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Category Archives: Transhuman News

[EZ2ON REBOOT] Futurist 6k hard only key sound – Video

Posted: January 27, 2013 at 10:43 pm

[EZ2ON REBOOT] Futurist 6k hard only key sound

By: redhorseo

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[EZ2ON REBOOT] Futurist 6k hard only key sound - Video

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Futurists Dr. James Canton and Gerd Leonhard discuss Sustainability, Disruption and Technology – Video

Posted: at 10:43 pm

Futurists Dr. James Canton and Gerd Leonhard discuss Sustainability, Disruption and Technology
Part 3 of a conversation between Futurists Dr. James Canton and Gerd Leonhard and Futurists Dr. James Canton and Gerd Leonhard discuss the key topics for the next 5 years This video is part of the new series (launching soon). Topics discussed include general sustainability trends and predictions, #39;green future #39; opportunities, the future of capitalism and #39;growth profit economics #39;, accountability and social innovation, renewable energy, Jeremy Rifkin #39;s Intergrid, and much more. Apologies for the low audio output, btw; if it #39;s not good enough for you please try this MP3 Please note: You can now download most of my videos by simply subscribing to this iTunes video feed (via *** audio-only versions are now available here: or on the web at My vimeo channel is here Enjoy! Gerd Leonhard Futurist, Author and Keynote Speaker Basel / Switzerland CEO Media Blog Gerd #39;s mobile apps: The Future of Business blog Twitter: Need even more links?

By: Gerd Leonhard

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Futurists Dr. James Canton and Gerd Leonhard discuss Sustainability, Disruption and Technology - Video

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Author, Futurist David Houle Says The ‘Shift Age’ Is Coming

Posted: at 10:43 pm

By John Ostapkovich

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - The world is changing ever-faster, and a futurist says its part of an epic transition that is at once global and personal.

Most of humanity has embraced the Agricultural Age, somewhat fewer the Industrial Age. Many of us are bewildered by the Information Age, but a new one is coming, says futurist David Houle, author of Entering the Shift Age.

Shift Age is his term for a time of global connectedness with greater individual choice through electronics. He says weve grown from a content is king paradigm to context is king.

Earth century, retrofitting the 21st Century, concept of place changing forever, the merging of biology and technology and the new evolutionary shift in consciousness are the five big contexts in which well be looking at the future over the next 10 to 15 years.

Houle says the global and individual trends are not in conflict, because if you dont want to go global you dont have to.

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Author, Futurist David Houle Says The ‘Shift Age’ Is Coming

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Kerbal Space Program Ep. 27 Boarding The Space Station – Video

Posted: January 26, 2013 at 2:51 pm

Kerbal Space Program Ep. 27 Boarding The Space Station
in this episode we try a long space walk to get more kerbals to our new space station.

By: iampeppino

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Kerbal Space Program Ep. 27 Boarding The Space Station - Video

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International Space Station – Newcastle NSW – 25 J – Video

Posted: at 2:51 pm

International Space Station - Newcastle NSW - 25 J
The last 30 seconds of an ISS pass on a perfectly clear hot summer night. The time was just after dusk with a near full moon rising to it #39;s side . Really quite beautiful 🙂 Location: Newcastle NSW A

By: Liz Carr

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International Space Station - Newcastle NSW - 25 J - Video

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Triangle UFO Seen from Space Station. NASA Cover Up – Video

Posted: at 2:51 pm

Triangle UFO Seen from Space Station. NASA Cover Up
Please SUBSCRIBE, SHARE, and THUMBS UP ... THANK YOU! The Triangle UFO is not new to those in the know however, this is the first time it has ever been caught so clearly on images from space. NASA was ready with the "space junk" story but a picture is worth a 1000 words. If there is space junk up there that shape and size that it would not only be dangerous but a real shame. Think NASA will ever come clean with what it really is and why they are covering it up? Is this the beginning of the Space Warfare scenario we #39;ve learned so much about? See for yourself ... ******************************************************************************************************************* FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a #39;fair use #39; of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 USC section 107 of the US Copyright Law

By: 2UniversalTruth

See original here:
Triangle UFO Seen from Space Station. NASA Cover Up - Video

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DNA and individual freedom v crime prevention

Posted: at 2:50 pm

25 January 2013 Last updated at 09:21 ET

Will the Government's Protection of Freedoms Act lead to an increase in murders, rapes and other serious crimes? New research from the United States suggests it might.

The legislation, which became law last May, is resulting in many thousands of DNA profiles being removed from the UK's giant DNA database - people arrested but not convicted of a serious offence after three years. Ministers argue that the previous approach, in which DNA samples were kept indefinitely, undermined the freedom of innocent citizens.

Britain pioneered the use of DNA as a crime-fighting tool, introducing the world's first national database in 1985. Today it holds the profiles of more than five million people and is credited with helping solve some 40,000 crimes a year.

The US, Canada, Australia and most European countries have followed the UK's lead, with DNA profiling internationally regarded as the most important breakthrough in modern policing. Until now, though, there has been little scientific research on whether such databases really do reduce offending.

Last month Jennifer Doleac, assistant professor of public policy and economics at the University of Virginia, published a paper entitled The Effects of DNA Databases on Crime, which suggested that size matters: "larger DNA databases reduce crime rates".

The paper estimates that each new profile added to the US DNA database - the Combined DNA Index System, or Codis - resulted in 0.57 fewer serious offences. Uploading a profile costs about $40, which means that in 2010 the database cost the American taxpayer $30.5m but, according to the research paper, saved a whopping $21bn in crime prevention.

Retaining DNA from individuals who are not convicted of an offence is as controversial in the US as it is in the UK. Some American states do keep samples from people arrested but not convicted while others do not. So the University of Virginia study was able to compare the two approaches.

Ms Doleac calculates that if every state kept the profiles of people arrested but not convicted, the US would see a fall of 3.2% in murders, 6.6% in rapes and 5.4% in vehicle thefts.

This conclusion flies in the face of current British government policy that does the opposite. In a Commons debate in October 2011, Home Office Minister James Brokenshire challenged the suggestion "that the more people's DNA is on the database, the more effective it is".

DNA and individual freedom v crime prevention

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DNA Could Become the Next Big Data Warehouse

Posted: at 2:50 pm

Scientists have stored some Shakespearean sonnets and part of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech by encoding them in DNA -- a process that could preserve those famous words for millennia. The team at the European Bioinformatics Institute isn't the first to try this new approach to data storage. A Harvard team stored around 700 terabytes of digital data in a single gram of DNA last year.

Researchers at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) on Wednesday announced their success at storing data by encoding it to DNA. The system could stand the test of time -- tens of thousands of years, perhaps.

This method for archiving data could make it possible to store 100 million hours of high-definition video in about a cup of DNA, according to the scientists, and given the trend toward Big Data, that could be a big breakthrough. One gram of DNA could hold as much as information as more than a million CDs.

Nick Goldman of EMBL-EBI looking at synthesised DNA. (Credit: EMBL Photolab)

Unlike existing methods of data storage -- all of which have relatively limited life spans -- DNA has proven it can endure, literally, for ages. Like any physical carbon-based object, DNA can be destroyed, but it happens to be far more sturdy than paper or tape, and it can't easily be damaged by electromagnetic fields.

"We already know that DNA is a robust way to store information, because we can extract it from wooly mammoth bones -- which date back tens of thousands of years -- and make sense of it," said Nick Goldman of EMBL-EBI. "It's also incredibly small, dense, and does not need any power for storage, so shipping and keeping it is easy."

DNA could have an advantage over many current methods of storage.

Although tape is the cheapest storage medium, it's performance is lacking, explained Fang Zhang, storage analyst at IHS iSuppli. Analyzing Big Data using tape would take much longer, compared to SSD and HDD. Depending on how frequently it's used, tape could wear out.

+ While it's highly unlikely that the words of William Shakespeare would ever be lost, 154 of the Bard's sonnets have been spelled out using DNA. An audio file containing part of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s 1963 "I Have a Dream" speech has also been encoded.

Being stored in DNA could allow those famous words to live on for eons.

Excerpt from:
DNA Could Become the Next Big Data Warehouse

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OmicsOffice SeqSolve Custom Genome Annotation Tutorial – Video

Posted: at 2:50 pm

OmicsOffice SeqSolve Custom Genome Annotation Tutorial
Learn how to load in OmicsOffice-SeqSolve and use your Custom Genome Annotation in the NGS data analysis

By: IntegromicsUSER

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OmicsOffice SeqSolve Custom Genome Annotation Tutorial - Video

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Genome structural variation (2013) – Video

Posted: at 2:50 pm

Genome structural variation (2013)
The Primer on Medical and Population Genetics is a series of informal weekly discussions of basic genetics topics that relate to human populations and disease. Experts from across the Broad Institute community give in-depth introductions to the basic principles of complex trait genetics, including human genetic variation, genotyping, DNA sequencing methods, statistics, data analysis, and more. Videos of these sessions are made freely available for viewing here and are geared toward a wide audience that includes research technicians, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and established investigators just entering the field. For more information, please visit: -Program in Medical Population Genetics ( -Primer videos (

By: broadinstitute

Originally posted here:
Genome structural variation (2013) - Video

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