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Posted: January 30, 2013 at 2:43 pm



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Strange Censorship Episode At Guantánamo Trial Enrages Judge

Posted: at 2:43 pm

GUANTANAMO NAVY BASE, Cuba -- Someone else besides the judge and security officer sitting inside the maximum-security court here can impose censorship on what the public can see and hear at the Sept. 11 trial, it was disclosed Monday.

The role of an outside censor became clear when the audio turned to white noise during a discussion of a motion about the CIA's black sites.

Confusion ensued. A military escort advised reporters that the episode was a glitch, a technical error. A few minutes later, the public was once again allowed to listen into the proceedings and Army Col. James Pohl, the judge, made clear that neither he nor his security officer was responsible for the censorship episode.

"If some external body is turning the commission off based on their own views of what things ought to be, with no reasonable explanation," the judge announced, "then we are going to have a little meeting about who turns that light on or off."

His comments appeared to be aimed at the Pentagon prosecution team. Attorney Joanna Baltes, representing the Justice Department on secrecy matters in the case, advised the judge that she could explain what other forces have a hand in censoring the court proceedings. But not in open session.

The alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed and his four accused conspirators were sitting in court, listening to everything that was being said -- from the part that the public was forbidden to hear to the judge's demand for an explanation. Three of the defendants adorned their traditional white tunics with camouflage, an attire option they won from the judge to appear at trial as self-styled soldiers.

The strange censorship episode occurred as attorney David Nevin, defending Mohammed, was advising the judge that defense lawyers had wanted to argue a motion in court to preserve whatever remained of the CIA's secret overseas prison network. Prosecutors had filed a classified response to the request, and the judge asked the two sides if they would let their motions speak for themselves. Nevin was explaining why not.

Defense lawyers argue the alleged 9/11 conspirators were tortured in the so-called "black sites," and that the U.S. government has lost its moral authority to seek their execution. The CIA set up the sites during the Bush administration, reportedly in Poland, Romania, Thailand and elsewhere. President Barack Obama ordered them closed.

The lawyers want the judge to order the government to preserve what's left of them, six years after Mohammed and his co-defendants were moved to Guantanamo for trial. This is a familiar role for Pohl, who was the judge in the 2004 trials of U.S. soldiers for detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib and declared the prison in Iraq a crime scene, forbidding its demolition.

Unclear so far in these hearings is whether the judge knows where the black-site prisons were and whether any of them remain. Although he has a special security clearance to hear the 9/11 case, the CIA has not yet released classified information to the court because the defense and prosecution are still haggling over a protective order.

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Strange Censorship Episode At Guantánamo Trial Enrages Judge

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Behzti playwright accuses BBC of 'extraordinary' censorship of 'honour killings' episode

Posted: at 2:43 pm

A leading playwright has accused the BBC of an extraordinary act of censorship after the corporation told her to cut key lines from a drama about honour killings which will be broadcast by Radio 4 this week.

Gurpreet Kaur Bhatti, whose controversial play Behzti was pulled from a Birmingham theatre in 2004 following protests from the Sikh community, wrote an episode for Radio 4s DCI Stone series, which will be broadcast in the Afternoon Drama slot.

Bhattis episode, called Heart Of Darkness and due to air on Friday, tells the story of an investigation into the killing of a 16 year-old Asian girl, whose dumped body is found after being stabbed to death.

When it emerges that the girl was a victim of an honour killing, DCI Stone is told by his bosses is to treat the case sensitively because of her Muslim heritage.

A week before recording I got an email from the producer saying the BBC compliance department had asked them to take lines out, Bhatti told the Index On Censorship conference on artistic freedom of expression in the UK, held at the South Bank.

At the end, a character says: There is so much pressure in our community, to look right and to behave right. The compliance department came back and said we dont want to suggest the entire Muslim community condones honour killings.

Its an extraordinary and awful situation. They said the lines were offensive but they absolutely were not. We live in a fear-ridden culture.

Unbelievably, what the compliance department said was if you can find a factual example of community pressure leading to an honour killing, you can have the line. But its a drama, a story.

Its a crucial part of that story. I was very disappointed given my previous experience of censorship. If you take out the line, the whole thing changes, its a betrayal of the character and the truth of the unfolding story.

Bhattis play Behzti, which contained scenes of rape, abuse and murder inside a Sikh temple, provoked massive demonstrations outside the Birmingham Rep. But she is now a writer on The Archers and said that Heart Of Darkness, commissioned for an afternoon slot, contained nothing that ought to be seen as provocative.

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Behzti playwright accuses BBC of 'extraordinary' censorship of 'honour killings' episode

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BBC accused of 'extraordinary' act of 'censorship' for editing play on Muslim honour killings

Posted: at 2:43 pm

London, Jan. 30 (ANI): The British broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has been accused of an 'extraordinary' act of censorship for ordering a playwright to edit certain lines from a Radio 4 drama about honour killings.

In an episode for the broadcaster's DCI Stone series, Gurpreet Kaur Bhatti told the story of an investigation into the killing of a 16-year-old Asian girl.

When it came to light that the teenager had been a victim of a so-called honour killing, the fictional detective is advised to handle the case "sensitively" because the family is Muslim, the Telegraph reports.

At the end of the episode, called Heart Of Darkness and due to be broadcast in the Afternoon Drama slot this week, a character said that "there is so much pressure in our community, to look right and to behave right."

Bhatti said that a week before recording she received an email from the producer saying the BBC compliance department had asked them to take lines out.

She added that 'it is an extraordinary and awful situation. They said the lines were offensive but they absolutely were not'.

The BBC's alleged "censorship" of Bhatti's work came after her controversial play Behzti was withdrawn from a Birmingham theatre after protests from Sikhs in 2004.

The play featured scenes of rape, abuse and murder inside a Sikh temple and sparked demonstrations outside the Birmingham Rep.

A Radio 4 spokesman told The Independent that "this is a hard-hitting drama about the realities of honour killing in Britain'.

He said that "a single line in the script could be taken to infer that the pressure and motivation to commit such a crime in a family comes from the wider Muslim community, potentially misrepresenting majority British Muslim attitudes to honour killing'.

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BBC accused of 'extraordinary' act of 'censorship' for editing play on Muslim honour killings

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Censorship Rumors in Turkey Boost Classics to Bestseller List

Posted: at 2:43 pm

By Emel Akan Epoch Times Staff Created: January 29, 2013 Last Updated: January 30, 2013

ISTANBULRumors that two classic books could face censorship in Turkey boosted them to best-seller status within a week.

Steinbecks Of Mice and Men reportedly had been referred to the authorities for censorship in schools in Turkey because of several immoral parts of text, along with popular childrens book My Sweet Orange Tree. The Ministry of Education subsequently denied the rumors, but not before books sales soared.

It is true that recent reactions have boosted the sales. It is not desirable though. It is unfortunate that the book has become part of such rumors, said Irfan Sanci, chief editor of Sel Publishing House that publishes Of Mice and Men.

Publisher of My Sweet Orange Tree, Can Publications also confirmed soaring sales. A representative said: The increase was triggered by both reaction and curiosity. There has been lot of support by readers. Some were second time buyers.

But the manager at Kabalci bookstore in Besiktas, one of the busiest bookstores in Istanbul downplayed the reported increase in sales. We have seen more interest and some reactionary buying in the last few weeks, but it was not enormous. It was media pump up. Some people bought the books with the fear of censorship.

Both books have been popular in schools as they are among the 100 novels recommended by the Ministry of Education. Leading Turkish online bookstore Idefix, has listed both books as bestsellers.

Books are resilient the more they are banned or attempted to be banned the more people read them. said World famous Turkish author Elif Safak in a tweet when the two books hit the bestseller lists.

Although it is a common practice to ban books in Turkey, the government recently lifted a ban on 453 books. Some included titles from 1960s70s.

Izmir Education Directorates Books Evaluation Commission had sent a report calling for the Ministry of Education to ban certain parts of John Steinbecks classic according to an article by Daily Birgun on Jan. 3. The commission had listed pages 63 and 64 as immoral in its report.

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Censorship Rumors in Turkey Boost Classics to Bestseller List

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Ron Paul – "The USA Is Screwed" – Video

Posted: at 2:43 pm

Ron Paul - "The USA Is Screwed"
New World Order Is Going To Happen 2013:

By: Steve Palina

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Ron Paul - "The USA Is Screwed" - Video

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I AM WHAT COMES AFTER RON PAUL Nevada Governor 2014 David Lory VanDerBeek – Video

Posted: at 2:43 pm

I AM WHAT COMES AFTER RON PAUL Nevada Governor 2014 David Lory VanDerBeek
David Lory VanDerBeek is a true leader! He not only tells you whats going on , he actually offers solutions to the tyranny that is upon us. What a great man to continue educating us in regard to the Constitution, Liberty, and Tyranny. His straight-forwardness is encouraging and fascinating. I am grateful that he is what comes after Ron Paul.

By: Mona Alexis Pressley

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I AM WHAT COMES AFTER RON PAUL Nevada Governor 2014 David Lory VanDerBeek - Video

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Insomnia Sleep Video Cure – Transhuman Trance Singularity (subtle noise ambiance) – Video

Posted: at 2:42 pm

Insomnia Sleep Video Cure - Transhuman Trance Singularity (subtle noise ambiance)
Some delightful meditation relaxation music to ease the insomnia and anxiety out of your mind, body, and soul. Let this video ease you into a comfortable and safe place to sleep. Put it on during the day to ease your stress. Relax and Enjoy from the PDXVoiceteacher! Music and Photo art copyright 2013 Thomas Prislac All Source Materials are public domain or the original creation of Thomas Prislac

By: PDXVoiceTeacher

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Insomnia Sleep Video Cure - Transhuman Trance Singularity (subtle noise ambiance) - Video

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A Futurist Scene – Student Reel 2009 – Video

Posted: at 2:42 pm

A Futurist Scene - Student Reel 2009
A futurist scene for a student reel in 3D modelling and animation back in 2009. Rendered in Maya at PAL resolution hence the black side bars. Share your 3D models, reels and scenes with the community at

By: 3DSquirrels

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A Futurist Scene - Student Reel 2009 - Video

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UND Camera on Space Station Wraps 1 Mission, May Get Another

Posted: January 29, 2013 at 8:45 am

The International Space Station continues to orbit 240-miles above earth and UND's Agricam has just wrapped up it's first mission aboard the Space Station.

It was a project enabled by retired astronaut, Mario Runco, who lectured at UND this past week.

Mario Runco, Astronaut: "You can have an asset to help monitor the crops in the field as they develop and get data, images to the user, the farmer, so that if there's a problem they can detect. It's like early cancer detection. You detect it early you can do something about it."

Images from the agricam aboard the Space Station were relayed to this UND control room. It's thermal pictures can be used to point out disease in crops and the need for different types of fertilizers.

Now, disaster workers around the globe are interested in refitting the UND camera already aboard the Space Station, so it can zoom in on disasters, like floods.

Doug Olson, UND Aerospace: "If you're trying to determine in a mud slide whether you have something like a buried car or a rock, you need something with a higher resolution."

Olson says they're still waiting to see if their agricam that's already aboard the Space Station, will now be refitted to become a disaster cam.


If there are clear skies and you're an early riser you be able to see the International Space Station pass over the Valley this week.

Each pass lasts only 2 to 4 minutes. You'll need to be looking south by southeast, 30-degrees above the horizon. It will look like at bright star moving to the east.

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UND Camera on Space Station Wraps 1 Mission, May Get Another

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