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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Testimoni psoriasis. – Video

Posted: January 22, 2013 at 7:47 pm

Testimoni psoriasis.

By: SyukHairey

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Testimoni psoriasis. - Video

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Seg_ 2 – Dear Doctor – Psoriasis – Skin diseases – 22 Jan 2013 – Suvarna News – Video

Posted: at 7:47 pm

Seg_ 2 - Dear Doctor - Psoriasis - Skin diseases - 22 Jan 2013 - Suvarna News
SUVARNA NEWS 24x7 2 - Dear Doctor - Psoriasis - Skin diseases - 22 Jan 2013 - Suvarna News

By: suvarnanews

Originally posted here:
Seg_ 2 - Dear Doctor - Psoriasis - Skin diseases - 22 Jan 2013 - Suvarna News - Video

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Natural Hair And Scalp Psoriasis – THE PRODUCTS! (Part2) – Video

Posted: at 7:47 pm

Natural Hair And Scalp Psoriasis - THE PRODUCTS! (Part2)
PART 2!!! Before i hop in the shower here are a list of products i use for washing and styling my hair... Washing: Shampoo (Denorex with tar for scalp) and (Vo5 for hair) or (Suave Clarifying shampoo for removing product build up) However my hair loves product buildup lol but still necessary Conditioner: at the moment (Dove Nurturing Oil Care) Or (Suave Almond and Shea Butter) for deep conditioner (Elasta QP Soy Oyl Deep Conditioner) Styling: Either (Blue Magic, water and Africans Best Olive Miracle Hair Lotion) Or (Raw Shea Butter (Creamy) and the same Africans Best Moisturizer) And the (Africans Best Olive Miracle hair oil) for shine SIDENOTE: I dont use any special products for my highlighted hair because honestly, the color hasnt faded much and ive had these higlights for about a year now. The reason is because of all the oils and petroleum i put in my hair, they are literally a protectant for the processed ends so they dont get super dry or brittle and natural hair takes color super well... Just FYI... SOOO THATS IT!!! I used to be a product junky but once i discovered the products that my hair love best i kept to that.... The whole point of this video is you dont have to spend sooooo much money on expensive products... My advice is, if your tying to find the products for you start at the dollar store or your local beauty supply, try products that worked for you as a kid. 9 times out of 10 they still work. Try the affordable products first (if you dont mind silicones ...

By: MsChanelle91

Natural Hair And Scalp Psoriasis - THE PRODUCTS! (Part2) - Video

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Seg_ 3 – Dear Doctor – Psoriasis – Skin diseases – 22 Jan 2013 – Suvarna News – Video

Posted: at 7:47 pm

Seg_ 3 - Dear Doctor - Psoriasis - Skin diseases - 22 Jan 2013 - Suvarna News
SUVARNA NEWS 24x7 3 - Dear Doctor - Psoriasis - Skin diseases - 22 Jan 2013 - Suvarna News

By: suvarnanews

Seg_ 3 - Dear Doctor - Psoriasis - Skin diseases - 22 Jan 2013 - Suvarna News - Video

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Non-chemical treatment for psoriasis

Posted: at 7:47 pm

Qualicum Beach physician Andy Biro wants to shine a light on a heartbreaking condition.

That condition is psoriasis, an autoimmune problem that leads to red, itchy and scaly patches of skin that can cover a little, a lot or even nearly all of the body.

The light he wants to shine isn't metaphorical. It's real and, he said, it makes a very real difference to those who suffer from the condition.

Psoriasis has no cure and Biro, who heads up the Elderwood Medical Clinic in Qualicum Beach, said traditional treatments for the condition can be tough on the patient.

"People are either given topical therapies such as potent stereoids or expensive creams and ointments, or they can even take oral medications that are anti-cancer agents, which make you feel just terrible for a day or two a week," he said. "Would you rather go through that or stand in a booth for a few minutes, a few times per week?"

That booth is his UVB phototherapy unit, which bathes the sufferer in a special spectrum of ultraviolet light.

It makes a difference.

"For the last decade or so it has been noted that people with psoriasis and certain other skin conditions like eczema get better in the summer time," he said. "It turns out that part of the ultraviolet spectrum of a specific wavelength suppresses the autoimmune reaction that underpins psoriasis and people get improvement with exposure."

The ultraviolet spectrum of light, he added, is divided into two parts, UVA and UVB.

"The UVA has the tanning capability, whereas UVB actually penetrates deeper and is usually the component of our sun's rays that is responsible for burning," he said.

See the rest here:
Non-chemical treatment for psoriasis

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Kelly Clarkson Performs For 2013 Inauguration Despite Ron Paul Support

Posted: at 7:46 pm

Inauguration 2013: Beyonce Excited To Sing The National Anthem | Home | LeAnn Rimes Opens Up In Interview

January 21, 2013 09:55 AM by Stephanie Gustafson

Kelly Clarkson may not always agree with President Obama, but shes still happy to take part in his second inauguration ceremony! Following a bit of 2012 election drama, theAmerican Idol alum and currentDuets star is putting aside her political differences and honoring Barack Obama with a performance of My Country Tis Of Thee.

She may consider herself a Republican at heart, but Kelly Clarkson is not one to refuse an invite to sing at the 2013 inauguration. While getting ready for the big performance last night, Kelly retweeted pal Ashley Arrisons Instagram picture of the seating at the Capitol, adding the sarcastic quip, At least its not overwhelming.

Kellys used to big audiences, so were sure shell perform well under pressure. But what were really wondering is how the singer will handle the negative feedback from fans and foes alike. Kelly attracted a lot of attention last year when she tweeted her support for then presidential candidate Ron Paul: If he wins the nomination for the Republican party in 2012 hes got my vote. Too bad he probably wont.

Her prediction about Ron Pauls failure to win the nomination proved correct, but what Kelly could not have predicted was how much this tweet would anger even the most devoted of her fans. She later explained the reasoning behind her Ron Paul support toRolling Stone. He doesnt BS around anything. I was like, This dude is refreshing. All I did was tweet what I thought, and people went crazy!

Following the backlash, Kelly Clarkson issued an apology and brief explanation surrounding her political beliefs. I like Ron Paul because he believes in less government and letting the people (all of us) make the decisions and mold our country. That is all. Out of all of the Republican nominees, hes my favorite.

Despite her political stance, Kelly still thinks Barack Obama is a great guy, and is happy to help him celebrate during the 2013 inauguration ceremony!

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Kelly Clarkson Performs For 2013 Inauguration Despite Ron Paul Support

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Revealed: An Inside Look at Ron Paul's Portfolio

Posted: at 7:46 pm

Ron Paul is alot like licorice; not everyone likes him, but the ones who do really like him.

The former Texas congressman built his reputation and loyal following by taking strong positions on a number of controversialissues .

The first is his desire toaudit and eliminate the Federal Reserve. Paul is a free-market capitalist and doesn't believe a centrally controlled, non-elected entity should have the ability to dictate interest rates and change the trajectory of theeconomy .

Paul has also expressed deep concerns about the U.S. dollar, which is not backed by any physicalasset , and has been steadily devaluing against other currencies since 2001 under growing domestic trade deficits.

Finally, Paul is also worried about the possibility of massiveinflation . Although the U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics' Consumer PriceIndex has yet to show any serious signals of inflation, with central banks around the world fully committed to monetary stimulation, thedevaluation of fiatcurrency is a very real consideration for many investors.

But unlike many politicians simply tickling populist fancy, after taking a look at Paul's portfolio, it's obvious the manputs hismoney where his mouth is.

The typical congressional portfolio might have 10% incash , 10% inbonds , 20% inreal estate and 60% instocks orstock funds , according to theWall Street Journal.

But Paul has taken a radically different approach.

His 21% allocation to real estate looks pretty normal. So does his 14% allocation in cash. But where he parts ways with his congressional brethren is the remaining 64% of his portfolio, which is invested in gold- and silver-mining stocks. Adding to hiscontrarian style, his 1% allocation to stocks funds are invested in "short" funds, a bet against future stock gains.

Visit link:
Revealed: An Inside Look at Ron Paul's Portfolio

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The Goal of Libertarianism – Video

Posted: at 7:46 pm

The Goal of Libertarianism
Belleporte Institute member George Meyers discusses the Goal of Libertarian, what it is, how it works and how to use it.

By: WisconsinLibertarian

Originally posted here:
The Goal of Libertarianism - Video

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Gary Barlow – Rule The World (Live at Scarborough Futurist Theatre 19/01/2013) – Video

Posted: at 7:45 pm

Gary Barlow - Rule The World (Live at Scarborough Futurist Theatre 19/01/2013)
Gary Barlow performing Rule The World live in concert on his "Gary Barlow: In Concert" solo tour. Filmed live at Scarborough Futurist Theatre on Saturday 19th January 2013.

By: Friesian Cow

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Gary Barlow - Rule The World (Live at Scarborough Futurist Theatre 19/01/2013) - Video

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Music Space Station – Multiple Virtual Piano – Video

Posted: January 21, 2013 at 12:45 pm

Music Space Station - Multiple Virtual Piano
Original 3D animation was uploaded in 2007!

By: kvector

Continued here:
Music Space Station - Multiple Virtual Piano - Video

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