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Strange censorship episode at Guantánamo enrages judge

Posted: January 29, 2013 at 8:42 am

GUANTANAMO NAVY BASE, Cuba -- Someone else besides the judge and security officer sitting inside the maximum-security court here can impose censorship on what the public can see and hear at the Sept. 11 trial, it was disclosed Monday

The role of an outside censor became clear when the audio turned to white noise during a discussion of a motion about the CIAs black sites.

Confusion ensued. A military escort advised reporters that the episode was a glitch, a technical error. A few minutes later, the public was once again allowed to listen into the proceedings and Army Col. James Pohl, the judge, made clear that neither he nor his security officer was responsible for the censorship episode.

If some external body is turning the commission off based on their own views of what things ought to be, with no reasonable explanation, the judge announced, then we are going to have a little meeting about who turns that light on or off.

His comments appeared to be aimed at the Pentagon prosecution team. Attorney Joanna Baltes, representing the Justice Department on secrecy matters in the case, advised the judge that she could explain what other forces have a hand in censoring the court proceedings. But not in open session.

The alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed and his four accused conspirators were sitting in court, listening to everything that was being said from the part that the public was forbidden to hear to the judges demand for an explanation. Three of the defendants adorned their traditional white tunics with camouflage, an attire option they won from the judge to appear at trial as self-styled soldiers.

The strange censorship episode occurred as attorney David Nevin, defending Mohammed, was advising the judge that defense lawyers had wanted to argue a motion in court to preserve whatever remained of the CIAs secret overseas prison network. Prosecutors had filed a classified response to the request, and the judge asked the two sides if they would let their motions speak for themselves. Nevin was explaining why not.

Defense lawyers argue the alleged 9/11 conspirators were tortured in the so-called black sites, and that the U.S. government has lost its moral authority to seek their execution. The CIA set up the sites during the Bush administration, reportedly in Poland, Romania, Thailand and elsewhere. President Barack Obama ordered them closed.

The lawyers want the judge to order the government to preserve whats left of them, six years after Mohammed and his co-defendants were moved to Guantnamo for trial. This is a familiar role for Pohl, who was the judge in the 2004 trials of U.S. soldiers for detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib and declared the prison in Iraq a crime scene, forbidding its demolition.

Unclear so far in these hearings is whether the judge knows where the black-site prisons were and whether any of them remain. Although he has a special security clearance to hear the 9/11 case, the CIA has not yet released classified information to the court because the defense and prosecution are still haggling over a protective order.

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Strange censorship episode at Guantánamo enrages judge

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Ron Paul: The Dollar – Video

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Ron Paul: The Dollar
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (

By: TheWorldEconomy1

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Ron Paul’s Texas Straight Talk 1/28/13: US Action in Mali is Another Undeclared War – Video

Posted: at 8:42 am

Ron Paul #39;s Texas Straight Talk 1/28/13: US Action in Mali is Another Undeclared War http http http US Action in Mali is Another Undeclared War by Ron Paul President Obama last week began his second term by promising that "a decade of war is now ending." As he spoke, the US military was rapidly working its way into another war, this time in the impoverished African country of Mali. As far as we know, the US is only providing transport and intelligence assistance to France, which initiated the intervention then immediately called Washington for back-up and funding. However, even if US involvement is limited, and, as Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said, US boots on the ground are not being considered "at this time," this clearly is developing into another war. As usual, the mission is creeping. Within the first week of French military action in Mali, the promise that it would be a quick operation to put down an Islamic rebel advance toward the capitol was broken. France announced that it would be forced to send in thousands of troops and would need to remain far longer than the few weeks it initially claimed would be necessary. Media questions as to whether the US has Special Operations forces, drones, or CIA paramilitary units active in Mali are unanswered by the Administration. Congress has asked few questions and demanded few answers from the president. As usual, it was not even consulted. But where does the president get the authority to become a co-combatant in French operations in Mali, even if US ...

By: minnesotachris

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Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 1/28/13: US Action in Mali is Another Undeclared War - Video

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Reince Priebus answers the Ron Paul question – Video

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Reince Priebus answers the Ron Paul question
Please donate at so we can continue to cover these important events at RNC in April.

By: constitutionalwar

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YouTube Animal Crossing Universal Codes With Ron Paul – Video

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YouTube Animal Crossing Universal Codes With Ron Paul
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By: Breinda Fleming

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Ron Paul’s Texas Straight Talk 1-28-13 ~ Blowback Leads To Intervention In Mali, Congress Is AWOL – Video

Posted: at 8:42 am

Ron Paul #39;s Texas Straight Talk 1-28-13 ~ Blowback Leads To Intervention In Mali, Congress Is AWOL
Please rate and subscribe!!! Ron Paul #39;Constitutionally Correct #39; 2012. **Volumediscounts are also available. Please contact us via email for pricing** Video credit: minnesotachris FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a #39;fair use #39; of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 USC section 107 of the US Copyright Law. congressman ron paul http http

By: RonPaulCC2012

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Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 1-28-13 ~ Blowback Leads To Intervention In Mali, Congress Is AWOL - Video

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Surf and Drag – Ron Paul – Video

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Surf and Drag - Ron Paul
unknown artist Surf and Drag - Ron Paul


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Surf and Drag - Ron Paul - Video

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RNC chief Priebus courting Ron Paul wing of GOP

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Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus says he would be a fool not to court the more conservative wing of the party, and he advocated reaching out to Ron Paul voters.

Wed be fools not to welcome in the liberty movement, Mr. Priebus said in a video at after being asked for the RNCs message to Ron Paul backers. I want to reach out. Were not going to grow our party by closing doors.

Mr. Priebus specifically mentioned the need to bolster the Republican Partys believers in James Madison-type ideals.

Madison was a strong proponent of small government and feared the ability of the federal government to overreach. In early 1786, Madison wrote of the need for distinct divisions of government power the legislative, executive and judicial branches in order for the republic to survive.

Copyright 2013 The Washington Times, LLC. Click here for reprint permission.

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Max More and Natasha Vita-More The Transhumanist Reader – Video

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Max More and Natasha Vita-More The Transhumanist Reader
The Transhumanist Reader: Classical and Contemporary Essays on the Science, Technology, and Philosophy of the Human Future Spring, 2013, John Wiley Sons Ltd. Publishing. Talk at Borderlands Bookstore pre-H+ Conf event in San Francisco : -- Natasha Vita-More is a transhumanist, media artist and designer, with a fine arts background, known for designing "Primo Posthuman." This future human prototype incorporates biotechnology, robotics, information technology, nanotechnology, cognitive and neuroscience for human enhancement and extreme life extension. Vita-More is a university lecturer and the Creative Director of H+ Lab for scientific and artistic design collaborations. Vita-More is currently a Visiting Scholar at Twenty-First Century Medicine, Advisor to the Singularity University, Fellow at the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Humanity+. She is a PhD candidate at the Planetary Collegium, University of Plymouth. Her thesis concerns human enhancement and extreme life extension. She holds a BFA, University of Memphis; filmmaker-in-residence, University of Colorado; M.Sc., University of Houston; M.Phil., University of Plymouth. -- Max More is a philosopher and futurist who writes, speaks, and consults on advanced decision-making about emerging technologies. Born in Bristol, England, More has a degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from St Anne #39;s College, Oxford University (1987). His 1995 ...

By: Adam Ford

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Extreme Metaversal Futurist Manifesto 12-21-12 – Video

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Extreme Metaversal Futurist Manifesto 12-21-12
Johannes Ayres of Metaversal Lightcraft/Iaocore reads his Futurist Manifesto at a sunrise press conference on the rooftop of the fabulous Standard Hotel in downtown Los Angeles kicking off the Extreme Futurist Festival on December 21, 2012....

By: Johannes Ayres

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Extreme Metaversal Futurist Manifesto 12-21-12 - Video

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