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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Crysis 2 Post human random gameplays – Video
Posted: January 26, 2013 at 2:48 pm
Crysis 2 Post human random gameplays
Heys guy! this is me playing Crysis 2 on the difficulty level of post human, played the starting of 3 different missions, Lab rat, Dead man walking, and Dark heart. Advise, comment, like if you like this video, i request, dont dislike it, i #39;m not very good at all this stuff. And please dont subscribe, not worth it. -_- . Here are the videos of the upcoming Crysis 3 , Feb29 The Crysis 3 official trailor- The Crytek engine- The crysis 3 gameplay demo - Ask for walkthroughs of any of the following games : Hitman absolution, Black ops2 , Modern ware 3 , Battlefield 3 , Most wanted 2012 , Crysis 2 , Crysis warhead, Far cry 3, Assassins creed 3 , Prototype 2 and more ........
By: sahil9821
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Futurist Ray Kurzweil predicts in-body computers and a potential war with machines
Posted: at 2:47 pm
Author and inventor Ray Kurzweil, 56, speaks with a reporter during an interview in his office, in Wellesley, Mass., Jan. 12,2005.
By Eli Segall (contact)
Saturday, Jan. 26, 2013 | 2 a.m.
If you worry that the Internet, computers and other electronics play an outsized role in daily life, futurist Ray Kurzweil has one message for you:
This is only the beginning.
Kurzweil, who will speak Sunday night at the Smith Center for the Performing Arts as part of the Audi Speaker Series, predicts a high-tech society that makes today's lifestyle look straight out of the Stone Age. As he sees it, people will have tiny computing devices in their bodies, more powerful brains and longer lives. Simply put, the world will be dominated by artificial intelligence.
The 64-year-old entrepreneur is the leading evangelist of Singularity, the idea that machines will spontaneously adopt humanlike characteristics, become vastly more intelligent than people and change mankind forever. One possibility is they'll turn on us and wipe out humanity.
Kurzweil has pegged the transformation for 2045.
The nonbiological intelligence created in that year will be 1 billion times more powerful than all human intelligence today, he says on
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Futurist Ray Kurzweil predicts in-body computers and a potential war with machines
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UFO – Spectacular classic shape of a UFO near the space station. – Video
Posted: January 25, 2013 at 8:50 am
UFO - Spectacular classic shape of a UFO near the space station.
UFO ISS - 12 - 28 - Spectacular classic shape of a UFO near the space station. See original video : High Quality Photos :
By: TheUFODistrict
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Let’s Play Space Station Silicon Valley – Part 12 – Video
Posted: at 8:50 am
Let #39;s Play Space Station Silicon Valley - Part 12
Part 12: Ice n #39; Easy Does It Evo must now grab the decapitated preserved heads of the murdered scientists, no I #39;m not joking, this is in a kids game, I love you Rockstar.
By: voltageman65
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Robotic refueling test resumes on space station
Posted: at 8:50 am
An International Space Station experiment testing the ability of robots to repair and refuel orbiting satellites has resumed, after being stalled for a week by a software glitch.
NASA's Robotic Refueling Mission (RRM) resumed operations Tuesday after engineers finished analyzing loads and software limits for the space station's Dextre robot, agency officials announced in a Tuesday mission update.
RRM calls for Dextre, which sits at the end of the orbiting lab's huge Canadarm2 robotic arm, to perform simulated refueling and repair tasks on a washing-machine-size platform affixed to the station's exterior.
Space news from
Science editor Alan Boyle's blog: When dung beetles roll their tiny balls of poop across the sands of South Africa on a moonless night, they look to the glow of our Milky Way galaxy as a navigational aid, researchers report.
The latest round of RRM experiments started Jan. 14 and was expected to last about 10 days, but a software glitch halted activities after just a day.
The RRM module, which consists of activity boards and tools necessary to demonstrate on-orbit refueling, launched to the station in July 2011 aboard the space shuttle Atlantis, which was making the last flight in the shuttle program's 30-year history.
The experiment's goal is to demonstrate technology that could someday fix and refuel orbiting satellites robotically, thereby extending their lives and potentially saving satellite operators billions of dollars over the long haul.
Such work can be challenging, since current satellites were generally not designed to be serviced.
The first RRM experiments began last year, when controllers on the ground used the two-armed Dextre to snip some wires with minimal clearance.
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Robotic refueling test resumes on space station
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The Countdown, Episode 14 – Inflatable Space Station, Monkey Launch, Lunar Hedgehogs, Martian Groundwater, Saturn's …
Posted: at 8:50 am
[The text below is a modified transcript of this video.]
5) Inflatable Space Station
Were this close to having a bouncy castle in space. NASA just ordered an inflatable module that will attach to the International Space Station.
Start up company Bigelow Aerospace won an 18 million dollar contract from NASA to build the Bigelow Expandable Activity Module, or BEAM. The module is just 4 meters long and 3.2 meters in diameter. Thats a little bit larger than your average car, but its designed to provide more living space for the ISS.
BEAM will travel to the space station in 2015, where it will be installed and inflated. For two years, the module will be monitored and tested to see how it holds up.
Then, BEAM will detach, fall towards Earth, and burn up. Because the walls of the inflatable module are about four times lighter than those currently used on the ISS, theyre much cheaper to lift into orbit. Their light weight could make blow-up modules the space technology of the future, whether used as free-floating space stations or for moon bases.
4) Monkey Launch
Last week, the Iranian space agency said it wants to launch a monkey into spaceagain. The first attempt, in the summer of 2011, failed. Officials gave no details about what went wrong.
According to the Iranians, within the next month a live Rhesus monkey will be launched into space aboard a Safir rocket. The monkey will reach a sub-orbit altitude and assuming everything goes to plan, return to Earth safely.
The Iranian government has said it wants send an astronaut into space by 2020 and to the moon by 2025. So, sending a monkey would be a significant first step. In the 1950s and 60s the US, French, and Russian governments tested the safety of their spacecraft by sending dogs, monkeys, and even chimps into space.
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The Countdown, Episode 14 - Inflatable Space Station, Monkey Launch, Lunar Hedgehogs, Martian Groundwater, Saturn's ...
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Robotic Satellite-Refueling Test Resumes on Space Station
Posted: at 8:50 am
An International Space Station experiment testing the ability of robots to repair and refuel orbiting satellites has resumed, after being stalled for a week by a software glitch.
NASA's Robotic Refueling Mission (RRM) resumed operations Tuesday (Jan. 22) after engineers finished analyzing loads and software limits for the space station's Dextre robot, agency officials announced in a Tuesday mission update.
RRM calls for Dextre, which sits at the end of the orbiting lab's huge Canadarm2 robotic arm, to perform simulated refueling and repair tasks on a washing-machine-size platform affixed to the station's exterior. The latest round of RRM experiments started Jan. 14 and was expected to last about 10 days, but a software glitch halted activities after just a day.
The RRM module, which consists of activity boards and tools necessary to demonstrate on-orbit refueling, launched to the station in July 2011 aboard the space shuttle Atlantis, which was making the last flight in the shuttle program's 30-year history.
The experiment's goal is to demonstrate technology that could someday fix and refuel orbiting satellites robotically, thereby extending their lives and potentially saving satellite operators billions of dollars over the long haul. Such work can be challenging, since current satellites were generally not designed to be serviced.
The first RRM experiments began last year, when controllers on the ground used the two-armed Dextre to snip some wires with minimal clearance. The latest round of activities will be more complex and involved, as Dextre will snip more wires, unscrew caps and pump simulated fuel, NASA officials have said.
Follow senior writer Mike Wall on Twitter @michaeldwallor @Spacedotcom. We're also on FacebookandGoogle+.
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Robotic Satellite-Refueling Test Resumes on Space Station
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Genetic Engineering Video – Video
Posted: at 8:50 am
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DNA and Protein syntesis – Video
Posted: at 8:50 am
DNA and Protein syntesis
By: muay muayy
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MONSTER DNA Lion Dance @ Mong Kok, Hong Kong – Video
Posted: at 8:50 am
MONSTER DNA Lion Dance @ Mong Kok, Hong Kong
Monster #22312; #39321; #28207; #35199; #27915; #33756; #21335; #34903; #33289; #36774; #20102; #19968; #22580; #21490; #28961; #21069; #20363; #30340;Monster DNA #12300; #20154; #29509; #34903; #33310; #27770; #39717; #12301; #65281; For the launch of Monster DNA headphones in Hong Kong, Monster has organised an special "Street Dance x Lion Dance" perforamce at Sai Yeung Choi Street South in Hong Kong!
By: Monster HK
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