis, Biocon said.
Shaw added, "We also intend to file a US IND (Investigational New Drug) filing shortly to enable us to embark on a global clinical development plan. This is a defining moment for Biocon as it reaches a significant milestone in its mission of delivering affordable innovation to patients worldwide."
Biocon plans to develop Itolizumab with a global partner for various markets across the world.
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Biocon gets nod to sell psoriasis drug in India
Posted: at 8:51 pm
Biocon gets nod to sell psoriasis drug in India This approval paves the way for the launch of Biocon?s Alzumab in India, later during 2013 Raghuvir Badrinath / Bangalore Jan 08, 2013, 10:38 IST
Biocon, the publicly held biotechnology company, on Tuesday announced that it has received marketing authorisation from the Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI) for Novel Biologic Itolizumab, an anti CD6 molecule, for the treatment of chronic plaque Psoriasis.
Itolizumab is a first in class therapy with a unique Mechanism of Action (MOA) and has an excellent safety profile as indicated during the 52 week Phase III multi-centric clinical study conducted in India.
This approval paves the way for the launch of Biocons Alzumab in India, later during 2013. Alzumab is a differentiated biologic drug with a better safety profile compared to other approved biologic therapies given its low opportunistic infection rates.
A novel biologic indicated for the treatment of Moderate-to-Severe Psoriasis, Alzumab will be marketed by Biocons Immunotherapy Division.
Alzumab, will be manufactured and formulated as an infusion drug at Biocons Biopharma manufacturing facility at Biocon Park, Bangalore.
Commenting on this development, Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, CMD, Biocon, said, We are excited to receive this marketing authorisation for Itolizumab from DCGI which will enable Biocon to introduce this novel, first in class biologic for the treatment of psoriasis patients in India. This is our Second novel biologic that we have developed in India, BioMab EGFR, an anti-cancer monoclonal antibody, being the first."
"This approval paves the way for us to extend clinical development for other indications like Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Vitiligo. We also intend to file a US IND shortly to enable us to embark on a global clinical development plan. This is a defining moment for Biocon as it reaches a significant milestone in its mission of delivering affordable innovation to patients worldwide, she added.
Alzumab is expected to provide a safe and effective treatment option for Psoriasis, a socially debilitating disease affecting 2-3% of Indian population.
The global market size for Psoriasis is estimated to cross $8 bn by 2016.
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Biocon gets nod to market psoriasis drug in India
Posted: at 8:51 pm
Biocon gets nod to market psoriasis drug in India Drugs Controller General allows marketing of Bangalore-developed Itolizumab BS Reporter / Bangalore Jan 09, 2013, 00:53 IST
Publicly-held biotechnology major Biocon announced on Tuesday that it has received marketing authorisation from the Drugs Controller General of India ( DCGI) for its novel biologic Itolizumab, anti CD6 molecule, for the treatment of chronic plaque psoriasis.
Itolizumab is a first-in-class therapy and the second novel biologic developed by Biocon at Asias largest biotech hub in Bangalore.
Commenting on this development, Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, chairman and managing director of Biocon, said, This is our second novel biologic that we have developed in India, BioMab EGFR, an anti-cancer monoclonal antibody, being the first. This approval paves the way for us to extend clinical development for other indications like rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and vitiligo.
She added that the company will file an IND (investigational new drug) in the US shortly to embark on a global clinical development plan. She termed the approval for Itolizumab a defining moment for Biocon.
Alzumab is expected to provide a safe and effective treatment option for psoriasis, a socially debilitating disease affecting two-three per cent of Indias population. The global psoriasis market size is estimated to cross $8 billion by 2016.
Biocons share price dropped 2.3 per cent on the National Stock Exchange to close at Rs 294.70 per share on Tuesday.
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Apremilast ESTEEM Program Meets Primary and Major Secondary Endpoint in Pivotal Phase III Psoriasis Trials
Posted: at 8:51 pm
BOUDRY, Switzerland--(BUSINESS WIRE)--
Celgene International Srl, a subsidiary of Celgene Corporation (CELG), today announced that statistical significance for the primary endpoint of PASI 75 at week 16 was achieved for patients receiving apremilast 30 mg BID monotherapy in both the ESTEEM 1 & 2 phase III studies. ESTEEM 1 & 2 are the two pivotal phase III, randomized, placebo-controlled studies evaluating apremilast, the companys oral small-molecule inhibitor of phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) in patients with moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis.
Patients on apremilast also achieved a statistically significant benefit over placebo in the major secondary endpoint, Static Physician Global Assessment (sPGA).
Psoriasis is a common immune-mediated skin disease affecting nearly 125 million people worldwide, said Kim Papp, M.D., Ph.D. of Probity Medical Research, Canada. Despite advances in treatment over the last decade, a significant proportion of moderate to severe psoriasis patients remain inadequately treated. The primary reason for psoriasis patients not receiving adequate therapy is the burden associated with available treatment options. As a consequence, there is a high unmet medical need for an efficacious, safe, oral option that patients can take long-term.
An NDA submission for psoriasis, based on ESTEEM 1 & 2 data, is expected in the second half of 2013. The company previously announced it expects to file an NDA for psoriatic arthritis (PsA) in the first quarter of 2013 and a combined MAA for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis in Europe in the second half of the year.
The Phase III safety and tolerability data are improved over previously observed phase II psoriasis data and consistent with results from the phase III psoriatic arthritis trials. The overall psoriasis safety database includes nearly 2,000 patients to date. ESTEEM 1 & 2 are ongoing trials. Subjects are being evaluated for safety and efficacy in the long-term extension studies for up to an additional four years. Approximately one-third of the study population was treatment-nave and two-thirds had prior exposure to either systemic and/or phototherapy; approximately one-third of the overall study population had prior biologic therapy.
To date, the five positive phase III studies from the ESTEEM and PALACE programs represent the most comprehensive clinical data for submission for patients with psoriatic disease. Clinical data from ESTEEM 1 & 2 are planned for presentation at upcoming major medical meetings.
About ESTEEM 1 & 2
ESTEEM 1 & 2 are two pivotal phase III randomized, placebo-controlled study evaluating apremilast in subjects with a diagnosis of moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis for at least 12 months prior to the screening, and at baseline, and who are also a candidate for phototherapy and/or systemic therapy. Approximately 1,250 patients were randomized 2:1 to receive either apremilast 30 mg BID or placebo for the first 16 weeks, followed by a maintenance phase from weeks 16-32 in which placebo subjects were switched to apremilast 30 mg BID through week 32, and a randomized withdrawal phase for responders from Week 32-Week 52 based on their initial randomization and PASI response.
About Apremilast
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Apremilast ESTEEM Program Meets Primary and Major Secondary Endpoint in Pivotal Phase III Psoriasis Trials
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