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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Media Censorship
Posted: January 16, 2013 at 3:44 pm
Media Censorship False Flags | Interview with James Corbett
Abby Martin speaks to James Corbett of The Corbett Report about the Trivium, 9/11, false flags and alternative media. LIKE Breaking the Set @ FOLLOW Abby Martin @
By: breakingtheset
Media Censorship
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Ron Paul and Anthony Tolda both kicked off (R) primary ballots by the GOP old guard. – Video
Posted: at 3:44 pm
Ron Paul and Anthony Tolda both kicked off (R) primary ballots by the GOP old guard.
By: ant8tree
Ron Paul and Anthony Tolda both kicked off (R) primary ballots by the GOP old guard. - Video
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KEYC – Mankato News, Weather, Sports – – Ron Paul's GOP legacy growing in states like Iowa
Posted: at 3:44 pm
By THOMAS BEAUMONT Associated Press
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) - Ron Paul may be exiting the political stage, but his legions of followers say they are only getting started.
Loyalists of the 2-time Republican presidential candidate have quietly taken over key-state GOP organizations, ensuring fights with the GOP establishment as the party tries to heal from its 2012 defeat and laying the groundwork for a future presidential candidate.
Their new relevance, especially in early caucus states Iowa and Nevada, could clear the way for such a candidate, perhaps the Texans' son, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul. It's the next step in the group's ongoing development, from rambunctious malcontents of just a few years ago into more serious party activists bent on reshaping a party they say has drifted from its conservative roots.
Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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KEYC - Mankato News, Weather, Sports - - Ron Paul's GOP legacy growing in states like Iowa
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Ron Paul discusses Gaza crisis – Video
Posted: at 3:44 pm
Ron Paul discusses Gaza crisis
Sponsor: LRN.FM
By: RidleyReport
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Ron Paul discusses Gaza crisis - Video
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Ron Paul's GOP legacy growing in states like Iowa – ABC5 News Des Moines, IA
Posted: at 3:44 pm
By THOMAS BEAUMONT Associated Press
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) - Ron Paul may be exiting the political stage, but his legions of followers say they are only getting started.
Loyalists of the 2-time Republican presidential candidate have quietly taken over key-state GOP organizations, ensuring fights with the GOP establishment as the party tries to heal from its 2012 defeat and laying the groundwork for a future presidential candidate.
Their new relevance, especially in early caucus states Iowa and Nevada, could clear the way for such a candidate, perhaps the Texans' son, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul. It's the next step in the group's ongoing development, from rambunctious malcontents of just a few years ago into more serious party activists bent on reshaping a party they say has drifted from its conservative roots.
Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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Ron Paul's GOP legacy growing in states like Iowa - ABC5 News Des Moines, IA
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Ron Paul’s legacy growing within GOP
Posted: at 3:44 pm
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) Ron Paul is exiting the political stage, but his legions of followers insist they are only getting started.
Libertarian-leaning loyalists of the two-time Republican presidential candidate have quietly taken over key-state GOP organizations, ensuring future fights with the GOPs establishment and laying the groundwork for a future presidential candidate.
Their new relevance, especially in early caucus states Iowa and Nevada, could clear the way for such a candidate, perhaps Pauls son, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul. Its the next step in the groups ongoing development, from rambunctious malcontents of just a few years ago into more serious party activists bent on reshaping a party they say has drifted from its conservative roots.
Its the maturation of the movement, said Matt Strawn, a former Iowa Republican Party chairman not affiliated with Paul. If youre going to keep the franchise going, you need a candidate.
Iowas state Republican governing body this month voted to re-elect as chairman and vice chairman two of Pauls top 2012 Iowa caucus campaign aides. Last year, Nevada Republicans similarly elected top Paul supporters to its two spots on the Republican National Committee.
All this despite Paul having lost Nevadas presidential caucuses last year to Romney, and finished third in Iowas behind Romney and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum.
Paul backers also have made inroads into Colorado, Florida, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota and Missouri, in part vestiges of his 2012 presidential campaign.
Indeed, across the country, thousands of Pauls followers, many disillusioned after fighting in vain for his failed bid of 2008, regrouped in 2012 and dove head-first into the behind-the-scenes Republican Party delegate elections, fighting tooth and nail with old-guard GOP establishment activists for national convention seats.
And while Paul retired from Congress this month, his disciples picked up House seats in Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan and Texas last year.
In 2008, we came in thinking we could change the world, Nevada RNC committeeman James Smack said. In 2012, we felt we at least had some say in it.
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Ron Paul’s legacy growing within GOP
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Ron Paul's Republican legacy growing in states like Iowa
Posted: at 3:44 pm
DES MOINES, Iowa Ron Paul is exiting the political stage, but his legions of followers insist they are only getting started.
Libertarian-leaning loyalists of the two-time Republican presidential candidate have quietly taken over key-state GOP organizations, ensuring future fights with the GOP's establishment and laying the groundwork for a future presidential candidate.
Their new relevance, especially in early caucus states Iowa and Nevada, could clear the way for such a candidate, perhaps Paul's son, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul. It's the next step in the group's ongoing development, from rambunctious malcontents of just a few years ago into more serious party activists bent on reshaping a party they say has drifted from its conservative roots.
"It's the maturation of the movement," said Matt Strawn, a former Iowa Republican Party chairman not affiliated with Paul. "If you're going to keep the franchise going, you need a candidate."
Iowa's state Republican governing body this month voted to re-elect as chairman and vice chairman two of Paul's top 2012 Iowa caucus campaign aides. Last year, Nevada Republicans similarly elected top Paul supporters to its two spots on the Republican National Committee.
All this despite Paul having lost Nevada's presidential caucuses last year to Mitt Romney, and finished third in Iowa's behind Romney and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum.
Paul backers also have made inroads into Colorado, Florida, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, Missouri, in part vestiges of his 2012 presidential campaign.
Indeed, across the country, thousands of Paul's followers, many disillusioned after fighting in vain for his failed bid of 2008, regrouped in 2012 and dove head-first into the behind-the-scenes Republican Party delegate elections, fighting tooth and nail with old-guard GOP establishment activists for national convention seats.
And while Paul retired from Congress this month, his disciples picked up House seats in Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan and Texas last year.
"In 2008, we came in thinking we could change the world," Nevada RNC committeeman James Smack said. "In 2012, we felt we at least had some say in it."
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Ron Paul's Republican legacy growing in states like Iowa
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Ron Paul's GOP legacy growing in states like Nevada, Iowa
Posted: at 3:44 pm
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) Ron Paul is exiting the political stage, but his legions of followers insist they are only getting started.
Libertarian-leaning loyalists of the two-time Republican presidential candidate have quietly taken over key-state GOP organizations, ensuring future fights with the GOPs establishment and laying the groundwork for a future presidential candidate.
Their new relevance, especially in early caucus states Iowa and Nevada, could clear the way for such a candidate, perhaps Pauls son, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul. Its the next step in the groups ongoing development, from rambunctious malcontents of just a few years ago into more serious party activists bent on reshaping a party they say has drifted from its conservative roots.
Its the maturation of the movement, said Matt Strawn, a former Iowa Republican Party chairman not affiliated with Paul. If youre going to keep the franchise going, you need a candidate.
Iowas state Republican governing body this month voted to re-elect as chairman and vice chairman two of Pauls top 2012 Iowa caucus campaign aides. Last year, Nevada Republicans similarly elected top Paul supporters to its two spots on the Republican National Committee.
All this despite Paul having lost Nevadas presidential caucuses last year to Mitt Romney, and finished third in Iowas behind Romney and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum.
Paul backers also have made inroads into Colorado, Florida, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, Missouri, in part vestiges of his 2012 presidential campaign.
Indeed, across the country, thousands of Pauls followers, many disillusioned after fighting in vain for his failed bid of 2008, regrouped in 2012 and dove head-first into the behind-the-scenes Republican Party delegate elections, fighting tooth and nail with old-guard GOP establishment activists for national convention seats.
And while Paul retired from Congress this month, his disciples picked up House seats in Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan and Texas last year.
(Page 2 of 3)
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Ron Paul's GOP legacy growing in states like Nevada, Iowa
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Ron Paul's GOP legacy growing in states like Iowa
Posted: at 3:44 pm
By THOMAS BEAUMONT Associated Press
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) - Ron Paul is exiting the political stage, but his legions of followers insist they are only getting started.
Libertarian-leaning loyalists of the two-time Republican presidential candidate have quietly taken over key-state GOP organizations, ensuring future fights with the GOP's establishment and laying the groundwork for a future presidential candidate.
Their new relevance, especially in early caucus states Iowa and Nevada, could clear the way for such a candidate, perhaps Paul's son, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul. It's the next step in the group's ongoing development, from rambunctious malcontents of just a few years ago into more serious party activists bent on reshaping a party they say has drifted from its conservative roots.
"It's the maturation of the movement," said Matt Strawn, a former Iowa Republican Party chairman not affiliated with Paul. "If you're going to keep the franchise going, you need a candidate."
Iowa's state Republican governing body this month voted to re-elect as chairman and vice chairman two of Paul's top 2012 Iowa caucus campaign aides. Last year, Nevada Republicans similarly elected top Paul supporters to its two spots on the Republican National Committee.
All this despite Paul having lost Nevada's presidential caucuses last year to Mitt Romney, and finished third in Iowa's behind Romney and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum.
Paul backers also have made inroads into Colorado, Florida, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, Missouri, in part vestiges of his 2012 presidential campaign.
Indeed, across the country, thousands of Paul's followers, many disillusioned after fighting in vain for his failed bid of 2008, regrouped in 2012 and dove head-first into the behind-the-scenes Republican Party delegate elections, fighting tooth and nail with old-guard GOP establishment activists for national convention seats.
And while Paul retired from Congress this month, his disciples picked up House seats in Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan and Texas last year.
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Ron Paul's GOP legacy growing in states like Iowa
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Left Libertarianism by Darian Worden – Alt Expo X (RAW) – Video
Posted: at 3:43 pm
Left Libertarianism by Darian Worden - Alt Expo X (RAW)
By: AltExpo
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Left Libertarianism by Darian Worden - Alt Expo X (RAW) - Video
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