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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Ron Paul Explains Why He Wants To Be President – Video
Posted: January 14, 2013 at 9:42 am
Ron Paul Explains Why He Wants To Be President
By: ZeroPermission
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Ron Paul Explains Why He Wants To Be President - Video
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Ron Paul: Wealth Belongs to Those Who Generate It – Not to the Government! – Video
Posted: at 9:42 am
Ron Paul: Wealth Belongs to Those Who Generate It - Not to the Government!
Like, share, subscribe comment! - Facebook Backup YouTube channel: Email updates: 01 Ron Paul is America #39;s leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, sound money, and a pro-America foreign policy. To spread the message, visit and promote the following websites: (grassroots website) http (Ron Paul in Congress) (discussion forum) Disclaimer This video is not-for-profit clip that is uploaded for the purpose of education, teaching, and research, which falls under fair use according to the Copyright Act of 1976 and tips the balance in favor of fair use; all intellectual content within the video remains property of its respective owners.
By: RonPaul2008dotcom
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Ron Paul: Wealth Belongs to Those Who Generate It - Not to the Government! - Video
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Ron Paul’s Voluntaryist Position on Government Owned Land – Video
Posted: at 9:42 am
Ron Paul #39;s Voluntaryist Position on Government Owned Land
Ron Paul expresses his position that the government should not own any land. It follows from this that his position on immigration is totally consistent with Voluntaryism. From his chapter on Immigration in Liberty Defined: "In the ideal libertarian world, borders would be blurred and open." - Ron Paul "The land and property would be privately owned and controlled by the owners, who would have the right to prevent newcomers from entering without permission". - Ron Paul
By: Tanner Cartwright
See the original post here:
Ron Paul's Voluntaryist Position on Government Owned Land - Video
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Ron Paul: Feds faking economic numbers – Video
Posted: at 9:42 am
Ron Paul: Feds faking economic numbers
Sponsor: BlockChain.INFO - Ron Paul Feds faking economic numbers. Texas Straight talk from the real Leader of the Opposition, illustrated with video from friends. Originally broadcast as audio only, around 10.15.2012, and entitled: "Ron Paul: Don #39;t Trust the Government:...
By: RidleyReport
Original post:
Ron Paul: Feds faking economic numbers - Video
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The Freedom File on Ron Paul, TSA and Homeland Security – Video
Posted: at 9:42 am
The Freedom File on Ron Paul, TSA and Homeland Security
By: Kyle Frogge
Visit link:
The Freedom File on Ron Paul, TSA and Homeland Security - Video
Posted in Ron Paul
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Ron Paul feat NickySuicide – Video
Posted: at 9:42 am
Ron Paul feat NickySuicide
From TwonCash vs. TheWorld (2.14.2012) this shit sick.
By: Twon Cash
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Ron Paul feat NickySuicide - Video
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Ron Paul’s Texas Straight Talk 1/14/13: Will Obama Pursue a Less Interventionist Foreign Policy? – Video
Posted: at 9:42 am
Ron Paul #39;s Texas Straight Talk 1/14/13: Will Obama Pursue a Less Interventionist Foreign Policy? http http http Full transcript coming soon!
By: minnesotachris
Posted in Ron Paul
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Ron Paul: A New Foreign Policy? Not So Fast… – Video
Posted: at 9:42 am
Ron Paul: A New Foreign Policy? Not So Fast...
1/14/2013 -
By: RonPaulcom
Read the original here:
Ron Paul: A New Foreign Policy? Not So Fast... - Video
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Ron Paul: Congress Farewell Speech The Movie [HD] [Part 1] – Video
Posted: at 9:42 am
Ron Paul: Congress Farewell Speech The Movie [HD] [Part 1]
Part 2 - Ron Paul: Congress Farewell Speech The Movie Don #39;t Forget to Subscribe For More Videos Follow Me on Twitter @RevolutionOWS All Rights and Credit to
By: Revolution2012ows
See the article here:
Ron Paul: Congress Farewell Speech The Movie [HD] [Part 1] - Video
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Ron Paul: Congress Farewell Speech The Movie [HD] [Part 3] – Video
Posted: at 9:42 am
Ron Paul: Congress Farewell Speech The Movie [HD] [Part 3]
Part 4 - Ron Paul: Congress Farewell Speech The Movie Don #39;t Forget to Subscribe For More Videos Follow Me on Twitter @RevolutionOWS All Credit to
By: Revolution2012ows
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Ron Paul: Congress Farewell Speech The Movie [HD] [Part 3] - Video
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