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Health Solutions / Kangen Water® – Eczema Treatment – Video
Posted: January 17, 2013 at 4:46 pm
Health Solutions / Kangen Water - Eczema Treatment
Hospitals in Japan are using Alkaline Water to cure Eczema with amazing results. This water is now available to be produced in your home with our Enagic LeveLuk SD501 Ionizer. For more information go to
By: Raymond Conway
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”Clinic Online” Topic : PSORIASIS part-2/4 (04-JAN-13) Health TV – Video
Posted: at 4:46 pm
#39; #39;Clinic Online #39; #39; Topic : PSORIASIS part-2/4 (04-JAN-13) Health TV
By: Tahir khan
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''Clinic Online'' Topic : PSORIASIS part-2/4 (04-JAN-13) Health TV - Video
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George Carlin on Politically Incorrect Part 1 – Video
Posted: at 4:46 pm
George Carlin on Politically Incorrect Part 1
By: Rebekah Lewis
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Politics Book Review: The Politically Incorrect Guide to the British Empire (The Politically Inco… – Video
Posted: at 4:46 pm
Politics Book Review: The Politically Incorrect Guide to the British Empire (The Politically Inco... This is the summary of The Politically Incorrect Guide to the British Empire (The Politically Incorrect Guides) by HW Crocker III.
By: PoliticsBookMix
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Politics Book Review: The Politically Incorrect Guide to the British Empire (The Politically Inco... - Video
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John Lydon on Politically Incorrect Part 1 – Video
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John Lydon on Politically Incorrect Part 1
By: Rebekah Lewis
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Politically Incorrect Vietnam Communism, Continued – Video
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Politically Incorrect Vietnam Communism, Continued
By: Rebekah Lewis
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Politically Incorrect Vietnam Communism, Continued - Video
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Watch Your Politically Incorrect Mouth by Jerry Guiltner – Video
Posted: at 4:46 pm
Watch Your Politically Incorrect Mouth by Jerry Guiltner
PC police ban #39;illegal #39; language Egyptian President Calls Jews #39;Sons of Apes and Pigs #39;; World Yawns Morsi calls Jews #39;sons of pigs and apes #39;: damaging 2010 video emerges of Egypt president
By: Dave Flang
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3 Myths You Need to Know About Chinese Censorship in 2013
Posted: at 4:46 pm
On Dec. 28, China's government signed new censorship laws that, at first glance, may spell terror for your investments. But that's only what news outlets may have you believe.
In reality, the law mostly makes official what companies and the government have been practicing all along. To put it another way, the law doesn't bring any new changes to how censorship is carried out in China. So before you pull back on your investments, here's a quick rundown of China's real censorship policies.
Myth 1: This law will make censorship much worse
Just as The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal report, China's new laws do require Internet users to provide their real names to service providers. In turn, Internet companies now bear greater responsibility for deleting and reporting illegal activity online.
However, the move is not really an "attack" on freedom of speech. To a great extent, almost every Internet company censors and reports users already. For example, both SINA (NASDAQ: SINA) and Baidu (NASDAQ: BIDU) have algorithms that wipe the Internet of illegal postings and employ up to 1,000 "censors" to patrol the website. So all this law really does is make official what companies have done already. Not much has changed.
Myth 2:Censorship will crush your companies, your investments
The news also portrays China's micro-blogging communities such as SINA Weibo ("Twitter of China") or (Baidu's blogging service) in danger of dying slowly or shutting down. But neither are likely to happen -- at least, not because of censorship.
Think about it: All companies, big and small, must comply with these new regulations. And the bigger companies have an advantage at managing these new rules at relatively minimal costs. The only way that SINA and Baidu's social efforts are in danger is if a better product comes along, like Tencent's WeChat, and makes micro-blogging obsolete. But that's another story.
So far, it seems censorship has done little to scare investor confidence in these companies. That shouldn't be a surprise. Many Chinese investors probably recognized the governmental risk a long time ago, and most have probably concluded that the potential, long-term returns outweighed the risks. It seems like investors still believe that.
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3 Myths You Need to Know About Chinese Censorship in 2013
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Jeremy Rifkin – Futurist and Speaker on Economic Changes and Trends – Video
Posted: at 4:44 pm
Jeremy Rifkin - Futurist and Speaker on Economic Changes and Trends
Jeremy Rifkin is president of the Foundation on Economic Trends and the author of nineteen bestselling books on the impact of scientific and technological changes on the economy, the workforce, society, and the environment. His books have been translated into more than thirty-five languages and are used in thousands of universities, corporations and government agencies around the world. His most recent books include The Third Industrial Revolution, The Empathic Civilization, and The Hydrogen Economy. More about Jeremy Rifkin:
By: speakerchannel
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Spotting the space station
Posted: January 16, 2013 at 3:46 pm
What's going on with the International Space Station "station sightings" website process? In the good ole days, one could simply log on to NASA and with a couple of clicks get a list of times to stand outside on a clear night and watch the station pass. Now you must provide an email address, wait for a registration code, and you still can't get the list of times to watch for the station. Is the TSA involved? I don't want a boarding pass, I'd just like to watch the station pass by. Any idea what's up?
H.C., Medford
It is a bit tricky, though not impossible, to find out when the International Space Station will be visible over the Rogue Valley, H.C.
NASA's Johnson Space Center SkyLab website is undergoing maintenance, so its usual list of ISS sighting times isn't available. But NASA does offer an email or text message alert a few hours before each individual sighting, H.C.
To sign up, see
Of course, we understand if you'd like to plan a little further ahead.
One resource that can help is the Astro Viewer website at Once at the site, click on the observation tab and enter the latitude and longitude for where you live about 42 North and 122 West for the Rogue Valley.
After saving the location, a list of visible sighting opportunities for the next 10 days will pop up, along with how bright the station will appear.
Because the station reflects a lot of light, it is best to observe when it is dark in the Rogue Valley but the station itself is in sunlight, which happens just before sunrise or just after sunset, according to the Astro Viewer site.
For each of the next 10 days, the site lists the window of time when the station will be 10 degrees above our horizon and the direction of the sky from which the ISS will enter and exit.
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Spotting the space station
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