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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Ron Paul: I’m Waiting for the Fed to Self-Destruct – Video
Posted: January 27, 2013 at 10:44 pm
Ron Paul: I #39;m Waiting for the Fed to Self-Destruct
Like, share, subscribe comment! - - http Facebook: Backup YouTube channel: Email updates: 01 Ron Paul is America #39;s leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, sound money, and a pro-America foreign policy. To spread the message, visit and promote the following websites: (grassroots website) http (discussion forum) Disclaimer: This video is not-for-profit clip that is uploaded for the purpose of education, teaching, and research, which falls under fair use according to the Copyright Act of 1976 and tips the balance in favor of fair use; all intellectual content within the video remains property of its respective owners.
By: RonPaul2008dotcom
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Ron Paul: I'm Waiting for the Fed to Self-Destruct - Video
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Ron Paul Speech To Mises Institute – Video
Posted: at 10:44 pm
Ron Paul Speech To Mises Institute
Ron Paul speaks to the Mises Institute, an austrian economics organization.
By: TheLibertarian4life
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Ron Paul Speech To Mises Institute - Video
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Giving TRUTH about RON PAUL – Video
Posted: at 10:44 pm
Giving TRUTH about RON PAUL
Speakingnwith a typicalUNINFORMED individual on LACK of information being HELD BACK on the REAL PEOPLE #39;S CHAMPION
By: Tim Ozzy
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Giving TRUTH about RON PAUL - Video
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RAND PAUL/ RON PAUL 2016.flv – Video
Posted: at 10:44 pm
By: marty lamb
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RAND PAUL/ RON PAUL 2016.flv - Video
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What Is Libertarianism? Ron Paul Explains – Video
Posted: at 10:44 pm
What Is Libertarianism? Ron Paul Explains
Published on Jun 10, 2012 1988 Be sure to check out for more news, videos and articles relating to politics and freedom The Libertarian Party is the third largest and fastest growing political party in the United States. The political platform of the Libertarian Party reflects the ideas of Libertarianism, favoring minimally regulated, laissez-faire markets, strong civil liberties, drug liberalization, LGBT rights (such as in marriage, child custody, adoption, immigration or military service laws), separation of church and state, minimally regulated migration across borders, and non-interventionism and diplomacy in foreign policy, ie, avoiding foreign military or economic entanglements with other nations and respect for freedom of trade and travel to all foreign countries. In the 30 states where voters can register by party, there are over 282000 voters registered with the party. Hundreds of Libertarian candidates have been elected or appointed to public office, and thousands have run for office under the Libertarian banner. The Libertarian Party has many firsts in its credit such as the first party to get an electoral vote for a woman. On May 5, 2012, Gary Johnson received the Libertarian Party #39;s official nomination for President of the United States in the 2012 election. The Libertarian Party #39;s platform opposes government intervention in the economy. According to the party platform "The only proper role of government in the ...
By: Will Megenney
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What Is Libertarianism? Ron Paul Explains - Video
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What is Libertarianism? – Video
Posted: at 10:44 pm
What is Libertarianism?
Libertarianism is a political ideology and party that advocates Liberty, that is, the freedom of the people to do what they wish without unnecessary government intervention. A hybrid of democratic social freedoms and republican economic freedom.
By: JackThinks
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What is Libertarianism? - Video
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Why Libertarianism Is Not Idiotic – Video
Posted: at 10:44 pm
Why Libertarianism Is Not Idiotic
Donate: Blog: Backup: Books: Response to:
By: Jacob Spinney
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Why Libertarianism Is Not Idiotic - Video
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Blonde Redhead – Futurism vs. Passeism (Live in Philadelphi – Video
Posted: at 10:43 pm
Blonde Redhead - Futurism vs. Passeism (Live in Philadelphi
1/17/2013 at union transfer
By: ANastySurprise
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Blonde Redhead - Futurism vs. Passeism (Live in Philadelphi - Video
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Plant Plants ‘One To Adore’ Free Futurism night Give Away – Video
Posted: at 10:43 pm
Plant Plants #39;One To Adore #39; Free Futurism night Give Away
Free giveaway by Plant Plants ahead of their upcoming gig at Bar Music Hall Just head here to get the track
By: ismrecordings
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Plant Plants 'One To Adore' Free Futurism night Give Away - Video
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Futurists Dr. James Canton and Gerd Leonhard discuss the key topics in the next 5 years – Video
Posted: at 10:43 pm
Futurists Dr. James Canton and Gerd Leonhard discuss the key topics in the next 5 years
Part 2 of a conversation between Futurists Dr. James Canton and Gerd Leonhard This video is part of the new series (launching soon); the topics discussed include technology innovation, transhumanism, inequality and financial policy, demographics and aging, the environment and sustainability, the future of business and communications, medical trends and much more. Enjoy! For a better audio version, try Please note: You can now download most of my videos by simply subscribing to this iTunes video feed (via *** audio-only versions are now available here: or on the web at My vimeo channel is here Enjoy! Gerd Leonhard Futurist, Author and Keynote Speaker Basel / Switzerland CEO Media Blog Gerd #39;s mobile apps: The Future of Business blog Public Speaking schedule: Twitter: Need even more links?
By: Gerd Leonhard
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Futurists Dr. James Canton and Gerd Leonhard discuss the key topics in the next 5 years - Video
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