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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Megaman Starforce 1 Space Station Comp 4: Ophuica Constellation Puzzle Solution – Video

Posted: January 31, 2013 at 8:48 pm

Megaman Starforce 1 Space Station Comp 4: Ophuica Constellation Puzzle Solution
Again: no vid, just a pic. Thanks again to The_Sixler for the walkthrough on this one. Actually managed to do this one on the very first try! 🙂

By: J. Schoenborn

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Megaman Starforce 1 Space Station Comp 4: Ophuica Constellation Puzzle Solution - Video

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What’s happening on the space station?

Posted: at 8:48 pm

(CNN) High above us, beyond the skies, is the International Space Station, which weighs nearly 1 million pounds and has a wingspan the length of a football field. It has nine rooms, two bathrooms, two kitchens and two mini-gyms, and it is the largest spacecraft orbiting the Earth.

NASA announced this week that an instrument called ISS-RapidScat will be launched to the station in 2014 to improve weather forecasts, by doing things like monitoring hurricanes. It will also help scientists explore the Earths global wind field; tropical clouds and tropical systems are affected by wind variations caused by the sun.

Another experiment on board is called InSPACE, which stands for Investigating the Structure of Paramagnetic Aggregates From Colloidal Emulsions. All that means that scientists are studying magnetorheological fluids, which are complex substances that change form or harden when exposed to magnetic fields. These substances could one day be useful in robots, NASA says, acting as a blood to make the movement of joints and limbs like that of a living creature.

Its mission is multifaceted. One of the space stations main goals is to find ways to extend the length of time a human can survive in space. Other experiments include growing cells where there is no gravity and observing bodily fluid changes in different atmospheres. In 2003, scientists aboard the station studied the behavior, mating activity and irregular motility responses of young flies they brought with them from Earth.

The International Space Station is the most complex scientific and technological endeavor ever undertaken, according to a NASA statement.

To lighten things up a bit (lets not forget the ISS is the astronauts workplace and their home), astronauts periodically capture breathtaking aerial views of the Earth, which they send back down to earthlings via Twitter. Recently, Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield did a video while on the space station about cutting your nails when theres no gravity.

It was former President Ronald Reagan who pushed the idea of a manned space station in Earths orbit. In what he called a new frontier at his 1984 State of the Union address, he acknowledged that (t)he Space Age is barely a quarter of a century old. But already weve pushed civilization forward with our advances and technology. Opportunities and jobs will multiply as we cross new thresholds of knowledge and reach deeper into the unknown.

Sixteen years later, the U.S. partnered with Russia, Canada, Japan and several European countries to launch the space station. Since it arrived in orbit, over 200 humans have visited the station.

None of the space agencies involved with the space station has confirmed exactly when it will deorbit, though some agencies hint that it may end some time after 2020. When the space station is decommissioned, it will likely drop from space into its new home the Pacific Ocean.

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What’s happening on the space station?

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Little Mix Cover – DNA (Sung by Amarie) – Video

Posted: at 8:47 pm

Little Mix Cover - DNA (Sung by Amarie)
A friend and I decided to collaborate one day, and do some covers. She chose DNA by Little Mix a girl group from the UK. I also wanted to experiment with my mixing and recording skills with her, since she has an amazing voice. Subscribe to her channel on youtube: Listen to more Mic Used Blue Yeti (USB Mic) We both do not own this song Song Produced by TMS and Originally sung by Little Mix Check out the official song and Music video:

By: yuna6

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Little Mix Cover - DNA (Sung by Amarie) - Video

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Maximizing the Power of Forensic DNA…With the World’s Most Powerful STR Kit – Video

Posted: at 8:47 pm

Maximizing the Power of Forensic DNA...With the World #39;s Most Powerful STR Kit
As countries around the world begin to adopt advanced STR multiplexes with an expanded, interoperable marker set for forensic testing, a new era of DNA analysis will ensue. In this webinar learn about the latest trends in global database expansion from a world renowned expert in DNA database legislation, public policy and law. Then learn about the latest advancements in next generation STR kit technology designed to meet international forensic loci requirements. The new GlobalFiler trade; Kits deliver unprecedented capabilities, not only in terms of discrimination power and international database compatibility, but also in terms of efficiency, robustness and overall ability to recover information from forensic samples.

By: LifeTechnologiesCorp

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Maximizing the Power of Forensic DNA...With the World's Most Powerful STR Kit - Video

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CmDm-NBA DNA prod. by Ken P(TrunkbangazEnt.) – Video

Posted: at 8:47 pm

CmDm-NBA DNA prod. by Ken P(TrunkbangazEnt.)
This for them niggas that be thinkin they KOBE lol

By: Maurice Owens

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CmDm-NBA DNA prod. by Ken P(TrunkbangazEnt.) - Video

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Little Mix – ET Newcastle DNA Tour – Video

Posted: at 8:47 pm

Little Mix - ET Newcastle DNA Tour
Little Mix DNA Tour Newcastle 30th January 2013

By: chloe mint

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Little Mix - ET Newcastle DNA Tour - Video

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DNA Vergadering 31-01-2013 – Video

Posted: at 8:47 pm

DNA Vergadering 31-01-2013

By: dnasuriname

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DNA Vergadering 31-01-2013 - Video

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Research and Markets: Global DNA Sequencing Products Market 2012-2016 with Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Knome Inc. and …

Posted: at 8:47 pm


Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "Global DNA Sequencing Products Market 2012-2016" report to their offering.

TechNavio's analysts forecast the Global DNA Sequencing Products market to grow at a CAGR of 18.48 percent over the period 2012-2016. One of the key factors contributing to this market growth is the introduction of whole genome sequencing. The Global DNA Sequencing Products market has also been witnessing an increase in the number of DNA sequencing projects. However, the low adoption of genomic technology could pose a challenge to the growth of this market.

The key vendors dominating this market space are Agilent Technologies Inc., Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Illumina Inc., and Pacific Biosciences of California Inc.

The other vendors mentioned in the report are Genia Corp., International Business Machines Corp., Knome Inc., Life Technologies Corp., Oxford Nanopore Technologies Ltd., and RainDance Technologies Inc.

Commenting on the report, an analyst from TechNavio's Healthcare team said: ''The Global DNA Sequencing Products market has witnessed an increase in the number of acquisitions by the leading vendors recently. For instance, Illumina Inc. acquired BlueGnome Ltd. in September 2012 and Epicentre Biotechnologies Corp. in January 2011. Moreover, Agilent Technologies Inc. acquired Dako A/S in July 2012. Agilent also acquired Accelicon Technologies Inc. in February 2012. Further, Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. acquired Verum Diagnostica GmbH in December 2011. Roche also acquired PVT Probenverteiltechnik GmbH in March 2011. The number of acquisitions is increasing and the same trend is expected to continue till 2016.''

According to the report, one of the major factors driving the Global DNA Sequencing Products market is the successful completion of the Human Genome Project (HGP). This accomplishment of the HGP has stimulated commercial improvements in the field of genomics with reference to DNA-based products.

Further, the report reveals that the low adoption of genomic technology among the biotechnology companies is expected to affect the growth of the Global DNA Sequencing Products market during the forecast period.

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Research and Markets: Global DNA Sequencing Products Market 2012-2016 with Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Knome Inc. and ...

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Suppliers, grocers turning to DNA testing on meat

Posted: at 8:47 pm

DUBLIN (AP) Ireland's surprise discovery this month of horsemeat traces in factory-produced burgers is boosting business for one trade: Forensics labs that use DNA fingerprinting to tell you what's on your plate.

Horsemeat, which costs a fraction of beef, might not be bad for you to eat but it's definitely bad for sales of products that are labeled as beef.

Until now, supermarkets and food processors have not used DNA testing to determine whether food products marked as chicken, pork, beef, lamb or fish contain bits of other animals. Experts say that's because such findings don't affect food safety, only the integrity of labeling.

But a growing list of food processors and retailers say they will introduce such testing after the Food Safety Authority of Ireland seeking to confirm whether food labels on meat and fish are accurate used DNA testing to show that even "pure" processed meat products often contain traces of other animals slaughtered in the same facilities or carried in the same vehicles.

Worse, the agency's testing found that bargain-brand burgers produced at the Silvercrest food processing plant for sale by British supermarket king Tesco contained up to 29 percent horsemeat, a revelation that government and Silvercrest officials have pinned this week to a meat supplier from Poland.

Catherine Brown, chief executive of Britain's Food Standards Agency, told London lawmakers on Wednesday that the undisclosed Polish firm supplied frozen blocks of offcuts slaughterhouse leftovers that were labeled as "beef trim" but actually were a mixture of cow and horse.

Brown said consumers in Britain and Ireland may have been eating horsemeat-heavy burgers for up to a year.

And compounding that impression, another British supermarket chain, the Co-operative Group, announced Wednesday its own DNA testing had found 17.7 percent horsemeat in one of 17 burger products pulled from its shelves earlier this month as a precaution. It blamed Silvercrest and immediately severed its supply contract with the company.

In Dublin, the government has also declined to identify the Polish company. Irish lawmakers accused Silvercrest of endangering the integrity of Irish meat exports by using ill-labeled imports to boost their profit margins.

Beef is Ireland's No. 1 food export, and Tesco is Ireland's No. 1 customer, accounting for nearly one-tenth of the country's annual 1.9 billion ($2.5 billion) in beef exports.

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Suppliers, grocers turning to DNA testing on meat

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Squishy Science: Extract DNA from Smashed Strawberries

Posted: at 8:47 pm

A genetically geared activity from Science Buddies

By Science Buddies

Image: George Resteck

Showcasing more than fifty of the most provocative, original, and significant online essays from 2011, The Best Science Writing Online 2012 will change the way...

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Key concepts DNA Genome Genes Extraction Laboratory techniques

Introduction Have you ever wondered how scientists extract DNA from an organism? All living organisms have DNA, which is short for deoxyribonucleic acid; it is basically the blueprint for everything that happens inside an organisms cells. Overall, DNA tells an organism how to develop and function, and is so important that this complex compound is found in virtually every one of its cells. In this activity youll make your own DNA extraction kit from household chemicals and use it to separate DNA from strawberries. Background Whether youre a human, rat, tomato or bacterium, each of your cells will have DNA inside of it (with some rare exceptions, such as mature red blood cells in humans). Each cell has an entire copy of the same set of instructions, and this set is called the genome. Scientists study DNA for many reasons: They can figure out how the instructions stored in DNA help your body to function properly. They can use DNA to make new medicines or genetically modify crops to be resistant to insects. They can solve who is a suspect of a crime, and can even use ancient DNA to reconstruct evolutionary histories!

To get the DNA from a cell, scientists typically rely on one of many DNA extraction kits available from biotechnology companies. During a DNA extraction, a detergent will cause the cell to pop open, or lyse, so that the DNA is released into solution. Then alcohol added to the solution causes the DNA to precipitate out. In this activity, strawberries will be used because each strawberry cell has eight copies of the genome, giving them a lot of DNA per cell. (Most organisms only have one genome copy per cell.)



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