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Category Archives: Transhuman News

The Future of Black Futurism: An Octavia Butler Film & Blacks In Sci-Fi

Posted: February 6, 2013 at 1:45 am


According to Shadow and Act, director Ernest Dickerson, probably most known for Juice,directing episodes of The Wire, Treme and The Walking Dead, is shopping around a script for science fiction film based upon one of Octavia Butlers books:

In our conversation, when I asked him to share details on any feature film projects hes anxious to make, Dickerson replied, stating that, amongst other projects (which Ill share in the full interview later), hes been shopping around an adaptation of Octavia Butlers 1984 novel Clays Ark.

He said the script is done, and he feels its a pretty good one; but, of course, attracting funding for it is a challenge one that he hopes he can overcome sooner than later.

Hopefully he can find backers for this project. And hopefully Dickerson would be open to the idea of crowd funding at least a portion of the project so us Octavia Butler fan girls (and boys too) could contribute a chance to see one of Butlers works on the big screen. For those unaware, Clays Ark is the third book in the Patternmaster series of novels and deals with an alien plague on humanity and a doctor and his daughters attempt to survive it. Although I believe that this is such an unlikely choice to choose for film adaptation (The Parableswould have made a much better introduction to Butlers vision of a dystopian world), Im just happy that we are close to finally having futuristic story, written, directed and starring black folks (fingers freakin crossed), on screen. Close is the key word.

If current science fiction is any indicator, it would seem that black folks are largely missing from the future. Sure there was a couple of us on Star Trek. But black folks didnt get to command star fleets until Deep Space Nine. Two weeks ago, I started the first season of Battlestar Galactica on Netflix. While the series, which stars Edward James Olmos as Admiral Adama, is wonderfully written and by television standards, pretty diverse, the people of color on that series still comes off as token characters, put there for the purpose of looking diverse. For instance, the only reoccurring black character on the show, which I have seen thus far, is Anastasia Dualla and she seems to occupy the same job description as her television predecessor Uhura from Star Trek. I mean, all these years have passed, humanity largely exists in outerspace and black women cant seem to break through the glass ceiling to rise above glorified telephone operators?

But it is not just in intergalactic space exploration in which people of color, black folks specifically, are largely erased. It would appear that people of color can not be found among the Hobbits of Middle Earth. We may existed aboard the Prometheus and may have even been the last man alive (I am Legend) but we have no survival skills beyond sacrificing ourselves for the greater good (i.e. white women). Even in places when the film draws largely from a history of that people, say District 9 and Avatar, we are still not the center of the story. And dont get me started on AMCs The Walking Dead. I find it hard to believe that in Atlanta of all places, the white survivors outnumber black survivors almost 10 to one. Occasionally there are stand out black characters such as Morpheus from The Matrix series but for the most part, there is only one black person, possibly two black characters in the entire futuristic, dystopian galaxy of film. Most times, those two black characters are pretty forgettable. And dont let them be in the same scene at the same time that might just cause a riff in the space time continuum.

My desire to have more meaningful inclusion of black folks in the genre on film can not be restrained in what we describe as Black Nationalism. Instead it is more connected to Black Futurism. Having these stories on screen help to raise the level of consciousness and critique about society, race, and in some instances gender and sexuality, which are more nuanced than what we currently get from the mainstream. Sure having Blade, a vampire who just happens to be black, is revolutionary. However having a vampire not only be both black and a woman but also challenges racism and sexism within her own little vampire underworld, such is the case in Butlers Fledging, gives black folks space to tell more liberating mythologies of not only what are society is but also what it could be.

A relatively new term, derived in the late 70s, Black Futurism, or Afrofuturism, is a term generally used to describe any body of artistic work, which combines science-fiction (including fantasy, magic, horror, technology and speculative) with the culture, history and the people of the African Diaspora. Traditionally the art form is largely associated with authors like Stanley Delaney, Walter Moseley, Nalo Hopkinson, Tananarive Due and of course Octavia Butler. However it was musicians like Sun Ra, who popularized the art form, and artists like Afrika Bambaataa, Earth, Wind & Fire, Janelle Monae, Outkast and Erykah Badu with their space obsessed rhythms and surreal fashions whom most visually represents the Afro futuristic landscape.

Unfortunately this movement of art, fashion, literature and music is slow to translate into film. Stateside, there are very few widely distributed sci fi/fantasy films directed, produced, or starring African Americans. My own limited early morning research suggests that since the time that Joe Morton mined through his role as The Brother from Another Planet, there has not been another serious foray into Afro futurism on screen until the early 90s when network television brought us the ridiculously stupid Homeboys in Outer Space.However the tide might be changing as outside of the United States, black filmmakers appear to be exploring other dimensions outside the box with projects like Lauren Beukes Zoo City, a science fiction drama out of South Africa and Nnedi Okorafors Who Fears Death, an award winning post-apocalyptic fantasy tale, which has been described as the African Lord of the Rings, both on the horizon. The film version of Who Fears Death, which is said to be currently in production, has been written and is being directed by Wanuri Kahlu, a Kenyan woman, who last year wowed judges at Sundance with her black female-centered post-apocalyptic short Pumzi.

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The Future of Black Futurism: An Octavia Butler Film & Blacks In Sci-Fi

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Key Topics in the Next 5 Years – discussed by Futurists Dr. James Canton and Gerd Leonhard – Video

Posted: at 1:45 am

Key Topics in the Next 5 Years - discussed by Futurists Dr. James Canton and Gerd Leonhard
Part 2 of a conversation between Futurists Dr. James Canton and Gerd Leonhard This video is part of the new series (launching soon); the topics discussed include technology innovation, transhumanism, inequality and financial policy, demographics and aging, the environment and sustainability, the future of business and communications, medical trends and much more. Enjoy! For a better audio version, try Please note: You can now download most of my videos by simply subscribing to this iTunes video feed (via *** audio-only versions are now available here: or on the web at My vimeo channel is here Enjoy! Gerd Leonhard Futurist, Author and Keynote Speaker Basel / Switzerland CEO Media Blog Gerd #39;s mobile apps: The Future of Business blog Public Speaking schedule: Twitter: Need even more links?

By: FuturesAgency

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Muse Futurism Remix – Video

Posted: February 4, 2013 at 5:43 pm

Muse Futurism Remix
Muse Futurism remix - I own nothing!

By: xalberrious

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Muse Futurism Remix - Video

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Healthcare Futurist Jack Uldrich to Keynote Methodist Hospital and United Healthcare Events

Posted: at 5:42 pm

Acclaimed healthcare futurist and best-selling author, Jack Uldrich has been selected to deliver two more keynote presentations in the spring of 2013. He will address the board members of the Methodist Hospital in Houston in February and then headline United Healthcare's Valued Customer Forum in May.

San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) February 04, 2013

The presentations, based on Uldrichs two most recent books: "Foresight 20/20: A Futurist Explores the Trends Transforming Tomorrow" and "Higher Unlearning: 39 Post Requisite Lessons for Achieving a Successful Future"--as well as his popular article, "Top Ten Trends in Healthcare"--will begin by discussing how continued advances in information technologies, biotechnology, nanotechnology, robotics, radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, genomics, regenerative medicine and social networking will radically transform healthcare in the decade ahead. (A video of Mr. Uldrich discussing future trends can be viewed here.)

Uldrich will then focus on why these trends will demand unlearning and discuss why participants must embrace the concept of unlearning in order to achieve future success. Uldrich, who has been hailed as Americas Chief Unlearning Officer, will conclude by reviewing specific habits, customs, beliefs and ideas that healthcare professionals canand mustunlearn. Throughout his talks, he will use vivid analogies and memorable stories, drawn from a wide spectrum of industries, to ensure his message of unlearning sticks with his audiences.

In the past year, Uldrich has addressed dozens of healthcare associations and hospitals, including the Alcetel-Lucent/Verizon Forum on Wireless Healthcare, IASIS Healthcare, Allina Hospitals, The Healthcare Trustees of New York, The Iowa Healthcare Collaborative, Care Providers of Minnesota, St. Jude Medical, Fairview Hospitals, University Hospitals & Health System of Ohio, and healthcare associations in Arizona, Colorado, Illinois, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Tennessee, Utah and Wisconsin. He has also addressed a number of major, non-health-care-related corporations on the topic of unlearning including PepsiCo, Cisco, IBM, WiPro, Guardian Life Insurance and General Electric. Uldrich also frequently addresses Young Presidents Organization (YPO) and Chamber of Commerce events throughout the country.

Parties interested in learning more about Jack Uldrich, his books, his daily blog or his speaking availability are encouraged to visit his website at: Media wishing to know more about the event or interviewing Jack Uldrich can contact him directly at 612-267-1212 or jack(at)schoolofunlearning(dot)com.

Uldrich is a renowned global healthcare futurist, best-selling author; editor of the monthly newsletter, The Exponential Executive, and host of the award-winning websites, and He is currently represented by a number of professional speakers bureaus, including Leading Authorities, Executive Speakers Bureau and Convention Connection.

Jack Uldrich Jump the Curve 612-267-1212 Email Information

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Healthcare Futurist Jack Uldrich to Keynote Methodist Hospital and United Healthcare Events

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Kerbal Space Program Ep. 34 Extending The Space Station – Video

Posted: February 3, 2013 at 10:45 am

Kerbal Space Program Ep. 34 Extending The Space Station
In this episode i attempt to tackle docking, which would open up a whole new set of possibilities for things we could build.

By: iampeppino

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Kerbal Space Program Ep. 34 Extending The Space Station - Video

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KSP – Minmus Space Station – Episode 4 – Video

Posted: at 10:45 am

KSP - Minmus Space Station - Episode 4
Kerbal Space Program or KSP is a game that allows you to construct rockets and probes and explore celestial bodies. Its up to you how the future of the kerbal #39;s space program is achieved by either success or Jebidiah #39;s wife beating you to death. In this episode I talk about the space shuttle and about our space program. I also attach the second solar panel to the Minmus space station! Its starting to look like a real space station! Version of KSP 0.18.2

By: goose79335

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KSP - Minmus Space Station - Episode 4 - Video

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Star as viewed from International Space Station – Video

Posted: at 10:45 am

Star as viewed from International Space Station
Star as viewed from International Space Station Videographer Alex Rivest combined photographs from the International Space Station and music from London PM

By: NewsToday7

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Star as viewed from International Space Station - Video

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Skylab: First U.S. Space Station

Posted: at 10:45 am

The Skylab Orbital Workshop experienced a failure that led to a replacement shield to protect against solar heating. CREDIT: NASA.

Skylab was the first space station operated by the United States. It spent six years orbiting Earth until its decaying orbit caused it to re-enter the atmosphere. It scattered debris over the Indian Ocean and sparsely settled areas of Western Australia.

Three crews successfully lived on board the station for several months each. The last crew spent 84 days in orbit an American record that stood until the shuttle era.

Rocky start

Various NASA centers had kicked around ideas for a space station for years before Skylab launched. However, the agency was very focused on the space race and moonshots that dominated public consciousness in the 1960s. Money for other endeavors was not as available.

As Apollo began to wind down in the early 1970s, NASA began an Apollo Applications Program to fly unused hardware from the moon program. One idea, proposed by famous Apollo rocket engineer Wernher von Braun, would be to build a space station out of an unused rocket stage. The design evolved over the years as NASA struggled with reduced funding.

Skylab finally aimed for space on May 14, 1973. However, a meteoroid shield that was supposed to shelter Skylab accidentally opened about 63 seconds into the launch. The still-thick atmosphere tore the shield off, plunging Skylab into a serious situation. The facility experienced communications problems with the antenna as a result of the incident, but that was the least of the agency's worries.

"When the meteoroid shield ripped loose, it disturbed the mounting of workshop solar array wing No. 2 and caused it to partially deploy. The exhaust plume of the second stage retro-rockets impacted the partially deployed solar array and literally blew it into space," NASA wrote.

Workers at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center scrambled to stabilize the station. Among other measures, they put the station in an attitude that would minimize overheating, and came up with ways to cope with the station's reduced power situation.

Meanwhile, the first crew led by Apollo 12 commander Pete Conrad would need to make the station habitable before they could get to work. The crew's first challenge during the spacewalk, just hours after launch, was deploying the solar array, but initial attempts met with no luck as a metal strip holding it down refused to give way.

Originally posted here:
Skylab: First U.S. Space Station

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Medical Book Review: Human Genetics by Ricki Lewis – Video

Posted: at 10:45 am

Medical Book Review: Human Genetics by Ricki Lewis This is the review of Human Genetics by Ricki Lewis.

By: MedicineBookSummary

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Medical Book Review: Human Genetics by Ricki Lewis - Video

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Burger King UK finds horse DNA in patties

Posted: at 10:44 am

LONDON (Reuters) - Fast food chain Burger King said traces of horse DNA were found in samples of patties from a food-processing plant in Ireland but that the meat never reached its eateries.

"Four samples recently taken from the Silvercrest plant have shown the presence of very small trace levels of equine DNA. This product was never sold to our restaurants," the company said in a statement on Thursday.

"They promised to deliver 100 percent British and Irish beef patties and have not done so."

Burger King previously dropped the firm, which had been approved to supply burgers to its restaurants in Britain, Ireland and Denmark.

Traces of horse DNA were found in beef burgers sold by supermarkets Tesco, Lidl, Aldi and Iceland.

"We are deeply troubled by the findings of our investigation and apologise to our guests, who trust us to source only the highest quality 100 percent beef burgers. Our supplier has failed us and in turn we have failed you." said Burger King's vice president of global quality, Diego Beamonte.

The Miami-based chain said its investigation showed the source of the Silvercrest contamination was the same non-approved Polish supplier identified by the Irish department of agriculture.

Food safety experts said horse meat poses no added health risks to consumers, but the discovery has raised concerns about the food supply chain and the ability to trace meat ingredients.

(Reporting By Costas Pitas)

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