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Ron Paul: CIA nominee probably helped fabricate Iraq war lies – Video
Posted: February 2, 2013 at 3:43 am
Ron Paul: CIA nominee probably helped fabricate Iraq war lies
Sponsor: - Ron Paul CIA nominee probably helped fabricate Iraq War lies. Illustrated Straight Talk from the *real* leader of the opposition. Originally broadcast 1.14.2013 as audio-only. Some or all of the video/audio in this clip #39;s likely available for you to use, commercially or however you like. Basically anything that was shot by me or was public domain to begin with. My stuff is automatically released into the public domain. At least until I say otherwise. Usually if I shot it, "" or "" will appear at the bottom. Anything which has that super, or was obviously shot by me is public domain. This vid is, or likely will be, part of a playlist. A link should eventually appear below, where you can watch hopefully in sequence: ________n______ How *you* can buy an ad for yourself, on the Ridley Report central intelligence agency nh raw news videos george tenent tenet new hampshire. robert gates ron paul dave ridley report. cops william colby Creative commons license, freedom police spies spooks states public domain footage. spy ridleyreport free state project iran war with free to use. resistance movements interventionism ron paul texas straight talk, live free or die, staters liberty gary johnson john o. brennan libertarians politics political senator or congressman charles hagel chuck nominee defense department nominated approval approved by the senate. barak obama admintration barack cabinet members ...
By: RidleyReport
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MTO Summit 2012 – Speaker Presentation Abstract – Keith Suter – Futurist – Video
Posted: at 3:42 am
MTO Summit 2012 - Speaker Presentation Abstract - Keith Suter - Futurist
For more information about this summit please visit
By: meSummitsGlobal
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MTO Summit 2012 - Speaker Presentation Abstract - Keith Suter - Futurist - Video
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Andrew Hessel, Genomic Futurist – Video
Posted: at 3:42 am
Andrew Hessel, Genomic Futurist
At this event, held in Geneva on 17 January 2013, we explore the power of open intellectual property (IP) systems and collaborative innovation models for tackling the global challenge of feeding 9 billion people. With farmers around the world facing ever-growing pressures such as climate change, depleting resources and changing diets and taste preferences, new tools and modern technologies are needed more than ever. What is the role of IP protection in encouraging the innovation the world needs? Can we find new solutions to facilitate technology access and increase collaboration? More information:
By: syngenta
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Andrew Hessel, Genomic Futurist - Video
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MTO Summit 2012 – Speaker Interview – Keith Suter — Futurist – Video
Posted: at 3:42 am
MTO Summit 2012 - Speaker Interview - Keith Suter -- Futurist
For more information about this summit please visit
By: meSummitsGlobal
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MTO Summit 2012 - Speaker Interview - Keith Suter -- Futurist - Video
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Defining the Cloud for Government – Opening Remarks, Keynote Address by Intel Futurist – Video
Posted: at 3:42 am
Defining the Cloud for Government - Opening Remarks, Keynote Address by Intel Futurist
Defining the Cloud for Government - a forum was held on Jan. 30 in Sacramento featuring a keynote address by Intel Futurist Brian David Johnson and opening remarks by California Technology Agency Secretary Carlos Ramos and Office of Technology Services Director Ron Hughes.
By: TechwireNet
The rest is here:
Defining the Cloud for Government - Opening Remarks, Keynote Address by Intel Futurist - Video
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Space Station 13 (SS13) – Part Seventeen – Spine-tingling Snarls [HD] – Video
Posted: January 31, 2013 at 8:48 pm
Space Station 13 (SS13) - Part Seventeen - Spine-tingling Snarls [HD]
In this episode Link is continuously clicking, Luke and Andrew try to traverse the station, struggling to fix it up and avoid pressurised areas. They manage to get to engineering where Link awaits to pounce with a strong alien assault on the duo. Excuse the violent and disgusting noise the alien makes, but it #39;s there for special audio effects. Link ejaculates green liquid pretty much everywhere, Luke attempts to keep him and Andrew alive and Andrew brainlessly swings his baton around in attempt to kill the alien. The alien traps them in engineering and continues to attack them and smash windows. Andrew gets critically wounded and sliced up, but Luke manages to triumph.
By: KinkedLink
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Space Station 13 (SS13) - Part Seventeen - Spine-tingling Snarls [HD] - Video
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Space Station 13 (SS13) – Part Eighteen – Microwave Monkey [HD] – Video
Posted: at 8:48 pm
Space Station 13 (SS13) - Part Eighteen - Microwave Monkey [HD]
In this episode Link was captured by Andrew and Luke. Being held in a captivity for days upon days, they did autopsies, tests and anal analyses on Link. This made Link tremendously indignant, gnawing his teeth and scratching against the windows. This was met by blast doors, force fields and mind-blowing sleep particles being flooded into Link #39;s chamber. Immune to this laughing gas Link manages to break the windows and let the gas out to affect Luke and Andrew. While waiting for a moment to escape Link makes a little nest for himself; spitting weeds everywhere in his chamber. Whilst Luke is concerned about the gas problem, Link attempts to persuade Andrew to let him free. However, he is strong willed and Link is infuriated by this resistance.
By: KinkedLink
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Space Station 13 (SS13) - Part Eighteen - Microwave Monkey [HD] - Video
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Megaman Starforce 1: Space Station Comp 2 Taurus Constellation Puzzle Solution – Video
Posted: at 8:48 pm
Megaman Starforce 1: Space Station Comp 2 Taurus Constellation Puzzle Solution
No video, just a pic of what the solution should look like. Astronomy never was my strong suit in school (and yes, I did take Astronomy in college), so it took me a while to come up with the solution, even while following The_Sixler #39;s GameFAQs walkthrough (sorry, both dude and GameFAQs, but it #39;s true. There #39;s no PNGs or pics on what the solution should look like). I skipped Cygnus #39;s puzzle on purpose because it #39;s a cakewalk and is pretty much a cross. I #39;ll have Libra #39;s puzzle up as soon as I solve it. Credit to GameFAQs and The_Sixler for getting me this far.
By: J. Schoenborn
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Megaman Starforce 1: Space Station Comp 2 Taurus Constellation Puzzle Solution - Video
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International YouTube Space Station – HOCgaming’s Module – Video
Posted: at 8:48 pm
International YouTube Space Station - HOCgaming #39;s Module
Hey guys, Harv here, and welcome to the International YouTube Space Station! I decided that the Space Station needed a little light entertainment to keep the Kerbonaughts safe from the effects of prolonged micro-gravity. IVA doesn #39;t include an exercise bike, you see, so what better than a zero-gravity sports pitch? If participants hit the net, not only do they lose the point but they also have to pay for and repair the expensive equipment. IYSS LINKS: - All Episodes! - Forum Thread - Awesome Website (bit out of date, though) LINKS: - Steam Group - Channel - Let #39;s Play Channel - More KSP Videos Intro/ Outro music is "Mechanolith" by Kevin MacLeod. All (if any) other music used is in-game or Royalty Free, usually created by the wonderful Kevin MacLeod. Check out his work over at Kerbal Space Program is available at http There is also a free demo, if you just want to try the basic game out first. Many thanks to SQUAD, the copyright holders of Kerbal Space Program. No copyright infringement intended. TAGS: "Kerbal Space Program" KSP Harv HOCgaming Tutorial Walkthrough "How To" Docking "Fuel Transfer" "Solar Panels" "Inter-Planetary" "Update 0.18" "International YouTube Space Station" International Space Station IYSS ISS "The Solar Gamer" "Try Dying to Live" Module
By: HOCgaming
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International YouTube Space Station - HOCgaming's Module - Video
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Megaman Starforce 1 Space Station Comp 3 Puzzle (Libra) – Video
Posted: at 8:48 pm
Megaman Starforce 1 Space Station Comp 3 Puzzle (Libra)
OK, I #39;ll admit: This one was a bit easier than the last one, but I also followed The_Sixler #39;s walkthrough and got through the puzzle on the 2nd or 3rd try. And if you #39;re wondering how I #39;m clearing these puzzles so fast: Walkthrough and because I used an AR code to disable random virus battles that would normally slow my progress down quite a bit. So...enjoy! If the next puzzle #39;s tough enough, I #39;ll post it. I saw it #39;s Ophuica #39;s puzzle I #39;ll be facing next, so...yeah, that might be a bit of a hindrance to me, but no worries. A fellow gamer always helps out another if they aren #39;t facing off.
By: J. Schoenborn
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Megaman Starforce 1 Space Station Comp 3 Puzzle (Libra) - Video
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