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Category Archives: Transhuman News
DNA Technique Reveals Looks of Long-Dead Humans
Posted: January 15, 2013 at 1:47 pm
The color of the eyes and hair of ancestors dead for hundreds of years can now be revealed from their DNA alone, researchers say.
These findings suggest investigators not only can uncover new details from centuries-old human remains, but can also help identify crime victims, scientists added.
By comparing genomes across thousands of people, researchers identified genetic variations at 24 different points in the human genome that are linked with eye and hair colors, which past studies used to help determine the appearance of people who had died relatively recently. Now a team of researchers from Poland and the Netherlands have developed this system further to reveal the appearance of people long dead.
"We were able to look at the appearance of people who died several hundred years ago," researcher Wojciech Branicki, a geneticist at the Institute of Forensic Research and Jagiellonian University in Krakw, Poland, told LiveScience.
For instance, the researchers analyzed DNA from Gen. W?adys?aw Sikorski, who was born in 1881 and died in 1943. During World War II, Sikorski was commander-in-chief of the Polish Armed Forces and was also prime minister of the Polish government in exile. He died in an airplane crash at Gibraltar. By analyzing genes from one of his teeth, the researchers confirmed he had the blue eyesand blond hair seen in portraits painted many years after his death.
"This system can be used to solve historical controversies where color photographs or other records are missing," Branicki said.
The researchers say their system, called HIrisPlex, can predict either blue or brown eye colors with about 94 percent accuracy. When it comes to hair color, it has accuracies of 69.5 percent for blond, 78.5 percent for brown, 80 percent for red and 87.5 percent for black.
For medieval samples, where DNA is relatively degraded, this system was still capable of predicting eye and hair color from remains about 800 years old. For instance, the researchers identified one mysterious woman from between the 12th and 14th centuries A.D. who was buried in a crypt of the Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec near Krakw, where only remains of male monks were expected. The results hint that she had dark blond or brown hair and brown eyes. [Science of Death: 10 Tales from the Crypt & Beyond]
Although this research can help reveal what ancient human ancestors might have looked like based on their DNA alone, Branicki thinks the most practical aspect of their work is how it can help identify corpses for forensic analysis. For instance, "some of our samples were from unknown inmates of a World War II prison," he said. "In these cases, HIrisPlex helped to put physical features to the other DNA evidence."
In the future, the system may look at more than 24 points in the human genome "from research carried out on the mouse, we estimate that 127 genes may be involved in human pigmentation," Branicki said. Still, "although research on eye and hair color prediction is ongoing, and we may expect some new predictors, it seems that the main predictors have been already identified, and especially in case of eye color, we should not expect any breakthrough in prediction in the near future."
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Applied DNA Sciences and Premier Semiconductor Services Sign DNA-Marking Memo of Understanding
Posted: at 1:47 pm
STONY BROOK, NY--(Marketwire - Jan 14, 2013) - Applied DNA Sciences, Inc. ( OTCBB : APDN ), (Twitter: @APDN), a provider of DNA-based anti-counterfeiting technology and product authentication solutions, announced today that Premier Semiconductor Services, LLC (Premier), based in Tempe, Arizona, has agreed in principle to provide DNA-marking services for electronics firms wishing to comply with APDN's SigNature DNA authentication platform. The framework of the agreement allows for the platform to be available through Premier to authorized distributors, to manufacturers including members of the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), and all others who may benefit from a fast-track route to SigNature DNA marking, whereby Premier acts as subcontractor.
SigNature DNA marking is required by the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) for use on certain electronic parts provided to the Agency. APDN will serve as the prime contractor for SigNature DNA marking, and subcontract as necessary. In response to a DLA mandate which came into effect on November 15, 2012, electronics components in FSC Class 5962 supplied to the Agency are required to use SigNature DNA marking.
Third party marking allows for a turnkey solution to immediate SigNature DNA marking capability, where ease of logistics is the main concern. Premier is the second company to announce SigNature DNA-marking as a "third party" service under license from Applied DNA Sciences. SMT, of Sandy Hook, Connecticut, announced its third party SigNature DNA-marking services on November 30, 2012.
David Loaney, CEO and President of Premier, commented, "We feel that our company is very well positioned to add DNA-marking to our range of services. It is a natural extension because of the fact that we already provide both the verification testing required prior to the DNA marking and we have background and capabilities to perform higher volume Ink and Laser marking our relationships with some of the largest parts distributors and manufacturers will make DNA-marking a relatively hassle-free proposition. DNA marking should prove to be an effective technique in the fight against counterfeit IC's."
Premier provides one of the most comprehensive offerings of both final manufacturing and IC testing services in North America. They are a privately held entity with four locations located across the country that service a very diversified array of clients that include OCMs, OEMs, CMs, and distributors in commercial, automotive, military, aerospace, medical, and industrial market segments. Premier currently works extensively with many of the hi-rel contractors in providing their unique service offering. Several of those services that will add important value in the DNA-marking process including an extensive offering of verification (counterfeit) testing, electrical mil-std and upscreen testing, tape and reel and 3D scanning of IC's, and IC laser/ink marking. Premier has many qualifications/certifications including being ISO ISO-9001 : 2008 certified, ITAR Registered, DSCC, QML Approved, and DLA lab suitable.
Dr. James A. Hayward, President and CEO of Applied DNA Sciences, said, "We welcome Premier Semiconductor into the growing group of SigNature DNA partners working to make this technology powerful, practical and profitable for the entire electronics industry and its customers. We believe the synergies between our company and Premier are great, and we are confident they will continue to grow."
About Premier Semiconductor ServicesPremier combines technical expertise, state-of-the-art equipment, extensive capacity and a top notch quality system to provide cost effective Final Manufacturing and IC Testing services. Their quality driven model provides for a "One-Stop-Shop" offering over twenty five different services. Multiple locations allow for quick-turn services throughout the country and the ability to off load and equalize work loads during peak demand periods. Premier has excelled in serving their customer's needs by maintaining a stable, innovative and team oriented approach. Throughout their long history Premier has proven itself to be one of the most well respected and diversified service and test organizations in the country. For a complete list of services and locations and for more information, visit
To contact Premier: Corporate HQ phone - 480-736-1970
About Applied DNA Sciences
APDN is a provider of botanical-DNA based security and authentication solutions that can help protect products, brands and intellectual property of companies, governments and consumers from theft, counterfeiting, fraud and diversion. SigNature DNA and smartDNA, our principal anti-counterfeiting and product authentication solutions that essentially cannot be copied, provide a forensic chain of evidence and can be used to prosecute perpetrators.
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Applied DNA Sciences and Premier Semiconductor Services Sign DNA-Marking Memo of Understanding
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SPARTANSSS – 1/13/13 – Genome -HK416 – Video
Posted: at 1:47 pm
SPARTANSSS - 1/13/13 - Genome -HK416
Small preview on how crazy we were playing this past Sunday. We have many more and I believe I will be doing a video overview on my 416. So stay tuned! Like us on facebook and keep track of games, our kits and even ask us questions!
By: IllestAirsoft
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SPARTANSSS - 1/13/13 - Genome -HK416 - Video
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Bad Eczema by NoMoreVitamins com – Video
Posted: at 1:47 pm
Bad Eczema by NoMoreVitamins com - Don #39;t let diets and hype keep you from the truth about your pain! No, it #39;s not hereditary! There #39;s another way no one has told you about, the holistic way, without more fake vitamins, without more drugs, and without side-effects! Real improvement is often felt the first day and never interacts with any drugs you might be taking! - http
By: stewey patterson
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Best Treatment for Eczema – Video
Posted: at 1:46 pm
Best Treatment for Eczema
Eczema is such a horrid disease that seems to have no cure. In this video I share the awful attack my daughter had with eczema and the awesome cream we discovered online that not only stopped the attacks, but restored her skin to better than before.
By: Babsbaretalk
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Best Treatment for Eczema - Video
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Junk food linked to kids' asthma and eczema
Posted: at 1:46 pm
Published January 14, 2013
The Sun
Eating junk food three times a week may lead to asthma and eczema in kids, a study has revealed.
Scientists fear the high saturated fat levels lower childrens immune systems.
A research project involving more than 50 countries found that teenagers who ate food such as burgers three times a week or more were 39 percent more likely to get severe asthma. Younger kids were 27 percent more at risk.
Both were also more prone to the eye condition rhinoconjunctivitis. However, three weekly portions of fruit and vegetables cut the risk by 14 percent in the younger group and 11 percent among the teens.
Researchers from New Zealands Auckland University looked at the diets of 181,000 children aged 6 to 7 and 319,000 aged 13 to 14.
The study also asked if they had allergy symptoms. The study authors said their results do not prove cause and effect.
Click for more from The Sun.
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Asthma, eczema, hay fever may be linked to fast food
Posted: at 1:46 pm
The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) study used written questionnaires completed by 319,196 13- and 14-year-olds from 51 countries and by the parents of 181,631 6- and 7-year-olds in 31 countries. They were asked if they had symptoms of the three conditions and about their weekly diet including the types of foods they ate over the last year, and how often.
We found clear associations between certain foods and severe asthma, hay fever (or allergic rhinoconjunctivitis) and eczema in the largest study of allergies in children (aged 6-7 years) and adolescents (13-14 years) to date, said study author Hywel Williams of the Centre for Evidence Based Dermatology, Queens Medical Centre, University Hospital, Nottingham, UK. According to Williams, the associations between allergic diseases and fast food were only really convincing for severe disease.
Researchers saw a protective effect against severe asthma for those who ate fruit at least three times a week. Those consuming fast food three or more times a week had about a 30% increased risk of severe asthma, hay fever and eczema, a chronic skin condition that causes scaly, itchy rashes. The results were consistent in both age groups. Affluence and gender did not change or affect the outcome.
The cautionary notes are that this study showed an association, which does not always mean that the link between food and allergies is causal, Williams said. It could be due to other factors linked to behavior that we have not measured, or it could be due to biases that occur in studies that measure disease and ask about previous food intake.
Study authors say if further research shows that consuming a lot of fast food actually does cause these types of allergies, it could have major public health implications because of the rise in fast food consumption globally.
Its not at all surprising to me that a disease as complex as asthma would be directly affected by diet. Weve known for a while that diet can affect immune system function with certain foods being pro or anti-inflammatory, says Dr. Stephen Teach, who is the chief of the Division of Allergy and Immunology at Childrens National Medical Center in Washington and was not involved in the research.
Given that asthmas inherently an inflammatory disease, with swelling and inflammation of the small to medium-size airways of the lung, it is not at all surprising that diet should affect those processes in some way.
Teach said its important to note that these are associations only. In other words, it would be wrong to assume from the results of this study that fast foods directly cause allergic disease. It is possible that some unmeasured effect of socioeconomic status or environment which correlates with fast foods may in fact be responsible.
Either way, Williams said, there is a take-home message for parents. He says you dont have to stop eating fast food entires, but to eat a balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruit and maybe less fast food one or two times per week rather than three or more if your child has allergies.
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Asthma, eczema, hay fever may be linked to fast food
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Fast Food Linked To Asthma And Eczema In Kids
Posted: at 1:46 pm
Editor's Choice Academic Journal Main Category: Nutrition / Diet Also Included In: Eczema / Psoriasis;Respiratory / Asthma;Pediatrics / Children's Health Article Date: 15 Jan 2013 - 0:00 PST
Current ratings for: Fast Food Linked To Asthma And Eczema In Kids
The finding came from new international research and was published in the journal Thorax.
Similarly, a previous study demonstrated that the benefits of breastfeeding in preventing asthma are cancelled out by eating fast food once or twice a week.
The results of the new study motivated the investigators to believe that a fast food diet may be playing a part in the increase in these conditions. If a causal relationship is found, it could have major importance to public health, considering how popular these fast food places are.
Over 319,000 thirteen to fourteen year olds from 51 countries and over 181,000 six to seven year olds from 31 countries were involved in the study. All of the subjects were enrolled in the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC), the largest of its kind involving over 100 countries and almost 2 million kids.
The teenagers and the parents of the kids were asked questions regarding symptoms of asthma (wheeze), eczema, rhinoconjunctivitis (runny or blocked nose along with itchy, watery eyes), and their diet on a weekly basis.
The severity of the symptoms that occurred over the past year were assessed through the questions, including how frequent they were and whether or not they interfered with daily routines or sleep patterns.
Regular fast food consumption raises the risk of asthma and eczema in children
They were also asked about their consumption of particular foods that were already associated with protective or damaging influences on health, including:
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Fast Food Linked To Asthma And Eczema In Kids
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Fast food frequency linked to asthma, eczema severity in children, teens
Posted: at 1:46 pm
Kids who eat lots of fast food may risk more than obesity. A new study finds that children and teens who eat fast food at least three times per week are more likely to face serious symptoms for common health woes such as asthma, eczema and hay fever, compared to their healthy-eating classmates.
For the study, researchers looked at data on more than 181,000 children between the ages of 6 and 7 from 31 countries, along with 319,000 children between 13 and 14 years of age collected from 51 countries. They were all enrolled in a study that tracked asthma and allergies in children.
Their parents were surveyed on whether kids had symptoms of asthma, like wheezing, or the runny/stuffy nose and watery eyes associated with allergic hay fever, also known as rhinoconjunctivitis. The researchers also wanted to know if kids had symptoms of the chronic skin disorder eczema, which may cause redness, swelling dry skin all over the body, blisters and crusting.
Eczema is due to "hypersensitivity" reactions similar to an allergy in the skin, according to the National Institutes of Health, and people with the condition often also have asthma or seasonal allergies.
Parents were asked about symptom severity, and were also quizzed on their children's eating habits.
The researchers found fast food was the only type of food to show associations with these chronic medical conditions across both the child and adolescent age groups. Specifically, teens who consumed three or more weekly servings were 39 percent more likely to have severe asthma, while the young children who had those eating habits faced a 27 percent increased risk for severe asthma and severe eczema and allergies.
The study was observational in its comparison of kids' eating habits, which the researchers say does not prove cause and effect. Lead researcher Dr. Hywel Williams from the University of Nottingham in the U.K. told HealthDay that the findings don't necessarily mean that eating less fast food will reduce severity of these conditions.
The study was published online Jan. 14 in Thorax, a respiratory medicine journal published by BMJ.
If the association is confirmed to be causal, "then the findings have major public health significance owing to the rising consumption of fast foods globally," lead researchers Williams and Dr. Innes Asher, from the University of Auckland in New Zealand, said in a journal press release.
Researchers did find a tried-and-true eating habit curbed risk: eating fruit. They found consuming three portions of fruit per week was linked to a 14 percent reduction in symptom severity for children and an 11 percent reduction for the teens.
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Fast food frequency linked to asthma, eczema severity in children, teens
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Asthma, eczema may be linked to fast food
Posted: at 1:46 pm
Teenagers and young children who eat fast food could be increasing their risk of developing asthma, eczema and hay fever, according to a study published Monday in the British Medical Journal's respiratory journal Thorax.
The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) study used written questionnaires completed by 319,196 13- and 14-year-olds from 51 countries and by the parents of 181,631 6- and 7-year-olds in 31 countries. They were asked if they had symptoms of the three conditions and about their weekly diet - including the types of foods they ate over the last year, and how often.
"We found clear associations between certain foods and severe asthma, hay fever (or allergic rhinoconjunctivitis) and eczema in the largest study of allergies in children (aged 6-7 years) and adolescents (13-14 years) to date," said study author Hywel Williams of the Centre for Evidence Based Dermatology, Queen's Medical Centre, University Hospital, Nottingham, UK. According to Williams, the associations between allergic diseases and fast food were "only really convincing for severe disease."
Researchers saw a protective effect against severe asthma for those who ate fruit at least three times a week. Those consuming fast food three or more times a week had about a 30% increased risk of severe asthma, hay fever and eczema, a chronic skin condition that causes scaly, itchy rashes. The results were consistent in both age groups. Affluence and gender did not change or affect the outcome.
"The cautionary notes are that this study showed an association, which does not always mean that the link between food and allergies is causal," Williams said. "It could be due to other factors linked to behavior that we have not measured, or it could be due to biases that occur in studies that measure disease and ask about previous food intake."
Study authors say if further research shows that consuming a lot of fast food actually does cause these types of allergies, it could have major public health implications because of the rise in fast food consumption globally.
"It's not at all surprising to me that a disease as complex as asthma would be directly affected by diet. We've known for a while that diet can affect immune system function with certain foods being pro or anti-inflammatory," says Dr. Stephen Teach, who is the chief of the Division of Allergy and Immunology at Children's National Medical Center in Washington and was not involved in the research.
"Given that asthma's inherently an inflammatory disease, with swelling and inflammation of the small to medium-size airways of the lung, it is not at all surprising that diet should affect those processes in some way."
Teach said it's important to note that these are associations only. "In other words, it would be wrong to assume from the results of this study that fast foods directly cause allergic disease. It is possible that some unmeasured effect of socioeconomic status or environment which correlates with fast foods may in fact be responsible."
Either way, Williams said, there is a take-home message for parents. He says you don't have to stop eating fast food entires, " but to eat a balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruit and maybe less fast food - one or two times per week rather than three or more - if your child has allergies."
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Asthma, eczema may be linked to fast food
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