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Category Archives: Transhuman News

7th Grade Science Project Genetic Engineering Hour 6 Mrs. Lindahl – Video

Posted: January 15, 2013 at 1:47 pm

7th Grade Science Project Genetic Engineering Hour 6 Mrs. Lindahl
Hi! I #39;m really hungry right now. Haha.

By: Annie Ross

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7th Grade Science Project Genetic Engineering Hour 6 Mrs. Lindahl - Video

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Persuasive Speech: Genetic Engineering – Video

Posted: at 1:47 pm

Persuasive Speech: Genetic Engineering
Here is my speech on Genetic Engineering: the way of manipulating genes to make our bodies better.

By: Monica Mulder

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Persuasive Speech: Genetic Engineering - Video

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Posted: at 1:47 pm

If u like my page please like my videos and subscribe to my page. Facebook page --- Youtube page ---

By: nithinpanand

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DNA Winter Day Ticket Series – Part 2 Q Lake – Video

Posted: at 1:47 pm

DNA Winter Day Ticket Series - Part 2 Q Lake
DNA Baits Winter Day Ticket Series Part 2 - Pool Bridge Farm Q Lake. Join Mick #39;Teabag #39; Price on the second leg of his winter day ticket series as he tackles the Q Lake at Pool Bridge near York. There #39;s Tackle, Tactics and Tips - so let Mick #39;s advice help put a few more fish on the bank for you this winter! Missed part 1? -


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DNA Winter Day Ticket Series - Part 2 Q Lake - Video

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AND_DNA is a QUIX4U (inverse) Remaster of Derek Gee’s – Re-wired (DNA).wmv – Video

Posted: at 1:47 pm

AND_DNA is a QUIX4U (inverse) Remaster of Derek Gee #39;s - Re-wired (DNA).wmv
"AND_DNA" AND_DNA .. is a .wmv And it #39;s yet another well made NZ artistical Transformativeness Satirical Parody. by: QUIX4U And is thus an "inverse" Remaster of: Derek Gee #39;s - Re-wired (DNA) However: Derek Gee... in frustration elsewhere.. Seemingly forgot the "reason" I was winding him up.. And willingly GAVE FULL WRITTEN CONSENT PERMISSION .. for us to "do anything" we wanted to do.. FOR FREE. With his Production Work. No worries M8.. I have screenshot that info. And thus have WRITTEN CONSENT From (both) the artist himself from the Production Recoding Label


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AND_DNA is a QUIX4U (inverse) Remaster of Derek Gee's - Re-wired (DNA).wmv - Video

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Amys Little Extras – Little Mix – DNA – Video

Posted: at 1:47 pm

Amys Little Extras - Little Mix - DNA
Unfortunately Amy didn #39;t know some of the words to this song since shes still learning it, please no harsh comments thank you XOXO

By: TheAmyBarbz

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Amys Little Extras - Little Mix - DNA - Video

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DNA powers 'used against gay men'

Posted: at 1:47 pm

14 January 2013 Last updated at 14:48 ET

Police powers to force offenders to give DNA samples have been used against gay men convicted of old homosexuality laws, it has been claimed.

In two recent cases, men said they were compelled to provide a sample because of convictions under a law that was repealed a decade ago.

In one of the cases, however, police said the demand for DNA was related to a separate conviction for theft.

The powers came into effect in England and Wales last year.

The Association of Chief Police Officers said police should demand DNA samples for only the most serious of historic offences, but that it was up to individual forces to make decisions based on the risk posed by individuals.

In one recent case, a former soldier said he was ordered by Greater Manchester Police to provide a DNA sample because of a 30-year-old conviction for having consensual sex with a fellow soldier.

Since the Crime and Security Act became law last year, police have had powers to force thousands of "historical" offenders to provide a DNA sample - in order to help solve serious crimes such murder, rape and manslaughter dating back some 40 years.

Stephen Close, 50, a former soldier from Salford, was convicted of gross indecency in 1983 because he had sex with another soldier when both men were under 21, which was then the homosexual age of consent.

Greater Manchester Police said its decision to demand a DNA sample from Mr Close two weeks ago had nothing to do with his sexuality, but related to a separate conviction for theft in 1995.

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DNA powers 'used against gay men'

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DNA study sheds light on aboriginal Australians' heritage

Posted: at 1:47 pm

When modern humans left Africa as far back as 70,000 years ago, they dispersed across the world, reaching Australia 50,000 to 40,000 years ago. From then until the 18th-century arrival of European colonists, aboriginal Australians did not mix their DNA with anyone else in the world or so many scientists believed.

Now a study has turned up evidence of much more recent interbreeding between native Australians and people who came from India. The findings, based on a detailed examination of the DNA of aboriginal Australians and hundreds of people of other pedigrees, found that mixing occurred as recently as 4,200 years ago.

Reported in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the results dovetail with interesting archaeological and fossil changes, said study leader Mark Stoneking, a molecular anthropologist at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany. Right around that time, new kinds of stone tools called microliths appeared in Australia, finer than earlier tools discovered there but similar to tools already in use elsewhere in the world.

Also at this point in time, Australia's wild dog, the dingo, shows up for the first time in the fossil records. Scientists know the dingo is not native to the Australian continent, where all indigenous mammals are marsupials that bear immature young and often carry them in pouches. The dingo, in contrast, is a placental mammal and a subspecies of the gray wolf, like the domestic dog.

"We don't know for sure that these events are connected, but the fact that all of these occur at the same time suggests that they may be," Stoneking said.

To reach their conclusions, Stoneking's team conducted a detailed scan of the genomes of 344 people, including Aborigines from the country's Northern Territory as well as people from Papua New Guinea, Southeast Asia, India, China and those of Western and Northern European ancestry. The scientists looked for places where the DNA code sometimes differed by a single DNA building block, or nucleotide, between members of their sample.

By noting to what extent individuals shared the roughly 1 million tiny variations that were found, the team could piece together trees that showed how each group of people was genetically related to the others and estimate how long ago the groups had become distinct.

They found, for example, that aboriginal Australians, Papua New Guinea highlanders and the Mamanwa people from the Philippines were genetically closest to each other and diverged about 36,000 years ago. This fit well with earlier genetic studies.

But the team was surprised to find using four separate statistical methods that a much more recent genetic mixing with people from India had occurred. They estimated that about 11% of the DNA of aboriginal Australians is derived from this event.

Earlier studies had hinted as much, but they were limited to smaller regions of the genome: the Y chromosome, which is only carried by males, and a type of DNA called mitochondrial DNA that is passed down from mothers to their children, Stoneking said.

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DNA Test Sheds Light on Mystery Death

Posted: at 1:47 pm

A new DNA test can restore at least part of the identity of long-dead people who left no trace of their image, scientists reported on Monday.

The technique has revealed the hair and eye colours of unknown individuals slaughtered as sub-humans by the Nazis and of a mystery woman buried alongside monks in a mediaeval crypt, they said.

"This system can be used to solve historical controversies where colour photographs or other records are missing," said Wojciech Branicki from Poland's Institute of Forensic Research in Krakow.

The system, called HIrisPlex, is a fine-tuned version of a tool presented two years ago that looks at tiny variations in the DNA code, and converts these into probabilities for hair and eye colour.

It can be used on teeth and bones, whose DNA survives better than soft tissues, and which explains the interest in using it for ancient forensics.

Reporting in the journal Investigative Genetics, the researchers first tested it on a tooth taken from the remains of General Wladyslaw Sikorski, who led Poland's government-in-exile in Britain in World War II before dying in a plane crash in 1943.

Sikorski's body was disinterred from a cemetery in Newark, England, in 1993 for reburial in pomp in Krakow, but was exhumed once more in 2008 for further examination to sound out a theory that he had been poisoned, shot or strangled.

Analysis of the genetic code from the tooth gave a 99-percent likelihood that Sikorski had blue eyes, and an 85-percent likelihood that he had blond hair.

Both tallied with contemporary descriptions of Sikorski and with paintings of him made many years after his death (no colour photographs of him are known to exist).

HIrisPlex also gave a partial fix on the identity of 12 people who had been killed in a prison in Nazi-occupied Poland in 1942 and whose names have never been known.

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DNA Test Sheds Light on Mystery Death

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High Velocity DNA Tagging System Launched By UK's Leading Forensic Marking Company

Posted: at 1:47 pm

LAS VEGAS, January 15, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --

A High Velocity DNA Tagging system that keeps criminals at arm's length is being launched today at The SHOT Show, Las Vegas, by innovative UK security company Selectamark.

(Photo: ) (Photo: )

Identifying an individual in a crowd or at a distance can be challenging for law enforcement officers and police especially when they are in riot situations or experiencing crowd control problems.

Available in pistol and rifle form, this new and practical concept allows police and military to remain at a safe distance (up to 30-40 metres) from a potential target while deploying the SelectaDNA High Velocity pellet.

By using the new SelectaDNA High Velocity System, a uniquely-coded DNA pellet can be used to mark an individual so that they can be apprehended at a less confrontational time for officers.

Selectamark Managing Director Andrew Knights said: "On contact with the target the uniquely-coded SelectaDNA solution leaves a synthetic DNA trace mark that will enable the relevant authorities to confirm or eliminate that person from their involvement in a particular situation and could ultimately lead to arrest and prosecution."

The SelectaDNA High Velocity System comes in two forms - Rifle or Pistol. Both systems offer similar range and accuracy with the real difference being the size, power source and ammunition capacity.

The Pistol is powered by a 12g powerlet offering up to 20 shots per powerlet.

The SelectaDNA pellets are supplied in packs of 14 pellets to a container. All pellets in a pack contain the same unique DNA code. The pellets can be used in either the pistol or the rifle.

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High Velocity DNA Tagging System Launched By UK's Leading Forensic Marking Company

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