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Genome of diamondback moth provides new clues for sustainable pest management
Posted: January 14, 2013 at 9:43 am
Jan. 13, 2013 An international research consortium, led by Fujian Agriculture, Forestry University (FAFU) and BGI, has completed the first genome sequence of the diamondback moth (DBM), the most destructive pest of brassica crops. This work provides wider insights into insect adaptation to host plant and opens new ways for more sustainable pest management.
The latest study was published online January 13 in Nature Genetics.
The diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) preferentially feeds on economically important food crops such as rapeseed, cauliflower and cabbage. It has developed resistance to against more than 50 insecticides, including DDT, Bt toxins, among others, making the use of chemicals as a control measurement become ineffective. It is estimated that the total cost associated with the damage and management is US$4-5 billion per year worldwide.
"The completed genome sequencing of DBM will lay a solid foundation for tracking the evolutionary mechanisms of how an insect evolves to become a successful herbivore that can defense many insecticides." said Professor Minsheng You, Vice President of FAFU and leader of the research team. "The work here also provides an invaluable resource for scientists to better understand the reasons why DBM is such a serious pest and how new strategies can be developed to control insect pests."
In this study, researchers sequenced the genome of DBM by whole genome shotgun (WGS) and fosmid clones technologies, yielding ~343 Mb draft genome with 18,071 predicted protein-coding genes. Compared with other sequenced insect species, they found that the diamondback moth possesses a relatively larger set of genes and a moderate number of gene families, suggesting the expansion of certain gene families. Additionally, the genome-based phylogeny demonstrated that DBM was a basal lepidopteran species, which is well supported by its modal karyotype. Based on the genomic data generated from ~1,000 male pupae, researchers identified the genome-wide level of polymorphism within the sequenced DBM strain (Fuzhou-S), which may lay the genetic bases for DBM in adapting to various environmental challenges. They investigated a set of genes preferentially expressed at the larval stage that contribute to odorant chemoreception, food digestion and metabolic detoxification. Interestingly, they found that the co-expression of sulfatase modifying factor 1 (SUMF1) and glucosinolate sulfatase (GSS) genes may be crucial for DBM to become a successful cruciferous herbivore.
Insecticide tolerance or resistance may have contribution to the option of detoxification pathway in insect herbivores. In this study, researchers found DBM has a larger set of insecticide resistance-related genes than silkworm (B.mori) that had little exposure to insecticide over 5,000 years of domestication. They identified in DBM obvious gene duplications of four gene families that participated in xenobiotic detoxification in insects, including ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter families, the P450 monooxygenases (P450s), glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) and carboxylesterase (COEs). Notably, the further analysis highlighted the potential role of ABC transporters in detoxification.
The clever evolutionary trick has allowed DBM to become such a serious pest, and it may play an important role in the development of its ability to detoxify a wide range of chemicals. "Remarkably, it appears that the very genetic adaptations that allow DBM to detoxify the chemicals in its food plants, and also allow it to develop immunity to the insecticides used against it." commented by Professor Geoff Gurr of Charles Sturt University, Australia, one of the international collaborators.
Professor Jun Wang, Executive Director of BGI, said, "The availability of a reference genome for a species is extremely important in the deeper understanding of its biology and evolution. We are pleased to be part of this consortium and have the first publicly accessible database of diamondback moth genome. I expect we could translate our achievements into real actions for sustainable pest management in the near future."
The complete genome sequence of diamondback moth is publicly available via visit
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Genome of diamondback moth provides new clues for sustainable pest management
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The genome of diamondback moth provides new clues for sustainable pest management
Posted: at 9:43 am
Public release date: 13-Jan-2013 [ | E-mail | Share ]
Contact: Jia Liu BGI Shenzhen
January 13, 2013, Fujian and Shenzhen, China- An international research consortium, led by Fujian Agriculture, Forestry University (FAFU) and BGI, has completed the first genome sequence of the diamondback moth (DBM), the most destructive pest of brassica crops. This work provides wider insights into insect adaptation to host plant and opens new ways for more sustainable pest management. The latest study was published online today in Nature Genetics.
The diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) preferentially feeds on economically important food crops such as rapeseed, cauliflower and cabbage. It has developed resistance to against more than 50 insecticides, including DDT, Bt toxins, among others, making the use of chemicals as a control measurement become ineffective. It is estimated that the total cost associated with the damage and management is US$4-5 billion per year worldwide.
"The completed genome sequencing of DBM will lay a solid foundation for tracking the evolutionary mechanisms of how an insect evolves to become a successful herbivore that can defense many insecticides." said Professor Minsheng You, Vice President of FAFU and leader of the research team. "The work here also provides an invaluable resource for scientists to better understand the reasons why DBM is such a serious pest and how new strategies can be developed to control insect pests."
In this study, researchers sequenced the genome of DBM by whole genome shotgun (WGS) and fosmid clones technologies, yielding ~343 Mb draft genome with 18,071 predicted protein-coding genes. Compared with other sequenced insect species, they found that the diamondback moth possesses a relatively larger set of genes and a moderate number of gene families, suggesting the expansion of certain gene families. Additionally, the genome-based phylogeny demonstrated that DBM was a basal lepidopteran species, which is well supported by its modal karyotype.
Based on the genomic data generated from ~1,000 male pupae, researchers identified the genome-wide level of polymorphism within the sequenced DBM strain (Fuzhou-S), which may lay the genetic bases for DBM in adapting to various environmental challenges. They investigated a set of genes preferentially expressed at the larval stage that contribute to odorant chemoreception, food digestion and metabolic detoxification. Interestingly, they found that the co-expression of sulfatase modifying factor 1 (SUMF1) and glucosinolate sulfatase (GSS) genes may be crucial for DBM to become a successful cruciferous herbivore.
Insecticide tolerance or resistance may have contribution to the option of detoxification pathway in insect herbivores. In this study, researchers found DBM has a larger set of insecticide resistance-related genes than silkworm (B. mori) that had little exposure to insecticide over 5,000 years of domestication. They identified in DBM obvious gene duplications of four gene families that participated in xenobiotic detoxification in insects, including ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter families, the P450 monooxygenases (P450s), glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) and carboxylesterase (COEs). Notably, the further analysis highlighted the potential role of ABC transporters in detoxification.
The clever evolutionary trick has allowed DBM to become such a serious pest, and it may play an important role in the development of its ability to detoxify a wide range of chemicals. "Remarkably, it appears that the very genetic adaptations that allow DBM to detoxify the chemicals in its food plants, and also allow it to develop immunity to the insecticides used against it." commented by Professor Geoff Gurr of Charles Sturt University, Australia, one of the international collaborators.
Professor Jun Wang, Executive Director of BGI, said, "The availability of a reference genome for a species is extremely important in the deeper understanding of its biology and evolution. We are pleased to be part of this consortium and have the first publicly accessible database of diamondback moth genome. I expect we could translate our achievements into real actions for sustainable pest management in the near future."
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The genome of diamondback moth provides new clues for sustainable pest management
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Junk food could increase asthma and eczema risk in kids
Posted: at 9:43 am
London, Jan. 14 (ANI): Consuming junk food thrice a week may lead to asthma and eczema in kids, a study has revealed.
Scientists worry that the high saturated fat levels lower children's immune systems.
A research involving more than 50 countries found that teenagers, who ate junk food like burgers three times a week or more, were 39 percent more likely to get severe asthma and younger kids were 27 percent more at risk, the Sun reported.
Both were also more prone to suffer from the eye condition rhinoconjunctivitis.
For the study, researchers from New Zealand's Auckland University looked at the diets of 181,000 youngsters aged six to seven and 319,000 aged 13-14.
The authors wrote that fast food may be contributing to increasing asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis and eczema.
They also wrote that regular consumption of fruit and vegetables is likely to protect against these diseases.
The study has been published in the British Medical Journal. (ANI)
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Junk food could increase asthma and eczema risk in kids
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Junk food may cause asthma and eczema in kids: Study
Posted: at 9:43 am
London, Jan 14:
Gorging on junk food thrice a week may lower immunity in kids, raising their risk of asthma and eczema, according to an international study.
Scientists fear the high saturated fat levels may weaken childrens immune system.
A research project involving more than 50 countries found that teenagers who ate food such as burgers three times a week or more were 39 per cent more likely to get severe asthma.
Younger kids were 27 per cent more at risk, The Sun reported.
Both were also more prone to the eye condition rhinoconjunctivitis.
However, three weekly portions of fruit and vegetables may cut the risk by 14 per cent in the younger group and 11 per cent among the teens.
Researchers from New Zealands Auckland University looked at the diets of 181,000 youngsters aged six to seven and 319,000 aged 13-14.
The study also asked if they had allergy symptoms.
Researchers said their results do not prove cause and effect.
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Junk food may cause asthma and eczema in kids: Study
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Obscene UK foster kids taken from politically incorrect family 1 – Video
Posted: at 9:42 am
Obscene UK foster kids taken from politically incorrect family 1
By: newstimefresher
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Obscene UK foster kids taken from politically incorrect family 1 - Video
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Black Ops 2: Censorship on YouTube – Video
Posted: at 9:42 am
Black Ops 2: Censorship on YouTube
I plan on doing a full in-depth rant on this subject soon. Leave a #39;like #39;! Let me know if you like short or long commentaries more. This was kind of a test to see if I can jam a topic into just a few minutes. Did I do okay? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow me on Twitter - Outro music I have written permission to use - "The Clockmaker" by Vexare Check out the shop (under construction) -
By: SFAVerdi
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Black Ops 2: Censorship on YouTube - Video
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Censorship Fuck up Anime – Video
Posted: at 9:42 am
Censorship Fuck up Anime
Tell me what you think and hate of the anime censorship and what was the worst anime censorship?
By: Anim3CITY
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Censorship Fuck up Anime - Video
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"Including Obama, Ron Paul is the Least Racist of all the Candidates." – Video
Posted: at 9:42 am
"Including Obama, Ron Paul is the Least Racist of all the Candidates."
Real News @ RevolutionNews.US mdash; Do Black Americans Believe Ron Paul Is Racist??? Uploaded on Dec 26, 2011 Ron Paul is America #39;s leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, sound money, and a pro-America foreign policy. For more information visit the following websites http http http http - "Leave no authority existing not responsible to the people." mdash;Thomas Jefferson Time For A New American Revolution? Follow us on Twitter: Facebook: Original Channel: - - Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
By: RevolutionNewz
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"Including Obama, Ron Paul is the Least Racist of all the Candidates." - Video
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Remember Who We Are America: Ron Paul Special – Video
Posted: at 9:42 am
Remember Who We Are America: Ron Paul Special
The original maker of this video would like people to post the video and spread the word! People, we need to realize that the corruption of our government is at its height. Our personal liberties are being taken away day by day! Fight for what we were founded on! Fight for justice! Fight for the Constitution! We will not stop until the Revolution is made! We Rise Now!
By: RiseNowPeople
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Ron Paul: They Don’t Even Pretend to Read the Bills Anymore! – Video
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Ron Paul: They Don #39;t Even Pretend to Read the Bills Anymore!
1/7/2013 -
By: RonPaulcom
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Ron Paul: They Don't Even Pretend to Read the Bills Anymore! - Video
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