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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Quadruple Helix DNA Exists In Human Genome
Posted: January 21, 2013 at 12:44 pm
Featured Article Academic Journal Main Category: Cancer / Oncology Also Included In: Biology / Biochemistry;Genetics Article Date: 21 Jan 2013 - 3:00 PST
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Lead investigator Shankar Balasubramanian, a professor at Cambridge University's Department of Chemistry and Cambridge Research Institute, says in a statement:
"We are seeing links between trapping the quadruplexes with molecules and the ability to stop cells dividing, which is hugely exciting."
"The quadruple helix DNA structure may well be the key to new ways of selectively inhibiting the proliferation of cancer cells. The confirmation of its existence in human cells is a real landmark," he adds.
Balasubramanian and colleagues write about their findings in the 20 January online issue of Nature Chemistry.
They are called G-quadruplexes because they form in regions of DNA rich in Guanine, one of the four chemical bases or building blocks that encode genetic information (the other three are Adenine, Cytosine, and Thymine).
The team started with hypothetical computer models of the quadruplexes, then made synthetic versions in test tubes, and then proved, using fluorescent biomarkers, that the structures exist in real life in human cancer cells.
Although there is evidence that G-quadruplexes occur in single-celled organisms called ciliates, this is the first time they have been seen in human cells.
Balasubramanian says this suggests targeting the quadruplexes could form the basis of new personalized treatments.
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Quadruple Helix DNA Exists In Human Genome
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Medicinal Rice T9 based Formulations for Eczema: Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database – Video
Posted: at 12:44 pm
Medicinal Rice T9 based Formulations for Eczema: Pankaj Oudhia #39;s Medicinal Plant Database
Septenary Ingredients of Important Traditional Herbal Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia #39;s Medicinal Plant Database Medicinal Plants of India with reference to Healing Flora of Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Karnataka, Kerala, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Orissa, Rajasthan, Tamilnadu, Punjab, Haryana, West Bengal, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh. - This video is a part of Compilation of Pankaj Oudhia #39;s Research Works at Indira Gandhi Agricultural University, Raipur, India (1990-2001), - This video is a part of Pankaj Oudhia #39;s report on Endangered Species of India. - This video is a part of Pankaj Oudhia #39;s report on Forgotten Herbal Formulations of the World with special reference to Asia. - This video is a part of Pankaj Oudhia #39;s report on North American and European Medicinal Species in Traditional Healing of Asia. - This video is a part of Pankaj Oudhia #39;s Traditional Knowledge Database on Medicinal Rice based Herbal Formulations. - This video is a part of Pankaj Oudhia #39;s Dream Project to Establish International Medicinal Rice Research Institute (IMRRI) in India. For details please visit
By: Pankaj Oudhia
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Medicinal Rice T9 based Formulations for Eczema: Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Plant Database - Video
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Junk food linked to 40% rise in childhood asthma and eczema, say scientists
Posted: at 12:44 pm
Eating more than three portions of junk food each week could lead to an increased risk of childhood asthma and eczema, say researchers.
The data, from more than 500,000 children in over 50 countries suggests that poor dietary habits may be the cause of increasing levels of allergy-related conditions such as asthma and eczema in children and adolescents.
Writing in the BMJs Thorax journal, the international team of researchers reveal that young teenagers in particular are nearly 40% more likely to have severe asthma if they consume common junk foods that are high in levels of sugars and fats more than three times a week.
For children aged six to seven the risk increased by 27%, said the researchers led by Professor Innes Asher, from the University of Auckland in New Zealand, and Prof Hywel Williams, from the University of Nottingham in the UK.
"If the associations between fast foods and the symptom prevalence of asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis and eczema is causal, then the findings have major public health significance owing to the rising consumption of fast foods globally," they said.
Junk food consumption was also found to be linked with severeeczemaand rhinitis, said Asher and his colleagues.
However, the team added that eating fruit appeared to offer protection for young people with those consuming more than three portions a week reducing the severity of their symptoms by 11% among teenagers and 14% among younger children.
Research details
The study findings are as the result of a large collaborative project called the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC), which involves nearly 2 million children in more than 100 countries, making it the biggest of its kind.
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Junk food linked to 40% rise in childhood asthma and eczema, say scientists
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The Psoriasis song unplugged – Ray Chua – Video
Posted: at 12:43 pm
The Psoriasis song unplugged - Ray Chua
Psoriasis awareness. For those who don #39;t know there are people out there next to you who have this auto immune disease. It #39;s not catagious tho many people look at us and think they may catch it if they shake our hand. It #39;s a genetic thing and it would really help if you help us out by treating us like normal people. Employers who are hiring should view us for our ability and not how different we look. Thank you loved ones for accepting us for who we are and sorry for all the times we cause you inconvenience and the mood swings we sometimes put u through. For more about me Please visit my websites Love you all
By: Ray Chua
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The Psoriasis song unplugged - Ray Chua - Video
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Heart Throbs Politically Incorrect Dating, a snippet! – Video
Posted: at 12:43 pm
Heart Throbs Politically Incorrect Dating, a snippet!
See Hank Kimmel #39;s Politically Incorrect Dating with Jared Foust Jacquelyn Wyer as part of Heart Throbs! Info Tickets through ! Feb 2 - 10
By: AcademyTheatre
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Heart Throbs Politically Incorrect Dating, a snippet! - Video
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Joy Of Censorship 03 1 – Video
Posted: at 12:43 pm
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self-censorship clips – Video
Posted: at 12:43 pm
self-censorship clips
a collection of clips about self-censorship
By: ajreilly57
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self-censorship clips - Video
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RTE Censorship, Trilateral Commission meeting in Dublin – Video
Posted: at 12:43 pm
RTE Censorship, Trilateral Commission meeting in Dublin
The Trilateral Commission was founded by former US Secretary of Defence and Sovereign Military Order of the Knights of Malta member Zbigniew Brzezinski. It is a branch off from the Council on Foreign Relations with membership spanning the globe of elite financiers, bankers. industrialists, intelligence etc etc. All members are dedicated on to one goal, a One World Government. Read Brzezinski #39;s book Between Two Ages and you will see he is a dedicated communist who views national sovereignty as an outdated concept. Nothing is hidden, all information is out there for those who seek it out.
By: Seanyboyh
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RTE Censorship, Trilateral Commission meeting in Dublin - Video
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RE: Violence in Entertainment/Censorship Discussion – Video
Posted: at 12:43 pm
RE: Violence in Entertainment/Censorship Discussion
RE: Violence in Entertainment/Censorship Discussion A short response to ZoroFanboy124 #39;s video Violence in Entertainment/Censorship Discussion Link to the video here:
By: KingTaichi
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RE: Violence in Entertainment/Censorship Discussion - Video
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Grassroots Natives end century of censorship in Indian country
Posted: at 12:43 pm
The people bring an end to a century of media control and censorship
By Brenda Norrell
Photo Six Nations shut down developer by Wesley Elliott
Grassroots First Nations and Native Americans delivered a final blow to a century of censorship in Indian country this week, as they provided their own news coverage. The news that was once censored can be censored no more.
Dramatic photos from the Six Nations as they shut down a developer, and photos of First Nations lying on the railroad tracks during the rail blockade in Canada, combined with the voices of Navajos exposing the coal mines that are killing their people. A hidden video from No More Deaths volunteers exposed a US Border Patrol agent removing life saving aid on the Arizona border, where US Border Patrol agents continue the abuse of Tohono O'odham and other Indigenous Peoples.
Grassroots people served a final smash to the last blocks of the wall of censorship.
The voices, actions and news coverage of the people tumbled down the media barricades which have kept the news in Indian country controlled by the media owners, their advertisers and politicians, for the past century.
In Canada, the fearlessness of First Nations marked a turning point, as trains were halted and traffic halted at border crossings.
In sub-zero temperatures, Whapmagoostui First Nation youths began trekking 1,100 kilometers to Ottawa in solidarity with Idle No More. (Photo on left by Eli)
Matthew Mukash said the youths walked in temperature of minus 38 on the second day.
Originally posted here:
Grassroots Natives end century of censorship in Indian country
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