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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Me on the Austin news supporting Ron Paul in 2012 – Video
Posted: January 9, 2013 at 10:46 pm
Me on the Austin news supporting Ron Paul in 2012
By: F41Driver
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Me on the Austin news supporting Ron Paul in 2012 - Video
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Bushman Summer – The Futurist – Video
Posted: at 10:45 pm
Bushman Summer - The Futurist
Bushman Summer Live at the Flea
By: quaestiari
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Loot Space Station "Star Trek Style" – Video
Posted: January 8, 2013 at 8:52 pm
Loot Space Station "Star Trek Style"
Video showcasing Mermaid-KT #39;s Loot Space Station decorated like the USS Voyager from Star Trek. Please visit for more information. Video by Stryctnin. Music from the soundtrack of Star Trek: Voyager.
By: pshome gazette
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Let’s Play Kerbal Space Program: Adding onto space station – 4 / 4 – Video
Posted: at 8:52 pm
Let #39;s Play Kerbal Space Program: Adding onto space station - 4 / 4
Adding another part in my fresh game to the space station! -- utm_campaign=archive_export utm_source=rastie utm_medium=youtube
By: TheRastie
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Let's Play Kerbal Space Program: Adding onto space station - 4 / 4 - Video
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Let’s Play Kerbal Space Program: Adding onto space station – 2 / 4 – Video
Posted: at 8:52 pm
Let #39;s Play Kerbal Space Program: Adding onto space station - 2 / 4
Adding another part in my fresh game to the space station! -- utm_campaign=archive_export utm_source=rastie utm_medium=youtube
By: TheRastie
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Let's Play Kerbal Space Program: Adding onto space station - 2 / 4 - Video
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Let’s Play Kerbal Space Program: Adding onto space station – 1 / 4 – Video
Posted: at 8:52 pm
Let #39;s Play Kerbal Space Program: Adding onto space station - 1 / 4
Adding another part in my fresh game to the space station! -- utm_campaign=archive_export utm_source=rastie utm_medium=youtube
By: TheRastie
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Let’s Play Kerbal Space Program: Adding onto space station – 3 / 4 – Video
Posted: at 8:52 pm
Let #39;s Play Kerbal Space Program: Adding onto space station - 3 / 4
Adding another part in my fresh game to the space station! -- utm_campaign=archive_export utm_source=rastie utm_medium=youtube
By: TheRastie
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space station LP – Video
Posted: at 8:52 pm
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Astronaut Chris Hadfield gets panned after supporting Leafs from space station
Posted: at 8:52 pm
MONTREAL - Orbiting Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield may have lost a few fans after tweeting a picture of himself holding a Toronto Maple Leafs plaque.
Commenting on the end of the NHL lockout, Hadfield tweeted from the International Space Station on Sunday he was ready to cheer for the Leafs from orbit.
Professing his support for Toronto did not sit well with a number of hockey fans.
Former Montreal La Presse sports reporter Jean-Francois Begin jokingly warned Hadfield to be careful next time he flies over Montreal.
Hadfield is on a five-month visit to the space station and will become the first Canadian to take command of the giant orbiting laboratory in March.
Former Canadian astronaut Marc Garneau also got into the act. The Liberal MP tweeted Hadfield that he couldn't let his support for the Leafs pass without declaring: "Go Habs Go!''
Mike Lake, an Alberta Tory MP and Edmonton Oilers fan, reminded the 53-year-old astronaut that man reaching the moon (1969) is more recent than the Leafs last winning the Cup (1967).
Lake suggested that Hadfield might get to Mars before they win again.
Canadian actress Keegan Connor Tracy, who has starred in a number of TV series, said Hadfield is proof the disappointment of being a Leafs fan now extends all the way into outer space.
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Astronaut Chris Hadfield gets panned after supporting Leafs from space station
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NASA Holds Briefings Jan. 17 to Preview Space Station Science and Activities
Posted: at 8:52 pm
NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston will hold two news conferences Thursday, Jan. 17, to preview the upcoming Expedition 35 and 36 missions aboard the International Space Station. NASA Television and the agency's website will carry the briefings live.
At 11 a.m. CST (noon EST), the International Space Station Program and Science Overview briefing will cover mission priorities and objectives. These will include several visiting spacecraft, such as multiple Russian Progress resupply ships, the fourth European Automated Transfer Vehicle, the fourth Japanese H-II Transfer Vehicle, the SpaceX Dragon cargo craft and the debut demonstration and supply flights of the Orbital Sciences Cygnus spacecraft.
Four Russian spacewalks also are scheduled during the 5 1/2-month mission with the possible addition of U.S.-based spacewalks. The briefing participants are:
-- Mike Suffredini, International Space Station Program manager -- Tony Ceccacci, NASA flight director -- Julie Robinson, International Space Station Program scientist
At 1 p.m. (2 p.m. EST), Expedition 35/36 crew members Chris Cassidy of NASA and Pavel Vinogradov and Alexander Misurkin of the Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) will discuss their mission. They are set to launch to the orbiting laboratory aboard a Soyuz spacecraft March 27 and return to Earth Sept. 11.
Cassidy, Vinogradov and Misurkin are three of the six crew members comprising Expeditions 35 and 36. When they arrive at the station, they will join NASA astronaut Tom Marshburn, Canadian Space Agency astronaut Chris Hadfield and Roscosmos cosmonaut Roman Romanenko.
Following the news conference, interview opportunities with the crew are available in- person, by phone or through Internet videoconferencing. To reserve an interview opportunity, media representatives must contact the Johnson newsroom at 281-483-5111 by 5 p.m. Friday, Jan. 11.
For those attending the briefing at Johnson, the deadline for U.S. reporters to request credentials is Jan. 15. The deadline for international residents is Jan. 9. Reporters wishing to attend at other NASA centers should contact those centers' newsrooms for specific deadlines.
To participate via telephone, reporters must contact the Johnson newsroom at 281-483-5111 15 minutes before each briefing. Media will not be able to connect after a briefing has started. Priority will be given to journalists participating in-person. Questions by phone will be taken as time permits.
For NASA TV streaming video, schedule and downlink information, visit:
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