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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Candidate Ron Paul lost in Internet translation

Posted: January 21, 2013 at 12:43 pm

The disconnection between the Internet world and the outside world has never been so plainly demonstrated than in the political candidacy of Rep. Ron Paul of Texas - he's a Pennsylvania native, by the way. No candidate of either major party has come close to accomplishing what Paul and his faithful have managed in the online world. They have set records for fund-raising, swung opinion polls in Paul's favor and shown him to be anything but a marginal candidate, which is how traditional media has treated him.

Paul is far more Libertarian than Republican. There's a lot to like about him, if you put any stock in libertarian causes. If you don't, pick from column A or column B from the other candidates available in the race, if you feel you must. Safe is safe. Status quo is status quo.

Paul is a politician who targets government. His nickname is "Dr. No," and he earned it both because he is a medical doctor and because it's been his modus operandi, for the most part, to vote against any legislation that does not have precise, coherent grounding in the U.S. Constitution.

We're bent under the weight of so much government gibberish, so much regulation and rulership that has absolutely nothing to do with the whys and wherefores of this country's birth that it is refreshing to find one rare voice that recognizes the fact and has the will to say he'd actually try to do something about it, were he in a position to do so.

Paul is unmistakably the Internet's darling. Do your own research. See what he and his backers have done.

Paul's writings, his opinions, his political motif, is based primarily on the idea that individuals - not governments, not aggregations of entities (women, men, seniors, blacks, Hispanics, Catholics, Baptists) - are the most important thing in this country, and they are to be protected.

Abolition of the Internal Revenue Service; abolition of the Federal Reserve; abolition of a whole host of federal-government agencies, like the Department of Education and the Environmental Protection Agency; strict enforcement of private-property laws; and a host of other individual-centric ideas are the campaign themes that Paul puts forward.

Does he have a chance? The Chicago Tribune once famously stated "Dewey beats Truman" in a massive page-one headline, as a victorious, grinning Truman held up a copy of perhaps the most famous early bad call in election history - except maybe Florida 2000 - but the reality is that the Internet is not reality.

Yes, the money Paul has raised is real. The support that he has garnered is real. He deserves far more real-world and mainstream attention than he's gotten, if we're ever going to get to the point of bringing government back under control of the people rather than continually expanding government to control us. We've let it happen for decades; complacency, which politicians and those in power rely upon to assure their continued ability to retain that power, is the gravest threat to freedom there is.

Is there hope? Yes. The Internet is still very new in the world. It's only been in general use for about a decade. Its power grows every day. Its ability to extend its sway beyond computer screens and into the world grows every day. Ron Paul has demonstrated, better than any politician who has come before, how a candidate of little means and pushing ideas that will scare the bejabbers out of most people can get his message out and find support for that message by turning to the wild online frontier.

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Candidate Ron Paul lost in Internet translation

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Nassim Taleb Talks Antifragile, Libertarianism, and Capitalism’s Genius for Failure – Video

Posted: at 12:43 pm

Nassim Taleb Talks Antifragile, Libertarianism, and Capitalism #39;s Genius for Failure
Nassim Nicholas Taleb is a former trader and hedge fund manager, a best-selling author, and a groundbreaking theorist on risk and resilience. Taleb drew wide attention after the 2007 publication of The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable, which warned that our institutions and risk models aren #39;t designed to account for rare and catastrophic events. Among other things, the book cautioned that oversized and unaccountable banks using flawed investment models could bring on a financial crisis. He also warned that the government-sanctioned housing finance agencies, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, were sitting on a "barrel of dynamite." One year after The Black Swan was published, a global banking crisis was brought on by the very factors he identified.Nassim Nicholas Taleb (PHOTO CREDIT: Sarah Josephine) Taleb doesn #39;t identify as a libertarian, but he often sounds like one. He has argued that we need to build a society where major actors have "skin in the game" and our public intellectuals can bloviate without subjecting the rest of us to the consequences of their bad ideas. He supported Ron Paul in the 2012 presidential election and has cited the libertarian economist Friedrich Hayek as an influence. Taleb has called New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman "vile and harmful" and coined the phrase the "Stiglitz Syndrome" after Nobel-prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz, which refers to the phenomenon of public intellectuals being held utterly unaccountable for ...

By: ReasonTV

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Nassim Taleb Talks Antifragile, Libertarianism, and Capitalism's Genius for Failure - Video

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Ron Swanson Defines Libertarianism – Video

Posted: at 12:43 pm

Ron Swanson Defines Libertarianism

By: screamqueen6666

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Ron Swanson Defines Libertarianism - Video

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Gary Barlow – Pray – Scarborough Futurist Theatre – 19th Jan 2013 – Video

Posted: at 12:42 pm

Gary Barlow - Pray - Scarborough Futurist Theatre - 19th Jan 2013

By: Glyn Boxall

The rest is here:
Gary Barlow - Pray - Scarborough Futurist Theatre - 19th Jan 2013 - Video

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Gary Barlow Shine Futurist Theatre Scarborough – Video

Posted: at 12:42 pm

Gary Barlow Shine Futurist Theatre Scarborough
My favourite..Shine...(sorry rubbish quality) x

By: charliemainenholly

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Gary Barlow Shine Futurist Theatre Scarborough - Video

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Gary Barlow – Scarborough Futurist Theatre – HD – Video

Posted: at 12:42 pm

Gary Barlow - Scarborough Futurist Theatre - HD
no copyright intended - Taken on 19th Jan 2013. Make sure to watch in HD! Enjoy!

By: xZacEfronLover07x

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Gary Barlow - Scarborough Futurist Theatre - HD - Video

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Gary Barlow – Piano Medley (Live at Scarborough Futurist Theatre 19/01/2013) – Video

Posted: at 12:42 pm

Gary Barlow - Piano Medley (Live at Scarborough Futurist Theatre 19/01/2013)
Gary Barlow performing a piano medley of The Circus, Love Ain #39;t Here Anymore, Lie To Me, Why Can #39;t I Wake Up With You and Forever Love live in concert on his "Gary Barlow: In Concert" solo tour. Note: I #39;d Wait For Life began the medley, but I missed it off. Filmed live at Scarborough Futurist Theatre on Saturday 19th January 2013.

By: Friesian Cow

Excerpt from:
Gary Barlow - Piano Medley (Live at Scarborough Futurist Theatre 19/01/2013) - Video

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Gary Barlow – Forever Autumn (Live at Scarborough Futurist Theatre 19/01/2013) – Video

Posted: at 12:42 pm

Gary Barlow - Forever Autumn (Live at Scarborough Futurist Theatre 19/01/2013)
Gary Barlow performing Forever Autumn live in concert on his "Gary Barlow: In Concert" solo tour. Gary recorded this song on "The New Generation" updated version of Jeff Wayne #39;s Musical Version of the War of the Worlds, released in 2012. Filmed live at Scarborough Futurist Theatre on Saturday 19th January 2013.

By: Friesian Cow

Continued here:
Gary Barlow - Forever Autumn (Live at Scarborough Futurist Theatre 19/01/2013) - Video

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Gary Barlow – Shine (Live at Scarborough Futurist Theatre 19/01/2013) – Video

Posted: at 12:42 pm

Gary Barlow - Shine (Live at Scarborough Futurist Theatre 19/01/2013)
Gary Barlow performing Take That #39;s Shine live in concert on his "Gary Barlow: In Concert" solo tour. Filmed live at Scarborough Futurist Theatre on Saturday 19th January 2013.

By: Friesian Cow

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Gary Barlow - Shine (Live at Scarborough Futurist Theatre 19/01/2013) - Video

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ISS (ZARYA) International Space Station – Video

Posted: January 20, 2013 at 5:46 am

ISS (ZARYA) International Space Station
ISS (ZARYA) International Space Station Through Telescope. Equipment 4" MTO11CA Russenton Telescope and Canon 550D in crop mode ( + Extra Zoom from video editor ) All is hand tracked!!

By: bosb33r

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ISS (ZARYA) International Space Station - Video

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