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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Little Mix singing DNA acapella live on Ustream (24/10/12) – Video

Posted: January 22, 2013 at 7:48 pm

Little Mix singing DNA acapella live on Ustream (24/10/12)
Love this songs and their great voices! subscribe and like ! Just enjoy this great song guyz!!! ^_^

By: Kostadina Miari

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Little Mix singing DNA acapella live on Ustream (24/10/12) - Video

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Little Mix – DNA (Live Acoustic) – Video

Posted: at 7:48 pm

Little Mix - DNA (Live Acoustic)
Love this songs and their great voices! subscribe and like ! Just enjoy this great song guyz!!! ^_^

By: Kostadina Miari

Original post:
Little Mix - DNA (Live Acoustic) - Video

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Discipleship DNA – Video

Posted: at 7:48 pm

Discipleship DNA
Here is a breif overview of the new discipleship track at the Cause Community Church called Discipleship DNA. This program is design to help you become a fully functioning follower of Jesus Christ.

By: thecausecc

Discipleship DNA - Video

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Droid DNA Custom Boot Animation – World War Z – Video

Posted: at 7:48 pm

Droid DNA Custom Boot Animation - World War Z
Custom Boot Animation that I created from the World War Z Trailer..... Download Link: My XDA Thread:

By: Jacob Harris

Droid DNA Custom Boot Animation - World War Z - Video

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emma + hook l DNA – Video

Posted: at 7:48 pm

emma + hook l DNA
*WATCH IN HD* Captain Swan is OTP of the show (along with Rumbelle). So much tension between them 😉 _______________________________ Fandom : Once Upon A Time Song : At the beginning of the video Coloring : Mine

By: MortalMagicDestruct

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emma + hook l DNA - Video

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DNA-Little Mix (OurWorld MEP) ~Entries Open~ – Video

Posted: at 7:48 pm

DNA-Little Mix (OurWorld MEP) ~Entries Open~
So Yeah I Want To Make MEP 🙂 Deadline : 10 Feb 🙂 So Be Creative!!! Programs That Allowed 1-Windows Movie Maker 2-Sony Vegas 3-IMovie FINISH YOUR PART IF U ARE LATE I WILL REPLACE U !!! Into : Me 🙂 Part 1 : Part 2 : Part 3 : Part 4 : tosariovii Part 5 : Part 6 : Part 7 : Part...

By: OurworldMES

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DNA-Little Mix (OurWorld MEP) ~Entries Open~ - Video

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Four-Stranded DNA Found In Human Cells, Could Help Fight Cancer

Posted: at 7:48 pm

Scientists from Cambridge University reported in the journal Nature Chemistry on Sunday that they had found the four-stranded structure, also known as a G-quadruplex, in living human cells. More specifically, they found them in human cancer cells. If it turns out that this G-quadruplex is involved in cancer development and growth, then it would be a prime target for new drugs.

G-quadruplexes tend to form in areas of DNA with a lot of guanine, one of the building blocks of DNA thats abbreviated G when writing out a DNA or RNA sequence. Usually, guanine binds to the nucleobase cytosine, but sometimes there are instances where four guanine bases can associate into a tetrad, or four-stranded structure.

(Photo: Jean-Paul Rodriguez) An image depicting the G-quadruplex, a four-stranded DNA structure.

Such structures have been seen in the test tube in vitro but never before in the natural life of a human cell, until now.

To find G-quadruplexes inside living human cancer cells, the team created antibodies that would bind to places on the genome where four-stranded structures were plentiful. Attached to the antibodies were fluorescent proteins, so the scientists could see when and where the structures emerged.

The research team from Cambridge found evidence that G-quadruplexes tend to congregate more at a point in cell division called the S-phase, which is when DNA replicates itself. The genes that fuel cancer growth are typically ones that kick DNA replication into high gear.

We have found that by trapping the quadruplex DNA with synthetic molecules we can sequester and stabilise them, providing important insights into how we might grind cell division to a halt, senior author Shankar Balasubramanian told the universitys news service.

There are still many mysteries to be solved in the case of the 4-stranded DNA. They could have been selected for in evolution, or they could just be frustrating accidents like the tangles that form on strings of Christmas lights when youre trying to pack them all away for the year.

Its a philosophical question as to whether they are there by design or not but they exist and nature has to deal with them. Maybe by targeting them we are contributing to the disruption they cause, Balasubramanian said.

The G-quadruplex could form the basis of a targeted cancer treatment that could stop tumor growth in its tracks.

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Four-Stranded DNA Found In Human Cells, Could Help Fight Cancer

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4-Strand DNA Structure Found in Cells

Posted: at 7:48 pm

Four DNA strands come together in this model, built using data from x-ray crystallography. Image: Jean-Paul Rodriguez

From Nature magazine

There is no more iconic image in biology than that of DNA's double-stranded helix, which coils and supercoils on itself to form dense chromosomes.

But a quite different, square-shaped type of DNA structure can easily be created in the laboratory by the folding of synthetic DNA strands rich in guanine, one of the building blocks of DNA. Scientists have long believed that these so-called 'G-quadruplex structures' may occasionally form in the DNA of living cells. A G-quadruplex comprises four guanines from different places along a G-rich strand held together by a special type of hydrogen bonding to form a compact square structure that interrupts the DNA helix.

In a paper published online today in Nature Chemistry, researchers led by Shankar Balasubramanian at the University of Cambridge, UK, provide strong evidence that G-quadruplexes do occur in cells and that these unusual structures may have important biological functions.

Protecting the chromosome The protective tips of chromosomal DNA, known as telomeres, are rich in guanine and so are likely candidates for G-quadruplex structures. In fact, studies in cancer cells have shown that small molecules that bind and stabilize G-quadruplex structures cause DNA damage at telomeres, supporting the argument.

After trawling through human genome data in search of other guanine-rich sequences, some scientists have suggested that quadruplexes could also be created in other areas of the genome involved in regulating genes, particularly some cancer-causing genes.

G-quadruplex visualized This seems likely to be the case, Balasubramanian and colleagues found. They engineered an antibody that binds tightly and specifically to G-quadruplex structures and does not bind to double-stranded helical DNA. When they incubated the antibody with human cells in culture, they found that it bound to many different sites in the chromosomes, only around a quarter of them in telomeres.

Its early days, but if we can map exactly where these G-quadruplex structures pop up in the genome, we may learn how better to control genes or other cellular processes that go awry in diseases like cancer, he says. Thats the long-term vision anyway.

This article is reproduced with permission from the magazine Nature. The article was first published on January 20, 2013.

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4-Strand DNA Structure Found in Cells

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Quadruple Helix Detected in Human DNA

Posted: at 7:48 pm

By Breanna Draxler | January 21, 2013 3:05 pm

The quadruple helix structure is shown at the left. Fluorescent markers on the right show where the helix appears on an individual chromosome (top) and in cells (bottom).

What does DNA look like? According to the biology textbooks of the last half century, it consists of a twisting ladder of base pairs: A with T and C with G. But a new study in Nature presents evidence that some human DNA may actually have four strands instead of two, and researchers say the quadruple helix may be linked to cancer.

The now-ubiquitous double-helix structure was first published in the journal Nature in 1953 by scientists James Watson and Francis Crick from the University of Cambridge. Nearly 60 years later, scientists from the same institution have published a paper in the same journal, but their results suggest that there may be more to the structure of DNA than their predecessors thought.

Researchers have been studying and searching for quadruple-helix DNA for the better part of a decade.They knew such structures existed in microscopic ciliates, but had never observed them in humans. By building antibodies that bind to the four-stranded structure, the Cambridge team was finally able to pin down theexistence of the quadruple helix in human DNA and pinpoint its location on individual chromosomes.

The researchers say the quadruple helix forms in the presence of unusually high levels of guanine (the G from the four nucleobases), so they call the structure a G-quadruplex. They also found that it forms during the phase of DNA replication when the genetic material is being copied, and that the number of quadruple-helices increased with each replication. The growth is somewhat similar to that of cancer, which alters the genetic code to increase DNA replication and cause tumor growth. This finding suggests that the quadruple-helix may be linked to cancer, researchers told the BBC.

Understanding the helixs structure and function may well be key to solidifying its association with cancer. If proven true, researchers may one day treat the disease by making structure-specific antibodies to block the replication response that causes tumors.

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Quadruple Helix Detected in Human DNA

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'Quadruple Helix' DNA Seen

Posted: at 7:48 pm

60 years after scientists first described the double helix shape of human DNA, the chemical code of life, scientists have discovered the first quadruple helix -- and it may help them prevent the runaway cell proliferation at the root of cancer.

"It's been sixty years since its structure was solved but work like this shows us that the story of DNA continues to twist and turn," said Julie Sharp, senior science information manager at Cancer Research UK.

- Julie Sharp, senior science information manager at Cancer Research UK

The research, published Monday in the science journal Nature Chemistry, shows clearly a four-stranded DNA structure that the scientists dubbed a G-quadruplex. The name comes from the building block guanine, one of the chemical bases that form DNA, along with adenine, cytosine, and thymine (usually abbreviated to their first letter).

By targeting these DNA oddities with synthetic molecules that trap and contain them -- preventing cells from replicating their DNA and consequently blocking cell division -- it may be possible to halt the spread of cancer, the researchers said.

"We are seeing links between trapping the quadruplexes with molecules and the ability to stop cells dividing, which is hugely exciting," said professor Shankar Balasubramanian from the University of Cambridge's Department of Chemistry and Cambridge Research Institute, whose group produced the research.

"We've come a long way in 10 years, from simple ideas to really seeing some substance in the existence and tractability of targeting these funny structures," he told the BBC.

"I'm hoping now that the pharmaceutical companies will bring this on to their radar and we can perhaps take a more serious look at whether quadruplexes are indeed therapeutically viable targets."

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'Quadruple Helix' DNA Seen

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